Guilt ▻ The Originals [3]

By arios2004

143K 3K 583

In which Ophelia Rose is pregnant and almost an entirely different person after what she's been through and t... More



3.8K 94 16
By arios2004

Two weeks had passed and a lot had happened. Ophelia had almost been killed by Shen Min, an eight-hundred-year-old vampire, alongside Marcel and Hayley. Klaus was pursuing Aurora, completely ignoring Ophelia and acting as if she didn't exist. And soon thereafter, the Mikaelson clan had figured out that the Strix had gotten ahold of Rebekah. Ophelia had also been doing it a bit of her own investigation. On Lucien, whom she knew had something that was dangerous to the Mikaelsons.

It was dusk outside. Ophelia, Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley had come to the attic of St. Louis Cathedral to meet with Freya, who had lit dozens of white candles in preparation for more spellwork as the five discussed what they had learned in the last day or so, "So, where is Klaus?" Hayley questioned the group curiously.

Freya, who was leaning against the table and looking exhausted, sighed, "When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead."

Ophelia scoffed, looking over at Hayley, "Which my guess means that he's in bed with Aurora," She commented, earning an eye roll from Elijah, even though he had the feeling that she was right.

Elijah took Freya's athame and used it to slice open his palm so he could bleed into a bronze bowl on the table, which laid on top of a large paper map that covered the entire table top, "Forget Niklaus," He spoke up, whipping out his handkerchief, which he used to clean up his hands after he finished bleeding into the bowl. He then handed the bowl to Freya, "You will find her."

Marcel turned and looked at Freya nervously, "Now, you sure you got enough ju-ju for a world-wide locator spell?"

"She's my family. I won't lose her." Freya told Marcel in a determined tone as she took a deep breath before putting her hands around the rim of the bowl of blood and beginning the spell, "Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv."

Hayley and Ophelia turned to each other, sharing a nervous look.


At their apartment, Jackson stood on the balcony and watched the runners pass the apartment for a moment until Ophelia came out to join him, "Hey, I better get going," She informed her husband, "If I leave now, I can be back for dinner."

Jackson sighed, turning to face Ophelia, "I can't believe you're actually considering this."

Ophelia sighed in response, giving a guilty expression, "I want to be here with you, but I can't just sit here and do nothing!" She argued in defense, clearly upset, "And Jack, those Strix members took Rebekah."

"Yeah--they also went after you," He reminded Ophelia, "Look, let Klaus and Elijah handle this."

Hesitant, Ophelia gave Jackson a look, "I've known Rebekah for over three hundred years, Jack. She's like a sister to me and I consider her family. I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing while those assholes kidnapped her."

"Ophelia, you're pregnant. You shouldn't be allowing yourself to get so physical with people," Jackson argued with Ophelia, "You need to let Klaus do things his way. This dinner is gonna be a bloodbath, and last time I checked, the Mikaelsons didn't need help killing anyone." He paused for a moment, looking at how torn Ophelia looked, "Look, babe...It's Thanksgiving. I...I don't see why this has to be a fight."

"It doesn't. I hear you," Ophelia smiled weakly as she moved closer to Jackson, and he kissed her on the forehead as he wrapped her in a hug, "Look, there's this amazing stuffing at this restaurant down the street. I've eaten it every year on Thanksgiving for over five decades and I'm not going to stop now." She paused, looking up at Jackson, "I'll be back in ten minutes, alright?"

Jackson nodded his head in response and Ophelia quickly kissed her husband on the lips before leaving the apartment.

Meanwhile, Ophelia was walking down the street when she felt as though someone was following her. She turned her head, only to see no one there.

Feeling like she was just imagining things, Ophelia turned back around, only to find Lucien standing in front of her, a smirk on his face, "Well, well," Lucien greeted Ophelia, "Just the girl I was looking for."

Fear in her eyes, Ophelia began to slowly back away from Lucien, only to bump into someone else. Before she could react, the person behind her injected her in the neck with a needle that would be sure to force her to lose her magical powers for several days while also weakening her werewolf and vampire side.

Ophelia tried to fight back, but before she could react, she found herself to have no strength whatsoever just before she fell unconscious with Lucien quick to catch her before she hit the ground, "You really should have minded your own business and let me be." He commented, shaking his head in disapproval.


Several hours later, at Lucien's penthouse, Lucien walked into the living room with his jacket in hand to find two very displeased women in the armchairs that were positioned right next to each other. The two women happened to be Ophelia and Cami. Cami, of course, couldn't fight back because she was human and Lucien was the eldest non-original vampire in the world.

Ophelia, on the other hand, was so drugged up, unable to use her magic nor use her hybrid strength to fight back. She barely had enough strength to move, "Oh, don't you two look lovely!" Lucien greeted them brightly, gesturing to the change of clothes he had given the duo to wear.

Ophelia continued to scowl at him, even more than Cami, causing Lucien to feign concern, "Something wrong?" He questioned her.

"Should I make a list?" Ophelia responded sarcastically, "You're working against my family, you kidnapped me, you're holding me against my will," She paused, looking over at Lucien, who had her cell phone in his hand and was typing a text message, causing her to give him an annoyed look, "And you're using up all of my minutes. I mean, I truly thank you for lending Camille and me your dead witch bitch's hand-me-downs and remembering to feed us, but did you really think we were just going to smile and eat up? You must be joking!"

Lucien walked over to Ophelia, smirking. He grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look up at him, "Well, think of all the poor people who are starving in..." He trailed off, trying to think of an impoverished region to mention, but when he came up blank, he just shrugged, "...Well, somewhere."

Angered, Ophelia used all the strength she had to slap Lucien's hand away. He simply chuckled in response, walking over to the mirror. She placed on his jacket before adjusting his tie, "I'd join you ladies, but I've been called to dine with the Mikaelsons."

"Are they going to serve your head on a platter?" Cami asked Lucien sarcastically.

"I sure hope so," Ophelia muttered under her breath, continuing the angrily glare at the elder vampire.

Lucien smirked, "Doubtful. Niklaus and I are allies, now that the evil Tristan is in town." He informed the duo, picking up Ophelia's phone once and returned to typing a text with it, "Um, let me ask—How do you think your husband's going to react when I text him on your phone, saying that you're spending Thanksgiving with the Mikaelsons instead of him," He paused, her smirk becoming even larger, "I mean, I did hear your lover's quarrel when I was walking down the street, waiting for the right time to kidnap you."

"Go to hell," Ophelia growled at Lucien angrily.

"Text him about Thanksgiving, it is," Lucien responded, beginning to text Jackson on Ophelia's phone.

"Do you really think you can trick our friends into thinking we're fine?" Cami suddenly spoke up in a confident tone, "Someone's gonna notice that we're gone, and when they do, they'll track us here."

"Well, not within the next few hours, by which time you'll be free of vervain, and I'll be able to compel you to forget everything. Including all manner of tortures and punishments I might yet employ, should you continue to prove disrespectful," Lucien paused as he looked over at Ophelia, "And Ophelia, love, I have other plans for you."

Before Ophelia could respond, there was a knock on the door, causing Lucien to smirk at the two women, "That'll be the nanny!"

He walked over to the door and opened it, allowing a large, burly man to walk into the room. Lucien chuckled as he made his introductions to Cami and Ophelia, "This is Anton, a very loyal and very dangerous friend. Tread carefully," He paused, turning back to Ophelia, "Oh, and, uh, Anton? If you should not hear from me by nightfall, go on and kill both of them. But, do it quickly. Oh, and for God's sake, don't ask if Ophelia has any final words--that's her way of stalling, she'll have you here through the weekend."

Lucien smiled at the two women before he took his leave, shutting the door behind him. Once he was gone, Anton looked over at Cami and Ophelia, both of which looked angry and afraid of what he could do to her at the same time.


At the compound, while the trinity talked with Klaus and Elijah, Lucien was clearly unhappy once learning about Klaus and Aurora's reconciliation and decided to try to turn them against each other, "Funny story-- it turns out, all along, that the medallion was in the hands of Nik's friend Camille, the bartender-slash-therapist. Had to get her arrested in order to search her for the medallion," He smirked, dramatically pausing, "And of course, the very lovely Ophelia soon caught on to what I was up to before anyone else. So I kidnapped her this morning. But, I would never allow any harm to come to her, of course, knowing the great love and affection you have for her."

Klaus scowled at Lucien before turning to Elijah, who immediately became alarmed once finding out the news. Aurora stared intently at Klaus, her eyes wide at the mention of Ophelia. It had been weeks since arriving in New Orleans and she hadn't heard about Ophelia being alive until now.

After all, she figured the female tribrid would have been dead after the poison she had given her through Alexis' blood.


At Lucien's Penthouse, Cami and Ophelia continued to sit in their armchairs as they watched Anton, who was sitting in front of the television and watching an American college football game between the University of Cincinnati and the University of Tennessee.

Cami turned to Ophelia with an expecting look, clearly figuring that the woman would be able to get them out, "I have so many drugs pumped inside me, I can barely move, how the hell am I supposed to take on this guy?" She mouthed to Cami, who sighed in defeat.

After a moment, Cami turned to Anton and gave an incredulous look, "Seriously? Football?" Cami asked the man in disbelief, "You're a vampire!"

Anton scoffed loudly, "Shut up and get me a beer!" He demanded, earning a glare from Cami, which caused the man to give her a pointed look in return, "Should I find another way to quench my thirst?"

Cami sighed and reluctantly stood to walk into the kitchen, where Lucien had left an ice chest full of bottled beer. Just as she was grabbing one of the bottles, she noticed all of the evidence boxes full of dark objects stacked up in the next room. Ophelia sighed, knowing it was a bad idea, but it wasn't like she could tell Cami about it without giving the human girl away.

Just as she was considering taking one to use against Anton, Anton realized what she intended to do and vamp-sped in front of her, "I can't kill either of you, but I can hurt you. Break bones, slice up that pretty face, heal you, then do it all over again." He threatened Cami, whose eyes widen in fear as she backed away from him slightly, "Next time, that's how this goes down. Got it?"

Cami gulped nervously, nodding her head, "Got it."

Anton grabbed the beer and walked back into the living room before calling out to her, "Drink up! You ain't going anywhere."

"Bring me one too, Cami," Ophelia spoke up, causing Cami to frown at her since she knew she was pregnant.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes at Cami, who immediately knew the woman must have had a plan. She nodded her head, quickly taking two beer bottles before walking back over to her.


Back at the compound, Aurora smiled at the rest of the room as the Mikaelsons all stared at her in bewilderment and horror, "Yes, rest assured, Rebekah is perfectly fine..." She trailed off, her smile becoming even wider, "At the bottom of the ocean."

Immediately after hearing her words, Elijah and Klaus glared at her murderously. Just a moment later, Klaus narrowed his eyes in scrutiny as he examined Aurora's poker face, "You're bluffing." He stated in disbelief.

Aurora simply shook her head as though she was playing dumb, and Klaus became even more overwhelmed with anger, "Tell me you're bluffing!" He growled at her.

Aurora scoffed loudly, "Oh, you should all be thanking me. Rebekah's never been safer! She has plenty of company down there. There's all the little crabs, and octopus, and..." She trailed off, accompanying hand gestures to communicate the crabs and octopi just as Klaus angrily slammed his hands on the table and stood to his feet.

Before Klaus could react further, Tristan vamp-sped over to Freya, who was standing near Aurora, and held the point of a knife to her throat, "Harm my sister, and I'll be forced to return the favor." He threatened Klaus, growling.

Elijah vamp-sped over to Tristan and yanked him away from Freya, pinning him face-first against one of the support beams of the balcony.

Lucien smirked at the development and awkwardly sipped his drink before making his snarky reply, just as he had been waiting to, "Oh, this all escalated very quickly..." He trailed off.

"Shut up, Lucien, or I'll tear your tongue from your head," Klaus shouted at Lucien in a threatening tone.

Lucien rolled his eyes in annoyance to what Klaus had said, "Be careful with your threats, Nik. Anything should happen to me, I won't be able to protect your precious Ophelia."

Immediately after hearing Lucien's words, Aurora's eyes flashed with jealousy and anger, "Okay, that is the second time I've heard her name! Just who is this Ophelia?" She questioned, even though she knew exactly who Ophelia was, she just wanted to hear Klaus say it.

Freya glared mutinously at Aurora, "You have bigger problems." She growled, thrusting her hand in front of her and flicked her wrist, telekinetically snapping Aurora's neck and causing her to collapse onto the floor in a heap.

Klaus, both appalled and impressed, shouted at her, "Freya!"

Elijah seemed to be in agreement with Freya and interrupted him as he dragged Tristan back to the table by the back of his neck and shoving him down onto his seat, "Niklaus," He spoke up, turning to his younger brother, "Which of these two vulgar parasites would you first like to torture?"

Lucien took a deep breath as he was clearly not keen to be alone with either Mikaelson brother, especially after his confession about taking Ophelia captive. It was clear that both Mikaelson brothers cared for her deeply, just in two types of ways.

Klaus simply shrugged, "Well, it's half a dozen of one and six of the other, isn't it?" He paused, walking over to Lucien. He stood behind him, squeezing his shoulders tightly in mock affection before smiling devilishly at Elijah, "Why don't you take the stable boy? Tristan and I are long overdue for a good catch-up."

Klaus looked down at Lucien with a cold smile and whispered menacingly into his ear, "Oh, if anything happens to Ophelia or Camille..." he trailed off in a threatening tone.

Elijah, who was amused, cut him off, "Oh, I'm quite sure Lucien's aware. Devastating error," He paused, a small smile on his face, "Especially after you were stupid enough to get Ophelia, of all people, involved. His love for her is dangerous and what you did was probably the greatest mistake you've ever made."

AN: Elijah knows what's up😂😂 Lemme just say, from this chapter forward all is going to go to shit  for Ophelia.

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