The Zodiac System

By ziminy

27 0 0

Alex Brown, an awkward, short Scorpio that struggles to fit in with the Scorpio stereotypes and his fancy col... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

7 0 0
By ziminy

(AN: gonna do a new thing with no POV'S just to see how the story flows)

      Alex and Yasha walked into the big gym with their uncomfortable gym outfits preparing for the worst. Alex... wasn't the most athletic guy and Yasha wasn't the most social, they made a great pair. Thankfully, the gym teacher assigned a "free day" and both the boys walked around the gym. Yasha still wasn't saying much, so Alex tried to start a conversation the best he could. Talking about weather back in Russia and Yasha's schooling... which were  answered with curt "cold," and "I don't wanna talk about it." Needless to say, Alex was intrigued, it was almost as if-


Blinking bleary eyes, Alex was overcome by the sharp stinging sensation of his face.

"Where...?" He reaches out blindly for his glasses and saw a tall figure rush his side.

"Here," Yasha said, pushing his glasses in his hands, "the people over here hit you with the ball."

Yasha looks over his shoulder at the boys that were snickering and holding the small, red ball. Alex grabbed Yasha's shoulder as he stumbled to stand up.

"Oh... them," Alex said grimly, "that's Gavin and his gang. They think it's funny to bully me all the time," he explained while tenderly feeling his face for any wounds.

Yasha squints his eyes and says thickly, "Bully?"

Alex looks up and nods, "Yeah it's when someone thinks it's funny to hurt others, emotionally and physically."

Yasha nods in understandingly and gives a dark glare in the direction of the bullies.

"They shouldn't get to do that to you," he says darkly. Standing up to his full height Yasha squares his shoulders and marches over to the bullies.

"Yasha wait!" Alex whispers harshly, wiping his glasses on his shirt and putting them on.

Meanwhile, Yasha was heading towards the boys with long, dangerous strides and it was the first time Alex has seen anything akin to confidence in the other man and it was terrifying. Gavin and the other boys seem to sense the danger, and fear gleamed in their eyes for a split second before it was wiped with facades of cocky confidence.

"Hey," Yasha growls as he stands in front of the boys, accent thick, "you guys messed with my friend."

The jocks all look at each other before Gavin steps forward. Tall (but still shorter than Yasha) and with blonde, spiky hair he set his jaw and looked up at Yasha in false confidence.

"Yeah, and?" The tone of his voice was begging for a fight and Yasha seemed perfectly fine with giving him one.

"I want you to," Yasha paused, searching for the world, "to...?" He turned around to Alex who was standing behind him and looked at Alex, his eyes pleading for help.

"Apologize," Alex said firmly from behind Yasha, "he wants you to apologize."

The jocks look at each other before sniggering to each other and stepping towards Yasha.

"What?" The gang leader says, "You don't even know any English, god what a retard." He looks at his friends as they all started cackling like hyenas and patting the Gavin on his shoulder.

Surprisingly, it was Alex that stepped forward, not Yasha, "You need to take that back about him right now, or it's gonna get bloody..." he stood about a head shorter than the other man, but he looked up at him with a murderous rage, a snarl on his face.

"Ha! Make me punk," Gavin takes a step forward and just as he swung his fists back to punch Alex the other boy closes his eyes, bracing for impact. Suddenly, Alex is shoved to the side as Yasha shoves him to safety and throws a punch right at Gavin's stupid face.

Suddenly, it was a war zone. The five other members of the gang all reach to grab Yasha to hold him back, but he grunted and with one powerful shove, pushed the Gavin to the ground, punching. The blonde hair man struggled and tried to fight back, but Yasha was too strong. Blood flew as Yasha's fists repeatedly pounded Gavin's head. There was something about him that Alex has never seen before. This lithe, murderous intent that chilled him to his bones. Scrambling forward, Alex grabs onto Yasha's shoulders, screaming his name.

"Yasha! Stop! He's down!" Alex fruitlessly tries to get Yasha to stop beating the other man before a shrill whistle sounds.

"Boys! I need you in the principal's office. Now!" The older PE teacher walks towards them in rage, grabbing Yasha and Alex before marching them down to the office.

On the way, he talked, "I don't know what has gotten into you, Alex, but this cannot stand." The old man was breathing heavily through his nostrils as he spat in rage, "And you," he turns and points to Yasha's chest, "you are new here. You can't afford to be this much work. We should've never let you in here in the first place."

As the gym teacher gives them one last shove, the boys both walk into the office and sit done in the chairs outside the principals office.

"Yasha what the heck?!" Alex said harshly, "Dude I told you to stop like 30 times." He gives the taller man a sharp glare.

Yasha glances darkly over to Alex and settled further into his seat, "he was messing with you," he said plainly.

Alex's eyes soften, "Yeah, but you can't fight people here. I don't know what your school in Russia was like, but you can't do that here. This is America, we having a different schooling system."

Yasha was still panting softly from the adrenaline from the fight but he frowns at his bloody knuckles, "But..." he seemed at a loss of words.

"Hey," Alex said softly, "it's alright, but you can't-"

The door opener and the tall, bald principal steps out with a scowl on his face.

"Alexander Brown and Yasha Petrov I need you in here. Now."

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