Kian Lawley Imagines

By CringeCass

10.5K 101 9

The title says it all More

Opening night
Trouble in paradise Pt.2
Trouble in paradise pt.3
Boy X
Boy X pt 2
I'm so sorry Corey. A/n
Request now!
Filming with KnJ

Trouble in pradise Pt 1

992 10 0
By CringeCass

               Kian, Franny, Jc, Chelsy, Bobby, Corey, Nezza, and I decided to take a small road trip outa LA. It was nice to be able to spend time with my best friends I've been really busy filming with the vlog squad and didn't have a lot of time with them. We were only going to be taking an hour or so drive from LA. It wasn't to far but it was still nice to be with them. We decided to split into two cars. We have Jc's and Bobby's Jeep's to fit all of us and our luggage. This trip was only a few nights so it shouldn't be so crazy. I finished packing my stuff last night, all I have to do is bring it out to the cars and help everybody else pack, then we'll be on our way. I roll my small suit case outside, but as soon as I walk out the door Kian pops out from behind Jc's jeep.

         "(Y/n) stop where you are! I'll get your bag" he ran over to me with a goofy smile on his face. Kian never fails to make me laugh. He's my person. He can make me happy in a matter of seconds. He's my best friend. And I think I might be in love with him. We've had this small little flirty thing going on for awhile now. But I still stay up at night wondering if he feels the same. Everybody else knows I like Kian, except for Kian. He runs off with my bag and shoves it in the back of a Jeep.

      Just then as I'm admiring Kian with a wide smile on my face. Bobby comes out from the door which I was still standing in front of.

"Hey (Y/n), Scooch over! Your standing right in front of the door" Bobby says jokingly pushing me out of the way.

"W-what? Oh uh sorry Bob I uh" I say still trying to catch a peep of Kian.

"Earth to (Y/n)!" Bobby says while waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh I see.. you like Kian more than me. Hmph just when I thought we could be friends" Bobby says walking off to the Jeeps. I couldn't help just laugh loudly at that. Bobby hears me laughing  and sticks his head out from behind a Jeep. "I knew it was a lie! You really like me!" Bobby exclaims. This just made my laughter worse.

After a few minutes of laughing, Franny and Nezza pull up outside of the house. I rush to their car and pull them both out along with their luggage.
"Finally! Now we can start the trip" I say sarcastically. They were 45 minutes late. They chuckle at my remark and we head to the rest of the group. They were all trying to figure out which car we are gonna be going in.

" How about me, (Y/n), Kian, and Nezza go in one car and the rest go with Jc." Corey says trying to help the group.

"Ew no Corey. I am not being with you." Kian says joking with Corey. We all laugh except Corey.

" fine whatever Kian. I'll go with Jc and Chelsey. And everybody else can go with you guys" Corey says angrily rolling his eyes.

"Okay Corey sounds good bye" Kian says taking the keys from bobby and heading to the car.

"Aye no. Kian don't leave me with Corey" Jc plays along with the joke.

"You snooze ya lose" Kian yells from inside the car. Before I can even open the backseat door Kian yells at me from the drivers seat. "What are you doing? Sit up in the front with me" he says all cutely. I can't resist. I go to the front as Bobby, Franny and Nezza all sit in the back.

Kian pulls out of the drive way before Jc. Now we can start the real trip. We are all having a casual conversation, as Bobby puts his camera on the dashboard. Suddenly I'm started by Kian hand falling on my thigh. I look down at it and smile. I can't seem to keep the blush off of my face. I put my hand on top of his, this causes him to look over at me quickly and flashes me his perfect smile. The people in the backseat all notice cause the fall silence for a few seconds looking over at each other, and just shrugging it off in the end.

We continue the ride pretty smoothly. Kians hand stayed on my leg for most of the ride. His thumb rubbing small circles on my leg. We finally get to our destination. It was a decent sized cabin in the woods, surrounded by a few other cabins . We all unload our things and get inside the cabin and explore the room situation. There were only 4 rooms for around 8 people. Of course Jc and chelsey would share a room together. Franny and Nezza volunteered to share a room together. Great now I was stuck with one of the guys.

"Corey you and me man" Bobby says and he shoots me a wink. I sigh lightly and shake my head. I look up at Kian and say "Looks like we're together" I can feel my cheeks heating up just being under his stare.

"Yeah i m. I'm glad I get to share a room with you (Y/n)." You both smile at each other and sheepishly look away from each other.

We all go our separate ways and start to get settled into our rooms. After that we all go back outside and play a bunch of board games and laugh. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. I love being around these people. I'm so happy to get to call them my friends. It's now only Franny, Bobby, Corey, Kian and I left at the table, talking about whatever comes to mind. I then announce i'm going to bed, Kian does as well. As we walk away I feel his hand rest on the small of my back. It was a flirty gesture. This causes a smile to creep up on my face. I turn my head away hopefully he doesn't notice the effect he has on me. I quickly go ahead of him and grab my sleep ware and head to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. As I brushing my teeth, Kian walks in and yells "YEE" as he pushes harshly at my rib cage. I immediately do it back, until we are just standing there screaming laughing at each other to stop. When he are both in bed about to fall asleep, Kian turns to me and says "Can we cuddle? It's too cold over here" he says this is almost a pout. I look over at him and decided I can't say no.

"Yeah.. we can. But just because I love you" I say as he grabs me by the waist and cuddles me from behind. It was nice to feel him this close to me. This only made me think he likes me more. Maybe he does? I might tell him how I feel later. It's unbearable having to hide this from my best friend.

Part 2 coming soon!
I know there's no trouble yet, but we gotta get to paradise first.

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