Chasing A Title ☆

By bclindalu

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Werewolf Story Ideas More

💖♡ Tarena Joyce ♡💖
♥️❣️ Devorah Cadence ❣️♥️
* 💜☆ Ella Mia ☆💜 *
** ✧ Maxwell Piper ✧ **

** 💙♡ Lylah Meridian ♡💙 **

1.6K 24 5
By bclindalu

Lylah Meridian

Chasing A Title

Lylah went unnoticed by many all her life while growing up in the Sunridge Warrior Pack.

She was born elsewhere, and handed off to others to raise. Her name and birth details were never entered into any pack database before she arrived, all unknowing to her.

But the couple who had no clue about her actual birth that took her in, broke up and she was then moved into a pack group home at 10 years old. The couple hadn't been true mates and had skipped off together and fully claimed each other, both uncaring they hadn't actually met their true mates.

The breaking up couple then each moved away from the pack, leaving separately. They totally abandoned her there without another word to her.


Her wolf fully merged with her when she was 9 when the couple, Andrew and Lorraine that raised her, started having serious relationship problems. She always ducked out of sight as Lorraine was a mouthy bitch who threw things at Andrew when angry.

Andrew on the other hand who was a pack Warrior had speed on his side and always ducked to avoid being hit. It angered Lorraine at who then she screamed at him, he left the house quickly after she started acting very unreasonable. He always checked on Lylah though to make sure she was safe from harm.

The first time Lorraine threw something at him when he was holding their daughter, it was because she was crying. He ducked while holding her and she flinched. He kissed her head and left the room, keeping her safe and put her to bed.

Lylah's wolf from then on started to keep her calm. She stopped crying when hearing her wolf hum and sing to her in her head.

Andrew had whispered it was because she was crying that Lorraine was angry this time, so to keep quiet. Her wolf heard and was from then on was there keeping Lylah calm.

But Lorraine still got angry, pissed at everyone it seemed and cussed like a sailor. Lylah learned to notice the signs and kept quiet and out of Lorraine's way before she exploded in anger once again.

Later on Andrew groaned when Lylah gave him the signs when he returned home. If he had worked a late shift and not home, she started putting a picture in her window that warned him. Other than that, she learned sign language and gave him the agreed on hand signals to help him with Lorraine's state of mind.


On Lorraine and Andrew's leaving the pack, she was moved and living in a group home with others. The other's living there were lazy so and so's. She did her chores without anyone asking and did no others' chores then she hid in her room doing homework.

She studied hard and kept her nose out of trouble with the help of her wolf. Her wolf pulled their scent back inside from showing she had her wolf with her and shielded their essence from others knowing her wolf was strong.


She was blood initiated into the Sunridge Warrior Pack way after she turned 16. She though had gone to the pack house a day before her 16th birthday to get her updated shots.

Instead of just injecting her as normal she was knocked out and fully examined. Her blood was tested and then she was injected with all the most current and full proof shots before woken.

Lylah grunted at the Doctor after waking who couldn't help but laugh at her. He said I was ordered to fully examine all the pack females. You're turning 16 so it was a must and needed to be done Lylah.

He added we are getting visitors who are staying for a while because they need training. She said you could have warned me, but no, you had to go and inject me behind my back and scared me.

He smiled and said no more pouting, you're now fully protected for the next two years. She got up as the Alpha came in the room. She headed to get changed then headed home.

As she was leaving, she bumped into a group of males walking in the front door. She grunted and slipped through them snorting at their scents. Next Alpha Larry yelled what's up Lylah? She yelled back stinky males, yuk then she ran. He really would have shifted and chased her but the pack Warriors held him back from following her.

It wasn't until the visitors left months later that Lylah was actually initiated into the pack. It was because of Larry that it happened as he repeatedly tried to mind link her and learned she hadn't been initiated and spoke to his dad.


Larry was constantly just drooling over Lylah. He had a mad crush on her, but she basically ignored all males. He watched her constantly as she definitely wasn't like any other pack female.

She never dated, never went to any parties and spent most of her time on her own. First off, she had no money to splurge on things like new clothes. Certain pack bitches had money to burn though from who knows where and always wore new spiffy, and sluttier clothes than others.

A year to the day she entered the infirmary again and rolled her eyes at Dr Hershey and she said time for a check up. He growled. She laughed and said birth control for a year, a shot to stop a heat just in case and two booster shots for my wolf, please and thank you Doctor.

He grunted and handed her a gown then asked why? She snarled and said stupid pack bitches in school are deliberately stirring up the males.

He growled what, who? She named names and said be ready as those bitches are planning and scheming. He asked what are they planning?

She huffed and said I heard words of them planning on buying then using drugs they just learned about. No male is freaking safe with them on the loose with drugs. I don't have a clue where they get all their money from to burn.

Larry stood in the doorway and mind linked his dad hearing Lylah. She took the gown and soon was injected and knocked out for a full exam. Her blood was tested and all her updated shots given as she was absolutely pure blooded and innocent.

Luna Bella entered the exam room to witness the exam was done. Dr Hershey grunted and said Lylah came to me for the first time when she was 10. I've never had to request her picked up and brought in. I have injected her each time after she was moved to a group home after her parents split and left her behind.

Luna Bella said interesting because I've heard lies then if she's innocent. Dr Hershey huffed and said all lies then as Lylah is not like the other pack females. She's pure blooded and innocent, hymen still intact.


Lylah was woken and she went to dress then Dr Hershey said the Alpha has been alerted to the scheming bitches Lylah, you stay far away from them. She laughed and said I smell them coming and get far away already, no need to warn me Doctor.

She walked out and groaned as Larry quickly had her over his shoulder and ran with her. He groaned as he set her down before he could get her out the door being ordered by his dad seeing them.

Larry said come on dad I wanted to run with her wolf. She rarely lets her wolf out. Lylah looked at Alpha Craig who grunted and said fine, just running. He linked his son and said nothing but running as she is not your true mate.

She spun as Warriors were coming inside dragging the guilty, scheming and lying bitches who were heard by all complaining and arguing that they weren't doing anything wrong.

Larry opened his mouth but Lylah mind linked him and it stopped him from saying a word. She said let's leave, I'll even go for that run you wanted. He grinned and took her hand and they were escaping just as the jealous disgusting sluts screamed and started lying and slandering her name saying see her, she's a slut who is trying to catch herself a title.

Lylah stopped in anger, turned to them and said your scents are surprisingly newly totally blocked and you are lying your faces off bitches. I request they all be decontaminated and their scents unblocked to learn they are all disgusting well used sluts that reek of countless males and are deceitfully lying to you all.

The pack Warriors restrained the bitches who screamed back at her, saying she's a slut who is planning on having Larry claim her.

Larry growled and said you lying disgusting bitches, she's no slut and has not ever attempted anything to be claimed for. She's not my true mate and I'm not about to claim her you stupid jealous bitches. I demand they all be thoroughly examined and if found not saving themselves like they were told to, I want them all gone as they have tried repeatedly to have sex with me. I'm worried they will try it on others aiming for titles they are all scheming to be claimed to get.

Alpha Craig snarled and said absolutely for my son I will have you all examined then interrogated and if found guilty you will all be ousted and deemed rogues, then fully drugged up and taken to Council for your punishment.

The sluts screamed and said Lylah is a slut and she's the one scheming to being claimed for a title. We are innocent and can prove it.

Lylah snorted and said all lies, you all can't prove nothing but you each being filthy deceitful liars and well used disgusting sluts. Stupid bitches, you've all been seen with plenty of males, hooking up and later reeking like unprotected sex. We have all seen bite marks that hadn't healed yet on your shoulders.

Dr Hershey rushed up from the infirmary and yelled those 5 pack females are sluts, their last upteen full exams proved it once again as they have repeatedly been brought in by pack Warriors catching them after having unprotected sex. They are nothing but well used lying sluts that need thorough exams and then interrogating. They need to be sent to Council as every word they had just been heard saying to the pack Alpha was absolutely all lies. Lylah is not a slut, I just fully examined her and she is waiting for her one true mate, you stupid ugly jealous lying bitches.

Larry said dad, they need to be assessed as scheming sluts, then sent to Council as they are deceitfully lying to our faces. They are sluts as the Warriors can all tell you they have caught them many times and witnessed their disgusting actions.

More pack Warriors moved in and said that's right, they have repeatedly been caught out as filthy sluts and haven't been innocent for many years. As for Lylah, she is not a slut and is waiting for her true mate. We have all run with Lylah's wolf and can say that she has never once looked at a male with a title to ever scheme to being claimed by one. For the 5 lying and stating those lies before all, they need to be fully punished for it. They just slandered Lylah's name before everyone hearing for you all to look at her differently. You can't scent the truth in their words as they are shockingly covered in scent blockers

Lylah said when you interrogate them all, find out where all their money they all have hordes of was gotten. There seems to be a need to ask them as they don't come from families with money and it leads me to thoughts of why, how and where they got their hands on such funds.

The females screamed you lying filthy slut, we don't have money, you bitch. Lylah snorted and said new clothes every week, shopping trips you all leave the pack lands telling others what you are buying next. Expensive reeking perfume you all bathe in to cover up your already reeking scents. Makes me think you all need to be decontaminated and the surprising scent blockers you got your hands on removed to find out how badly you are all tainted now and covering it up.

Dr Hershey sniffed and said I totally agree because I have never injected nor ever given them scent blockers to cover their scents with. So where did they get them from?, and now it really worries me too. You all know sluts can be devious and care less about the safety of the pack.

The sluts paled in guilt and screamed she's a slut, having used her body on the Doctor so he would say she was still innocent.

Lylah stiffened at the sanderous words, growled deeply and her wolf took over. She walked up to the sluts and snarled in their faces. She dropped her claws and quickly struck each being restrained across the face, scarring them forever.

She growled you lying slanderous bitches. I request to be sent to Council then so my human can be fully examined to learn the truth as my human is still innocent as we are waiting for our one true mate.

These disgusting sluts are all scheming and about to buy drugs they will use on any and all males with titles, all scheming to being claimed by ones with titles. They absolutely reek of not only all the unprotected sex they have had for years, but their blood is tainted by all the blood exchanging they are allowing to happen when having sex. I'm worried they got their hands on funds they use to splurge on themselves by selling out pack security details that I have heard them seemingly innocently asking Warriors about. The sluts paled to white all screamed before they were knocked out cold.

Alpha Craig moved up to Lylah lifted her chin and saw her wolf in her eyes. She grunted and said I had to take over my human as she was very saddened by their slanderous lying and disgusting words. They are complete deceitful liars and possibly traitors to the pack.

He said so it's all true as our wolves don't lie. She said all the truth, my human is one who never lies. All her words can be trusted.

He asked when did she learn how to shift her hands to claws. He wolf smiled and said my human has been doing a lot of reading over the years. By the time we turned 16, my human and I could do much together as we are fully merged as one.

He grunted and asked when did you first speak to her? Her wolf huffed and said honest? He grunted and said always and I'm not going to like the answer, am I?

Her wolf said no, I think not. I woke when she was an infant. I have kept my human safe from being harmed. Craig growled and asked by who? Her wolf sighed and said Alpha wolf, calm down, that was all in the past and my human wasn't once harmed.

He stiffened and said tell us. She said Lorraine was a very angry mother. She would have fits of rage that I think stemmed from her wolf. He asked why?

Her wolf said because Andrew wasn't their one true mate. I believe that she wasn't faithful to Andrew and her wolf dug deep and caused her pain for her human's actions that she was angered about. I believe Andrew never once cheated back as he was completely faithful to her.

He grunted and asked was that why they left? Her wolf sighed and said they had many arguments that my human and I heard. The last was because Lorraine declared she was pregnant. It wasn't Andrew's baby as he laid his hand on her belly and he never felt a connection that should have had been felt if the baby that was conceived was his.

Lorraine lied and said he was wrong. She denied she cheated and they had a screaming fight and Andrew left. Lorraine then called the male who she supposedly last cheated on Andrew with named Marcus who denied the baby was his as she told him she was fully protected.

Lorraine said she would prove it, then packed her bags too. Lylah was then taken to the group home as Lorraine lied again and said it was only temporary.

He grunted and said so Lorraine was harming your human and you woke. Her wolf grunted and said I woke as Lorraine had a fit of rage, then she threw things at Andrew while he was holding us. I woke as my human was crying and screaming in fright.

Andrew protected us as always, laid us down and he said we needed to be quiet as Lorraine was angered by my human's crying. But Lorraine was scaring my human and she was crying as she was being snarled in the face. I hummed and sang to my human to keep her quiet and stayed with her.

Alpha Craig said we never sensed you. Her wolf smiled and said we never shifted until 16. I was with her though so I wasn't sensed by others. My human read books and we learned how to draw back on our scent and essence to keep safe.

He stiffened and asked why? Her wolf sighed and said to keep safe as we were suddenly moved into a group home where we didn't know any of them. Just like I told my human to see the Doctor to be fully protected.

Dr Hershey said and I did as I examined her fully and saw she was healthy and well cared for. She always as I told your mate earlier, came to see me before her injections lapsed. Lylah has always been watched out for by the Warriors as well.

Warriors moved up and said we were asked by Andrew to watch over Lylah and why we know she is innocent and not scheming to being claimed like those sluts slandered her, lying about to your face Alpha.

Her wolf slid back and Lylah said Andrew was always very protective of us. He kept us safe from Lorraine's angry fits. In return I learned sign language and warned him when Lorraine was starting to get angry. If he wasn't home and working late, I put a picture in the window so he knew before walking in the house.

Alpha Craig chuckled and asked what? She smiled and said you heard me, I used sign language when we were out together or in a room where I and my wolf noticed she was getting angry. Andrew and I were always on alert and he'd if he could, would take me from the room or house when Lorraine had her fits of rage. You never want to face Lorraine when she was angry as she screamed, threw and broke things and cursed like an old sailor.

I put a picture in my window when Lorraine was having a fit of rage. Andrew always checked the outside of the house before coming in and saw the picture. He knew as I alerted him to be wary of Lorraine when walking inside.

The Warriors nodded and one said oh, we noticed a picture and always wondered why and always mentioned seeing it when doing rounds.

She smirked and said they weren't true mates and it gave Andrew a little bit of help with Lorraine's frame of mind. She eased them down.

Larry moved and said those sluts need dealing with dad, asap if they were planning on buying unknown drugs. Lylah said they were heard by my wolf and I. I also just earlier told Dr Hershey. It happened today after gym class and they in the locker room. They didn't know I was still there and I heard they were all planning. I don't trust them as you heard neither does my wolf. They are purposely stirring up the male wolves in school and planning on buying the drugs all aiming for being claiming by others with titles. Guess we are having more visitors?

Alpha Craig growled and said we are, I just learned that recently. She said then deal with them harshly as no male is safe from those disgusting bitches' plans.

Larry grunted and snagged her, wrapped his arms around her and said not me, I wouldn't be caught dead with any of them.

She grunted and said never say never Larry as those bitches were definitely planning. Even you wouldn't be safe if they spiked a drink with drugs when say at a party.

The Luna came out growling and said bloody hell mate, they just volunteered to help serve meals. Now I don't trust them hearing they were planning to buy drugs.

Lylah said check their vehicles, maybe they already did if they volunteered to serve meals and since they started covering their scents totally with a blocker that came from somewhere other than the pack Doctor.

Some Warriors rushed out to do just that as others restrained the bitches as Dr Hershey came back and started to inject the sluts.

They sniffed the sluts as the injection removed the scent blockers and the males all groaned. She turned and shoved Larry away and said out now, go run. He growled and rushed out too yelling those stupid disgusting bitches need sterilization and their wolves removed, as the bitches all scented like a false heat.


Once the bitches were all totally knocked out, fully examined and drugged up for transport, Lylah was collected and the Warriors all promised to see to her safety as they were taking her to Council.

Larry was not aware of her still going to prove her innocence as his father had him out running and training with other Warriors. The pack Warriors still on site did not alert Larry as ordered by Alpha Craig.


It was a very uneasy feeling walking into the Council building. Her wolf was on red alert as soon as they entered the building.

The pack Warriors carried the 5 guilty bitches and she followed being escorted by two other Warriors for her safety.

Council Warriors on the front door alerted other Council Warriors who had them stop. The other Council Warriors took the unconscious females. Lylah linked Tom and said sure looks to me like they want to get their eager hands on the sluts since the sluts have no scents.

He grunted back and said those 5 are guilty bitches and known pack sluts. They were brought here seeing as they were ousted from the pack and need thorough exams as well as deep interrogation.

The Council Warrior leading grunted and asked why? Tom said they were covered in scent blockers that the pack Doctor never injected and once removed they all reeked as taking illegal drugs to put their wolves into a false heat. The Luna stated they had just volunteered to serve meals that they had never asked to do before.

They need deep interrogation as they bought the illegal drugs from unknown individuals and had been heard scheming and planning to have others than their true mates with titles claim them. As well they were stirring up males at school. They could possibly be traitors to the pack as they have been heard and seen shopping with money no one knows where it all came from that needs explaining.

The Council Warrior grunted and one said so full exams first, then taken to lock up for interrogation. Warrior Tomas said correct, they are now deemed rogues as they are no longer pack females and not to be returned.

He pointed and asked what about her? Tom snorted and said this pack female had been serious slandered by those guilty bitches. She's here for a full exam to prove her innocence.

The Council Warrior grunted and asked why?, your own Doctor can examine her for that. Warrior Tom said because those bitches disgustingly accused she had the pack Doctor lie and just say she was innocent, so she requested to be brought here to prove her innocence so those bitches are punished for slandering her name and the pack Doctor's too.

The Council Warriors all grunted. Tom added those bitches slandered her name, lied and said she was going after the next Alpha to get him to claim her to get herself a title. They said she was a slut who had the pack Doctor lie to say she was innocent. To prove her innocence she willingly came to see those bitches are punished harshly.

Lylah was moved and the Council Warrior grunted at her. She looked up wanting to snarl at him. The Council Warrior saw her wolf in her eyes and just smiled.

She grunted and moved back behind Tom and mind linked and said let's go, I no longer trust Council Warriors as they all scent like they want to do those disgusting bitches.

He stiffened and said we'll follow you all to the infirmary to see those guilty bitches are seen by a Doctor here before they are fully read and punished as possible traitors to the pack.

The Council Warriors all stiffened as Councilman Trace walked up to them quietly, then growled and said I was called by Alpha Craig and informed and will take charge of them.

Lylah moved and looked at the Councilman, then stepped back once her wolf assessed him for herself. Warrior Tom shook the Councilman's hand and said thank you Councilman, those 5 bitches are scheming sluts who possibly might have compromised our pack's security and sold secrets. We don't trust them at all as their words are all disgusting slanderous lies.

They followed the Councilman down to the Council's infirmary and Lylah was separated, taken to a lone exam room to be fully examined by a female Doctor.

Dr Grace looked her over and handed her a gown then asked her name? Lylah said my name is Lylah Meridian Firth. She took the gown and entered the washroom as Dr Grace pulled up her file.

After her blood was taken, she was injected to knock her out then fully examined. She was injected to wake, then sent to change as Dr Grace went to grab the drugs to inject her with as her blood results were cleared as pure blooded.

Lylah changed and sat back down on the exam table and waited. When Dr Grace entered, so did Warrior Tom. Lylah smiled at him then they looked at Dr Grace who was caught frowning.

The door opened again and Tom said Head Council Dr Brent. Now Lylah frowned and linked Tom to ask why he was there? He grunted and said no idea.

Head Dr Brent looked at her and said Lylah, who are your parents? She frowned and said Andrew Firth and Lorraine Cord. Warrior Tom asked why, what's wrong?

Head Dr Brent said we found an Alpha gene in her blood, so who are your parents? Lylah huffed and said Warrior Andrew Firth and Lorraine Cord, they were not true mates and when I was 10, they broke up for good and I was sent to a pack group home as Andrew left the pack first then Lorraine took me to the group home to stay temporarily. But she lied and never returned.

Warrior Tom said that was the truth, Andrew was a pack Warrior and Lorraine and he broke up. He left as she was cheating and ended up pregnant. The baby wasn't Andrew's as he touched her belly and felt no connection to the baby. He left as he was totally disgusted as they have been together for many years and he never once looked at another female. I was a close friend of Andrew's as we worked together.

Head Dr Brent grunted and asked so where did the Alpha's gene come from? Were you ever bitten Lylah? She said no and I've had my wolf with me since I was an infant.

He snarled and asked why, only traumatized childen have their wolves early and can that be proved? Lylah sighed and said Lorraine was a very angry bitch at times. She would have fits of rage that scared me. The first time she scared me so bad my wolf woke and stayed with me. My wolf says I was crying and it angered Lorraine who had snarled angrily in my face. Andrew picked me up and Lorraine threw something that hit him and scared me. My wolf woke and Andrew took me from the room, placed me down and said I had to be quiet as Lorraine's fit of of anger was because I was crying.

Warrior Tom said her wolf came out as those bitches we brought into the pack house slandered her name in front of others hearing. The pack Alpha asked her wolf questions and we all heard her wolf state the same, that she woke because of Lorraine's dangerous fit of rage.

Head Dr Brent asked Lylah to droop the block on her scent and shield on her essence. She grunted but did as requested, then the door suddenly opened.

They all scented her absolute pure scent and sensed her strong wolf. Warrior Tom moved in front of her and she quickly pulled it all back inside before she blocked and shielded her scent and essence from being smelled or sensed at all.

Dr Brent said this is Head Councilman Reid and he needs to assess her wolf. Lylah sighed, debated with her wolf before she moved. She stood in front of the Head Councilman and said my wolf and I will drop our shield on our mind and allow you to read us. We request it as we want those 5 guilty slanderous and maybe dangerous traitorus bitches to be punished for the lies spoken.

He grunted and said so I was informed of and will be reading them after you. She grunted and said after all the drugs are out of their system I truly hope? He snorted and said of course.

She and her wolf lowered their shield on their mind and the Head Councilman nodded. But Head Dr Brent behind her back injected her and knocked she and her wolf out cold once again. She wilted and was swept up by the Head Councilman and laid back down on the table.

Warrior Tom witnessed and linked the others and half the other pack Warriors showed up and entered the room to protect Lylah as her scent and essence were now fully unblocked and unshielded again. They could all scent and sense her as she truly was pure blooded, innocent and wolf was very strong.

Head Councilman Reid slipped into her unshielded mind and went to her wolf's first memory and grunted. He moved forward growling as Lorraine was a truly ugly hearted cheating bitch who caused Lylah's wolf to wake early and stay with her for her safety as honestly told.

He read her wolf and then focused on the memories of the 5 bloody eager sluts who to him were all guilty and were undoubtedly needing full readings as he too suspected them of being traitors as her wolf never trusted them.

He then used her mate bond as it had been weakened by his actions. He slipped into his mind, read who he was and who he marked as his. He used the pack bond to read the marked slut and growled as she used drugs to tip her wolf into a false heat, stirred he and his wolf up on purpose to mark her. He was about to fully claim her when they were caught and torn apart.

The guilty slut was injected with wolfsbane and a 5 year injecton of full proof birth control and the two were punished and ordered not to complete the mating as they were not true mates. He used her mate bond that was still intact and slipped into the mind of her own true mate.

Head Councilman Reid grunted and after reading him fully, he pulled away, then back into Lylah's true mate's mind. He surprisingly found her wolf had woken and was fully reading he and his wolf and not happy.

He calmed her wolf who was saddened and then spitting angry over what she learned. Her wolf woke up Lylah and her mind was yanked down the mate bond into the mind of their one true mate.

She grunted fully reading he and his wolf. She used her wolf to grab use of his hands and grab himself by the balls and squeezed hard. She snarled in his head causing him to scream in pain, fright and painfully asked who's there?

She growled your one true mate who is not happy at all you eagerly marked a bloody slut as yours. You lie to yourself and others to make everyone believe you were out of your mind, stirred up by that slut's reek of a false heat and marked her because of it.

What bullshit as I saw in your mind the thought already of claiming her. Head Councilman Reid growled and said I read that thought too just now and you are thinking of completing the mating, disregarding your orders not to.

Randy winced as she dug his own claws into himself and he swore and said I can claim who I want. Head Councilman Reid said I see, then totally removed his next Alpha title causing him to scream in pain as it was ripped and torn away.

Head Councilman Reid then put his wolf into a deep sleep and said Cassie is not your true mate and has her own true mate who is hunting for her now.

Randy was scared and said no, she's mine. Reid growled and crimped then cut his ties to his wolf so he couldn't shift or use his wolf at all then said you're disgusting Randy and she is definitely not yours and a disgusting scheming bitch.

Lylah and her wolf used his connection to Cassie and fully read her then her wolf sterilized the reeking scheming slut so she could never get pregnant. She then removed all the drugs from her system that wasn't meant to be there and made it impossible for her to ever cover her scent again. So everyone could now scent her stench as she was a well used tainted slut who had sex eagerly with others besides Randy.

She used Cassie's own hands and shifted them to grab her sweet spot where she was marked and shredded it completely, so it could no longer be used to bring her pleasure. Then she used both of Cassie's claws to drag them down her face.

Cassie was quickly scented and soon found, then knocked out cold as she was seen bleeding herself, scarring her face badly. Lylah slipped away after cutting her ties to her wolf forever.

Back in his head, she used Randy's claws and did the same, shredding his sweet spot he had the females he screws to nip and stir him up by. She shredded it too then did the same for his face but he was soon caught and knocked out.

The pack Warriors dragged both Randy and Cassie down into their infirmary to be quickly healed as both bodies bled as their wolves weren't healing them like they should.

Lylah and her wolf were still angry and pulled everything Randy received being fated their one true mate all back from him, sealed it away in their own mind before she was yanked away. Her wolf quickly then totally severed their own mate bond forever more just before Head Councilman Reid knocked she and her wolf out.

Head Councilman Reid growled in anger and pulled away from her then paced the room. He snarled out damn it. Head Dr Brent asked what happened? Reid said I read her mate bond and while reading who he marked, her wolf woke.

She was so pissed she woke Lylah, and they read he and his wolf then started punishing them because he decided he was going to claim that reeking, disgusting, scheming weak tainted slut as his anyways. I took his next Alpha title away and she in a fit of deep anger, did damage.

Dr Brent asked who her true mate is? Reid snorted and said was, she severed the mate bond. His name is Randal Levi Mackey, the next Alpha of the Mystic Ridge Wolf Pack from Alaska.

The scheming slut took illegal drugs, put her wolf into a false heat and Randal marked her as she planned. They were stopped and he was ordered not to fully claim her. Her own true mate is hunting her and he is Norton Harvey Rainer, a regular pack member of the Eastern Labrador Ridge Canadian Wolf pack.

Head Dr Brent asked so she no longer has a mate bond? Reid said she severed it before I could knock them both out. Damn it all, as we read he was going to claim that slut Cassie Gwendolyn Addams anyways so he could screw others as well as she wasn't his true mate. He is totally disgusting as he hasn't ever been saving himself for his true mate. Any she-wolf that threw themself at him, he screwed using protection.

Dr Brent said so he was going to sever the mate bond anyways so he could be the disgusting man whore. Not good at all as a next Alpha.

Head Councilman Reid said yes. Regarding what else I read, Lylah told the absolute truth. The 5 disgusting bitches brought here need full exams and then readings. I too after reading Lylah's wolf believe they could be traitors as they had money galore and spending it freely.

They all lied of course as Lylah is pure blooded and innocent, and absolutely waiting for her true mate. Those 5 bitches were heard by Lylah as they were scheming to buying drugs. They were stirring up the pack males and humans at school too. They were all heard planning on using drugs to aim on being claimed by males with titles as they all believed they were better than other she-wolves.

Warrior Tom said they aren't better and were repeated dosed up and drugged when caught having sex with visitors.

Councilman Reid said as for Lorraine, Lylah heard too much from her growing up. I'm very shocked at what I read, but it was all true what she and her wolf said to your Alpha and pack witnessing the confrontation with the 5 sluts.

Dr Brent said so we take DNA samples and test them seeing as she has the Alpha gene. Head Councilman Reid said yes, she only positively knows that Andrew and Lorraine were her parents as they were the ones that raised her from a baby. She and her wolf knows nothing so it will need to be looked into further. But I can say that Andrew was loved by she and her wolf as he adored them too. He protected her from Lorraine harming them. Lorraine did cheat and ended up pregnant supposedly by a man named Marcus as Lylah heard the call. Lorraine though absolutely scented as she lied to this Marcus when she called him. So he might not be the father of her conceived baby at the time.

Tom grunted and said Lorraine worked part time off the pack lands so we all have no clue of who he was or any others who she may have cheated on Andrew with.

Reid huffed and said Lylah and her wolf now believe that Lorraine was so angered back when she was an infant on Lorraine being found and rejected by her true mate. She believes that her wolf was causing Lorraine to be angered as she cheated on Andrew a lot and her wolf was disgusted with her as Andrew was completely faithful to them since the day they fully claimed each other.

Tom said Andrew was totally faithful and he never cheated or was tempted to. We had many discussions about true mates. Andrew said he felt his true mate being marked and after meeting Lorraine, she told him her mate bond was gone when she turned 16 but learned later that she lied. If Lorraine did meet her true mate, wouldn't her wolf have put her into a heat?

Dr Brent said not necessarily. Maybe her wolf didn't want him for some reason as it's their wolves that put them into their heat. Maybe her wolf was completely happy with Andrew, especially if he treated her well and never cheated unlike Lorraine.

Reid said Andrew did treat Lorraine well, he pampered her as if she were his one and only. He forgave her for all her strange and unknown fits of anger.

Tom agreed and said from what I saw, Andrew did love Lorraine but the last year they were together the two were definitely on the outs.

Reid said yeah, I read that from Lylah's wolf. She spent more time with Andrew than with Lorraine as Lorraine was acting strange and covering her scent more as if she were cheating. Lylah was locking herself in her room to keep away from Lorraine and her fits of anger.


Lylah was woken after DNA samples were taken and all her injections were given again before her file was updated and sealed. She dressed and they left the room and went to the 5 ex-pack females deemed as rogues.

In the interrogation rooms, they saw and heard the 5 guilty bitches confess to selling out pack security secrets for money. Every guilty action they did was confessed to as the 5 were drugged up to the maximum level to get them talking.

Alpha Craig was called and informed of everything the 5 confessed to under drugs, who was very angry hearing it. He demanded they be put down for putting his whole pack in danger.

Head Councilman Reid agreed. Lylah and all the pack Warriors left. The 5 bitches' belongings that had been packed were transferred over to other Council Warriors who took them and they drove off for home.


On arriving home, the pack Warriors were alerted immediately. They took Lylah straight to the pack house being ordered to. She huffed and asked not home? Tom said nope, your belongings were packed up and moved into the pack house.

She huffed and asked why? He smiled and said because Alpha Craig was called and informed of your dna carrying the Alpha gene. So to keep you safe you were moved.

She huffed louder and said bloody hell, I was fine living where I was. He smirked and said no worries, the pack females are looking after you now.

She snorted and said now you have me worried, why? He chuckled and said they went through your belongings and did an inspection and a lot of shopping as they didn't like what they found.

She grr'd and it made them all laugh. She grunted and said now I am worried over what they shopped for. He smiled and said basically everything. Luna Bella ordered your things thrown out and new replacements bought from skin outward.

When they parked at the pack house, they were met by other Warriors. Huge smiles were seen when they got out making Lylah nervous.

Lylah looked around and crossed her arms. Tom laughed and tossed her over his shoulder and carried her inside. He said we have those visitors on site. She groaned then asked then why was I moved?

He said because you were ordered to by Head Councilman Reid. She sighed and said bloody Head Councilman. She was set down in the office where other visitors were that heard her.

She blanked her face and bowed. Alpha Craig grunted as he smiled at her. She huffed and he said Lylah, we have been ordered to move you to a safer location. A room was made ready for you up on the top floor as all the other rooms are fully occupied.

Even the group home was filled as there are numerous others here on site for training. We have Councilman Mark here as well as some Council Warriors who have settled in for while the visitors stay in case of trouble.

She asked trouble as though the visitors could cause it or because of the 5 we just transported to Council? He grunted and said mainly because of the troubling issues caused by the 5 ousted females.

She nodded and said good idea. He grinned and asked how did you like your first trip to Council? She made a face and said you say first trip as if there will be more.

He nodded smirking and said be prepared honey as there will be more trips. She sighed and said my first trip to Council was then very interesting indeed.

He asked how? She huffed and said first off it seems I have a very low tolerance for being subjected to and being around testosterone filled bloody Council Warriors.

He laughed as the Council Warriors in the room grunted, snorted or growled. She winked at him and said I'm used to pack Warriors who put themselves in the way as those bloody Council Warriors were yanking my chain.

He smirked and asked how? She held out her hands and said touchy feeley bloody Council Warriors who were also freaking begging to do whatever I wanted and I only had to ask. It got on my last nerve.

Even Councilman Mark laughed as he said we were told. She huffed and said I was not used to them and they started to make me snarl at them all when they got near. I'm just a normal she-wolf and hasn't had others whine and complain that I must need this or that.

They all laughed and she huffed and said then everyone visiting Council who saw the Council Warriors acting so strange started to try and come close. The pack warriors had to surround me and growl to get the others to back off.

She pointed and said we had to run and get away before we were swarmed. So my first time at Council had been very interesting indeed.

Alpha Craig asked did you get introduced? She shook her head and said oh hell no. I was only introduced to those dealing with the 5 brought there. Since the Council Warriors put my wolf on edge we left as soon as we could.

He sat back and said well, you will be taken back in about two weeks time. She grunted and said that's fine, thanks for the needed warning Alpha. He laughed as she was making faces no one could see but him.

He stood and said I sent Larry away to be trained by another pack. She frowned and said alright, I needed to know that, why? He grunted and said my son was very angry once he learned you were taken to Council. He wanted to go too to keep others away. I had to send him away as he needs to find his own true mate and not become hooked on you like it seems he is.

She huffed and said I agree then, I needed to know and think it was a good idea. But you could send me away instead to say the Academy and bring him back home. I can learn all I can at the Academy and you won't have to worry about Larry being subjected to even more scheming sluts you don't know anything about.

He grunted and said my son wasn't taken there alone, he took others who will all watch over him. You worried? Lylah said at Council there were other females brought in who were being ousted as well. Bloody hell Alpha, the amount of scheming no good for nothing sluts in packs worries me.

They all chuckled but she was serious. She sighed deeply, Luna Bella grunted as she heard Lylah talking. Lylah said I am worried for every unmated male in packs being subjected to the horrible pack sluts.

She grunted and said I've come up with a request. Alpha Crag grunted and asked what request? She said Alpha Craig, I request that all unmated females, pack or visitor be thoroughly examined and all full proof shots given again.

I say so seeing as at Council we learned a lot of female take off and don't get their injections updated. They scheme to get pregnant, lie and swear on a stack of bible others impregnated them to being claimed by another who isn't their true mates.

Be prepared as the sluts shift and run, stir up the males to mount them and lie they have gotten pregnant. Some males even believe them and mark them as theirs before the lies are revealed.

Others use drugs that put their wolves into false heats, so any here covering their scents must be requested daily to remove scent blockers and all reeking perfume covering their scents so they can be smelled so that can't happen.

Other bitches dose the males with drugs into believing they are true mates and get claimed. Bloody hell... The males all laughed. Luna Bella moved in front of her and looked into Lylah's eyes.

Lylah sighed and said Luna Bella, please have your mate listen to reason. Luna Bella smiled and asked you really are worried for the unmated males? Lylah nodded and said yes, I was thinking all the way home that the majority of pack females are scheming bitches.

The males all laughed and Luna Bella chuckled and said not all though, right? Lylah sighed and said not all. It seems the older the unmated females get, the worse they become though.

I say this because of the ones brought into Council for punishment. They reeked, truly horrible scents that had the hairs on my whole body feel like standing on edge. Luna Bella stiffened and said truly horrible? Lylah whispered yeah, really bad. My wolf was actually growling in my head, yelling for me to get away from the scent of one.

She slipped into the Luna's head and showed her, shared with her wolf what her own wolf wanted the Luna to know, sense and see.

Luna Bella grabbed her hands and squeezed as her own wolf growled dangerous bitches, covering their scents with reeking perfume and double the scent blockers.

Lylah said that was in the infirmary, one just brought in. My wolf screamed she was a rogue's slut and as you smell, she did other males too. Her blood is tainted and she had been bitten multiple times by those having sex with her, so whoever bit her was now tainted.

I fear as the scent blockers weren't detected under that reeking perfume. It led me to thinking about the 5 we delivered there as they for sure were heading in that direction. They all need stopping Luna before it happens.

Her wolf eased down the Luna whose wolf was snarling and near ready to shift in anger. Lylah said calm down Luna, I requested from your mate that the females all be repeatedly tested so they can be watched. Have them all injected and any deemed sluts have locked up, drugged and sent to Council for dealing with immediately.

Alpha Craig had slipped into his mate's mind and he too heard and saw what Lylah said and shared. His wolf growled and said we must do what Lylah and her wolf deemed important to do for the safety of all.

Lylah said I request that your son be brought back as I fear that he could be compromised while away. If you are really worried about me being here, have him taken to Council first and have the Head Councilman read his mate bond. Larry swears he wouldn't have sex with a slut but if he was truly drugged up, he could be easily compromised. Send me away as I would never willingly cross that line with someone who hasn't found his true mate yet, and still has a mate bond. My wolf and I are strong and will be just fine.

Both Alpha and mate stiffened at her request. She pulled out of the Luna's mind, bowed and said since we are done and I'm very tired, I'll head to my room.

She quickly escaped the office.


Days later Lylah was injected, and knocked out. Her bags were packed and as requested she was shipped away.

It was done because Larry was taken to Council after a run in with a skanky, scheming bitch. The dangerous bitch took a drug that sent her wolf into a false heat and Larry was purposely exposed.

He was read by Head Councilman Reid, finding out his wolf had been stirred up then he read Larry's mate bond. He discovered his true mate had been marked by another as she too used drugs to put her wolf into a false heat. It caused the Warrior she was scheming to being claimed by to mark her.

She was purposely unprotected at the time and now pregnant. The baby was a boy and they were waiting until she delivered in just weeks, before she's to be fully claimed if the baby boy was the Warrior's.

Alpha Craig being informed, told Head Councilman Reid to sever the mate bond. Head Councilman Reid stated that he would have the female brought to Council to have the baby and read them all to discover if the baby was the Warrior's and sever the mate bond when it was safe to do so. Larry was sent back home where he was safe and was watched very closely.


Two weeks later Lylah was escorted back to the Council. It had been over a month since she was first sent to the Academy as the Doctors redid the DNA tests because of what they learned needed double checking.

She was taken straight to the infirmary and was faced with Head Councilman Reid. The Head Councilman and she faced off, both surrounded by Warriors.

She looked in the room and he grunted back and said that is Larry's disgusting true mate. The male with her marked her as his as she used a drug to put her wolf into a false heat. She was seemingly unprotected and got pregnant like she planned.

Lylah huffed and said by her scent that is fully out, she reeks like a slut. Why would he screw someone that reeks like that? Head Councilman Reid smiled and said she purposely covered her scent.

Lylah huffed and asked with what? He grunted and said perfume, an expensive brand that totally covered it. She snorted and said I do not understand Head Councilman, why are all these pack females hunting, planning and scheming to claim others' true mates. Why can't they bloody well listen to the pack leaders and wait for their own one true mates? Why can't they be truly satisfied with their own fated true mates?

He grunted back and said no idea, if you learn why, tell me as I'm freaking pissed as well. He took her hand and they went into the room.

Lylah asked can you explain? If she was covered in perfume, then how did anyone know she was taking a drug to put her wolf into a false heat?

Head Councilman Reid said she stirred up his wolf, shifted and she was mounted. They were caught and she was knocked out and fully examined. The Doctor found it in her blood when also testing it for a pregnancy.

Lyla grunted and said it brings up my point about all females frequently being fully examined, scent blockers all removed and they fully injected with all shots to protect them, as in all the pack females and visiting females too so no pregnancies can happen. It tells me not all packs are keeping track of the pack females' injections.

He grunted and asked what would you suggest Lylah? She said honestly Head Councilman, I would suggest the pack infirmaries be provided with experienced staff. Most packs only have the Doctor and staff females only brought down to help when absolutely needed.

I suggest it so the pack Doctor has the experienced staff needed and it gives him or her more time to keep track of the pack females injections and well being. That or have all the pack females injected at the same time, so only one date needs to be remembered. Then they inject all at the same time, period.

He grunted and said the last wouldn't work. She said but.. He shook his head and said I agree with the first and it will be seriously looked into. We need to do something quickly.

Lylah said order the pack's leaders to order absolutely no blockers on scents for any females discovered not waiting for their true mates. Ban all scent blocker injections, except on the pure and innocent females. Any discovered covering their scents be punished by injections of wolfsbane and banned from pack activities where they could get drunk and stir up the males.

Meet and greets, have them seriously guarded and only let them shake males hands then have them taken away and locked up so they can't get to the males.

Do it for several months until every female understands that everyone is taking this seriously. The pack leaders can call a manditory meeting and report the new laws set down by you and Council. Punishment will be started by the pack and ended up before Council for deeper, serious punishment.

Have your trained Council Elders deal with them here when brought in and any major serious cases be taken before Council itself.

He grunted and Dr Maddison walked in saying she has grand ideas. Lylah looked at the Doctor then away. She was not impressed and grunted then said with so many pack sluts to be dealt with in the beginning, I suggest a secondary infirmary here where experienced staff will be dealing with the guilty females. That way the Council infirmary here is not flooded with the reeking bitches.

The Doctor snorted and Lylah growled looked at the Doctor and said under that scent blocker you reek of being currently unprotected and fertile. You are not innocent in any way shape or form as your true scent reeks of you being a disgusting well used slut.

Council Warriors jumped on the Doctor and restrained her as she was shaking and about to shift. Head Councilman Reid moved, grabbed Maddison's wrist and bit her as she struggled and screamed no.

Lylah crossed her arms and stayed where she was as the guilty Doctor snarled and said I'll kill you, you stupid slut. Lylah smiled as Head Councilman Reid tasted Maddison's blood, spat it out and said immediately inject her to knock her out now as she is unprotected, fertile and about to snare an Alpha male who is already fully mated to another to claim her.

The Warrior quickly injected Maddison and knocked she and her wolf out cold. Reid stood and said securly lock her up, dose her like a rogue. We'll deal with her soon.

He looked at Lylah and said you were right, she is truly a well used slut. A dangerous scheming one. She was just newly added to staff here and was planning all right.

Lylah grunted and said my wolf went completely on guard when she walked in. I had no idea why but my wolf honestly did not like or trust her at all.

They looked at Steven and Ida, Lylah moved when Council Warriors pulled Steven from the room and locked the door. Lylah bent and stared Ida in the eyes as she was glaring with hate. Lylah's wolf growled in her face using a deep frightening growl.

Reid hummed and neared the bed. Lylah said deep read her, my wolf is saying she and the Doctor known each other well.

Ida suddenly reeked now of guilt, fear and terror. Reid grunted and said Maddison was one of their pack Doctors who brought Ida here. Lylah growled in Ida's ear and said guilt and fear scented meaning I was on the right track. I do not trust this slut or Maddison.

Both guilty, so I wonder if they are more like each other than mere pack members. Ida squealed as Reid growled in Ida's other ear and said I smell it too. Maddison took the DNA samples and I no longer trust what the results stated.

Ida passed out in fright. Lylah stood and said me neither. She absolutely reeks of more guilt, fear and is very deceitful.   Reid stood and said I do agree. We need to do more DNA tests.

When the baby was brought into the room, Lylah grunted as it was handed to her. She sniffed the newborn and hummed.

Reid asked what?? She said newborn babies can easily be affected by the mother's being bitten when having sex. They also take it in milk form, if breastfed.

He took the baby sniffed it and asked tampered with? Lylah grunted and said they are all vulnerable. She lifted a hand and showed him. The baby had a new bandaid covering his wrist.

He took the bandaid off and sniffed saying damn it. She said any new DNA samples may be inaccurate hey? He said indeed, Maddison and Ida need deep reading to explain.

Lylah looked off then said bite Steven then have him touch the baby. Listen to his wolf to see if he declares the baby is his. Read to find out if the baby was felt by them being delivered and how strong the sensation he felt if he did.

Then compare it to others you know that had felt their baby was 100% theirs. Maybe Maddison just injected more of Steven's blood into him and it changed the baby's DNA. I don't know what else as like I said babies are vulnerable and I don't trust Maddison or Ida one little bit.

Head Council Dr Brent walked in and heard them talking. He sighed and said honestly, babies are very vulnerable and things can affect them. As for your DNA test Lylah, we are at a standstill.

She grunted and said alright, so you don't know the truth? He said two tests, two different results. She said then take more blood and use an independent lab as well. It's not like I'm in desperate need to know the answer immediately. Do your tests as I can wait.

Reid grunted and said but I want to know. She shrugged and said I offered more samples taken. It's not like I'm being difficult. Do a deeper and more extensive DNA testing, one that shows more markers to match.

Dr Brent grunted and said I can do that but it takes longer. Lylah said I read up on it and know there are many different types of DNA testing. Like with the baby here too.

So take hair, skin, nail, blood and bodily fluid if needed. Compare it all. Dr Brent smiled and said alright, more samples so we can see if they match.

She pointed and said the same can be done for him. Hair and nails would not be affected by an injection been given to him just recently.

Dr Brent stiffened and Reid showed him the mark on the baby's wrist. Dr Brent swore and said I never requested he be injected with anything. There is much explaining to find out why. Lylah said and what was injected too Doctor.

Head Councilman Reid totally agreed.


Lylah was sent back to the Academy as the Council Doctors in charge had Head Councilman Reid fully read and they assessed both Ida and Maddison. Steven was sent back home after reading, but the females and baby were kept seeing as Steven had only felt a slight twinge when Ida delivered the baby. The twinge was too slight, causing the Doctors to wait until the baby's DNA was taken and tested with a more complete testing for more markers.

Ida had been injected and knocked out, she and her wolf were fully read including the mate bond before it was totally severed.

Larry at home used Lylah's room to slip into and lie in her bed to ease both he and his wolf down after his mother told him she had been living in the pack house and moved up to the top floor.


Lylah stayed pretty active at the Academy. She spent time learning all she could and trained on her own with her wolf with everything they were taught.

Then seeing the need, Lylah started spending more time with the youngest students at the Academy, those who hasn't shifted yet as she noticed some were being picked on by certain older horrible disgusting bitches there.

She relieved the younger weres as she stood up to the horrible angry bitches and had them leave the others alone or else. Certain others caught the confrontation and it made them aware of what was happening under their noses at the Academy that they hadn't noticed before. Soon others joined her as they basically started tutoring the young weres too.

Those in charge quickly learned from witnesses what was happening and the troublesome bitches were all collected and dragged off to Council for reading and assessing. Most were not sent back as they were found guilty of harassing, bullying and threatening the young weres at the Academy. The few that were sent back had been injected with wolfsbane and the longest birth control possible and told if it ever happened again, their wolves would be removed forever etc.

The news soon was spread as the older students started mingling more with the young weres there to watch over them and they all started getting closer. The younger weres were truly thankful and were all taught more values that year.

The returned guilty bitches were totally not trusted and watched very closely by all the staff and older students.

Lylah cared less if they were titled or not, she spent time with the younger students, males and females. They swarmed her now and kept her amused. She taught them values that they hadn't thought about being young.

The closer the others got to 16, the more on edge they got. Lylah soothed them and started counseling them one on one. She took walks with them in the hallways and talked, eased them down explaining many things to them.

They talked and laughed, were heard and others soon followed. If it was a good day they went outside and in a circle talked more. They each told her stories about things that had others smile and want to add their stories.

It totally eased them down as they realized others there experienced the same things. The older students watched and listened and learned as well. Sometimes just listened to the younger students was what they needed and Lylah listened.

Too soon, the whole group had amassed outside in the sunshine which alerted the staff thinking something was wrong. They hunted the students down and found them all outside.

The staff watched and learned as all the youngest students were now being well cared for by all the older students. No matter the packs they belonged too, the youngest were very calm and cheerful now unlike before.

By the end of the school year, Lylah was picked up again by Council Warriors. It was time she figured for the DNA results to be heard.

Other students watched as she was picked up, she waved back showing she was fine and was quickly stuffed in a Council vehicle.


As soon as they arrived at Council, she was taken in another way, causing her wolf to now be very on edge. The Council Warriors amassed and she was soon surrounded and taken inside. To she and her wolf it didn't look good.

Council Dr Brent met them in a conference room. He paced as she took a seat and waited until he said Lylah, we did the extensive DNA on you and learned you were the result of a mating not meant to happen between a next Alpha and a pack female he was ordered to stay away from.

She said alright, not meant to happen means what? He grunted and said they were warned to stay away from each other as they weren't true mates. Once she got pregnant and her parents learned it, they took her away quickly from the pack.

The pack Alpha learned about the pregnancy and sent out Warriors to hunt your mother down as he ordered the baby was to be aborted. But that never happened. Her parents hid her well and after she gave birth to you, she was sterilized as her punishment. Her parents were very strick with her and seeing as she willingly slept with the next Alpha going against their orders to wait for her true mate they deemed her punishment as she was under 18.

Lylah huffed and asked did she ever find her true mate? He said yes, he accepted her and they are currently fully mated and living in his pack with her parents there as well.

Lylah asked was her true mate titled? He grunted and said he's a pack Warrior. She said alright and the next Alpha who was the sperm donor? He grunted and said he met his true mate and they have three kids.

Lylah nodded and asked did they have the much desired male? Dr Brent grunted and said yes. She said good, so now what?

Dr Brent grunted and said the grandfather is not happy as he learned you were located. She snorted and said well who cares if he is unhappy. It's not like it was my fault.

Dr Brent huffed and said he was given all your information and demands to meet you. She grunted and asked and the sperm donor? Brent chuckled and said your birth father.

She huffed and said alright, the birth father, what is his opinion? Brent sighed and said he's keeping very quiet about the whole thing. His true mate was informed by his father about you and she's angry she wasn't informed.

Lylah looked off and asked how soon after I was born did it take before the birth father met his true mate? Dr Brent said two years. She asked and was she pure blooded and innocent when he met her?

Dr Brent looked off and said no, she wasn't. She had multiple hook ups with males she slept with. Lylah asked if she ever got pregnant? Dr Brent smiled and said she had a baby aborted as well. It was done right after she had learned she was pregnant as the sooner the abortion the less chance of it affecting her chances later of getting pregnant again.

Lylah said alright, so she was a slut too and didn't get her injections updated, slept with a male while unprotected and got pregnant as they didn't have protected sex.

He said correct, they were both injected with wolfsbane as punishment. She didn't meet her true mate until three years later. The one who got her pregnant was a visiting male, a Beta who was ordered not to come back.

Lylah said alright, so tell me their names. If the grandfather knows about me then it's only fair I be told about he and the others too.


When the door opened a whole group of others entered the conference room. The last group to enter was Head Councilman Reid who didn't look happy at all.

She ignored the others as she stood and soon was hugged by the Head Councilman. Reid said we took your advice about the secondary infirmary staffed here at Council. The order was sent out and we were overwhelmed with all the first batch of pack sluts sent here.

Lylah asked so every pack was ordered to stop the females from becoming disgusting sluts? He smiled and said yes, the order was given and the vast majority of pack Alphas were very relieved.

The pack infirmaries were given the extra staff needed and are now fully watching over the pack females injections and given them well before they lapse. Any trying to evade their full exams and injections are snared and injected then sent here. The Elder Council members are in charge just like you suggested.

She smiled and hugged him back then said excellent Head Councilman Reid. It really relieves my wolf and I. He grunted and said as for Larry, he was nearly compromised by a pack slut who took illegal drugs to put her wolf into a false heat. He was sent home and is being watched as she stirred up his wolf.

Lylah grunted and asked was his mate bond severed to Ida? He growled and said yes, we fully read she and her wolf. The baby boy ended up not being Steven's and it was covered up by Maddison's injections of his blood.

Lylah growled and said I hope you severely punished them both. He said we did, sterilized, wolves removed and memories totally wiped before shipping them far, far away.

She asked and the baby boy? Reid sighed and said we had him adopted out by a couple who couldn't have kids after they learning his birth father was a ordinary pack member and not a Warrior.

She grunted and said damned horrible scheming bitches. He laughed and said yes, those two were damned and caught out as scheming dangerous bitches. And you were responsible for them being caught too.

She huffed and said not me. He said yes, you requested Larry be sent here for reading of his mate bond. He was immediately contacted and they learned he was nearly compromised. You saved him as well in the long run.

He was brought here and fully read, his mate bond had me connect to Ida to learn who she was. Then she was brought here and soon dealt with. We locked her up after the mate bond was severed until the baby's extensive DNA was tested and the results proved he wasn't Steven's at all.

Lylah said so in the long run, all the pack females are now being tracked better and kept fully protected. Hopefully their sluts' scents are out and not covered so they can't scheme and plan to get pregnant to trap another's true mate to claim them.

He grunted and said exactly, no scent blockers or perfumes to ever cover their scents. All pack females will be routinely examined and all shots given before they lapse.

She looked him in the eyes and said all visiting females examined on arriving and all shots given, including scent blockers removed? He smiled and said the order was given as well since not all pack Alphas liked the order given out.

She smiled and said excellent Head Councilman, hopefully it will work. We had trouble at the Academy with some angry bitches that were bullying the youngest students there.

He snarled and said I read them too. She smiled and said you sent back a few that are being watched closely. I still don't trust them, but the youngest students at the Academy are being carefully watched and protected by all the older students now. They are all being tutored and very at ease now.

He grunted and asked is that so? She said yup, the ones soon turning 16 were on edge and I took them for walks and others joined us. I talked to them and eased them down.

He grunted and asked even males? She said yup, we walked the halls and I talked to them and the older males who shifted started listening and soon were joining us and talking to them as well.

She smiled and said I've been kept busy with the younger students. He asked you were responsible, weren't you? She grunted and said to tell you the truth, I was the one that caught the angry bitches as they were threatening a few of the younger females.

I confronted them and was seen. Guess the Dean and staff were notified. Since then I have been spending time with them. He asked why?

She sighed and said honestly I guess it stems from me being abandoned by Andrew and Lorraine in the group home. The younger students were in an Academy far from their families and caught being bullied. My wolf was insistent we spend time with them.

He asked were they all titled? She grunted and said I honestly don't care less if they were titled or not, I learned a few are, but it didn't mean anything if they were a pack Alpha's daughter or Beta's son. They were still uprooted from their home and sent to the Academy and bullied.

He grunted and said like you not caring it took forever to get the results of you having the Alpha gene. She grunted and said well I haven't told anyone.

He grunted and said I was eager to learn the truth and then angered once I had the results and connected to your birth father. His lack of care had my wolf growling too.

Lylah huffed and said guess this is the sperm donor's father. Dr Brent chuckled hearing the growl and said it is and he's pissed.

She turned and took her first look at the grandfather. He glared at her back with hate and his wolf seen in his eyes. She approached anyways. The Council Warriors stiffened and moved to protect her if needed.

Lylah asked so, you are Alpha Jenkins, son is named Rafferty, who is currently mated to his true mate Angie who wasn't a virgin when he found her either. She had a pregnancy three years before he met her which was quickly aborted and they now have three kids including the next pack heir. The birth mother Pattie was hidden by her parents until I was born then she was sterilized then found her own true mate who she is currently with. It tells me that you and your mate nor your Beta couple, or the pack Doctor were watching your pack teens closely enough.

Alpha Jenkins stepped back in shock. She said what?, you expect me to shivel and whine about my birth. I had no idea at all. I did however know I was special but never once let others know. I had my wolf with me when I was just a baby. But you don't care as you wanted Pattie caught and me aborted. Well you didn't get your way and I was born.

He looked off and said I thought you'd cause problems. She snorted and said it wouldn't have been me that caused problems, it would have been Pattie and Rafferty.

Now the ones to cause problems to me is you and Angie. I heard you told her about me and she's angry. But let me say, she was no better than Pattie, not having waited for her own true mate and having unprotected sex with others. Both sluts who got pregnant not being current on their injections and having unprotected sex.

He looked off then at her and Head Councilman Reid said I fully read Lylah and she is definitely not like others Jenkins. She is special, both wolf and human are strong and well meshed together since 9 years old.

Jenkins looked in her eyes not seeing her wolf, so she wasn't angry. Lylah said I always thought Andrew and Lorraine were my birth parents. Lorraine was one angry bitch as they weren't true mates. Her anger caused my wolf to wake when a baby as she snarled in my face that started me crying in fright in the first place that angered her.

But I was truly loved by Andrew, even when I wasn't his birth child. He cared, protected and loved me like his own. I truly respected Andrew all my life even after I was abandoned as Lorraine cheated on him and got pregnant by another. She was cheating on him for years, covering her scent so Andrew never knew. He was truly deeply hurt by Lorraine and left making sure the pack Warriors watched over me.

Lorraine cared less she abandoned me, lied when she said she'd be back. I never heard from either of them since. Once I learned I wasn't their child, I understood why I wasn't ever contacted again and my wolf and I were fine understanding that. I even understand why you are so angry, but know that I was not the one responsible for my birth.

Alpha Jenkins grunted and eased down. Head Councilman Reid grunted and said well I'm not happy. She turned and asked why?

He grunted and said we contacted both your birth parents and your mother cared less to even get to know you. She grunted and said well I guess she could be feeling mighty guilty and blaming me for her being sterilized in the end.

Dr Brent growled and said it's not your fault Lylah, it was hers and Rafferty's. She said I know, but I tried to put myself in her shoes, even with how distasteful that is, as I'm truly not anything like her at all.

Jenkins took her hand and felt his wolf stir and say our blood. She turned to look at him and dropped the block on her scent then shield on her essence. He took a deep breath and she said honestly Alpha Jenkins, I have never understood why other females turn out like Pattie or Angie. I mean I would have to meet them both and bloody well sense the two to find out what made them turn out the way they did.

He said pure blooded, innocent and strong. She grunted as both Dr Brent and Head Councilman Reid said exactly and she's very close to turning 18. Head Councilman Reid said and her mate bond was severed as well. She and her wolf have deep values even being raised by a couple who were not true mates. Even with Lorraine cheating on Andrew she never once had ever thought of crossing the line.

Lylah sighed and said never once. I stayed true to our true mate as that was the only right way to be. I never understood why females turn into sluts. Why they scheme and look into hooking up with others to be claimed by someone other than their one true mates. I honestly mean, our wolves are only meant to be with the one who was fated our exact soul mate.

She grunted and said well, that's not happening for me and I'll find someone eventually that my wolf agrees on. They all scented it was the honest truth, even Jenkins who had frowned.

She pulled all her essence inside and shielded, then drew back on her scent too and blocked it. Jenkins asked who was your true mate Lylah? She opened her mouth but Head Councilman Reid said he was a next Alpha named Randal Levi Mackey, the next Alpha of the Mystic Ridge Wolf Pack from Alaska.

He marked a scheming weak bitch when she used a drug to put her wolf into a false heat. They were caught and ordered not to fully claim each other, she was injected with wolfsbane and the longest birth control possible but he was read and we learned he was going to claim her anyways. I severed his ties to his wolf, took his next Alpha title and the mate bond was severed. His father is extremely pissed at me.

Lylah said another case of another dangerous scheming bitch planning on being claimed by a male with a title. Her true mate was just an ordinary pack male who was looking for her.

Head Councilman Reid said I sent Warriors out to pick her up and brought her here. I fully read her and brought her true mate here so he could truly scent her stench. He formally rejected her and I had her sterilized, wolf totally removed and memories wiped then sent her far away. No way was Randal going to ever fully claim that disgusting bitch.

Lylah said well, then the only way Randal can ever get a title back is if he redeems himself. I wouldn't hold my breath though. Reid smiled and said exactly, but his father is still pissed.

Lylah snorted and said then he and the others in the pack weren't watching them close enough either as she got hold of the illegal drug from somewhere and took it under their eyes. Again about the bloody scheming pack bitches and them needing careful watching.

Jenkins smiled at her comment as Dr Brent said that's so true Lylah and we all are now more alert. She said yes and maybe they should be spoken to very early by someone in charge. But yet as we learned from Pattie's parents being strict with her, she was another that ignored her upbringing and crossed the line uncaring.

Reid chuckled at Jenkins' expression and said yes, even without parents raising her to her teens Jenkins, she still has deep rooted values.

Lylah said my wolf practically raised me as she was with me since a baby. I absolutely couldn't follow Lorraine's teachings.

Reid said I located Lorraine. Lylah grunted and said let me guess, she ended up giving up the baby and is a horrible slut living with some guy, who probably never claimed her either.

Reid grunted and said the baby was aborted as she got drunk one night and shifted. Marcus refused to have anything to do with her. She hooked up with another pack's Warrior and no he never claimed her.

She sighed and asked what about Andrew? Reid said he left the states and moved to Australia, hooked up with a female he fully claimed who lost her true mate and they have two kids, both girls.

She smiled and said I'm glad, I hope he is truly happy. Reid grunted and said they are, you okay? Lylah nodded and said yes, I'm fine. I am honestly truly happy Andrew settled down with another mate and is helping raising his own kids. I do know that those two girls will never be like others.

To me Lorraine should be totally sterilized. Her wolf I figure hates her guts and will never forgive her if she stays. I know her wolf was happy with Andrew as he treated her like a mate and never once cheated on her unlike she did to him.

Jenkins grunted now understanding more about Lylah. She looked at him and asked you okay? He smiled and said I'm fine.

His pack Warriors moved closer to watch her. She grunted and looked back at the Council Warriors as the door opened.

Reid looked and said guess we have incoming. Jenkins said my son Rafferty and his true mate Angie. Lylah moved dropping his hand and faced the bitch Angie who snarled at seeing her for the first time.

Lylah grunted back, crossed her arms and said some ugly hearted females sure stir my wolf up seeing their ugly faces when glaring at me with hate. My wolf wants to wipe that look right off their faces and have them on the ground bleeding.

She spun and stepped back from the Alpha, then moved and confronted Angie head on. She quickly shoved her back into the door until Angie grunted hitting it. Lylah then snarled right back and said my wolf scents your disgusting true stench under that scent blocker you're using to cover it up with.

I also know your wolf is not happy with you for what you eagerly became, just another cheap little eager slut who ignored her teachings of waiting for your one true mate. Getting pregnant and having your parents have it aborted quickly. Just because you were a cheap little pack slut. Not getting her injections means you purposely did so uncaring you hadn't met your one true mate. You reek of others that you eagerly had unprotected sex with so it wasn't just one male either.

Reid moved in and soon trapped Angie against the door and bore into her head and fully read she and her wolf. Lylah was moved, she took Dr Brent's hand and said she reminds me in a way of Maddison. They both physically shuddered.

She looked back and said a next Beta huh? Dr Brent said yup, she got pregnant since she purposely never updated her shots. Her parents even reminded her to but she ignored them. Lylah snorted and said maybe aiming for being claimed by him. He said my thoughts exactly.

Alpha Jenkins grunted as Rafferty mind linked him. Lylah asked who was the Beta? Dr Brent said name is Zachary, he found his true mate right after and is currently happily mated, they have two kids both boys.

She asked Beta Zachary of the Shadow Ridge Wolf pack? Dr Brent said yes. She hummed and he asked what? Lylah said he has a son going to the Academy. Dr Brent grunted and asked is he one you've been protecting? She smiled and said if he is the Beta's son named Jessie, then yes.

Dr Brent looked off and soon smiled and said yes, Zachary has a 15 year old son named Jessie in the Academy. Lylah chuckled seeing his grin and said Jessie is almost ready to shift. When he goes home I figure he'll need to be watched. Make sure no scheming bitches start stirring him up. I've been talking to him about saving himself for his true mate.

They all laughed, those paying attention to them and hearing her. Dr Brent said I'll call the pack Doctor and let him know. Lylah nodded and said good, he honestly is waiting for his true mate. But we all know being stirred up he could cross the line.

Dr Brent and Lylah turned as Head Councilman Reid knocked Angie out as he growled when finished reading her. He had a Council Warrior to immediately take her down to the infirmary.

Reid turned to Rafferty and said not good, your true mate is currently blocking your mate bond and covering her scent on purpose.

Alpha Jenkins stiffened as that wasn't good news at all and asked why? Dr Brent excused himself and headed straight back to the infirmary.

Lylah moved back, she pulled out a chair and sat. She looked off and blinked before opening the pack link in her mind that was being nudged. Larry growled where are you? She said conference room on the first floor. He said be right there.

She opened her mind to the pack mind link and found a pack Warrior then asked what's up? Warrior Kyle huffed and asked is Larry heading to you? She said yes, I'm in a conference room, first floor. He said we were bringing another couple of stupid sluts in for punishment.

Lylah asked they both pack females? He said no, we have one new pack female and another is a member of the pack nearest ours who both tried to stir up shit. She asked is Larry okay? He grunted and said they were purposely trying to stir him up.

She got up and moved, headed for the door and was stopped. The Council Warrior said you can't leave. She said incoming, my pack's next Alpha and he's not in a happy mood.

Larry entered on his own and went straight to her. He wrapped his arms around her and shuddered in relief. She used the mind link and slipped into his mind and said damn Larry, you've been mega working out.

He eased down and said I have and you? She huffed and said yeah me too, but on my own. I've been keeping to myself until some stupid ugly hearted bitches were caught by me threatening younger students at the Academy. I've been keeping the younger students company, keeping them safe.

She showed him her memory making him shuddered again then he asked they were all punished? Lylah said they were, two were sent back though and I honestly don't trust them. The younger students are now all being watched and tutored by all the older students and kept safe.

He grunted and moved back being noticed by Head Councilman Reid. Lylah grunted and said he and pack Warriors are bringing in two stupid bitches needing readings and punishment. The pack Warrior Kyle just told me they were both trying to stir up Larry.

Head Councilman Reid huffed and asked you okay Larry? Larry nodded and said much better thanks, especially seeing Lylah here.

Jenkins grunted and said introductions please. Head Councilman Reid said Alphas Jenkins and Rafferty meet next Alpha Larry of the Sunridge Warrior Pack, the same pack Lylah is a full member of.

Jenkins grunted and said not an allie of our pack. Lylah grunted and Reid said not an enemy either Jenkins. Lylah rolled her eyes and in Larry's head said meet the birth father and grandfather. He growled and said your kidding me? She huffed and said nope, not too promising huh?

He smiled and said thank god, then your not moving as they are both looking not too happy. She said you just missed the pissed off true mate of the sperm donor. He laughed and said you call him that? She shrugged and said he hasn't yet acknowledged me as his daughter, so yeah.

She added Mind you, as soon as they walked in, his true mate was glaring at me with hate so I confronted her. She showed him and then added then as I sat down I felt you arrive.

Rafferty still hadn't moved closer to his daughter making Head Councilman Reid glare at him. Lylah seeing him said no worries Head Councilman Reid, we should go see about those two disgusting guilty bitches brought in. Stirring up a next Alpha means they need to be harshly dealt with.

One I am told is a newer member of the pack and the other a member of the neighboring one. So both I haven't met. Larry said you haven't met either Lylah. She sighed and said I hate pack sluts. Larry laughed and said me too Lylah, me too. Dad wants them both sterilized, wolves removed and memories wiped before sending them far away.

Lylah grunted and asked for attempting to stir you up? Larry grunted and said I wasn't the only next Alpha they were attempting to stir up as we have visitors as well.

She asked they use drugs? Larry shuddered and said the stupid bitches were both scented as unprotected and fertile, shifting into their wolves and running to attempt to be mounted.

Lylah said but all new members are examined and all injections given. He said they were, but somehow they both scented as unprotected and fertile. She growled and said I absolutely hate scheming deceitful bitches.

Head Councilman Reid moved, grabbed her hand and said then come on Lylah, we aren't getting anywhere here. She went with him saying of course not, the sperm donor cares less. He has his raunchy and disgusting true mate who truly reeks of others and to my wolf and I is about to eagerly cheat and betray him.

Reid grunted and said that she is Lylah. She snorted as they left with Larry smiling and rushing to catch up as the two now angry Alphas growled hearing them honestly speaking.

The Council Warriors blocked the door and wouldn't let them leave. One Council Warrior grunted and said disgusting you not accepting your awesome daughter or granddaughter as Lylah is truly special and very unique and rare.


In the other infirmary, they entered the room where the two guilty bitches were brought. Their scents were out and to Lylah they were making her growl as both were scented using drugs.

She said they both absolutely reek and aren't in any way innocent, unprotected or fertile. Dr Brent huffed and said it was their clothes. I called Dr Hershey who said they purposely stole clothes from other females who weren't aware of them missing. They took scent blocking drugs to take away their own scent and only smelled like the clothes they stole.

Lylah said then they truly were attempting to being mounted and claimed and deserve the harshest punishment. Head Councilman Reid said I agree. I'll read them fully.

Larry wrapped his arms around Lylah and he totally eased down even in that room smelling the sluts. The two sluts did deserve the harshest punishment as far as he thought as well.

The pack Warriors watched Larry, even the neighboring Warriors did as well as he no longer looked on edge and wasn't growling.

Reid took Lylah's hand and bit her then used her pack link to read Millie. He took her wolf and dragged her along. They slipped into Millie's mind and read she and her wolf, then used the mate bond she still had.

In the mind of Angus, a regular pack member of another pack, they boosted his wolf as he had been hurt and in the infirmary.


After both guilty scheming bitch were read fully and deemed unwanted by Head Councilman Reid, each were deemed to be culled. If their true mates who were being picked up refused them, then the bitches were to be seriously dealt with.

They all believed the two sluts would be rejected but they had to give their true mates the opportunity to meet and scent them for themselves. Their wolves needed to scent them first.

Millie's true mate was being brought first as he was closer and needed healing before meeting Millie for himself.

Both males were regular ordinary pack males with no titles whatsoever. The bitches were scheming, thinking they could get titles they weren't strong enough or in anyway capable for. The punishment was harsh seeing as they were deliberately stirring up unmated wolves which was putting other pure and innocent females at risk of being mounted.

All because Lylah said it wasn't right and the bitches' true mates needed to see and scent them for themselves. Head Dr Brent smiled and he agreed. They would keep the two guilty bitches unconscious.

They found both Alphas Rafferty and Jenkins in Angie's exam room. Both were arguing. Lylah walked in after Head Councilman Reid scenting Angie as her scent was fully out and said she really reeks.

Head Councilman Reid took her hand and asked what do you think her punishment should be Lylah? She looked at him and said that's hard to say. She's got a blended scent with others besides her true mate, she's angry and spiteful and could harm her mate bond forever so uncaringly.

If she's planning on betraying her true mate then she needs some punishment. She needs serious watching because she could turn against her pack.

As a Luna, is she teaching the pack teens properly to wait for their true mates or is she teaching them to be like she was?

Rafferty growled at her, Jenkins said she's teaching the young to wait. She looked at the two and said that will need verification. Both snarled at her.

Larry quickly moved in the room and had Lylah behind him as he crossed his arms and glared at both in return. Head Councilman Reid smiled at that.

Reid said I did not read anything regarding her teaching the young teens. Lylah huffed and said then have her memories specifically read to see if she's being a proper Luna. Also who she was planning to betray her true mate with. If he's allied to their pack, then their peace treaty will be affected and it could cause a War.

Reid asked what if it's bad and the worst you can imagine? Lylah said oh lord, okay. If it's the worst, then seeing she is mated to her true mate and bonded, she needs to be put into a deep coma. Her true mate will still need his mate. The Luna's responsibility should then be split up and the Beta female takes lead roll. The staff females will still need direction from another strong female in lead.

The teaching of the pack females values need to be retaught properly. Reid said Alpha Jenkins still has a mate.

Lylah rolled her eyes and said then she can be more involved. But she'll need to be read as well to make sure she is up for the task.

Jenkins snarled and said my mate doesn't need to be read. Lylah rolled her eyes and said don't get me started old man. Look how your son turned out, crossing the lines and screwing females without using any protection or knowing the bitches were unprotected. They never listened to the rules laid down by you.

Both growled. Lylah said yeah I went there. Dr Brent chuckled walking in and said I would have thought your mate was tired Alpha Jenkins.

Lylah turned to the Doctor and said so an assessment is needed. He said yes, I agree as well. She nodded and said then I'd suggest a smaller lead roll so she isn't overworked. The staff females can do all the work with her overseeing them. I'd suggest the pack Doctor and his experienced staff be put in charge of the pack females for teaching them values and having them all medically assessed and well protected with all injections overlapping.

Dr Brent said then they need more experienced staff. Lylah said I'm all for that Dr Brent. The pack females need to be seriously watched to make sure they don't attempt anything.

She smiled and said you have elders here who are capable and can step up and go stay with the pack so they can assess the pack females too.

He smiled and said we do, you think it's needed? Lylah said yes, I do. If the worst situation possible happened and Angie never taught the teens values, then the pack females urgently need assessing.

If not the worst, I'd still suggest it seeing as Angie was blocking her mate bond, covering her scent and planning to betray her mate. The teen females could have watched her and started planning too.

Head Councilman Reid thought then said I agree. I'll have elders go assess the pack females. We don't need their pack females to get out of control as Angie was obsessed and not thinking of anyone except herself.

She said so cut her ties to her wolf. Make it impossible for her to block the mate bond to her true mate as well. Hopefully his wolf can seriously keep them under control but I have doubts.

Reid smiled as the Alphas both growled. He said I'll do it. Lylah smiled and said her true mate will be overly busy with the pack at times and not always able to read their true mate's mind to keep them under control. I would suggest Alpha Jenkins routinely orders Angie to uncover her scent and smells her to assess her as well.

Both Alphas grunted. She said you caused this current problem Alpha Jenkins when you talked to Angie and got her angry enough to plan her betrayal. He snapped back I don't like you right now Lylah.

She grunted and said whatever old man, you already wanted me to die before I was even born anyways. Already angry I wasn't removed before I was born and pissed I was found. So you go right on being angry and hating me. It was never my fault I was conceived in the first place and later born.

Rafferty snarled and finally said I refuse to ever acknowledge you're my daughter. She rolled her eyes and moved. She got in his face and said so be it asshole. He snarled and she said I request the Council Doctors scan their DNA records for any other possible children fathered by him seeing as Rafferty here smells like other females besides Angie.

She was joined by Head Councilman Reid and Dr Brent who said we'll do it. She asked they seal her file so the likes of them can never access her data seeing as she was never formally acknowledged. Both Rafferty and Jenkins' wolves snarled angrily in their heads.

Other Alphas currently in the infirmary hearing them ran to the room and looked inside to see who she was. Lylan made Rafferty back up as she said not rightfully acknowledging me as your first born daughter means absolutely nothing to my wolf and I.

Head Councilman Reid looked at the doorway then moved to growl in Rafferty's ear and said but I'm going to alert every Alpha that you did have a daughter with another female and denied to acknowledge her. You fool Rafferty as your eldest daughter is truly worthy, special and very unique unlike the two children that Angie delivered.

In comparrison, Lylah is way stronger, wiser and... Lylah shushed him and said he cares less. His biased mind is already made up. His wolf is absolutely pissed at his human.

Head Councilman Reid bore into Rafferty's mind and read his angry wolf. He said that is true as his wolf is snarling in his head.

She went to the bed and touched Angie and slipped into her unshielded mind. She and her wolf then read Angie and her angry wolf to assess them, even slipped down the mate bond into Rafferty's mind and read he and his angry wolf. She learned way too much, then stepped back and pulled away.

Alpha Jenkins asked what were you doing? Lylah calmed her wolf then looked at him. She said I was assessing to see if she was a danger to me. She stepped away from him as he growled what? She said congratulations Alpha Jenkins, you stirred up your son's true mate causing her to pull away from him as she decided to truly betray him.

He growled and yelled you're lying. She yelled over his growl and said I'm not the lying bitch here she is. She repeatedly had improper thoughts of other males and truly thinking of betraying him for years while her mate was away from the pack lands. You just stirred her up and she is now determined to cross the line now and cheat and betray her true mate.

Reid used the mate bond and read what Lylah did. He slipped back to Rafferty and said you read that too and why your so angry and taking it out on your innocent daughter. Rafferty winced as Reid pulled away from his mind.

Head Councilman Reid yelled shut up Jenkins, Lylah wasn't lying as I and Rafferty read that as well from Angie. She was hiding those improper thoughts from him for years.

Lylah said read it for yourself Alpha Jenkins, her mind is unshielded and it's right there unblocked now in her mind.

Larry pulled her back and had her backed up to the wall. She slipped into his mind and calmed he and his wolf completely down as he was shaking in anger. She sighed deeply and said it doesn't matter Larry. I needed to find out if she were a danger to me.

He eased and asked are you really okay Lylah? She hummed in his head and said I'm perfectly fine without being acknowledged. I absolutely don't need their acknowledgement as their blood. I know the truth of who my birth parents are and the connection doesn't need to go any further.

He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. She hugged him back and said I'm at peace, my wolf is too, but just angry at them all.

He asked why? She said for stirring it all up and trying to see it hurt my wolf and I when Rafferty was never going to accept or acknowledge me as his daughter.

Reid knocked Rafferty out cold as it all angered him as what Lylah said was the truth. He was sad too as it would have been nice if Rafferty had accepted her as she is truly special and worthy.

Alpha Jenkins slipped into Angie's mind and he started growling. Reid took her hand and she took Larry's as they exited the room. The pack Warriors slipped inside the exam room and closed the door.

Council Warriors moved and guarded the door as one entered seeing as Dr Brent was still inside.

Lylah said well that did not go as you planned, sorry Head Councilman Reid. Reid said it didn't go well and made me very angry and sad for you. She said don't be sad, I'm fine without being acknowledged. In my mind, this was all just to find out who my actual birth parents were.

My wolf and I are truly at peace knowing the truth. The pack is my family, the Warriors my big brothers as they watch over me. The pack Warriors smiled proudly.

Head Councilman Reid said this isn't over Lylah. I expect to keep in constant touch to see how you are doing. She smiled and said I'd like that Head Councilman. When I'm back home, come to visit too when your in the area. I know your always busy...

The Council Warriors stiffen as they scented a raunchy scent of a female being dragged into the infirmary. Head Councilman Reid quickly spun and growled.

Larry tossed her over his shoulder and he called the Warriors who followed as they raced for a doorway and exited the infirmary for their safety.

She said dining room Larry, I'm starved. He grunted back but did as she requested seeing as she wasn't fighting him. She was carried right up to the counter where she said please set me down. He sighed and did as asked, but wrapped his arms around her and kept her close.

Lylah smiled and said double meal please. The food smells so good. Larry grinned and said for all of us please and thanks. The staff looked at the six of them and said sure have a seat. Lylan said our thanks.

They moved as the Warriors looked for seats and motioned towards an empty table. Larry said lets not talk about what we scented. Lylah said agreed.

The Council Warriors in the room stiffened and one moved closer and asked where? Lylah said main infirmary, Head Councilman Reid and the Council Warriors are there and looking after that. He looked off and said gotcha, a female just brought in through the other entrance. Lylah said yes, she was female by her scent.

The other pack Warriors said she scented tainted and horrible, a true threat. Lylah said calm down, she's truly being dealt with immediately as a threat.


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