* 💜☆ Ella Mia ☆💜 *

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Ella Mia

Chasing A Title

Ella was the daughter of two Alphas. Her father who held his title and his true mate whose parents too who were the retired Alpha couple of their own pack.

Ella herself was very strong. Her much older brother Jacob was the next Alpha of their pack. She was fully and always protected by pack Warriors all her life but she never knew it or ever saw them.

All her life though, Ella since she wasn't titled herself had very little contact with her parents or brother even, since they were so busy. Her brother was years older and was always busy being trained into his position in one way or another.

She only being a very small part of their family, like in name only, was home schooled in their home while the others spent all their time at the pack house, ruling over the pack.

Later when being home school, she had a full time guardian who watched over her. Then when she finished all her schooling, she was shipped far away to the Academy overseas for more education.

Once she left, there was no change in the family's life whatsoever as how can they miss someone they rarely thought of or paid any attention to.

After she was born, she was raised by a nurse right from the very beginning, then had guardians who were with her that finished raising her as she had said the parents rarely had time for her.

She was never introduced to the pack, unlike her brother Jacob who went to school with the pack and never attended University nor the Academy.

She had been packed up, and her guardian was the only one that traveled with her overseas to the Academy there. She was not even visited by any of the uncaring family members before she was sent off.

She never once was outspoken or said how she felt about her parents or family, keeping all her emotions under wraps. They were all practically unknown strangers to her.

Technically she couldn't complain. She had a guardian, someone that taught her everything she needed to know school wise who looked after her carefully. But she had no connection whatsoever all her life with her brother nor parents.

It was almost like to her that she was unwanted as soon as she was born. She was sluffed off onto her nurse right away who she learned quickly that she had to be quiet for or she'd be yelled at.

She was raised very young to never disobey her nurse or she'd be punished. The nurse was very strict and not at all loving. The nurse was just doing her job that she was paid well for as it was just a job to her, there was no loving connection ever made between them.


Once she stepped through the front doors to the Academy, and placed into the hands of the staff there, her belongings were taken off and the guardian stepped back and basically handed her over, lock, stock and barrel for the Academy to deal with.

The guardian just left her there, not even hugging her goodbye. She was now all alone, except for her strong and wise wolf who has been with her since she was only weeks old. From the first time her nurse screamed in her face, very angry with her for crying.

Her wolf woke and soothed her and dealt with keeping her very quiet. It was also how she finished all her schooling by the time she was 15, with her wolf fully meshed with her.

Her wolf taught her more about being a she-wolf as her guardians had been very focused on just her plain old regular schooling, and 100% totally neglecting teaching her about anything in regards to their species.


Ella stayed at the overseas Academy for eight years, until she turned 23. She had never been contacted once by any of her so called birth family.

Chasing A Title ☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz