By chatchatding

657K 17K 10.7K

"Misfit...that's all she's ever known." //Seasons 1-4// //Alex Alvarez x OC// //1st person, sorry// at some p... More

Cast (Season One)
This is It ✰
Bobos and Mamitas ✰
No Mass ✰
A Snowman's Tale ✰
Strays ✰
The Death of Mrs. Resnick ✰
"Hold, Please" ✰
One Lie at a Time ✰
Viva Cuba ✰
Sex Talk ✰
Pride & Prejudice ✰
Hurricane Victor ✰
Quinces ✰
Season Two Cast
The Turn ✰
Schooled ✰
To Zir, With Love ✰
Roots ✰
Locked Down ✰
Work Hard, Play Hard ✰
Exclusive ✰
What Happened ✰
Storage Wars ✰
Citizen Lydia ✰
Not Yet ✰
Season Three Cast
The Funeral ✰
Outside ✰
Benefit with Friends ✰
Hermanos ✰
Nip It in the Bud ✰
One Valentine's Day at a Time ✰
The Man ✰
A Penny and a Nicole ✰
Drinking and Driving ✰
Ghosts ✰
❁ Season Four ❁
Checking Boxes ✰
Penny Pinching ✰
Boundaries/ One Halloween ✰
Supermoon ✰
So its officially cancelled
Double Date
Through the Years

Homecoming ✰

13.1K 392 185
By chatchatding

Aria's POV

Alex and I walked out of his room to show off his suit for the dance to Lydia and Penelope "Okay, eyes on me."

"How fly are my vintage threads for the dance?" He asked, slowly turning so the women could admire his out of choice

"Papito, you look so handsome in your abuelo's  outfit." Lydia smiled

"Who did you decide to go with?" Penelope asked

"This older girl, Emma. She's older." Alex smirked

"A little too old.." I mumbled, nudging him with my elbow

"Hm?" Penelope questioned, looking for more information

Alex kicked my shin, "Oh, Nothing." 

"Who'd you decide to go with?" Lydia asked me

"I don't need a man to go to a dance." I shrugged with a small smile

"Meaning she couldn't find a date." Alex added

"I'll kill you, I swear." I snapped, using my hand to mess up his gelled back hair

He swatted my hands away and we glared at each other.

"She's only older by two months." Elena added an answer to Penelope's previous questions

"Okay. Well, she had an epic big ask." Alex smiled, proud of himself

"It is not polite to talk about your girlfriend's fundillo, no matter how big it is." Lydia scolded, making me laugh

"No, Abuelita. Big ask. It's the way kids invite each other to dances now." Alex cleared up

"It's a whole obnoxious performance. I am so glad Syd is homeschooled and not into this stuff." Elena sighed

There was a knock on the door and Penelope opened it to reveal Syd, "Oh, hey, Syd. What's happening?"

Syd raced over and pulled out a chair for Elena to sit in.

"I don't know, but I think Syd is wearing their grandpa's outfit too." Alex joked

Syd started dancing and singing lyrics to a song they wrote, making Lydia groan, "Do we have to watch the rest of this? That is a big ask."

Elena waved her off and we kept watching, extremely confused. Alex and I looked at each other, trying not to laugh and watched the rest of the song.

Syd asked Elena to the dance and she said yes.

"What? But I thought you said" Alex started, about to scold the older girl

"Shut up!" Elena yelled

I went to follow Alex, but ran back to the kitchen to get my phone.

Before I could reach it, Lydia picked it up, and began to scroll through my notifications, "I thought you said no on asked you. Looks to me that three boys have."

"Alright, fine. A couple boys did ask me, but I really don't want to go with any of them." I admitted

"Why? Was there a certain boy with beautiful hair, eyes, face, and the name Alex that you wanted to go with." She teased

"What? No." I laughed, trying to hide any nerves that she may have spotted

"Yeah, sure. If you're not going with him, then at least dress to impress." She smiled, handing me back my phone


When it got later, Alex, Elena, Syd and I got ready for the dance before heading to the school gym for the dance.

I had decided to take Lydia's previous advice, and went shopping for a dress, deciding on a blush colored mini dress

"Whoa! School-schools are way bigger than home schools. I can't believe it had its own ballroom." Syd laughed, looking around the set up of the dance

"This is a gym." Alex told her

"What? I'm gonna hit the restroom. I cannot wait to meet all of your friends." Syd squealed to Elena, before running off

"All of your friends?" Alex asked, turning to look at the older teen

"Yeah, so, um.... Syd kinda thinks I'm really popular." Elena sighed

"Wow! Love really is blind." Alex said amazed, "Why would Syd think you're popular? You're only friends with the teachers."

"And the principal." She tried to defend

"Yeah, that's much better." I sarcastically added, as I watched more teens begin to fill up the gym

"I just...I Maybe didn't correct some false assumptions. Syd knows I'm president of a lot of clubs and it's not my fault people hate powerful women. The same thing happened to Hillary." Elena sighed

"You can't say that about everything." Alex said

"So how are you gonna pull this off?" I asked, focusing my attention back onto them

"With this. I can skim Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and find a few facts about these ding-dongs to make it seem like we're friends." She decided, showing us the screen of her phone

"I'm gonna talk to my actual friends, but I'm gonna leave you with this thought. Maybe you're the ding dong." Alex suggested, dragging me off

I quickly shooed off Alex's grip, wanting to go check my makeup in the bathroom, before we took any pictures.

I opened the door of the bathroom, catching the wind of a conversation Alex's date, Emma, was having with some other popular girls.

"This is going perfect. Travis is so jealous. Who knew that using Alex to make Travis jealous would be so easy." She whispered to her little group around the sink

"You did what?" I spoke up, interrupting their conversation.

"Um, who are you?" She asked, laughing with the others

"I'm the best friend of the boy you're using." I answered, crossing my arms

"Okay, well, this conversation is none of your business." She said

"If you're talking bad about my best friend it automatically becomes my business, bitch." I said

"What did you say?" She asked shoving me

"You know, you're head must be so far up your ass, because everything coming out of your mouth is bullshit. You're little trick is keeping you from being with the coolest guys ever, and that sucks for you." I snapped, before walking away from their little bitch session

"Whatever, loser." I heard her mumble underneath her breath, as she turned back to look at her reflection

I immediately turned around, swung my fist, instantly connecting with her cheek bone, "Say it again. I dare you."

She stayed silent, as I slammed open the door, "That's what I thought."


A few minutes later, I stood with Alex by the snacks, after telling him what happened. He held ice to my hand that I used to punch Emma, as I tried to comfort him.

Emma walked by arm-in-arm with Travis, and Alex instantly frowned. I held Alex's hand with my hand that he wasn't holding ice to, "She has some nerve coming back in here."

"Papito, What happened to your date?" Penelope asked, walking up to both of us

"Did you find out she was an undercover cop here on assignment?" Max asked, making neither Alex and I laugh

"Turns out she's was just using me to make stupid Travis Aarons jealous." Alex admitted with a frown

"Oh, not with my son." Penelope snapped, ready to storm off after the girl

"Whoa!" Max said, stopping her from doing something she'd regret

"It's okay, Mom. Aria already punched smirked." Alex laughed, holding up my bruised hand as he smiled at me

"Nice." Penelope cheered, quietly high fiving my free hand

"Dude, you are not looking at this the right way. A ninth grade girl, who I swear was on the bachelor last season... just used you to make another guy jealous. And it worked. You gotta be pretty cool for that to happen." Max said

"You think?" Alex asked, his curiosity suddenly peaked

"Are you kidding? And now you got that sad puppy dog thing going for you. Girls eat that up." Max continued

"Hey! That's true, though." Penelope agreed with a nod of her head

"So, get back on the dance floor and show the ladies what you got." Max encouraged

"Please. They already know. Plus, there's someone else I'd rather dance with." Alex smiled, offering his hand to me as he set down the bag of ice

"Me?" I asked

"Wanna dance?" He questioned, hopeful I'd agree

"Hell, yeah." I laughed, making Max and Penelope laugh as we walked to the dance floor

"Thank you for standing up for me." Alex smiled

"I'd do anything for you." I teased

"As would I for you, plus it was pretty badass." He laughed, looking at the large group of dancing kids

"Come on, this is my jam." I smiled, pulling him further to the dance floor as music began to play.


Sorry it took long to update, I had a friend stay over for five days because her parents were out of town, so I had no time to update. I always love to hear your thoughts on these stories so please comment.

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