Pride & Prejudice ✰

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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV

"Aria! Elena finally came out to Penelope!" I heard Schneider shout from the living room, while I slept.

"What? Okay, Cool! Leave me alone!" I yelled back before going to sleep again.

Refusing to let me sleep in piece, Schneider rushed in making me hurry to get dressed, rambling about how he had read an email that Alex had made the traveling team.

Without even letting me put on my shoes, Schneider dragged me out of the door sprinting his way to the Alvarez front door.

"I made the travel team!" Schneider yelled busting into the Alvarez apartment

"Him. He made the traveling team." Schneider corrected, pointing at Alex as I nodded in agreement

"I'm so proud of you brace face." I said, embracing him in a tight hug

"Thanks." He smiled

Penelope cheered and embrace him in a tight hugged just as I had done a moment beforehand.

"Oh, man. All those practices I took you to finally paid off. I did it! Him. He did it." Schneider cheered

"I'm so pumped. Travel team is the first step toward the big leagues. Mom, when I get there, I'm buying you a house." Alex smiled

"So sweet, honey." Penelope said

"But it won't be near my mansion. No one wants their mom around when they're dating models." Alex said

I cleared my throat loudly, quickly gaining the boy's attention.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'll get you a date with Chris Hemsworth." Alex said

"Finally, being your best friend paid off." I joked, a smile apparent on my face

"Congratulations, Papito! That's great news!" Penelope said as Alex dragged me out the door.

After plenty of begging from Alex, I decided to ride with Schneider and Alex to his first travel game. We had just checked into the lobby of the hotel the team would be staying at, and Schneider was calling Penelope to let them know we'd arrived.

A couple hours later, I was hanging out by the pool in peace when Schneider came running out.

"The boys locked me out of the room." He sighed

I sipped from my drink and tipped my sunglasses to get a better look at the man standing in front of me.

"This is my problem, why?" I asked

"Because I paid for all of this, and I can stop it." He groaned, begging for my help to diffuse the situation

"Alright, I'll help." I said putting on my large sweatshirt to cover myself up.

"Onward." Schneider said, pointing forward and walking.

"Hey, parents. I don't want alarm you, but the kids may already be dead." Schneider called, approaching the tables of the team parents

"Wow, way to be dramatic." I joked, flipping my hair

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ron, one of the dads, asked.

"I got locked out of the room and they're up there playing on the beds." Schneider said

"Don't worry. They boys are fine." Nikki laughed

"It's the magic of hotel rooms. All they want to do is hang out in there." Ron agreed

"Yeah, they get excited by tiny soaps and sewing kits." Nikki said

"Tiny soaps? Where?" I asked excitedly running off.


We came back from Alex's game early because Alex and the boys got in trouble at the hotel

"Hi, Mom." Alex greeted with a small sigh

"Hi. Wait. It's 11:00. You're supposed to be in San Diego. What happened?" Penelope asked, confused by our early return

"Okay, first of all, I wanna point out that Alex is 100% Okay. So there absolutely no need to panic." Schneider said

"What happened?" Lydia asked, frantically

"Nothing." Alex assured her

"Nothing? The boys stole two maid's carts and were racing them down the hallway!" Schneider snapped

"And I won! Not the point. I get it." Alex said, noticing the looks on the adult's faces

"Fortunately, security found me before anything else happened." Schneider said

"Found you? You weren't with him?" Penelope asked

"Maybe, don't be so harsh on him. He really tried." I said, taking me place next to Schneider

She glared at me, upset that I had intruded on their conversation.

"I'm serious." I said, standing my ground.

"Get the water boards." Lydia said

"Wait, I don't understand. If he's okay, why didn't you just call?" She asked

"Because there's, like, a zero percent chance you would believe Alex was alright unless he was standing right in front of you. You guys, I'm so sorry. I mean, a maid's cart? More like death wagon. Tiny soaps you can choke on. Shower caps that can fly off into your face and suffocate you. Anyway, now your going to yell at me and say I'm a bad guardian and that I'm never allowed near your family again." Schneider said

"Aw. I got in your head." Penelope said, hugging him

"What?" Schneider asked

"I made you as overprotective and crazy as I am. And you're an amazing guardian, never doubt that. You proved I can trust you." Penelope continued

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah, you're Cuban now." She said

"God, I feel so much better. And that is the last time I listen to a bunch of gringo parents." He said, making everyone laugh


I know this is a quick chapter, but I felt like I should update!! I hope you are enjoying this story so far!!! No outfit today, sorry!!! You can pick whatever you want!

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