Wrong Number | Jack Avery ✓ ;...

By isesaki

36.1K 871 197

In which a celebrity accidentally dials the wrong number. "Maybe noodles can be our always." Talk Series: Boo... More

Talk Series
♡ very important ♡
self promo
"Get your fucks straight."
"Eight letters."
"I said Zac."
"Hey Zac."
"I like Mary Jane more."
"How'd you get my--"
"Please let me ex--"
"I hate noodles."
"Save it, Jack."
"You have reached.."
"...my phone."
"You have reached Veronica Gertrude, ya' Hijo De Puta."
"I'm helping you unfuck it up."


1.1K 31 9
By isesaki

THE BRUNETTE girl sat there, inside the grill she worked part time at, waiting for this Jack character. Her shift had ended an hour ago.

She changed her entire outfit for this meet up. Her hair was out of its normal bun and/or ponytail. From the normal skirt and blouse, she had opted for black high waist jeans a white croptop, and her feet were adorned by white Nike Airs.

She sighed as she put her head in her hands, Maybe he is a serial killer.

She couldn't believe the fact that she was starting to like a serial killer.

Oh the things he'd to to me-- what the fuck? No. No. No. No.

She groaned out loud, ignoring the stares of the customers seated on the table opposite hers.

She checked her phone once again, but there was absolutely no call or message from Jack.

2pm sharp turned into four o'clock. Until she finally decided to leave.

As she made her way outside the grill, she heard her phone ring.

Thinking it was Jack, she had answered it immediately.

"Noodles? Where are you?"

She heard someone clearing their throat on the other end.

"Who is this noodles you speak of, Ms. Trivianni?"

Oh no.

Its her client!

"It's nobody, Ma'am."

"Right. Well, I just called in to tell you that you have a meeting with me and the others today, 5 pm sharp, at the conference room of Four Seasons Hotel."

"Okay Ma'am, thank you!"

"I'm looking forward to seeing you, Miss Trivianni."

"You too, Ma'am."

Guess she was going to Four Seasons.


If there was one thing she loved to do, that was driving around town on her favorite motorcycle.

She called it Yonky. It was a white Harley Davidson, the newest model.

As she felt the cold breeze pass through her tightly knotted hair, she smiled.

This relieved her frustration from Jack.

She was meant to have a meeting with her new clients today, but she still made time for him.

Well, screw him and his pretty voice that lulled her to sleep.

His deep yet beautiful voice on the phone made her want to scream for joy whenever she heard it. But she couldn't. Why? Well, wouldn't want to embarrass herself in front of her crush.

Who would want that?

Not her, obviously.

"Welcome, Ma'am." 

She smiled at the bellboy and gave him her helmet and keys.

"Knock yourself out." She winked.

He smiled giddily, "Thank you Ma'am!"

She made her way to the conference room- which, according to her client, was at the very top of the building, the tenth floor.

As she waited inside the elevator, she plugged in her earphones and streamed on spotify. It was on shuffle, and it played another song by the boy band, Why Don't We.

Nobody Gotta Know..

It was a bop, and she knew that.

Once on the sixth floor, the elevator stopped as a curly haired boy barreled in.

It was the same boy she had seen in McDonald's.

What are the chances, huh?

She scanned his outfit.

Wow. A guy who makes an effort in his clothing-- like Daniel. She thought.

Oh wait. I dislike Daniel at the moment. She scowled.

She wasn't gonna let him off track that easy. Especially now that Jack stood her up.

The boy beside her looked stressed.

She wasn't. Just anxious as to what her clients would ask her to do.

Once on the tenth floor, she made her way out, as did the boy.

The boy glanced at her but it was too late. All he saw was the back of her head.

He was too preoccupied by his thoughts to notice her earlier.

The brunette girl had other plans than to just go to this meeting.

Well, duh. She had to pee.

She made her way to the restroom both for boy and girl.

As she knocked to see if it was occupied, someone she knew poked his head out.

He breathed out, "Champagne."

She looked at him with a questioning glare, "Zach? What are you--"

He got out of the restroom.

"I'm here with my--uhh friends. Wait! Jack's gonna be here, you wanna meet him?"

Her brain suddenly clicked.

Maybe, just maybe she could fool Jack into believing she was not Champagne as pay back!

The meeting can wait.

"Okay, let's go see your friends." She grinned.

As they walked, she halted to a stop, making Zach look back at her.

"On one condition."


"You pretend that I'm not Champagne. Just a... random girl. Okay?"

Zach nodded, looking at her skeptically, "Okay."

"They're in here."

As the brunette girl opened the doors, they made a screeching sound that echoed throughout the room.

Everyone looked at her.

She ignored the stares as she looked around the room.

It was not what she had expected.

She thought---

There sat, a group of four boys, that was soon joined by Zach.

She froze as she glanced at the blonde woman that was her client for the day.

Were.. were Zach and the others her clients?

Oh. My. Gosh!

"Trivianni." She spoke, confidence oozing out of her voice, even if she was trembling in anxiety.

She was in the same room as Jack! And she didn't even know which one of them is him.

The blonde woman in the blazer and complete office attire smiled, stood up and reached her hand out.

"Emilia Gratitudine-Wilks. Their newly appointed manager."

The girl shook her hand.

"May I sit?"

"Oh, please do." She took a seat parallel to the boys.

Zach kept his gaze on her.

She looked anywhere but their direction.

"What's this project about? My agent called me about this ages ago, but didn't actually provide any details." She spoke, professionalism overflowing her demeanor.

Emilia smiled and handed her a white envelope that she had assumed was the contract.

"You're working with them." She motioned to the boys.

The brunette girl forced herself to look at them. And when she did, all five pairs of eyes were looking at her.

The gaze of the curly haired one most especially.

Zach looked at her with a questioning glance.

She shook it off.

"And who exactly are they?" She raised her eyebrows at the woman.

Yes. This is my chance to know who Jack is. She thought.

She heard collective gasps across the room.

Was there something she did not know?

"Boys, if you may, please introduce yourselves." Mrs. Wilks said.

They all stood up, looking at the brunette.

"Hey, I'm Zach Herron." Zach smiled at her, she nodded, looking at the next.

He was a tall brunette with a german look going on for him.

"I'm Jonah Marais."  He smiled.

The next was a blonde with sea green eyes.

"Corbyn Besson." He gave her a warm smile.

She smiled back.

"I'm Daniel Seavey." Another brunette smiled, showing his adorable tooth gap.

Wait. That's Daniel?! That little-- oh wait so if that's Daniel then---

"I'm Jack Avery." The curly haired one gave her a heart melting smile that made her want to squeal so loud.

The curly haired boy that she had been crossing paths with was Jack?!

Who would have thought?

She held back a giddy grin as she nodded at them.

"And we're Why Don't We!"

Wait what the flipping pancakes?!

So Jack is part of that amazing boyband?! Urgh I don't like them at the moment. I don't like Zach anymore. He kept something from me-- but then again... Yeah, I'm keeping Zach. She had a very heated conversation with herself.

She shook the thoughts away, waiting for the blonde to introduce her.

"Boys, this is Whiskey Diana Moët Trivianni, one of the most sought-after models today. She'll be the model for your new music video."

Zach looked shocked.

"You're the Moët Trivianni?" He said, gaping at me.

I nodded with a grin, "Call me Moët."

"I-I can't believe it.." He stuttered to himself.

Daniel looked at Zach, "Bro, you look pale."

"Oh no, I-I'm just uh---" His own words were cut off when he felk back to his conference chair, fainting.

"Oh my goodness! I am so so sorry!" Her cool was automatically lost when the boy blacked out.

She ran towards him and put her palms on his head, "Oh holy shizballs. He's out cold."

"Shizballs?" She heard Jack mumble.

She ignored the butterflies his voice had caused.

"Someone call a nurse please!" She said, alerting all the boys who were frozen in place.

One thing stuck on her mind after the complicated day.

He is definitely not a serial killer.

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Title says it all. Credits go to the rightful owners. Enjoy!