Sinister Payback (Larry Styli...

By StrongxLarry

330K 14K 10.2K

Being forced is one of the worst things ever. [WARNINGS: Physical abuse, mentioned rape, foul language] All R... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

9.9K 452 394
By StrongxLarry

"Honestly, it's been three fucking days already! Why isn't it dying?"

"I have no idea, Louis. Just relax, nothing will happen."

"The hell 'nothing will happen'! It's not even like he's somebody important anyway!"

That stung hard.

Louis and Zayn were discussing the fact that the news about Harry being missing was still out for people to see, even after three whole days of it being aired. It was really frustrating to see someone so ordinary get attention like this, at least to Louis. It's not like Harry had any friends or relatives to worry about him in the first place.

Harry, currently, was cleaning up the kitchen. The loud voices of the other two lads were clear as crystal to him when suddenly he heard him not being important. Harry always knew he wasn't important, but he didn't want people to remind him about this. Hearing his master's blunt words burnt his heart. No matter how much he tells himself about his worth, hearing it from someone else's mouth always ignites a painful fire inside.

Harry bit his upper lip to bear the pain and continued rubbing the wash cloth over the counter. He could still hear Zayn and his master speak and no matter how hard he tried to ignore them, he just couldn't.

"Louis, seriously? I mean I know he's not the son of the queen but still have some respect for the boy." Zayn tutted.

"Yeah, right." Louis snorted, rolling his eyes.

Zayn sighed. "When are you going to let it go?"

"Let it go?! My life ended that day, Zayn! How the fuck do you expect me to just let it go?!"

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry about that-"

"I don't need your sorrow." Louis' voice was laced with poison.

"Louis, please. He wasn't even there." Zayn knew raising your voice in front of Louis had only bad outcomes, thus he kept his voice nothing higher than normal.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Zayn raised his eye brow at Louis. He found it hard to believe that such a brilliant and clever person like Louis could ever keep his mind so closed to reality like this.

Harry couldn't hear anything in return so being curious he leaned towards to door, knowing he shouldn't. He hung the cloth on it's place, on the hook beside the door and peaked a bit, knowing he was crossing his limit. He saw Louis and Zayn sitting on the couch with Zayn's back facing him and Louis sitting right beside. Meaning if Louis turned his face a bit more to the left he could see Harry. The fear caused him to hide himself back.

"Louis, you- serious-seriously? Like... are you being for real here?" Zayn's eye brow still raised.


"The kid wasn't there. He wasn't there when it happened. He has no clue what happened, when it happened, by whom it happened. He's as clueless as a new born baby here and you- you're blaming everything on him."

Louis stayed quiet for a few seconds before he spoke in a small voice. "I'm not blaming everything on him."

"Yes. Yes, you are. You're seriously thinking he has everything to do with what happened. It happened seven years ago. What is he? Seventeen? He was ten, Louis. Ten."

Louis remained quiet. The silence had Harry's curiosity grow so he peeked again. When Louis remained silent, Zayn spoke up again.

"What can a ten year old do? And haven't you heard? He lived with his grandfather only. He might not even know of his dad."

The mentioning of Harry's dad had Harry gasp which he instantly regretted. Louis, having a sharp sense of hearing, swiftly turned his face towards the origin and saw Harry before he could hide.

"What the damn hell you think you're doing exactly, huh?!"

Louis' sudden outburst had Zayn look at the direction as well and he murmured, "Shit."

Harry's face turned white, he stood there cold feet. Avoiding his master's anger was what he had been doing the past few days perfectly, but of course he had to push his luck. Curiosity did kill the cat.

"Come over here, right now!" Louis ordered and Harry was hesitant but he knew very well he couldn't hide now. He wished he could disappear right away. Become invisible. Frankly, he wouldn't actually mind it if the earth erupted and engulfed him there and then.

He took small steps forward, stalling as much time as he could but at the same time not keeping his master waiting for too long. Zayn rubbed his forehead, mentally preparing himself for defending Harry from whatever Louis might do.

When Harry finally stood in front of the two, his head bowed down, fingers intertwined together, biting his lip.

"Eavesdropping, now are we? Who the fuck you think you are to do that here, huh?!"

"Louis." Zayn tried to warn him.

"Shut up, Zayn!" Louis turned back to Harry. "Why the damn hell would you think it's okay? You wanna sit here next time? How about you just leave every single work you have and sit right here, in between us, to listen to every fucking word we speak? How about that, you brat?!"

The name had Harry wince. Zayn noticed the tear piling inside Harry eyes and tried to warn Louis again. "Louis, let it go."

"I'm not gonna let it go, Zayn! He needs to learn his limitations! If I haven't laid a hand on him the past days doesn't mean I can't anymore!"

Harry's eyes went wide at the mention of that. He honestly didn't want that, anything but that. "I'm s-sorry. I wasn't-"

"Where did you learn to lie? Your fucking dad?" Louis spat. That was a sword right through Harry's heart and a tear, that he was trying so hard to control, dropped.

"Louis!" Zayn frowned his eyebrows, anger shadowing over him. But of course, Louis wasn't going to be phased by that.

"N-n-no. N-no, he... he- I-"

"Shut up!" Louis stood up, having Harry involuntarily take a step back. "Just so you were let a bit privilege you think it's alright to listen to people's conversations. I should've kept you under my feet, where you fucking belong, you-"

"Don't become Joseph!" Zayn stood up immediately as he saw Louis pointing his index finger at Harry, approaching him.

Louis immediately froze on his spot. His hand remained in the air as all the anger flooded out of his eyes and he was blankly staring at Harry's face, who had clenched his eyes shut and lips bitten so harshly that blood would start flowing out any second.

When Harry sensed nothing had happened, he steadily opened one of his eyes and peeked to see Louis blankly staring at him with his mouth agape. That didn't lessen any of the fear Harry possessed and he was still trembling.

Louis lowered his hand down and saw Harry's fear-stricken eyes. Flashbacks ran through his own, his screams went through his ears, and images he wished he could forget popped in front of eyes. He quickly blinked and shook his head, trying to bring himself back to reality, to the present.

He looked up to meet Harry's tear-filled green eyes and his face softened, his brows frowned as his breaths became deeper. He took in Harry's figure and blinked again because it reminded him so much. So damn much that was not good for his health.

"Sorry." Louis whispered, so low that no one even heard, making his way up the stairs as fast as he could.

"Don't ever do that again. Were you out of your mind?" Zayn scolded Harry. "He could've done something to you, would you've loved that?"

"No. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was- I wasn't- I-"

"Save it. Now go to your room. Avoid Louis for now. I'll go see him."

"I'm sorry." Harry's tears flew down.

"It's alright. At least for now. Go to room, alright?"

Harry nodded and wiped his tears away. Zayn patted his back and sent him straight away. He then made his way to Louis' room. He knocked before entering, just to warn Louis about his presence on the other side of the door. He saw Louis sat on the bed with his legs laid straight and his back rested on the headboard as he stared forward. Zayn sighed and closed the door behind him. He came forward and sat beside Louis, mirroring his position.

"I'm sorry I mentioned him."

Louis didn't say anything.

"I just had to. I had no idea what you might do to Harry and I just feared it would be as bad as before and... I didn't want that. I just... Louis, you listening?"

Louis blinked, still gazing ahead, and that showed Zayn that he wasn't completely out of the world.

"Look man, I know I shouldn't have. And I'm really sorry. I explained to Harry that he shouldn't do such a thing again, alright? He listens to me, he won't repeat it. You can count on it."

Louis stayed silent and Zayn sighed after getting no response. Zayn looked at his lap, thinking of a way of getting Louis to speak.

"You shouldn't have mentioned his name." Louis murmured, making Zayn snap his head to him, seeing he was still out in his gaze.

"I know. I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't gonna make me feel lighter, now is it?" Louis' voice remained monotone.

"I... I know." Zayn was really ashamed of making his friend go through that. He really didn't mean anything like that to happen, it just happened. "You know if I could change the past, I would. It kills me to see you like this."

"So would I."

Both friends stayed quiet, just sat there in each other's presence. Louis hadn't ever mentioned it but Zayn's presence always was soothing to him. Just sitting here with Zayn was calming him down, even though he wasn't raged in anyway but he was feeling a pang on his heart. It always unburdened him. But he had never said anything about it.

"I'm sorry I always seem to be defending Harry in front of you. It's just that the kid is so helpless, so vulnerable in front of you, I can't seem to help it."

Louis just sighed. After a moment of silence, Zayn talked again.

"He's as innocent here as you were there, Louis. Think about it, please. You're gonna be making another one of you if you continue the torture."

Louis' grip on his thigh tightened and he exhaled deeply, lips pressed together firmly and eyes shut. He still didn't say anything. After a total five to six minutes, he finally did.

"I'll go see him later. Apo-apolo... apologize to him."

Zayn stared at his mate in shock. Louis had never said anything like this in a long while and now hearing that he will apologize, on his own might he add, was definitely shocking. But nevertheless, he felt relieved.


Louis nodded lightly, still not meeting Zayn's eyes. "Yeah."

"I'm... I'm really proud of you, Lou. You... you have no idea."

Louis looked into Zayn's caramel eyes and he really saw a spark in there. He actually saw a sense of pride ignite in there that he hasn't seen in a long time.

"He's... he's in his room. I sent him there." Zayn informed Louis who nodded and stood up. "What? Now?"

"Yeah. Now." He ran his hand over his face and walked to the door. Zayn quickly stood up and rushed to catch up with Louis, who was now outside the room.

"I don't need to stand outside, do I? For Harry?"

"No. Trust me." Louis smiled reassuringly at Zayn who hesitated but gave in and nodded.

"Alright. Don't do anything. I better not hear him cry." Zayn warned Louis as they made their way to Harry's room.

"Don't worry about it." Louis reached the door, holding the handle. "Can I be um... alone with him?"

Zayn sighed. "Okay but remember to control yourself. If you get angry, take it out on a pillow or something. Not Harry. And um... do you think you should, I don't know, ask Harry about what he knows about his father?"

Louis looked at Zayn, Zayn could see Louis fearing the topic. Louis nodded nonetheless and Zayn hesitantly walked away, knowing it would be really hard for Louis to talk about him, specially to Harry. Louis took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. That gave Harry enough time to sit up from his laying position and once he saw Louis, he was sure his death was calling him. He wanted to scream for Zayn to come but he knew it would be a bad idea. So he prepared himself for the worst.

Louis closed the door behind him, after seeing no one was out there and sighed deeply. He turned to face Harry who was now stood up, looking as terrified as ever.

"Sit down." Louis said, gesturing to the bed. Harry was cautious about what he was doing, but he still sat done. He couldn't disobey his master, now could he?

Once Harry was sat down, Louis approached him. He could see Harry was scared, he was literally shaking. His eyes were dilated, lip was being bitten, fingers scratching the other wrist. Louis did this to him, he caused Harry to stay highly alert around him.

"Listen... um Harry. Uh... I'm..." Louis ran a hand across his face before he mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Harry's eyes went wide, brows raised in shock. Hearing these two words from his master's mouth was the last thing he had ever expected. He was so struck that he didn't say anything, honestly he wasn't in his senses anymore. He was brought back to reality when he heard a chuckle.

"What? I can't apologize?" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"No! No! I- no, I didn't say that- I-"

"Easy there." Louis raised his hands. "Calm down. I'm not pissed anymore."

Harry quieted down and stared at Louis' feet. He saw those surprisingly small feet covered in black vans being statue before coming forward. Harry stiffened immediately. He closed his eyes as Louis came forward. Although, Harry didn't feel himself being touched, he did feel the bed on the side getting dipped.

Harry heard Louis sigh. "Can I ask you something?"

"Uh... Y-yes."

"Do you... anything about Jo-Joseph?"

Harry frowned his eyebrows, first time meeting Louis' eyes. Louis saw the confusion, and decided to elaborate. "Joseph S... Styles."

Harry's mouth went agape and his eyes became emotionless. He licked his lips and looked down on his lap, blinking his tears and a dark memory away. But of course, a simple blink wasn't going to help with that.

"How do you know about him?" Harry asked, his voice deeper than usual but as wary as ever.

"How do you know about him?" Louis fired back the question.

''He... he was my... um... my uncle.''



BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING! Every single one of you guys were thinking about harry's dad, no one ever thought there could be someone else. Trust me people, I might be obvious but i tend to shuffle up a story and bring up something unexpected :P And no, i didn't just make this up now, like i said before, everything is planned and all i have to do is write and update. I bet none of you know what is gonna happen. Comment thou about it and we'll see if you can prove me wrong, my lovelies!!!

ANYWAYYY so this JOSEPH character is new here and you will get to know a bit about him soon. I absoluetly FREAKING ADORED each and every one of your comments on the last chapter! They made me so happy! Its always great to hear your reviews AND assumptions :) Dedication to my lovely babyyy @LouAndI_Larry! Your comments always mean a lot :) I also love every other comment as well but i cant dedicate to all at once bc wattpad is a stupid meanie *grumpily pouts* lets see who gets the next dedi :) Thanks for +4K reads and +400 votes :)

Keep voting/commenting/supporting! Ily all xx

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