Becoming the Sheikhs Wife

By wraithprincess

292K 10.5K 665

Annabelle Grace Thompson 22 yrs old on the Run from an Ex Boyfriend lands in the City of Adadar Where she ca... More



14.1K 512 15
By wraithprincess

The car pulled into the Palace and around the back parked and the Driver opened Carters door , he slides out then comes around to my side opens the door and offers me his hand
I take and place my hand in his feeling the warmth in it and how small my hand is compared to his

Once out of the car I glanced around for my bag
" Where did my bag go "
" It's in the trunk " Carter said
" Oh "
" Ma'am here you go " the Driver said as he hands me the bag

" Thank you " I say back to him
" You are welcome "

" Cone on let me take you up the back way to Neeva " Carter said as he offered me his hand again
I hesitated for a second then took it

Carter led the way through the palace and up to The Private quarters which were the Top Three  Floors we took the elevator up and being in a small space with him was setting my hormones on fire

He's cologne was as sexy as he is and that's all I could smell being that I was almost pressed up against him do to the fact a Butler was in with us bringing a Cart up

The elevator stopped abruptly causing me to fall back into him
His hands grabbed my hips holding me still against him then they moved around to circle my waist
The elevator jerked again and moved up to the floor that the Butler and Cart were gettin off on

The doors closed and I was still being held tightly by Carter

" Carter , Sir you can let go of me " I say softly
" Maybe I don't want too Beautiful " He says huskily in my ear

I almost moaned out loud

His lips grazed my neck I shiver went through my body

" Cold Beautiful " He Asked I could hear some concern in his voice

"No sir " I replied

" Then Why did you shiver "

" Because...." the elevator door opens saving me from answering him

He let go of me then took my hand
" Come I will take you to Neeva" he says as we step out into the Hallway
There were several people looking at us  which normally wouldn't bother me but the look they were giving me was that of the look they give someone they are looking down at specially when they saw that Carter had my hand

I gently try to remove it from his hand , Carter stopped and looked at me and then my hand
" What's Wrong " He Asked
" I just want my hand " I said softly
" Why "
" Ugh Because they are staring at me and I see the thoughts they have " I say to him looking directly at him His facial expression goes from soft and caring to a hard set jaw
Carter turns his head to look at the people in the hallway then back at me

" If they all know what's best for them they will keep their opinions to themselves or they will lose their jobs , Belle we are doing nothing wrong I'm just taking you to see Neeva that's all  " he growls out

After that we continued on to Neeva's room when we got there Carter knocked then went in

"About time you got here" Neeva said with a laugh then looked at where Carter had his hand which was still holding mine

" So are you ready to eat, drink , eat again All while watching Movies " Neeva said

" Yes I am , My belly is about to growl soon " I said with a laugh

" Oh we can't have that your belly sounds like a bear when it growls a very pissed off one at that " Neeva Says with a laugh

I laughed at her " It does not it sounds very dainty" I said with a semi straight face

Carter let out a deep chuckle at us

"I can see now why the two of you get along so well both of you are delusional but in a good way" he said with a grin

Both Neeva and I stuck our tongues out at him

" With that I shall leave you two , Neeva when Belle  is  ready to go home  call me I will take her back home " Carter said as he walks to the door then out closing it as he went

" So what's up with that " Neeva Asked
" Nothing that I know off" I replied
" Hmmmm" she said

The evening started off with us eating then moved on to a Movie then food again then another movie and already through the third bottle of wine
It was now 12:30 Am we had eaten everything that was brought up so we decided to go and take the cart back to the kitchen and find more food or drink

We got down to the kitchen which typically the Royal family doesn't come in but Neeva has always loved to cook so she comes in a lot to help or create meals

" So what do you want " Neeva Asked
" Nothing I think the Wine has taken effect " I tell her as I reach for the water bottle she had put on the counter

" Well I want a grilled cheese sandwich and maybe some chips " she said

I sat down at the island and watched her cook well tired too my eyelids were getting heavy
I laid my head down on the island to rest as she cooked

Feeling like I was being lifted up I opened my eyes to see that I was in a pair of arms looking up to see that I was in the Sheikh's  arms

" Neeva how much did she have to drink " his deep voice asked
" Well we finished off three bottles of wine before we came down here to find food "
" You got her drunk "
" No , she got herself that way " Neeva replied then added " Just help me get her upstairs to bed "

Cade adjusted me in his arms then continued on down the hallway to the elevator
I could hear his heartbeat I snuggled into him and may have moaned when I took in a breath smelling his cologne and his natural sexy scent
Falling back to sleep

Oh god my head why does my head hurt , oh no  I think as I fling the covers off me and run to the bathroom leaning over the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach

As I am hands grab my hair out of my way I keep going for a while until I start to dry heave

" Neeva go grab crackers for her to settle her stomach and some tea "

I go still when I hear the voice
... Holy Shit.... The Fucking Sheikh is holding my hair .... Great Annabelle What way to get yourself fired get drunk and puke in front of your main boss

" Annabelle your not going to get fired so stop worrying , Now how do you feel are you able to stand " he's voice sounds so good to my ears

" I think I left it all in the toilet and I think I can stand " I say as I lean back on my legs

He lets go of my hair then offered me his hands
I take them he gentle pulls me up I wobble a little into him his hands let go of mine he wraps his arms around me holding me still
My cheek lands on his chest , My body molds into his as I stand there for a moment enjoying his arms around me

Pulling away from him
" I need a shower " I say
" Alright Annabelle you shower, Both Neeva and I will be waiting in her room for you "

He left the bathroom I stood there for second then stripped tossing my bra onto the counter then I started the water

Hearing the door creak open I thought it was Neeva but when I heard a gasp
I turned around to see Cade
His eyes were taking in the view his eyes had several emotions going across them
Quickly grabbing the towel off the rack I wrapped it around me

" What do you want " I asked with a shaky voice

" Who did that to you " he growls

" Did What " I asked trying to deflect the question

He stalks over to me pulling the towel off me turns me around so that my back is in the mirror

" Tell me who left those scars on your back Tell Me" He growls

" It's none of your business so get out of the bathroom " I tell him

" No Tell me "

" Look it's not something I want to talk about so if you don't mind I need a shower so go " I tell him as I turn away from him and get into the shower

I dunked my head under the water then turned around letting the water run down my back
Why did he have to come back in , why did he have to see them those ugly scars those constant reminders of that Asshole Gavin , who is the reason I will never let a man near me
I can feel the tears coming I pinch the bridge of my nose to keep from crying but the sob escaped
Collapsing onto the shower floor letting all of it out

The water is cut off
Two arms pick me up off the floor then a towel is wrapped around me I'm shivering from the water it had turned cold when I don't know time seemed to have disappeared

" Oh My Little Kitten"


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