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We made up for the last few weeks over the next two days we didn't leave the dungeon except to eat and if we could have eaten in there we would have
We can shower and sleep in there since there is a huge bed that is just like the other beds

" I know this isn't the subject that any one of us wants to talk about but Where is Gavin" I asked?

" He's still hanging out in the prison for now Seems that since he falsified documents to fly here and also Attacked The Sheikh's Wife and Shot Cade the US doesn't want him back they basically said do what we want with him " Carter said

" Well Then What are we going to do with him"I asked

" Anything you want to do " Cade Asked as he pulled me into his lap

" Ha I could think of million things to do but I think what ever you three want to do is fine with me but also let Jack have a shot or two with him and oh twist his balls until they pop " I said with a grin

" Well lets change the subject to something much more happy , Annabelle the three of us have been talking about moving out to the Cottage so the twins can have plenty of space to run around and we would only come into the city when needed but I want our little ones to grow up like I did " Cadence said

"I think that would be fabulous Cade , I do want to tell you that with multiples they are sometimes born early any where from 32 weeks and beyond so we need to have the room ready for them in both places , I want to stay here until I deliver them since the nearest hospital is almost an hour away " I say

" That is fine with us" they all say at the same Time

Finally pulling ourselves out of the dungeon so that Cade go back to work even though I have been enjoying him home more often
I know he has his duties to the country

The weeks went by some slowly some fast
Carter and I have been documenting the size of my baby bump each month to put in a baby book for the twins
I'm at 30 Weeks along but measuring at 32 Weeks
We haven't announced the impending birth to the country because Cadence wants to keep it private as much as possible I'm fine with it since I don't leave the Palace I was put on complete bedrest at 28 Weeks I passed out again in the shower I'm not allowed to take showers by myself anymore until I deliver which is rather fun

Feeling like my body couldn't stretch any more the twins are more active when they hear their daddies voices each night One of them reads them a story about their childhood or a story that is passed down from generations to generation

I love laying there listening to them most of the time they tell these stories when they think I'm asleep but with two acrobatics in my belly it's kinda hard to sleep at times

It was almost dinner time and Cadence, Carter or Jayson were home yet I checked my phone to see if they had texted to tell me if They were going to be late

No text , so I sent a text to Neeva to get her to come up so I could have someone to talk too

She responded with she will be right up

A few minutes later she came into the room

" How's my little ones doing "

" Their Fine Mama not so much I need to pee "

" Alright come on " She said as she helped me roll to the edge of the bed and helped me stand up

Once standing up she helped me walk to the bathroom

Using it then standing up I felt a gush and look down to see a puddle of fluid

"Uh Neeva I think my water just broke "

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