Chasing A Title ☆

By bclindalu

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Werewolf Story Ideas More

💖♡ Tarena Joyce ♡💖
♥️❣️ Devorah Cadence ❣️♥️
** 💙♡ Lylah Meridian ♡💙 **
** ✧ Maxwell Piper ✧ **

* 💜☆ Ella Mia ☆💜 *

1.5K 25 6
By bclindalu

Ella Mia

Chasing A Title

Ella was the daughter of two Alphas. Her father who held his title and his true mate whose parents too who were the retired Alpha couple of their own pack.

Ella herself was very strong. Her much older brother Jacob was the next Alpha of their pack. She was fully and always protected by pack Warriors all her life but she never knew it or ever saw them.

All her life though, Ella since she wasn't titled herself had very little contact with her parents or brother even, since they were so busy. Her brother was years older and was always busy being trained into his position in one way or another.

She only being a very small part of their family, like in name only, was home schooled in their home while the others spent all their time at the pack house, ruling over the pack.

Later when being home school, she had a full time guardian who watched over her. Then when she finished all her schooling, she was shipped far away to the Academy overseas for more education.

Once she left, there was no change in the family's life whatsoever as how can they miss someone they rarely thought of or paid any attention to.

After she was born, she was raised by a nurse right from the very beginning, then had guardians who were with her that finished raising her as she had said the parents rarely had time for her.

She was never introduced to the pack, unlike her brother Jacob who went to school with the pack and never attended University nor the Academy.

She had been packed up, and her guardian was the only one that traveled with her overseas to the Academy there. She was not even visited by any of the uncaring family members before she was sent off.

She never once was outspoken or said how she felt about her parents or family, keeping all her emotions under wraps. They were all practically unknown strangers to her.

Technically she couldn't complain. She had a guardian, someone that taught her everything she needed to know school wise who looked after her carefully. But she had no connection whatsoever all her life with her brother nor parents.

It was almost like to her that she was unwanted as soon as she was born. She was sluffed off onto her nurse right away who she learned quickly that she had to be quiet for or she'd be yelled at.

She was raised very young to never disobey her nurse or she'd be punished. The nurse was very strict and not at all loving. The nurse was just doing her job that she was paid well for as it was just a job to her, there was no loving connection ever made between them.


Once she stepped through the front doors to the Academy, and placed into the hands of the staff there, her belongings were taken off and the guardian stepped back and basically handed her over, lock, stock and barrel for the Academy to deal with.

The guardian just left her there, not even hugging her goodbye. She was now all alone, except for her strong and wise wolf who has been with her since she was only weeks old. From the first time her nurse screamed in her face, very angry with her for crying.

Her wolf woke and soothed her and dealt with keeping her very quiet. It was also how she finished all her schooling by the time she was 15, with her wolf fully meshed with her.

Her wolf taught her more about being a she-wolf as her guardians had been very focused on just her plain old regular schooling, and 100% totally neglecting teaching her about anything in regards to their species.


Ella stayed at the overseas Academy for eight years, until she turned 23. She had never been contacted once by any of her so called birth family.

The Dean and staff were basically her family while there. The staff Doctor was the one that kept her well protected with all her shots updated regularly and overlapping.

So she had been very well insulated and protected all her life. At 23, she was very well educated on pretty much everything.

On her leaving the Academy, Ella hugged each of the staff members who saw her off. They were very teary eyed seeing her leave as she left a huge impression on them all with being there for so long.

She was collected by European Council Warriors and her few bags were stowed as she waved goodbye. She got in the back as told and sighed deeply.

A new chapter in her life was beginning, one that her wolf was very leery about as she wasn't ever contacted by her family which totally disgusted her wolf.

Her scent was 100% pulled under her shields and blocked, her essence was 99.999% drawn back and only a mere smidgen amount was let out to show others she was a she-wolf only. Not one of the Warriors could truly tell how strong she was.

Her multiple shields were titanium in strength and her mind could not be penetrated and read, even if her wolf and her were knocked out. She was indeed very, very strong.


On her arrival at the European Council, Ella was very wide eyed. Her wolf very alert for anything. Other students and staff at the Academy talked to her about what she will face beyond the front doors as she had never been to either Council Headquarters before.

The Council Warriors grunted at her, nudged her along as they said she was staying the night as her flight back home to the States was booked for mid-morning.

She politely thanked them for informing her. Those were the first words she had actually said to them. They had been very silent those two hours while delivering her to the Council.

With her head up she was escorted into the building, the Warriors all grunted as they quickly led her to the elevator as they mind linked together talking about her.

She was prepared but only verbally as she took in the scents that her wolf quickly assessed who had never really being faced with the scents smelled before.

Her face was blank, no emotions were shown as the Council Warriors quickly had her in the Council infirmary. A Doctor had already been alerted to her being brought down.

She took the gown, thanked the Warriors before the exam door was closed. She changed and was sitting very ready for her exam.

When the Doctor entered, Ella looked up. The Warriors huffed and once the door closed Ella let out a little of her scent and said no injection to knock me out please Dr Sandra.

Dr Sandra grunted and said alright, I need to take blood first, then have it tested while I examine you Ella.

Ella left her scent unblocked but drew most of it back in. Her blood was taken as Dr Sandra asked if she had ever been examined before? Ella said certainly Doctor, I've had regular full exams and all updated shots overlapping for the last 8 years at the Academy.

Her blood was passed onto another Doctor who checked her over before leaving the open doorway. Once the door was closed, Dr Sandra had her lay down.

Ella did everything requested as Dr Sandra fully examined her. Pictures were taken and once her blood work results came back as fine, Dr Sandra said you can change while I grab the drugs needed to inject you with.

Ella said thank you Dr Sandra. She quickly slipped off the exam table and was in the washroom when the exam room door opened. The Warriors looked in and grunted when not seeing her.

Dr Sandra grunted back and said I sent her go change. Ella stripped, shifted a half dozen times and then dressed pulling her scent all the way back in and blocked it from coming out.

Ella sat back down on the table when the Doctor came back in. The Warriors looked in, saw her and eased down. Dr Sandra grunted at the Warriors and closed the door.

Dr Sandra said damn Warriors were worried about you not being seen. Ella sighed and said guess they all take their protection detail to heart.

Dr Sandra grunted and said indeed Ella. She was then fully injected with all her updated shots. Birth control for 6 months, a shot to stop her heat should she find her true mate, two booster shots for her wolf as well as a scent blocker.

Once done, Dr Sandra said for a she-wolf Ella, I have to say you are in excellent condition. Ella thanked her and said I was well cared for at the Academy.

Dr Sandra said the Warriors will be taking you up to the dining room to eat before escorting you to your room you will be staying in. In the morning, they will take you to eat before heading with you to the airport.

Dr Sandra left before Ella got off the exam table. The Council Warriors entered and took her arms to escort her upstairs.

She peacefully walked from the room, her wolf scenting the others there, hearing talking to know what they were scenting.

They took her upstairs and walked her into the large dining room. The room was very full. A Warrior said it's between breaks for the Council hearings and why so many people are in here.

Ella hummed and said I see. He grunted back as she added nothing. Then she smiled, surprising them then said I guess they work long hours. Others watching raised brows hearing her speak.

He smiled back and said they do, it's the last break of the morning. They heard growls from females that the Warriors in the room looked for them in case they were threats to others.

Ella huffed and said interesting scents in here. Another Warrior asked not overpowering are they? She said no, just very different. He asked how different? She looked around the room while they stood in line and said a very wide range of a variety of scents.

He asked what do you scent? She said I smell the vast difference in areas as to where they come from, to the distinct scents coming from the different females in the room.

He grunted and asked you smell the females? She looked at him and asked do you not? He said they are all sprayed with scent blockers so their don't rile the others in the room.

She narrowed in and looked over the specific females who were looking at her, caught the glares with hate in their eyes. She grunted. The Warriors growled seeing the glares too.

Ella said those females that are glaring are the ones needing careful watching by Council Warriors. The Warrior stiffened seeing the threatening glares and asked you think so?

Ella said I know so. He grunted and asked what do you sense from them then that we don't? She said dangerous bitches for different reasons.

They stepped up to the counter and Ella smiled and said a full meal please and thank you. The staff female looked into her eyes and slowly smiled back as her wolf was eased. Ella leaned closer and said the food smells wonderful.

The staff female smiled wider and said I'll inform the others. Ella nodded and was moved back as the Warriors' food was ordered as well by one Warrior as the others watched the room trying to assess the females for what she had sensed.

As she was led over to a different part of the room where all Council Warriors sat and ate, she said I'd like if it can be arranged to sit and watch your Council hearings.

The Warriors all stiffened and the nearest asked why? She sat and said I'm very curious and would like to see how Council is run. I've been informed there is a vast difference between here in Europe in comparison to America. Of course I will be requesting the same when I enter the American Council Headquarters.

They all grinned and he said then of course we will see that you can. She smiled back and said thank you. I think I'll find it all very interesting.


In the Council chambers they arranged her seating and two Warriors stayed by her side, one sitting and the other standing to protect her as she was seated at the end of a small row of seats on the side of the room and up front.

She had blanked her face as they all stood when the Council entered the room. It looked like from the Council members' individual faces that it was just another day dealing with problem after problem.

They sat and Ella whispered are there cameras set up? He grunted and said no, why? She said so nothing is missed, from the faces of their reactions, to the body language of the ones being brought in.

He whispered but the Council sees all. Ella whispered calm down, they may be Council but they are also human and could miss things. Heads being turned as their attention is drawn away, to missing reactions on their faces and their body language.

He grunted back, then she asked if there were ever any experienced Warriors that shift into their wolf forms to take in scents? He huffed and said no, never, why?

She said because a wolf senses differently than when in human form. He stiffened and said then no, the Council don't think it's important enough or necessary. She nodded back then sat up straight as the first afternoon case was called.

The Warrior mind liked other Warriors in the room, which led to the Head Council Warrior to being informed regarding her questions. He stiffened, looked around then seeing her huffed.

He did though pull his wolf forward to assess the first group as his strong wolf was very intrigued to being pulled forward and used to scent them.

His wolf urged him to move forward and Mason did so. He circled the group, scenting them as his wolf was strong and was taught how to scent past things that covered scents.

Head Councilman Oscar mind linked his Head Warrior asking what he was doing? Mason said my wolf is very intrigued at scenting these ones. Oscar asked why? Mason said a question was raised and I pulled my wolf forward to scent.

Ella mumbled close to the Warrior's ear and asked did you see that reaction? He said no, I missed it. She said the two on the end nearest us, both stiffened when the Head Warrior moved too close and they froze when they heard him sniff them.

The Warrior grunted and said both females. She huffed and said yes, two of the ones that glared at me with hate in the dining room. Two of the ones I assessed as dangerous bitches.

He asked why do you assess them as dangerous? She whispered I can scent through pretty much everything. Their scents tell me they are covering up much. He grunted and asked what do you scent from them?

Ella stiffened as the Head Warrior growled. Head Councilman Oscar stood as his Head Warrior's wolf was read on what he was scenting.

Ella huffed and ignored the rules, stood and was soon followed by the two Warriors guarding as she approached the two females from behind. Head Councilman Oscar stalled growling and commenting as he watched her closely.

Ella's wolf was snarling in her head and saying dangerous bitches, need scent blockers removed so the Council can all smell the guilty and hashly punish them both.

She moved right up behind the first bitch. The Warriors grabbed the guilty bitch to restrain her as others grabbed the other bitch. Ella moved her lips near the bitch's ear and growled low, deep and deadly.

The guilty bitch froze and squealed in fright as her weak wolf fled, instantly crawling back into her hole. Ella used her wolf to slip into the female's mind and she used the wolf's senses to pull back all the blockers and sprays, soaps and perfumes used to cover her scent back inside her shields and blocked it there temporarily.

She moved to the next, not reading them and only used their wolf's to unblock scents. Once she smelled illegal drugs, she moved back to the bitch, snarled in each ear and slipped into their minds again and used her wolf to rid the two bitches of the illegal drugs from their systems smelled.

The Council all stood growling as they now smelled the changes in the females scents. She stepped back when done and went to sit back down as the dangerous bitches were now truly scented which angered the Council members.

Head Council Warrior Mason was ordered to bring the talented female to the table. Mason growled as his wolf was very angered as he never scented it all that was now coming out.

He went to Ella. She looked up and he held his hand out and said come with me. She stood, not taking his hand though and he snarled back then led her up front.

The two guilty bitches squealed as they were restrained by Council Warriors and deeply afraid now that they could be scented. Their wolves were buried deep hiding and refused to ease their disgusting guilty humans.

Ella walked up before Council, bowed deeply and stood up straight with her head held up high. Head Councilman Oscar moved and came around the table, he stood in front of her trying to scent her and asked who are you?

She blinked and said my name is Ella, I'm an American. I came here today as I'm being sent back home. He asked where were you, how long have you been in our Country as I've never heard of you before?

She said I was attending your Academy and have been here in your country many years. He asked what did you just do and how?

Ella said when I entered your dining room earlier, these two specific females and others glared at me with hate in their eyes. I do not know them and my wolf came forward and sensed them as dangerous bitches that you all as Council need to punish them harshly for.

As you can now scent them, they are dangerous. But let me say that these two stepped away from their pack members and re-covered their scents again as they did not, to my wolf senses, had been using so much to cover themselves with earlier.

He asked did you scent the illegal drugs? She grunted and said no, that was newly added between my leaving the dining room and them coming in here.

He looked into her eyes and said I see. Is that why you made comments to my Warrior guarding you? Ella frowned then said I spoke up before the case was called and they entered. I wanted to make sure the guilty dangerous bitches will be scented or sensed so they will be assessed correctly as they should be.

He nodded and said you may take your seat. Ella bowed and said just to add, I've been fully taught how to do many things while I've attended your awesome and impressive Academy.

She spun and was escorted back to her seat. Head Council Warrior Mason leaned down and whispered his thanks as they wouldn't have ever sensed or scented how dangerous they were. She replied softly you are very welcome Head Council Warrior Mason.

He moved back quickly as his wolf was very intrigued by this one American female. The Head Councilman was alerted by the Warriors watching her of all the faces noticed, showing their memories of the glaring with hate in their eyes females in the dining room she assessed and stated they were dangerous bitches.

The rest of the afternoon, after the guilty bitches' faces were seen and recognized, Head Councilman Oscar got up. He approached them, terrifying the guilty bitches as he did what Ella did earlier and exposed the other bitches' scents for all to smell.

At the end of the day, Ella stood and was escorted straight to her room. Later she was brought dinner then she went to bed.

She was woken in the morning and got ready, repacked her clothes and was taken to eat. She did not mind that they ate in a private dining room as the regular dining room was jammed packed. Once eating, her belongings were collected and she was whisked away to the airport.


In America, she was picked up and taken straight to the Council infirmary. She was quickly fully examined as requested with no drugs to knock her out and all her shots given again after her blood tests were cleared.

But her bags were dropped in her exam room by the Council Warriors and not in a room for her to stay in while there. So once cleared and told she could go, Ella changed and grabbed her bags.

She exited the exam room and basically sensed she was on her own by their lack of attention. She walked away as the Warriors were not paying her any mind to her leaving on her own.

She headed upstairs to the near empty dining room and quickly had a full double meal on her own. The Warriors in the room grunted seeing her arrive alone and left her be as they only watched her.

Once finished eating, she thanked the few staff still working and then grabbed her bags. She yawned as she walked out of the dining room, not being followed. It was well after hours and the Council members were long gone and sleeping, and not hearing cases at that time of the very early morning hours, so she walked out of the building on her own.

She sighed deeply once out of sight of the brightly lit front of the Council Headquarters building.


Five months later, Ella arrived back at the Council Headquarters looking nothing like she had before.

She quickly headed inside then straight down to the infirmary, being followed by a Council Warrior from the front door as another took his place.

She was quickly taken to a room where she had her blood tested, then she was injected all over again for six months. She did not have a full exam as the female Doctor just led her to a different room to take blood first before her injections were given.

Ella was left abruptly without the Doctor asking her name, so she dressed and back into her baggy hoodie and headed back upstairs.

She ate a full double meal being watched by Warriors, then as Council was being called, she headed into the chambers and took a seat on her own.

She covered her head and sat forward with her arms over the back of the seat in front of her. That side of the chambers was nearly empty as others moved into the room but seated nowhere close to her.

The Council Warriors watched her though as she was alone and had no male protecting her. Ella stood on the Council members entrance into the room, unlike others.

It caused her to be noticed, so she bowed when the Council's eyes landed on her. They all smiled and bowed back, making her smile in return.

Of course she was noticed and soon others witnessing groaned and stood and bowed, a little late which was noticed as well. She took her seat, sitting forward as the first case was called.

She spent the day watching Council hearing cases brought before them. The Warriors were very confused as she never approached the Council table when names were called for cases. She was silent unlike others in the room who stood and growled or snarled hearing the cases.

At the end of the day, she stood when Council did, bowed in respect and then the others groaned and stood. Council bowed back as she did first and once they moved out of the room, Council Warriors moved in on her.

She huffed as they swarmed her. She asked what? A Council Warrior said come with us. She said okay, tell me why first. He said the Council would like to meet you.

She said fine then lead the way. He grunted back and took her elbow. She let her breath out and walked with them, past the doorway the Council just used exiting the room by.

The other witnesses froze wondering what was up and who she was as none of them had ever seen her before. The older Alphas smiled and headed after them and slid into the inner chamber room.

Ella stood before Council, removed her hood and smiled as she bowed in respect. She was asked who she was and why she came to Council?

Ella smiled and said my name is Ella. I came here today needing my shots updated and came early so I could attend your Council hearing.

She was asked why? Ella nodded as the room was entered from not only behind her but the Head Councilman entered another way and took a seat as well.

She said last year I finished at the European Academy, was picked up and taken to their Council Headquarters where I had my full exam and my shots updated before I was to be sent back here to the States. I asked the Council Warriors who guarded me if I could attend a session of their Council's hearing cases.

When I returned to America, it was too late when I landed and I never the got the chance to. So I came back since my shots needed updating and I sat in the galley watching.

Head Councilman Tyrone asked and why would you want to watch Council in session for a whole day? Every case was nearly the same and boring to others.

She stepped forward as she was moved in on by the others that entered, sensing them too close. It caused them to growl or the Council stiffen.

Ella said do you mind, personal space needed here. He grunted and said disrespectful. She turned slowly, stepped back to see the elder Alpha. He looked her face over and said I don't know you, where do you come from? Why can't I smell or sense you?

She quickly looked him over from head to toe then said I do not know you either. I can however sense you are an Alpha and I did not disrespect you in the least. I however do need my personal space.

He bent close to her face and asked who are you? She stepped back and said my name is Ella, I'm American and 23. He grunted and crossed his arms and asked where is your true mate? Why aren't you being guarded?

She turned back to the Council ignoring his questions and said as for spending the whole day, I was comparing my half day overseas hearing their Council in session to the way the American Council runs their hearings.

Head Councilman Tyrone grunted back and asked were you not bored Ella? She stepped forward as the Alpha crowded her on purpose. She said Head Councilman Tyrone, my life in a way has been very sheltered.

He asked how? Ella sighed deeply and said I was home schooled. Once I graduated high school early, I was sent overseas there to the Academy. I've spent many years at the Academy overseas and by that segregation I was not exposed to any packs or their problems needing Council to assess and punish the guilty for.

He grunted and sat back, crossed her arms and asked so, how did you assess our Council hearing today comparing it to overseas?

She stepped closer as the Alpha behind her was moving in on her again. She said it was interesting. Overseas I was taken from the Academy by four Council Warriors. Two stayed with me by my side while I sat in the chambers.

He sat up and asked why four? She said no idea. The four, after I was fully examined led me up to the dining room that was nearly full. As soon as I walked in, my wolf scented and sensed the occupants. I looked over the room and had caught many females glare at me with hate in their eyes. My wolf did not like that so she assessed each she-wolf, and deeming them as dangerous bitches.

He stood and came to her and said dangerous bitches, explain. She nodded and said after all my training at the Academy, I can scent through pretty much everything. My wolf knew them as dangerous as they were covering their scents with not only many scented products but perfume and scent blockers as well.

He growled and asked dangerous. She rolled her eyes and said once the doors were closed on the Council chambers I asked the Warrior sitting with me if they recorded sessions. He said they didn't and asked me why. I stated because of the ones brought in could be missed seeing their facial reactions and body language.

As soon as the first two bitches were brought in, to the Warrior sitting beside me I had asked had alerted others and the Head Council Warrior moved around them assessing them. Their reactions had them stiffen and he started growling.

But what caused me to get up from my seat is the two bitches had from the time I left the dining room, to when they were brought in the chambers, re-covered their scents.

He said go on. She said I approached the two bitches and my wolf was very angry as I was told Council doesn't scent them to assess them. I used my wolf and we cleared the blocking of them first so we could all scent her. I moved to the next bitch and did the same and we all scented the first had taken illegal drugs. My wolf then removed the illegal drugs from both their systems after all of Council stood and growled smelling the first's drugged up scent.

I assessed and so did Council as the two were guilty. I sat back down and was thanked by the Head Warrior as they would have missed what I had sensed if I hadn't brought it up by asking my questions. The rest of the cases heard that day, the Head Councilman did as I had done to each female my wolf had assessed as a dangerous bitch earlier in the dining room.

He growled and asked can that be verified? She said it can. I had asked if they actually had experienced Warriors shift into their wolves to assess and sense the ones brought before Council as well. I asked those questions before the first case was brought before Council.

He asked why ask that question? She said because a wolf has stronger senses and they can scent the room and others better for any dangers as long as they were strong and capable. I did ask the Council Warrior and was told they don't.

He asked I don't understand why though. She said basically, Council are the ones to assess who is brought before them for being punished. Overseas the females are sprayed with a scent blocker so their scents don't stir others.

Here is different as the females are in your face, reeking and all. You all scent and sense everything as nothing is being blocked from scenting.

He grunted and said I see and your assessment in which is better. She huffed and said coming in this Headquarters, the scents are in your face, overseas you can't smell them. It was dangerous overseas as they were all deemed as safe as none of the Council Warriors knew what the females truly scented like and what they were purposely covering up.

I loved the fact the dining room overseas did not reek, unlike here. I am on the fence as I did not like the fact overseas they sprayed the bitches to cover up their scents.

So my assessment is that the females here needing to be fed should be taken to a different room so their reek doesn't affect others and brought before Council with no covering of their scents.

He grunted and said I agree. She smiled then sighed as he asked what pack she was a member of? She said I am not a current member of any pack, I'm a lone she-wolf.

The Alpha moved up growled in her ear and asked why not? Where is your true mate? She growled back making him step back in surprise. Head Councilman Tyrone moved in the way and said answer his questions please.

Ella said as for my true mate, I nor my wolf have ever met, sensed nor scented him. I'm a lone she-wolf with no ties to a pack because I have never had any ties to a pack. I did tell you I was home schooled, then sent to the Academy overseas early.

The Alpha moved around the room until he could watch her face, he then asked why not, why no ties? She sighed and said when I was born, I was not raised by a parent. I had a nurse until I was older, then I had a guardian who raised and home schooled me. I was kept inside and had no contact with others.

When my guardian took me overseas, she left me in the hands of the Academy staff and I haven't had any other contact since. Therefore I am a lone she-wolf with no ties to a single pack.

Head Councilman Tyrone grunted and the Alpha said it was wrong, who were your parents? Where were you born? She was saved from answering their questions as the room was invaded by Council Warriors as they all heard growls and a female's screams of fear and scented blood.

The Council members, Warriors and Alphas all rushed from the room back into the chambers, using the main door they entered by, running out to see what was wrong. Ella's wolf took over and they rushed away too, avoiding seeing anyone using another door, the same one the Head Councilman used to enter the room from.


Five months later, Ella returned to the Council Headquarters but she wasn't alone. She took charge and carried a small infant as the mother she kept a hold on was led straight inside then down to the infirmary.

Two Council Warriors followed as they did not stop at the front door to request protection. Ella soothed the baby and whispered no worries Angel, we'll have you looked after.

Angel whispered aren't you afraid being here Ella? Ella said nope, there are plenty of Council Warriors here that won't let anything happen. The Council Warriors following stiffened hearing them talking, and informed the staff of incoming females with a small baby.

Walking into the infirmary, they were noticed right away. Ella huffed as Angel scented as she was scared. Ella soothed her and said we need a room please Doctor.

He looked them over and said then follow me please. In a room, Angel looked freaked, so Ella said Doctor? He said I'm Head Council Dr Warren, how can I help you?

Ella smiled and said Angel here needs a full exam and all her shots given. This here is Ethan, Angel's son. Dr Warren asked when was the last time you were examined Angel?

Angel whispered and said by a pack doctor when I started having symptoms of a pregnancy. I was taken to the pack infirmary and was tested. Ella nudged Angel and she added after the blood tests confirmed a pregnancy, I was injected with wolfsbane.

Angel teared up as Ella hummed and said it's very emotional for her Doctor but after her pack Doctor left the room, Angel's mother disowned her and threw her out of their home.

I came across her and took her home with me. She told me everything and I was actually totally disgusted. Angel teared up and said I was raped by my step father. My mother wouldn't believe me, she disowned me and threw me out.

Dr Warren nodded and asked so the wolfsbane wasn't removed? Ella said no, Angel needs it removed. She needs a full exam and a full check up, all her shots as well as the antidote given.

He grunted and asked and the baby? Ella said this sweetheart has been checked over by the Doctor I had her seeing. He asked and you? Ella smiled and said I need all my shots updated please.

He nodded and said I'll have another give you your shots and have a female Doctor attend Angel. Angel calmed and said thank you so much Dr Warren. He nodded and said everything will be just fine.

He soon took both their blood work, and left. Ella hummed and said your going to be fine Angel, we'll have you fully protected once again, antidote given and you'll hear your wolf again.

Once he came back in, he injected Ella himself, with all her needed injections as Angel held her baby. He had a female Doctor enter and she handed Angel a gown saying I'm Doctor Melina and will be doing your exam Angel.

Ella thanked them as she took the baby and left the room, leaving Angel and Dr Melina to talk. She said Angel, before you're examined, like I told you, talk to the doctor, get it out in the open. Angel nodded and said thanks Ella, so much.

Dr Melina nodded and said I'm here for you Angel and it's best you clear your mind. Ella said I'll take Ethan up to the dining room, take your time as I'll slip into the chambers and watch some of today's hearing. No need to rush, we have all day and I'll keep Ethan safe.

Dr Melina smiled and said thanks, we'll need all the time we can get. I think this is best Angel, no worries. Angel sighed deeply and said I'm up for it Doctor. I do need to tell someone besides Ella what happened.

Ella took the baby as the exam room door was closed. Dr Warren took her arm and led her to his office to talk. Ella sat as Ethan was taken to be checked over.

She said Angel's full name is Angel Wren Hoover. When I found her she was in a homeless shelter. He got on his computer and looked up the name and said her mother never reported her gone and neither has the pack.

Ella huffed and said from what I learned Angel and her mother were not close. After her father died, Angel's mother Haven hooked up with many males. The last is one of too many males her mother slept with then moved him in with them. Lyle Hammond is the step father's name.

He grunted and nodded seeing it for himself as he checked Haven's file. Ella said have the baby's DNA samples taken and you can have it verified.

He grunted and asked you moved her in with you? Ella said yes, I found her as I immediately scented her. She was scared Doctor and I first had her pack her things, took her to eat as she was starved and brought her home with me.

I had her in emergency and she was fully examined, had her ultrasound and I have had her see Doctors regularly for her ongoing check ups.

But I couldn't help her deal with what happened as she was traumatized by her step father under her mother's eyes. Angel told Haven what happened but Haven refused to believe her daughter. Anyway, Haven needs a swift kick in the ass. To me she was no proper mother to Angel. Since I moved Angel in with me, I've had her sign up for completing her schooling.

Dr Warren grunted and said you've declared yourself her guardian now? Ella shrugged and said so far yes, I take on the responsibility since Angel has no one else. Angel hasn't found her true mate yet and I fear she'll be rejected over what happened through no fault of her own on her no longer being innocent.

He checked Angel's medical file and nodded saying her last exam did show she was innocent. The best thing you could have done for Angel was you bringing her here.

Ella grunted and said Angel is scared. She figures her name will be slandered and all hope of finding her true mate gone. But then now a days, young females are rarely found innocent and not saving themselves for their true mates so I bet he won't be innocent either. The baby though changes things. We can only hope for the best.

He grunted back and said unless she puts the baby up for adoption. Ella sighed and said oh I know, but it all depends on her true mate and/or his family as Angel's mother is disgusing and a complete waste of space.

He said go on. She said her true mate may accept her if he honestly hears what happened to her. His family may help raise the baby if they can accept her son. To me it was neither of their faults for what happened. The baby is a sweetheart Dr Warren, he looks like Angel and nothing like the step father. Her true mate may accept him if he is a decent male.

Dr Warren sat back and said but he was fathered by another and may not accept by her having someone else's baby. You have to face those facts Ella. She sighed deeply and said I do know that Doctor, I'm on the side of hope.

They were interrupted as Ethan was brought back crying. She took him from the Doctor and instantly he stopped crying as she soothed him. She rocked her body as she held him tight.

Ethan soon fell back asleep soothed. Drs Warren and Frank grunted as she totally amazed them as Ethan had been crying real hard.

Ella smiled and said he is a sweetheart. She asked we okay here as I need to get something to eat? The Doctors both nodded and said go eat. Warren said we'll have Warriors protect you. She stood and said thanks.

Dr Warren said in the meantime, I'll contact Angel's pack Alpha and let him in on what happened to Angel. I want to hear his explanation on not putting out a bolo for a missing pack member.

She grunted and said I figure Haven slandered Angel's name to him and why he cares less about finding her by a bolo. That or Haven lied and stated Angel found her true mate and left.

She left them as they growled not liking either thought. Ella moved Ethan to her shoulder and headed out the doors. Two Warriors followed as she used the stairs instead of taking the reeking elevator.


In the dining room, Ella grunted scenting the room. She looked the room over and was moved by the Warriors up to the counter as others were wanting to enter behind them.

She smiled at the staff female and requested a double meal. The staff female looked at her then the baby and said I'll have it brought right out to you. Ella thanked her and was moved to seating.

She settled back in her seat, holding onto Ethan as he slept. She checked over the room and the Warriors saw and quickly started telling her who was who in the room.

She spotted a couple and soon was told who they were. She grunted. The male looked over at her and saw her watching them. He then had the pack Warriors with him move to block her from seeing them.

The Council Warriors stiffened behind the couple. Ella whispered they aren't true mates. The Council Warriors stiffened and one Warrior said they declared they were before Council.

Ella huffed and said then they lied. If she were examined by the Doctors they will find their birthmarks don't match. She whispered that bitch's scent is being covered by two different types of scent blockers and over them perfume.

Under all that the Doctor who examines her will find she's a digusting, reeking slut, one who has recently taken drugs to put her wolf into a false heat and another to make her scent like she is newly pregnant.

They stiffened and reported to others what she said as well to Dr Warren. Dr Warren soon entered the dining room and went straight to the table. He soon had the female restrained by Council Warriors and they took her from the room being followed by snarling next Alpha and the pack's warriors.

Ella then stated have her blood work taken immediately and tested for markers in her blood. The Warriors stiffened and growled then one asked what markers?

Ella looked at him and said a rogue marker for one, meaning his will need to be tested as well since he has been biting her and injecting his blood and venom into her, and taking in her blood which most likely tainted his. I believe he knows and cares less, but that can be learned if he is drugged and interrogated.

Others heard and soon a Council Elder left the room and followed. Ella smiled receiving her food and thanked the staff female.

She ate her meal as the Warriors grunted and were kept in the loop of hearing what was going on. The female had been injected, decontaminated and scent that was totally blocked now fully out, blood was taken and tested and a rogue marker was indeed found.

She finished her meal and said Council chambers please. I want to sit on a little of the hearings today. The Warriors led her and soon had her protected on her own as she sat in the chair as the room was only half full.

She was calm as could be, keeping her emotions in check so Ethan slept. The third case called forward though had her stiffen. It was noticed by the Council Warriors watching her.

One asked what was wrong? She whispered time to leave. He asked why? She stood and said because I said so. He said no, you need to tell us.

She moved and was noticed. The Head Councilman stood and asked what was wrong? Ella was requested to come forward. She grunted and moved completely around the room and it unnerved a lot of people her doing that.

Head Councilman Tyrone had other Council Warriors move in closer because of her actions. Ella looked up and Tyrone stiffened and grunted as he recognized her. He looked at the baby and asked is it yours?

Ella said no Head Councilman, his mother is in the infirmary being checked over. He nodded as she was surrounded now by Council Warriors he ordered to guard her.

Ella grunted back at him and he said I recognize you Ella. She shrugged and said alright. He asked what has you unnerved? She hummed and he growled and ordered her to tell them.

She moved forward and handed him the baby. He grunted and took the small child that eased he and his wolf down seeing the young boy. Ella said just keep holding him for a minute please.

Then she moved fast as she faced the male, dropped her claws and struck hard and fast. He snarled and she struck him again, this time with her balled up fist knocking him out cold.

They could all scent his blood now as he was a rogue, covering his stench with multiple scent blockers. Council Warriors lept and took them all down, restrained and injected them with wolfsbane and knocked them all out.

Ella grunted seeing the witnesses in the room all stand. They saw her too, then she turned and said that rogue is the brother of the female taken from the dining room a short while ago, who is with a next Alpha who declared her his true mate to you all.

The Council Warriors with her said they were taken down to the infirmary and her blood was tested and it was proven she has the rogue marker. She is being fully examined now as she had to be decontaminated and injected to remove the scent blockers. She as you said Ella, scented as she took drugs to put her wolf into a false heat and scented as pregnant. His blood work tested as marked by her tainted blood that contaminated his as well.

She nodded and said good enough, this is her brother. As for her name, that will need to be verified. As you informed me their names and this brother's last name was declared as something else.

He grunted and said I see what you mean. Head Councilman Tyrone yelled quiet, then brought her Ethan. She took him after she wiped her hands and claw.

He grunted in her face and said you could have just spoken up. Ella sighed and said it was faster just proving it. I made sure Ethan was safe in your arms then confronted him. I didn't want to rile the whole room or Ethan would have woken to all the yelling, screaming of denials and growling.

He huffed and said I as Head Councilman order you Ella to tell us your full name. She huffed and said in a moment. She turned and handed the baby to a Council Warrior and said please take Ethan down to the infirmary and keep him safe.

The Council Warrior stiffened then nodded and said as you order. She said he'll need to be fed soon. The Council Warrior grunted and said I'll inform Dr Melina. She nodded and said thank you.

She turned once Ethan was safely out of the room and said my name is Ella Mia Vandermeyer. Head Councilman Tyrone froze and asked as in Everett, Pauline and Jacob?

She grunted and said that would be correct. He snarled remembering her previous statements before Council and snarled again. He said I never knew they had a daughter, I was often at their pack and was never once told Pauline had another baby.

She grunted and said I wasn't raised by them, I was raised by a nurse from birth, then by guardians and sent overseas at 15 to the Academy like I said. I was there in the Academy for 8 years, so I'm not surprised you weren't informed. I was not once ever contacted after I was taken there by the guardian and dropped or abandoned into the hands of the staff there.

He grunted and said that will need to be verified. She snorted and said I'm not a member of their pack Head Councilman, and was never seen by the pack Doctor after I was born.

He stiffened and said you don't know that. She said do too. I was checked over by the nurse looking after me and never a doctor. He leaned forward and said you don't absolutely know that as you were a baby.

She grunted and said prove it then. You had no idea I was even born, how would you know. He grunted and mind linked Dr Warren to pull up a file on Ella Mia Vandermeyer.

Soon Dr Warren entered and saw her before he grunted out that's your full name, can you prove it? Ella laughed and said I was overseas in their Academy from the ages of 15 through to 23.  Then was I was taken to the European Council and was given a full exam there. Full documentation on records at both places as I was thoroughly examined and pictures taken by Council Dr Sandra before being sent back here.

He used his phone and went online to search for her file, then grunted and downloaded it. Soon brought up a picture, snarled then showed Head Councilman Tyrone.

Tyrone took it and accessed the data as he asked do you not have this information Dr Warren? Dr Warren grunted and said the file is sealed and was not sent to me.

She said from ages 15 through to 23 I was fully examined by the staff Doctor Gordon at the Academy. Dr Warren asked you weren't brought here first? She said no, I was taken straight overseas to the Academy at 15.

He said then I need to do a full examine and inject you all over again since you seem to be an Alpha's daughter.

Head Councilman Tyrone handed the phone back and said drop the block on your scent and shield blocking your essence Ella.

She complied and let her wolf do it. As soon as Head Councilman Tyrone nodded, she pulled it all back under her shields and blocked her scent 100% then shielded some of her essence again.

The unmated males and mated ones too in the room were all on their feet and groaning as she was scented as absolutely pure blooded, innocent and stronger than any other female they had ever met before.

Head Councilman Tyrone said undeniably an Alpha's daughter, with the strong Alpha marker making her an Alpha female of true worth and strength. You said previously you have never met, scented or sensed your true mate. Have you felt him mark or fully claim another? Do you still have a mate bond Ella?

She grunted and said my mate bond huh. She held out her hand and said you read it. He stiffened and his wolf growled in his head looking into her eyes.

He bit her wrist, took in her strong blood that she used it to boost he and his wolf to full strength and health, making he and his wolf groan. Then he injected his strong venom and used his blood to slip under her stronger than other's shields into her mind.

Her wolf took he and his wolf straight to their mate bond. Her wolf then unsealed it and Tyrone sighed as it was seen as still intact. Her wolf grunted and said what you see is our end of the mate bond, the other side is way different I bet.

He grunted and they used the mate bond and butted against a strong block that was stopping them from reading it. Her wolf said yup, he blocked it from us trying to use it to even see who he is.

He growled and asked for how long? Her wolf said when we were 16, the blocked mate bond was felt. We hadn't at that time learned how to read it and by him blocking it, we have never attempted to break through. We both figure he is an Alpha, one that is older as he was able to do that.

Tyrone snarled out loud and she said ease down, we both can break through it. I guess it's time to learn who he is. He said he most likely fully claimed another, are you prepared?

Ella snorted and said way beyond belief prepared Head Councilman. Her wolf said we do damage and you can't stop us.

He grunted and his wolf said we absolututely do damage as they are truly worthy of a true mate they were denied finding. Him blocking the mate bond was wrong and punishable for.

He informed the rest of Council what they had encountered. The Council all growled in anger too.

They broke through the block and they instantly froze the Alpha male as if frozen encased in ice. Both wolves slipped off to read the wolf as Tyrone and Ella read the human. Of like minds they used the bond he had with his chosen mate and froze her in place. Ella immediately sterilized her, making it freaking hurt.

They found her mate bond and slipped down it into a mind of utter chaos. Ella eased his wolf down and Tyrone cleared all alcohol from his system.

He grunted back in his mind and yelled who are you and why are even in my head? Ella huffed and said Sean Ian Brown, ease down as we are reading your mate bond. He snarled and asked why?, she fully claimed another.

Ella said and your angry? He snorted and said I'm working. She eased him down and used his pack ties to find out who was in charge.

Tyrone read Sean and his wolf as Ella slipped into the mind of an Alpha named Dillion. She grunted and said bloody asshole, quit taking your anger out because of your ungodly mate on the pack. She's a cheating slut, just reject her and have her drugged up and sent to Council to deal with.

Dillion froze and asked who are you? She said we are reading a pack Warrior's mate bond and he is snarly and pissed, told us we were interrupting him as he was working.

Dillion sighed and asked who? She said Sean. Dillion snorted and said his disgusting true mate fully claimed another years ago, why read her now?

Ella huffed and said well excuse me, then slipped away making him snarl. He used his pack link and slipped into Sean's mind and heard Head Councilman Tyrone.

Tyrone said Sean, we'll sever this mate bond. Ella said ease down Sean, we'll also take your anger and pain associated with your useless slut of a true mate. His wolf said yes please, it angers us even thinking about her.

Ella eased him down and said first I'll boost you both to full health and strength, as it really affected you both. Tyrone said we are on this Sean and will see she suffers.

Ella chuckled and said he likes that idea. Sean and his wolf both chuckled and said make her suffer horribly. Ella said no doubt we shall. Tyrone pulled from his true mate everything she received being Sean's one true mate as Ella used her own essence and fully boosted Sean and his wolf to full health and strength making them both groan in pleasure.

Dillion asked you okay Sean? Sean groaned and said that was extremely incredible, I feel so bloody good. Ella grinned and said why not make it pleasurable as they had suffered for years.

I also took all your pain and suffering away that was ever connected to your true mate and faded the memories so it will never pain you in any way again.

Tyrone took that pain away she handed him and he said you call me Dillion and we will see about your mate. Ella grunted and pulled away without a word. Tyrone grunted and said she left.

Dillion grunted and said my mate is cheating on me, I don't know who with. Ella groaned and slipped through his ties to his pack and slipped into the cheating slut's mind who was blocking her mate from reading her.

Tyrone grabbed Dillion and easily followed her. Jillian felt a pressure in her stomach as if she was starting her cramps. Ella said suffer you cheating slut that is me sterilizing you. I hope to hell you fear me now as I could remove your wolf forever too.

Jillian screamed in pain as it started to really hurt. Then Ella cut her ties to her wolf, making her shift back as she was out running. Ella said bloody eager sluts and their using drugs. They removed every drug not supposed to be in her system and made it impossible for Jillian to ever cover her true reeking scent again.

Dillion snarled being told by pack Warriors where his mate was found. Ella pulled everything Jillian received being fated his mate and gave it back to Dillion. It weakened Jillian to make her pass out cold.

Ella slipped away and Tyrone laughed and said job done Dillion, your true mate is now punished. Her ties to her wolf were severed, she was sterilized and all illegal drugs removed from her system. Ella also gave you back everything Jillian received being your true mate for you to decide whether or not to keep her.

Tyrone added if you decide not to keep her then send her to me and I'll remove all her memories before I send her far away. Ella said read her, her mind is now wide open and she is now unable to block you from reading it again. Her wolf is angry and will tell you anything you need to know.

She slipped away and in Sean's mind she asked if he was okay? Sean said yeah, I can't thank you both enough. Ella said good enough for me Sean. You find yourself a partner that both you and your wolf can settle on because it was the both of your true mates and you both suffered.

His wolf thanked them too and said We'll choose another, bless you. Ella smiled and said no worries, just do me a favour and use protection. You are at full health and strength and will be feeling your oats. Well that is what my professors said, I have no proof though.

He laughed and said good to know and I'm not talking to an unknown female about my sex life. She laughed as her wolf showed up and cooed and said stirring up a male? Ella said oh sweetheart, no, just don't go there.

Sean's wolf pulled out front and said she-wolf of strength and worth. Her wolf said darned horny wolf, Ella said enough, we are gone.

They slipped away and Sean groaned and said she-wolf of value? His wolf said I sensed a very strong Alpha female, truly worthy.

Tyrone and Dillion slipped into Sean's mind heard his wolf and Tyrone said she is indeed a she-wolf of true strength and value. His wolf said Alpha wolf. Tyrone said yes, very rare indeed. Dillion grunted and asked unmated?

Tyrone said yes, then slipped away. Back in the true mate's head, they rolled the pain through the human and wolf they took from Sean. Before she passed out, Ella totally shielded Sean and his wolf from feeling anything as Tyrone severed the mate bond giving her all the overwhelming pain.

Ella kept her conscious for it all. They blocked Ella's ex from feeling it, blocked the claimed mate from him trying to read her or connect in any way with her.

They fully read she and her wolf then severed their connection forever. Tyrone put her wolf into a deep coma like sleep as she cared less they lost their true mate.

Then they made it impossible for her to ever cover her true scent again. They slipped back into Dalton's mind and kept him frozen in place as they started reading them.

Her wolf growled loudly in his head making Dalton start freaking out. Her wolf said you better be afraid as you are truly an unworthy asshole. We are going to completely sterilize you, and remove your link to your wolf so you can never shift or talk to him again.

Dalton said you can't I'm an Alpha. Her wolf grabbed him by the balls and squeezed tight saying I can do whatever I so want seeing as you were blessed with one fated true mate for life which you blocked from ever meeting.

Just because I can. Those kids you and the slut had, are going to be fixed next. He screamed in horror as her wolf slipped away. Ella slipped in and fully read him then laughed in his head. It caused his body to react.

Ella said good for nothing, useless bloody male. She started speaking in another foreign language he didn't understand before he started screaming as overwhelming pain filled his whole entire body.

Tyrone slipped into reading Dalton, and shut him right up. He said you deserve this pain Dalton. You and your father lied to my face for years saying that pathetic slut was your true mate.

She had never met her one and only and you both utterly disgust me. As for your true mate, she and her wolf are entitled to do whatever they want seeing as you totally blocked the mate bond very young.

Ella's wolf moved through the kids, removing wolves and their wolf DNA. She moved on to the guilty retired ex Alpha and his mate and drew away their power. She read them both and growled in disgust.

He froze and asked who is there? She snarled and said time to reap what you deserve ex Alpha. She removed his Alpha gene all together making him scream in pain. She cut his ties to his wolf and said who I am or was is not something I'm answering to, you bloody asshole.

She went to his mate and cut her ties to her wolf forever as well and said you disgusting bitch. She took away the Luna title making her scream in severe pain as well. Then she took the Alpha gene away as the parents were once Alpha as well and how Dalton was able to block his mate bond as she helped him do it.

She weakened both of them and fogged memories, totally blocked and sealed away their abilities so they couldn't ever be used again.

She slipped away back into Dalton's mind and sterilized him. She grunted as Tyrone asked you done. She said just about, she then took back everything Dalton received being fated their one true mate, boxed it up and seal it in her mind.

Then said you can sever this mate bond Head Councilman Tyrone of the American Council. We are definitely forever done with him now.

Ella smiled and said then we are gone, they slipped away making Tyrone chuckle as Dalton screamed until he blacked out. Tyrone woke him and said not yet, I'm not done yet Dalton.

He took the Alpha title away, making Dalton scream, then Tyrone said for your lying I deem you totally unworthy of the Alpha title. As for Jillian, hers too is gone, she was sterilized and her ties to her wolf severed forever.

Just think Dalton, if you hadn't had lied to your parents and had them help block your mate bond, you wouldn't be in this position. You angered your one and only true mate who was an Alpha female of true worth.

Tyrone then slipped away and totally protected Ella and her wolf as he severed the mate bond forever.

He opened his eyes to see Ella down on her knees as her body started glowing. He grunted and ordered his Warriors to circle and protect. He knelt and slipped into her mind having to bite her again. His mind was immediately seized and read.

He sensed and opened his mind willingly as the moon goddess filled his head to read them. She chuckled and boosted his wolf to full health and strengthened he and his wolf.

She said I'm very unhappy my worthy child was denied her true mate. I do agree that they needed full punishment and will deal with the guilty. Even Angel as she had truly been another worthy female as she was waiting for her true mate that her step father violated.

Tyrone asked and Ella's parents? The moon goddess grunted and said I'll be reading them as sweet Ella has been denied much all her life. She showed him briefly her life from birth up to aged 15 while living on the pack lands and said she honestly told you the whole truth. She has never had any connection to any of them as they treated her as if unwanted and forgot about her.

He said her wolf was woken early because of the nurse. The moon goddess said yes, her truly worthy and strong wolf kept her calm and safe. She wasn't harmed but was affected. I took away her emotional pain she kept sealed from affecting them. I'm thinking of who to connect her to as she is ultimately worthy of a second mate.

Tyrone said he better be strong enough as she will be coveted by others. The moon goddess grunted and said I'll be taking her away for a bit and bring her back changed so no one recognizes her.

Tyrone sighed deeply as he blinked. The room was absolutely quiet and he saw everyone had been moved. Ella was gone. He was seated at the table then cleared his throat and it seemed to wake everyone up.


Five and a half months later, Ella walked into the Council Headquarters. She bowed her head slightly acknowleding the Council Warriors guarding the front door and headed to the stairs.

They grunted back and stayed, stiffening seeing others approaching behind her who looked and sounded very unruly. They mind linked other Warriors preparing them.

She walked into the Council infirmary and was met by a male Doctor. Ella said I need my shots updated please. I'm a lone she-wolf with no ties to a pack.

He escorted her to a room where blood was taken and had her sit. She unrolled her cuff as he said I take blood, have it analyzed before you can get your updated shots.

She smiled and said understood Doctor, I've had this done before. He grunted and soon took blood work then asked her to wait as he took her blood away. Since the door was kept open, Ella heard pretty much everything when her wolf focused.

It didn't take long as the Doctor was back with supplies. Once he injected her, he said you are now fully protected for 6 months. Full proof birth control, a shot to stop a heat and a booster shot for your wolf, alright?

She nodded and said excellent, thank you Doctor. She stood and rolled down her sleeve before he led her back out. In the hall there were others exiting rooms and she said thanks again.

She walked away, keeping the others from touching her, even stepped away quickly as she hadn't been seen and about to be bumped into and stepped on.

The Doctor noticed as he had been watching since she had no Warriors protecting her. He never even realized he hadn't even requested her name.

Ella ran up the stairs and headed for the dining room, and slipped into the line to eat. She kept the unruly others from bumping into her.

She smiled as she stepped up and ordered a full double meal saying the food smells truly amazing. The woman smiled and said we are getting more people eating. Ella smiled and said well I wasn't going to stop to eat but the food smells started my stomach growling.

The woman chuckled and said oh I understand. Ella pointed to a seat and said I'll be over there waiting, my deep thanks and appreciation. The woman smiled and said you are very welcome.

Ella took a seat and assessed the room. Council Warriors moved closer to her as she was alone and unprotected which bothered them.

It was early, well before Council started their hearings. When Head Councilman Tyrone walked in, he assessed the room. Nearly everyone in the room stiffened. His Head Warrior Myron slipped in behind him and he too looked the room over for trouble.

Ella scanned the room and caught sight of both. When Tyrone caught sight of her, he stalled. He checked her over assessing her as his wolf stiffened, then said she's the only one unaffected by your entering the room.

Tyrone grunted and mind linked his Head Warrior to order their food as he headed her way seeing no guards protecting her. Ella looked up and saw him headed her way.

She stood, bowed her head causing him to slow down. She covered her smile by rubbing her nose. He pulled his wolf forward and his wolf scented the room for danger.

Ella sat seeing his wolf in his eyes. Tyrone quickly knelt by her side. Took her hand and Ella whispered keep calm, right into his mind that was fully blocked and shielded. He groaned out loud and asked how? She said keep calm and quiet as he said it out loud making the Warriors stiffen.

Tyrone shook his head at the Council Warriors who backed up seeing something that they assessed to make them give him his personal space. Ella laughed in his head and said you messed up and they think....

Tyrone slipped into his Council Warriors' mind and he groaned out loud again at what they were thinking. Ella chuckled out loud. She said off your knees and take a seat.

Tyrone kept hold of her hand and pulled up a chair, close. He kissed her hand and said explain please. Ella said well, once upon a time. He groaned out loud No. She leaned closer as he again spoke out loud.

Head Council Warrior Myron stiffened being informed and ordered their two double meals then moved to approach the table. He sat and crossed his arms then linked Head Councilman Tyrone saying you should take her to a private room.

Tyrone stiffened and Ella whispered out loud, your Head Warrior is new? Tyrone looked at her and said no, why? She whispered he has never been here when I was, I have never met him before.

Tyrone looked her face over and said I don't remember ever seeing you, but... She slipped into his head and said keep calm, I'm Ella. He groaned out loud again, causing others to stiffen and scent the room.

He shook his head as Myron stood, turned and had other Council Warriors come to them and put up a barrier for protection and privacy. She laughed out loud and whispered in his mind, are you okay?

Tyrone stood, pulling her to her feet, then led her away. The Council Warriors surrounded them so others didn't see her. In a private room, the Warriors protected the door leaving the two alone.

She smiled and said Head Councilman Tyrone. He kept her hand in his and they sat before he said I looked for you but could find no trace.

Ella hummed and said the moon goddess, she took me back to the pack my family runs. We read all of them and the moon goddess did not like what she read.

My birth was an unexpected surprise and truly unwanted by my mother. It was why they never cared for me and had others do it for them. They were all indifferent to me and it hurt.

Anyway, the moon goddess wiped their memories of me after showing them all what they had uncaringly done. She basically shoved my life down their throats, then wiped their minds of my ever being born.

It made no difference to them as they had already forgotten me. The moon goddess was so pissed. She read Jacob's true mate and was disgusted as she never waited for him as he never waited for her either. Her name...

Tyrone said Cora, yeah Council knows. Ella nodded and said anyway, since Cora allowed males to bite her and inject their blood into her as she bit males and took in their blood during sex, the moon goddess sterilized her as she deemed her unworthy.

Tyrone stiffened and said but they had no kids yet. Ella said no they didn't as Cora we learned had an early pregnancy that her wolf aborted when she shifted for the first time and it caused her problems to conceive.

Tyrone growled and said she shifted when pregnant? Ella nodded and said yup, what a disgusting slut huh? He growled and said disgusting, that we didn't know. Ella said the moon goddess bound her wolf up so she can never shift again.

Same with the parents as they cared less about me all my life. My mother was sterilized, not that she wanted anymore kids anyway. Her wolf was weakened too. She said anyway, they were all in a way punished by the moon goddess. They now have no memories of me at all.

He asked where have you been living Ella? She said I have a small rental house that I live in. It's on no man's land where I shift and run.

He stiffened and said no freaking way Ella, we'll have you moved for your safety. They were interrupted as their food was delivered. Head Warrior Myron grunted at them as he rolled in the cart.

Ella said thanks. Tyrone growled and said really Ella, no man's land is dangerous. She huffed and said I'm very leary of packs Head Councilman, you understand?

Myron stiffened then took a stance hearing this wasn't as personal as he thought. Ella grunted at him and said get your food and bring it in, your stomach growling is pissing my wolf off Head Warrior.

Myron snarled and soon ordered a Warrior to bring in his food. Tyrone sat as ordered. Ella took a seat and said we compromise. You find me a safe spot and I'll move but realize I have never been a part of a pack, ever.

Tyrone nodded and Ella said you remember your last conversation with the moon goddess. You said I could be coveted, and that is another reason why I won't live on or near a pack.

Myron stiffened and stared at them. Tyrone sighed and said I remember everything Ella. You deserve better damn it. You deserve a mate who is strong enough to protect you.

She said regarding a worthy mate, it won't happen yet as such things can't just happen miraculously overnight. I'm pretty sure the moon goddess will lead him my way.

Then the two stiffened as their mind link was invaded.

She hummed as Tyrone gulped as the King said bring her to me Tyrone.

She actually chuckled and said ease down, I guess this link is new.  Tyrone said I had no idea there was a link.  The King smiled and said me neither actually, but I am awfully glad there is one.


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