Rebirth of an abandoned woman

By choc_mochii

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Type : Web Novel (CN) Genre : Drama, Josei, Romance Author : 依依兰兮 THIS IS FOR OFFLINE PURPOSES ONLY NOT MY... More

Chapter 1 ( Reborn on a Sedan Chair)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Offering Tea
Chapter 4: Generous, Nevertheless
Chapter 5: Sang Wan's Teachings
Chapter 6: The Self-Defeat of Enlightenment
Chapter 7: Lost Marbles
Chapter 8: A Misunderstanding
Chapter 9: Irrelevant Nonsense
Chapter 10: Cooking
Chapter 11: The Past She Cannot Avoid
Chapter 12: Turbulence on the Dinner Table
Chapter 13: Homecoming
Chapter 14: Outrageous Meddlers (1)
Chapter 15: Outrageous Meddlers (2)
Chapter 16: Calculations
Chapter 17: An Honest Man Also Has His Temper
Chapter 18: The Best Gifts Are Not Fit For Them
Chapter 19: Insatiable
Chapter 20: Distrust
Chapter 21: A Demonstration Test
Chapter 22: Passing the Mother-In-Law's Message
Chapter 23: The Battle Between Two Ladies
Chapter 24: Xiao Que'er's Harbored Intention
Chapter 25: Teaching Literacy
Chapter 26: Frustration
Chapter 27: The Sour Cousin
Chapter 28: Books
Chapter 29: Super Nanny
Chapter 30: Just a Sentence
Chapter 31: Cousin's Instigation
Chapter 32: Nanny Li and the Cousin's War With Words
Chapter 33: Scream Again and You'll Be A Featherless Bird
Chapter 34: The Chained Incident Caused By A Cockatoo (1)
Chapter 35: The Chained Incident Caused By A Cockatoo (2)
Chapter 37: Why Does The Heart Still Feel Aggrieved?
Chapter 38: Nanny Li Now Has A Daughter
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: The Hidden Will Always Reveal Itself
Chapter 41: Would You Listen? Even If It Were A Little Overboard
Chapter 42: Unable to Attend
Chapter 43: Makeup, Whether Light or Heavy, Makes Her Even More Beautiful
Chapter 44: Door to Humiliation
Chapter 46: What Need Is There To Stay And Receive Humiliation
Chapter 47: An Inside Information
Chapter 48: Second Uncle's, and Second Aunt's, Rage
Chapter 49: You Are My Daughter
Chapter 50: Gu Jin's Silver Fraud
Chapter 71: Auntie Wu's Tolerance
Chapter 72: A Lifeless Marriage
Chapter 73: Disillusioned
Chapter 74: Complaint
Chapter 75: A Frontal Attack
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104
chapter 105
chapter 106
chapter 107
chapter 108
Untitled Part 109
chapter 110
chapter 111
Chapter 112 : Changing Things Back
Chapter 113: A Demand To Adopt Sang Yufei
Chapter 114: Leaked From Flying Into A Rage
Chapter 115: Tomorrow, Just Wait And See
Chapter 116: The Sang Family's Tale
Chapter 117: Unwelcomed Second Uncle Sang
Chapter 118: Anxiety
Chapter 119: Drive Out Of The Village
Chapter 120: Are You Expecting
Chapter 121: Awkwardness From A Single Bed And Blanket
Chapter 122: A Young Woman's Warning
Chapter 123: Speaking Of It Makes Him Anxious
Chapter 124: The Unreasonable Sister-In-Law
Chapter 125: Friction

Chapter 36: The Second Old Master's State of Mind

3.5K 95 2
By choc_mochii

He had never involved himself with the business and never had any complaints with the share of silvers he had every year. Of course, as the Shi's business was extremely large and the income was tremendous, the silvers given to him every year were bountiful.

If his uncle wishes to get another concubine, there were so many women under the sun; so why had he come to the idea of hitting on his own wife's personal servant?

"Not just him. You are also absurd." Shi Fengju directed it at Sang Wan. If she was not, how could she come up with such a terrible idea?

Before heading over to the study room, Sang Wan had already given much thoughts to the idea and insisted with her gaze locking directly at Shi Fengju, "Sir, Liu Ya is my servant and I'll be taking her away when I leave the Shi family. I've only got one capable servant by my side, so please Sir, accede to my request! Moreover, even she does not wish to be by Second Uncle's side!"

Shi Fengju became tongue-tied all of a sudden. It was true that they had an agreement; Liu Ya belonged to her, and when she leaves in the future, she would no doubt bring Liu Ya with her.

"The matter between us, Liu Ya——"

Sang Wan shook her head, "Be at eased Sir, she does not know. Be at eased Sir for all we'll be doing is just an act. When we leave for a faraway place, this matter will no doubt gradually subside! Sir, please help!"

Shi Fengju gave a long and deep sigh; he himself was absurd! To think that he would actually agree to such an absurd idea!

All of a sudden, Shi Fengju felt that there was a side to his wife which he did not know; apart from the gentle side he knew.

But at this moment, Shi Fengju did not have the heart to think as Sang Wan had already called for Liu Ya to enter before instructing her to stay. Once done, she left, leaving two pairs of eyes staring at each other.

Seeing Liu Ya standing at a spot indifferently with no sense of uneasiness, Shi Fengju suddenly felt that he himself truly was——

He could not find any words to describe it! All he could do was mock himself in discretion: This lass truly is down to earth! It was all nothing but just an act, and as it was just an act, she did not look embarrassed!

"Just sit at a side!" Shi Fengju waved his hand.

"Yes, Sir!" Liu Ya immediately answered and went to sit at a side.

A night went by without words. On the next day when Liu Ya came out from Shi Fengju's study room, news began to spread as if it had legs and almost everyone in the household knew.

Gu Fangzi's face was extremely ashen. A cold glare shot from behind at Sang Wan and only then did Sang Wan recall that there was this person. But it was the same regardless she recalled or not, it was Shi Fengju's problem! Sang Wan thought harshly.

This incident was not considered a big thing. Other than some concerns voiced out from certain parties, the rest had shown little to no interest. The young master accepting his wife's maidservant, in fact, should not even be considered as a problem and even Wang Shi was not bothered to question her son.

A righteous daughter-in-law, and an admirable son; as a mother, why would she even be unhappy?

Hearing of the news, Second Mistress was secretly happy. Her husband's behavior of pulling people into the house, she would of course unhappy. However, because it was her marrying to him and not the other way around, she dared not voice her opinion on that matter. But not only did she not dare to voice her opinion, she still had to occasionally attend to her husband's needs; and because of that, she felt extremely sullen.

Hearing that Liu Ya was fully received by Shi Fengju, Second Mistress secretly felt lucky, but she displayed a face of sympathy in front of her husband, "If only I had known, I would have talked to my nephew's wife earlier! To think that Jing Yi was of no use and was not able to be count on for something so small!"

Second old master did not like Liu Ya all that much. As for her appearance, whether she was tall, short, plump, or skinny, all those he did not know. But what he did know was that the lass was able to make Xiao Bai listen to her obediently! That was the only thing he fancied about her.

In any case, Xiao Bai truly was clever to even know how to use its own beak to unlock the cage door and escape. Second old master thought it would never return and thus felt distressed! But who would have thought that the lass had such an affinity with that bird, for it to fly all the way into her hands?

If that lass belonged to the household, having her transferred into his domain would have been enough, regardless whether he accepted her as his concubine or not. However, that lass was a personal servant of his nephew's wife!

The household lacks no servants, as such, he would always have a reasonable excuse to have the servant transferred over to his domain; and his best excuse was because he fancied her. If he were to say so, his nephew's wife would definitely not be able to refuse.

But the unexpected had happened when Shi Fengju accepted his wife's personal servant on the previous night!

Even though the second old master felt that it was a little regrettable, he dismissed the matter before letting out a deep sigh and scolded Second Mistress with one to two sentences for not completing the task successfully but did not pursue the matter any further.

Second Mistress listened earnestly and apologized deeply, but she secretly rolled her eyes and scolded in her heart, "Just who was it that was useless? To even dare to reach your hand out for a maidservant of your nephew's wife, aren't you afraid what people might think of you!"

At a side, Concubine Shui was not happy. For many years, Concubine Shui had fought against Concubine Fang and was obvious in recent years that she was at a losing end. What came to her mind was to join forces with the new concubine and trample over Concubine Fang. However, because of the recent event that resulted in Second old master not being able to obtain Liu Ya as his concubine, her idea was all for naught.

Feeling frustrated, she deliberately went to find trouble and complained to Second Mistress, "Don't you smell the smelly smell from a far? Mistress, just think about it: the young master chose such a day to receive that lass, Liu Ya. Doesn't that make it clear that he is going against our old master and not wishing for Mistress to request for that lass?"

Second Mistress was not foolish, and of course had already had that thought before. However, she was fine with how things were. Or even, she was happier as to how things turned out. As such, Concubine Shui's words sounded extremely ear-piercing. Glaring angrily at the concubine, she reprimanded, "Keep your mouth shut! Do not make matters worse! Liu Ya is Ma'am's maidservant; when she wants to give her maidservant to the young master has got nothing to do with you! What did you say, about going against the old master? And about not wishing for me to open my mouth? Even Second Ma'am didn't raise this topic, then who was it that went about blabbering it?"

Having said that, Second Mistress stared at Concubine Shui suspiciously.

"I did not! Concubine absolutely didn't speak of it!" Concubine Shui panicked and quickly waved her hands.

If it was because word got out that resulted in Ma'am to put her guard up and disrupted the old master's plan, then he would definitely pursue the matter until the end and place all the blame onto his wife's head.

"Oh?" Second Mistress observed, "Since it wasn't you, why is your tone like that? I'm sure you know who it was that let the word out! Speak, who was it?"

"Concubine doesn't know, concubine doesn't know ah!" Concubine Shui softly cussed herself under her breath and sweared. If only she knew that all she would be doing was inviting trouble, she would not have opened her mouth.

Second Mistress sneered in her heart. For a small concubine like you, how dare you come and provoke me? Joke's on you then! With that, she severely punished the concubine before letting her go.

Concubine Shui left Second Mistress's place like a defeated rooster. At the corridor, she was met with Concubine Fang who had a face of smile and a faint amount of ridicule. Furious, Concubine Shui stomped off and repeated the same words she said to Second Mistress to the second old master.

The second old master did not actually give much thought about the matter that had already passed, but after listening to Concubine Shui's words, he became slightly unhappy. Coupled with Concubine Shui's exaggerations, the second old master could not stomach the anger in him and went to file his discontent to Second Mistress.

Second Mistress immediately knew it was Concubine Shui who spoke out of turn and she developed a sense of hatred towards her behavior but she dared not show that hatred in front of her husband. Smiling, she spoke, "Those words sounded so unpleasant. Didn't old master only wish to have that lass come over to explain how she made Xiao Bai behave? Although not easy, I'll have our daughter-in-law ask the lass to come over and ask her personally. And then I'll come back and explain what that lass said to old master, how about that?"

Second old master's eyes instantly glistened; not bad! Instead of having to inconvenience himself by presenting himself in front of his nephew's concubine, having a woman do it for him wouldn't make much of a difference!

"Then it's a yes?" Sensing that her husband was slightly moved, she felt somewhat elated.

"With your memory, I doubt you'll be able to remember anything. Have that lass invited over and bring along Rou'er with you!" Second old master gave her a glance and spoke.

Rou'er was second old master's new favorite.

"Yes, old master!" Second Mistress promised unhappily. Her heart still harbors a deep sense of hatred towards Concubine Shui, and once all the matter was taken care of, she was sure to cure that concubine of her stubbornness.

Second Mistress knew of her husband's obsession towards his fish and birds. As such, she dared not drag the task and sent a useful servant to invite Sang Wan over in less than a few days later. Within the message which she asked to be passed, her implied purpose was obvious.

Sang Wan was dumbfounded. Her heart could not help but understood why second old master was so out of control. With five wives who would support him unconditionally, there was nothing for him to scruple about.

Sang Wan knew that dealing with animals was Liu Ya's field of expertise; and when dealing with animals, there was a unique technique in doing so. As such, she spoke clearly with her and instructed her to teach them with all her heart to avoid any more of such a case from happening again.

Liu Ya was surprised and was a little proud of herself. Never had she given a thought that she'll have a chance to guide others. Words were not able to leave her mouth and she nodded repeatedly to show her answer.

Within the second old master's domain, there was a very wide yard in front of the living quarter. On each side of the yard, there was a porch, and a quartzite road stretched from one end of the yard and through to the inside.

On both sides of the road sat four large vats, at the height of half a grown man, in an orderly arrangement. Those vats were used to keep the second old master's precious goldfish which he had nurtured for several decades. Each of the goldfish was not the same for their colors and shapes were different; one gaze at the numerous goldfish would fill anyone with awe. Sang Wan was not even sure what their names were.

Sang Wan heard from Nanny Li of second old master's temperament. That old man purposely had those vats placed in the front yard instead of the back so as to boast to his relatives and guests. Even servants who saw those goldfish could not help but praise him. However, as those fish were delicate, they must not be scared. As such, when walking past the vats, one's footsteps must be light and their voice must not be loud. Otherwise, the old man would become extremely unhappy. And once the old man becomes unhappy, he would often speak in disgust, calling the guests 'rough! Vulgar!' after they left.

Next to each side of the porch planted a magnificent tree. On the trees, different types and sizes of birdcage were hung. Hopping up and down inside the birdcages were the birds which the second old master kept. Thrush, starling, oriole, parrots, and many others, their feathers beautiful and they were chirping mildly. Just imagine when the first ray of sunshine shines through the dense branches and the many different birds will begin chirping to mark the beginning of a day.

Sang Wan and Liu Ya followed the lass from behind as she guided them on the road. The two, master and servant, followed quietly and did not give a single glance at those beautiful goldfish and expensive birds, let alone inquire or marvel at those animals.

At this point, Sang Wan did not wish to show any interest that may result in her suddenly becoming the second old master's 'friend'. The best ending that could ever happen here was that they would never have to return to this place ever again.

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