The Bittersweet Addiction: Lo...

By pureAddictions

339 8 4

Although Birdie is gone away for her fathers murder and Kenzo is left raising their two year old son Cole, As... More

The Bitter...
...Sweet revenge.
Beautifully dangerous
Birdie be free
No Worries, No wars
Tag Your It.
Leo The Lion
A Lion or A Cub.
Ready or Not.
chess not checkers
The safe to unknown disloyalty
The plot
The twist.

Here I Come.

12 0 0
By pureAddictions

   The sound of talking wakes me from my sleep and I slide my hand under my pillow to grab my gun. The faint sound of stilettos catches my attention even more, all I could think is he sent another women to do his deed the sound gets closer and louder so I slightly close my eyes and pretend I'm sleep as I hear it turn the corner into my room.
"Oh I know your not sleeping Kenzo I'm not a threat to you."
     Daisy stands next to the bed holding a cup of coffee smiling. Her blonde hair shines in the morning sunlight almost reflecting its own shine back to the sun, Daisy sits on the edge of the bed and hands me a yellow folder.
"What's this.?"
"Not sure it was on the porch when I got here."
       I open the folder and they were pictures of me literally living my life going about my days like who's watching me.? I look around and jump out of bed quickly with my gun in one hand and the folder in the another, this uneasy feeling comes over my body and I start to pace the floor looking out the balcony window pondering what in the world is going on.
"What is it?" Daisy looks at me "there was also a box in the driveway but i've seen to many movies to move it so I left it."
"What you mean a box?" I fling the porch door open and start down the stairs Daisy's heels click behind me as I rush to the driveway and sure enough there's a box sitting in the driveway, I begin to walk towards the box until Daisy grabs my arm.
"Don't go over there that box could be anything" she looks around and grabs a stick and hands it to me "use this"
I walk closer to the box and poke at it and nothing happens we both look at each other Daisy shrugs at me so I nudge the box harder and still nothing.
"Let's throw something at it" Daisy hands me a rock and steps back "throw it hard okay."
     Soon after I launch the rock and it lands right on top of the box, suddenly it blows up Daisy goes flying one way and I fly the other way you can hear the fear in her voice as she screams my name. But I'm so lost all I could do was lay there in shock, someone really tried to kill me. Daisy runs and grabs me carrying me to the porch and into the house.
"What the fuck was that!." Daisy stands there in shock her face is red with fear " that could of killed us"
"I don't know I don't know but whoever left it was aiming to kill ." I turn around and start towards my office until something catches my eye On the wall "Here I come" was written on the wall above my bed
"He tired to fucking kill me!" Anger fills my body if this is what he wants then this is what he'll get.

Later that night: Birdie The Vault Hotel

    Sitting at the table with Dime and some other men I couldn't help but think if Kenzo opened that box I left her. I wanted her to know that no matter where she went she'd be followed and watched until she gives up, I wasn't trying to harm her just scare her and I hope that's what it did. Half her crew came to join me just because that's where they started most of these fools started out as watch kids back when we started hustling in the first place.
    Not Dime and me we started out full blown dope boys, Luke the dude we worked for told us "y'all lil muthafuckas got a talent."  Only cause we sold everything from candy in school to coke after school we knew how to get a hustle on while get a education, but we made money wherever we went and according to our environment.
"Don't think to hard on it." Dime hands me a splif and sits down "you did what you had to dawg I'm hoping for the best but you gotta prepare for the worst don't start getting soft on me."
       Dime gets up and walks to socialize with the other men , he's right I'm thinking about this way to much shit happens right? I came up to own the vault hotel by buying it from the owner half price I needed a new spot to build my empire in its high class and unexpected for everybody and I stay on the penthouse level so it's a win win. Putting the splif to my mouth I pull from it feeling a sense of accomplishment I'm starting over and it's how I want it with no women in the mix, how it should of stayed. I sit and think about my next move while thinking about what her next move is seeing that i left her a little gift on her driveway.

"Hey man you think about your next?" Dime sits back down next to me and hands me a drink.

"To be honest man i don't i know that if she's the smart women i know she is she'll be coming back harder and I'm not prepared for her to be the one i go to war with."

"No man thats why i asked if you had another plan because she's smarter then you remember you know i worked under her for years and she def has good tricks under her sleeve for moments like this."

   Sitting at the table i noticed a blonde headed girl staring at me from across the room, Her skin as mikly as can be, her body well maintained curves just complimenting her pants suit she wore. A smile paints across her face as we lock eyes she gives me a wink then ushers the bartender to send me a drink, Mel walks up to me handing me a shot as the blonde headed women lifts her glass and we take the shot before i could send her one she disappears into the crowd of people. I quickly stand from the table and scan the room for her to be nowhere in sight. 

Feeling hands move swiftly across my shoulders "Don't be so tense your at a party"

"Well its hard when you see a face you've never seen before." I turn to face the blonde headed women "Do i know you?"

"No but you will know me pretty soon." She signals Mel to bring her a shot and then disappears back into the crowd i slam the shot and never seen the women again, wishful thinking huh.

     After the party cleared i sat at the table in a daze, what am i thinking going head to head with a women I'm supposed to be loving? I have yet to see my kid and have yet to even settle into the outside world. A light knock hits the door and i just sit there knowing it either Kenzo or its her payback on the other side either way I'm not in the mood for it tonight. They knock again this time harder then before more aggressive then before so it must be something important right? 

"who is it man? Look I'm not in the mood tonight so come back tomorrow iight." They just knock again i can hear the heels pace back and forth in front of the door lightly knocking on the door. Before i could respond the door opens on its own standing in the doorway was the blonde headed women, She walks in and closes the door behind her locking it before walking towards the table. Suddenly i started feeling odd my vision starts to blur and looking at her she just smiles peacefully watching me sweat and lose my mind it seems like.

"what you do to me bitch?" i stand up but fall right back down in my seat while she just stares at me smiling. 

"Well thats no way to speak to a lady is it Birdie" My heart starts beating at one hundred miles per hour how the hell does she know my name when i've never seen her before. I can start to feel myself get weak I'm paralyzed and i can feel it fuck i can't move, I'm stuck, i fucked up.

"Bitch who are you?" She giggles then gets up from the table smiling a crooked smile.

"Well how rude of me Birdie...I'm Daisy" Walking towards the door where she opens it and in walks Kenzo smiling the same crooked smile the white bitch was. "I have more manners then that but i guess I'm just excited for tonights events you know."

"Hi Birdie did you enjoy your little party? Did you think you could get away with almost killing me and i just not come back at you? Well i hope your ready...cause I'm here now baby." She whispers something to Daisy and then walks away after that everything just went black.

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