Serendipity- Bts X Reader Gan...

By seasinger

223K 8.8K 2.7K

Since the title says it all about the story, here are a few quotes from it: " A nice happy ending. The prince... More

Prologue- Owed
Chapter 1.- Lost
Chapter 2.- Awake
Chapter 3.- Yeah, just tired.
Chapter 4.- I'm here
Chapter 5.- Butterfly
Chapter 6.- Rain
Chapter 7.- Dancing in the rain
Chapter 8.- Tears
Chapter 8.- killer
Chapter 9.- Alive
A/N 2
Chapter 10.- Teacher
Chapter 11.- Golden
Chapter 12.- Shopping King Kim Namjoon
Chapter 13.- Party at Poppy's Palace
Chapter 14.- Never have I ever
Chapter 15.- An unexpected guest
Chapter 16.- Begin
Chapter 17.- Masquerade
Chapter 18.- Escape
Sorry not another update
Chapter 19.- Sea
Chapter 20.- Min Yoongi
Chapter 21.- Twisted
Chapter 22.- A trip to the tattoo shop
Chapter 23.- Kim Namjoon
Chapter 24.- One night with you
Chapter 25.- Home and a surprise
Chapter 26.- Strip for me
Chapter 27.- Love is a complicated thing.
Chapter 28.- HER
Chapter 29.- I'm only one call away
Merry Christmas
Chapter 30.- Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 32.- The dead and their secrets
Chapter 33.- The city's gonna break my heart
Chapter 34.- Rendezvous
Justice for George Floyd
For now: discontinued

Chapter 31.- Daegu

2.6K 102 24
By seasinger

„ Do you think she'll be okay?"
„ Maknae - we dumped her outside of the biggest hospital in Seoul. I doubt she'll die there."
„The way you say it makes me only feel worse.."

I glance over my shoulder, taking a final glimpse at the sidewalk where we'd left Poppy. The lights of the clinic glowed in the dark, illuminating the night sky like a huge firefly, the staff buzzing from room to room, caring for each patient. Max was right. There was no way, that she wouldn't be noticed, sitting in a wheelchair, directly in front of the building. Still, it didn't pain ones mind less, if one knew that you were the reason she was in need of medical attention. The female next to me seems to read my mind.

„ It's not your fault. She knew about Namjoons deals. And still she came. She's a tuff chic - she'll get through it."

Her words provide a bit of comfort in all the ocean of uncertainty . To describe our situation shortly : we were fucked. Like super fucked. We had nowhere to go or a plan what to do. We'd taken a running jump into a unknown lake, without checking it's depth. Now all we could do was wait and see if we'd hit the bottom and break our necks or rise to the top unharmed. It was a sickening sensation. It was one of the rules one didn't break. Always have a plan. It had been drilled into my skull. Always plan - always know your enemy, their reach and power. For only intelligence and knowledge can beat power and brute force.

But here we were, driving out into the night, not a single clue where to go, fear leading our choices.

„ Fuck..."

Max laughs, nodding her head in agreement.

„ Yeah...fuck alright."

There is silence. An uncomfortable one. It had been a long time since I'd last had a civil conversation with Max. It was strange to be sitting next to her, while not being motivated to crush all the life out of her.

„ Never thought I would ever be on the same side as you's weird."
„ It is...after you left, I had signed you off...never thought I would ever see you again - let alone have to fight together."
„ Well, unbelievable as it is...this is life now Maknae. And I would be more than grateful to have you by my side right now...I haven't forgotten that wicked right hook of yours."

There's a sad smile on her face, a trace of the past we'd shared. I'd never fully got to understand her. She'd loved me like a sister, then thrown me out like a piece of trash and left without an explanation. Nobody ever mentioned her afterwards. Max had been a taboo. A no-go topic.

„ Why? Why did you leave?"

She pauses, thinking about a response. I could tell that she's hiding something from me and was dying to open up about it - but was afraid to.

„ I...Rose....the combo didn't work...we didn't share the same opinion on..certain topics."

The short haired female falls silent again.

„ When all of this is over Maknae..then I'll tell you. I'll tell you about the things you don't know, why I left and...why you ended up with us. But -„

She reaches out to grab hold of my hand, giving it a short squeeze.

„- I never wanted to leave you. Just remember that. I have my reasons why I acted the way I did and in time, I will explain every single one of them to you....but for now I als you to simply put the rest of trust you have in me. Because that's the only way we'll rise out of this successful."

With that she let's go of my hand, to turn up the volume of the music. Blackbears sweet voice greets me, chanting the words of do re mi.

„ And you got me thinking lately, bitch you crazy /And nothing's ever good enough - I wrote a little song for ya
It go like ~
Do Re Mi Fa so fuckin done with you girl - so fucking done with all the games you play/ I ain't no tic-tac-toe/ So set the X and O's on another note, I'm ghost."

If there was one thing on the world, that could bring people back together, it was this mans music.  It takes away the rest of the distance between us and encourages me to trust her once more.
Two and a half hours later Max pulls over to fill up on gas. It's about 2 am now, the small station we pick free from any human life -besides the tired worker waiting inside at the till. I'm instructed to wait in the car, a gun ready in case of an emergency.
So I wait patiently, watching as she goes in to pay, not sure how she was in planning on doing so. Moments later she's back - a plastic bag in her hand, no sirens ringing.

„ Amazing - I thought you'd steal whatever you wanted and then make a run to it."
„ I'm not that evil Maknae."

She replies, tossing the back on to my lap, the plastic rustling loudly. In it I find a heap of loose, cheap clothes, two cans of redbull, a bottle of Doctor Pepper and two big bags of Doritos - one sweet chili , the other cheese.

„ I took a gamble - you still a fan of sweet chili Doritos and Doctor Pepper?"

I smile and nod. Some things in life never changed.

„ I got you some clothes - not the fanciest fashion in the world, but it'll have to do for now..That reminds me: do you want me to call you Maknae ? Or Serendipity? Cause the one is really long - but it technically is your name now ."

„ Reni is fine."

I reply, pulling on the loose black t shirt she had bought, as well as the same colored joggers. It was a bit too big - most probably made for men not women - but it would serve its purpose for now.

„ So....I take it since you've been driving this way, you have a plan?"
„ Sort of...I have someone in Daegu who owes me a favor...she's a bit of a psycho - but loyal to the bone. She'll help us for now. In the mean time we need to stay low. I know you must be dying to get in contact to your guys - but it would be for the best if you don't. I understand your worry for the sniper, but if what I've heard is true about him, then he'll notice that something wrong before he arrives. Have faith in him Mak- I mean Reni."

We take turns driving, switching now and again to give the other person time to rest. A normal drive to Daegu would take up to 3-4 hours, but due to our circumstances and choice of lifestyle, we stuck to driving along country roads that weren't used by many. It would take us 2-3 hours longer but it would be worth it if we arrived in one piece. We listen to music, singing along to the songs we know, humming to those we don't. The Doritos and Soda bring back old memories of  days where auntie period had come to visit. Back then that was all that I would eat.

I fall asleep, rocked into slumber by the sound of the cars humming engine.
I wake up with a start, a loud sound ruffly pulling me from the land of dreams. I look around, confused to where I was and what had happened. The clock on the dashboard read 4 am, the sun wouldn't be up for another hour or two. Then the memories from last night come crashing down on me in a powerful wave.
Poppy. The shooting. The trip.

„ Shit - sorry. Didn't mean to wake you. The roads are crappy as fuck here."

Max's voice pulls me out from the depths of my mind. She offers me an apologetic smile, accompanied with a pat to the head.

„ I know you must be needing some rest. You'll get it soon. We're nearly there."

She points in the direction we are heading, showing me a figure growing bigger and bigger as we got closer. It was a wall, looming up into the dark night sky, barely recognizeable in the little light we had.

We are greeted by a woman dressed all in black with a rifle slung over her shoulder. She eyes us up and down, then states a single sentence.

„ You're late."

K. I think I might finally have a way how to finish this story. But more importantly:
WE JUST HIT S 100k READS!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for all of your love, nice comments and support!It always makes my day to read the funny remarks posted on the story.
I hope to wrap up this book soon enough, so that I can carry on writing „Snow White and the seven Hitmen" as well as all the fanfics I had planned for the single band members. I might also try writing a Game of Thrones Fanfic - or one for an anime ( maybe Blackbulter or AoT)
Hope you guys are all safe and healthy!
Stay happy and eat well! Don't starve yourself! You are beautiful just the way you are!


P.S: Happy Easter!!

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