Not All Bad

By Minminnie-Shi

4.7K 110 177

"I'm sorry, but all of our female dorms are full, this is the only dorm we have left." The man apologized. ... More

Runaway Bride
True Self


636 13 46
By Minminnie-Shi

I was staring at the board as Ms. Chen continued to teach us. Boredom filled my head and I nearly fell asleep. The bell rang loudly and I shot to my feet.

"Class is dismissed." While packing my bag I realized that a bunch of girls gathered up outside the class room to stare at Situ Feng.

"Is he really this popular?" I asked Gu Nanxi. He just laughed and turned to me.

"Have you ever heard him sing?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, is he good?" Nanxi laughed and pulled out his phone. He pulled up a video and clicked play letting me watch it. I smiled as Situ Feng's voice filled my ears.

"Wow, Situ Feng, you really are an amazing singer." I said looking over at him. He laughed and winked at me.

"Hey, Yanyan, don't talk to my enemy! How dare you betray me?" She exclaimed. I laughed and rolled my eyes. She quickly rushed out of the room and Situ Feng pulled out his tablet, beginning to read.

"Does he actually read, or does he try to look cool for his fans?" I whispered to Nanxi. He raised his eyebrow and looked back at me.

"I honestly don't think he's ever read a book in his life." He whispered causing me to giggle. quietly. Situ Feng whipped his head around to look at us and we quickly turned back around, ignoring his glare. I jumped when something was slammed onto the floor. Qingqing slammed a large fabric basket onto the floor.

I raised my eyebrow and stood up walking over to her.

"Qingqing, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Fangfang, Yanyan, are you ready?" She pulled out a sign that read, 'Qingqing's Errands Business Open For Business.'

Oh right, her errand service, I forgot that she told my and Fangfang about that.

"Hello everyone. May I have your attention please?" Qingqing called gaining everyone's attention.

"Today is the first day of business for Qingqing's Errand Services. We'll run errands, get food from the cafeteria and buy snacks for you. Starting from just ten yuan per errand. Ten yuan, just ten yuan. Really, it just costs ten yuan. It's cheap."

"Qingqing, I don't think anyone is listening." Fangfang whispered to her. "You'd better just let them come to us."

"I have an idea." With a large smile she pulled a megaphone out of her bag and turned to us.

"Uh Qingqing, I don't know if that's a good-" She turned on the megaphone and her voice played loudly over it. I covered my ears and so did everyone else.

Situ Feng quickly reached over and grabbed it, turning it off.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked turning to him.

"Chen Qingqing, you're seriously disturbing my studies." He snapped.

"You too. Your studies is seriously disturbing to my campaign!" He raised his eyebrow at her and stood up.

"Are you trying to argue with me?"

"So what if I am?" Qingqing looked past him at the crowd of girls outside our class. She smirked as he turned around, picking up his tablet and pretending to read again.

"Some people just come here with an ax to grind." The two then sat down in their seats.

"I think you're not really studying. Are you doing it just to please your fans out there?" She asked. He leaned in and peered closer at her. She swallowed and backed away slightly.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"To the ugly person, being peered at is a kind of cruelty."

"Situ Feng!"

"From Qian Zhongshu's 'Fortress Besieged'." He turned his tablet over to prove that he was actually reading. Qingqing rolled her eyes.

"Are you done yet, Situ Feng?" She asked. Fangfang stepped forward and put her hands on Qingqing's shoulder.

"Qingqing, that's enough." Together we turned to Gu Nanxi and smiled at him. He chuckeld and stood up, walking over to us.

"Qingqing, can you please get me a beef rice set from the cafeteria? Plus a bottle of cola." He said. I giggled quietly as everyone gasped and turned to look at us.

"Sure, coming right up." After Nanxi payed everyone continued to watch in awe.

"Okay, I've made my payments for the meal and the errands."

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Gu." The two to each other and Qingqing turned to the others.

"Does anyone else want to try?" She asked. People stood up from their desks and ran over to us, chatting excitedly to each other. Fangfang and I took down people's orders as the girls from outside also filed into the room to see what to commotion was about.

After all the orders were taken, I went to the cafeteria to gather the meals, while Qingqing and Fangfang went to the store to buy all of the other things. Once I had all the meals I picked up the two baskets and began to carry them back to the classroom.

"Ah, these are heavier then I thought." I muttered to myself. I jumped when one of the baskets was taken out of my hand. I looked over and saw Yiyang walking beside me. People gasped and watched the two of us as we walked down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I stopped walking and turned to him. He sighed and looked over at me, that same look on his face that he always had.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm helping you, before you hurt yourself again." He muttered. He looked forward again and continued to walk.

"Hey! I don't need your help, I can do it myself." I ran after him and went to grab the basket from him. He turned away and held the basket away from me.

"Why can't you ever just accept help?"

"I can, just not help from you."

"Why?" I stared up at him.

"Because, I don't want your help!" I snapped. Everyone watched in awe.

"Is Yanyan crazy? No one has ever talked to him like that." Someone whispered. He stepped closer to me until my back was against the wall.

Without saying anything, Yiyang bent down and grabbed the other basket from me before turning around and walking to our classroom. I stood there for a second before rushing after him. He walked into the classroom causing everyone to stop and stare. He set the bags on my desk and quickly spun around, walking out of the room.

"What was that about?"

"Why did Lin Yiyang help Yanyan?"

"Did she bribe him?"

"Are they dating?" I let out a dramatic sigh and stomped over to my desk. Jerk, who does he think is? I don't need his help, and I don't want his help. After we all delivered the snacks and afternoon tea, it was time for our swim class.

After we all changed into our swimsuits and I stared at Qingqing as she slipped her donut shaped innertube over her head.

"Isn't that too much?" Fangfang asked.

"I haven't master my swimming for the past ten years or so. So I've got to pass this one with flying colors!" Qingqing exclaimed. I laughed and rolled my eyes. My sister is such a dork.

"All right, there are fifteen minutes left before we begin our swimming lessons for today. You can do what you want for now. After that, let's go over there and get your swimming caps and goggles."

"We'll wait for you over there." Fangfang took my hand and together we walked off away from Qingqing.

"Yanyan, I heard a rumor that you and Yiyang are dating." Fangfang whispered to me once we were alone. My eyes widened and my head snapped in her direction.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"Everyone is talking about it. Did he really help you carry the baskets to the classroom?" She asked. I looked around and pulled her close to me.

"Fangfang, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, understand?" She nodded her head.

"I promise Yanyan."

"Okay, Yiyang and I, we're roommates." She gasped loudly.

"What? Are you serious?" She exclaimed. I jumped and shushed her.

"Shh! Yes, now, you can't tell anyone about it. I would much rather no one in the world find out. Especially Qingqing, she'd freak out!" At the mention of her name I heard her let out a loud scream. I looked over and saw that she had fallen into the pool.

"Ah, Qingqing! She can't swim." Fangfang and I jumped into the pool, swimming towards her quickly. Just before we reached her, someone reached out their hand and pulled her to the wall. I looked up and saw Yiyang standing at the edge of the pool, staring down at my coughing sister.

"If you want to learn how to swim, you've got to overcome your fear of water." He said to her.

"Qingqing, are you okay?" Fangfang asked when we reached her. I looked up when Yiyang held his hand out to her.

"Let's be friends." He moved his hand over to Fangfang. She gently grasped his fingers and shook her hand lightly.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Fangfang." She greeted. "Qingqing, this is Lin Yi-"

"I know. He's Lin Yiyang." Yiyang took one more look at me before standing straight up, walking away. I let out a sigh as I watched him walk away.

"Come on Qingqing." I got out of the pool and helped her up. After class was over, we all changed back into our normal clothes. I was standing outside the changing room with Fangfang, waiting for Qingqing when two other girls walked out.

"Hey, did you see what just happened?"

"Qingqing fell into the pool?"

"Yeah. So many people saw it, but, I heard it was Lin Yiyang." I turned my head in the direction of the gossiping girls.


"He pushed Qingqing's head into the water without helping her up." Wait, that wasn't even what happened.

"You know the fire in the campus' chemistry lab last year? He started it." Okay, that's enough, they need to stop talking.

"Why didn't they expel him yet?"

"He's got connections."

"Hey. Lin Yiyang didn't push in Qingqing. He actually saved her. You should really get your facts straight before spreading rumors." I muttered to them. Fangfang grabbed my arm.

"Yanyan, don't."

"Yeah? How do you know he saved her?"

"Because I saw it happen." I snapped.

"I saw it to."

"You just said you heard about it." Fangfang said quietly.

"Everyone knows that Lin Yiyang is the big bully on campus. And there you go clearing his name. Are you secretly in love with him?" The two girl giggled to themselves. I took a step forward and a hand grabbed my arm.

I looked up as Yiyang stepped in front of me. The two girls coward in fear, they turned to walk away.

"Hold it right there." Yiyang called to them. They stopped walking and turned back around.

"What did you just say?" He asked them.

"Nothing." They answered quietly.

"Louder!" I jumped when he shouted loudly.

"Nothing!" They yelped in fear.

"Get lost." The two girls turned around and quickly ran away from him. Yiyang turned around and looked at me, still holding on to my arm.

"Start minding your own business." He muttered. He let go of my arm and began to walk away.

"Ah, Lin Yiyang!" He stopped walking to turned to me.

"What?" He asked.

"I-I'm sorry, about the rumor." I said quietly. He nodded his head before walking away.

"Fangfang, who was screaming just now? I heard it from inside." Qingqing asked as she ran out of the changing room.

"Nothing, let's go." I muttered turning around walking away.

"What's wrong with her?" Lin Yiyang, why do you make everything so difficult?


I sat cross-legged on my bed, for some reason, I kept staring at Yiyang's bed. It's getting late, where is he? I scoffed and looked away, wait, why do I even care? He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. At the sound of the door opening I jumped and quickly laid down in bed, pulling my blanket over my head and body.

"Sleeping already?" Yiyang asked quietly.

"Maybe." I muttered. He went about his business, totally ignoring me. I slowly pulled the blanket down over my face, I stared at Yiyang as he continued to prepare for bed. He stopped walking and turned to look at me. He raised his eyebrow at me and I rolled over so my back was to him.

"Is there a reason you're staring at me?" He asked. I scoffed.

"You wish I was staring at you." I said quietly. He chuckled and soon he was in my line of vision, he bent down in front of me and moved his face close to mine.

"Were those girls right? Are you secretly in love with me?" He asked quietly. I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh please, I could never fall in love with a guy like you." I mumbled to myself.

"I think you forget that I was the one who saved your life. As well as your sister's." I stood on my feet and put my hands on my hips. He stood up and looked up at me.

"Lin Yiyang, I thank you deeply for saving mine and my sister's life. I would also like to apologize for the rumors being spread about you because of me." I bowed dramatically to him. He let out a light breathy laugh.

"You know, you're not a normal person." I shot straight up and placed my hand over my chest, pretending to be heart.

"I am very offended. After I thanked and apologized to you, you insist on insulting me." I pretended to cry and covered my face with my hands. I gasped when Yiyang grabbed my legs and pulled them out from underneath me.

I fell on my butt and my eyes widened when Yiyang was above me. I swallowed thickly and stared at him in shock. W-what was he doing? His eyes searched my face as he continued to stare of me intensely.

"You don't have to apologize about the rumors, I've been dealing with them ever since I came to this school." He said quietly.

"You shouldn't have to, no one should have to put up with so many rumors about themselves. I mean, people are so afraid of you that, they don't even want to try to get to know you." I whispered.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" He swallowed before continuing to talk.

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked quietly.

"Honestly, no." His eyes widened as he stared down at me.

"Really?" I laughed lightly and poked his nose.

"I am greatly aggravated by you, but, I've never been afraid of you." He coughed awkwardly before standing back up onto his feet.

"Um, you should get some sleep. Good night Yanyan." I sat up and looked at him as he laid on his bed, his back facing me.

"Good night, Yiyang."


"Qingqing, I can't believe you actually agreed to be his assistant." I said to my sister. She ignored me and continued to sell tickets to Situ Feng's concert.

"This is the last one. Thanks for coming." The girls all said bye before walking away, laughing with each other.

"Qingqing." I looked up as Situ Feng and Gu Nanxi walked up to us. "What are you doing?"

"I didn't think your tickets would sell so well. All I did was post it on the college's discussion forum and everyone started asking about the cost. So I earned a lot by reselling tickets." She explained.

"Qingqing, you-"

"Hey. You didn't like her errands service, right? She'll stop the service after she gets the money she needs. Just like you wanted." Nanxi whispered to him.

"Eh? What did you say about me?" Qingqing asked looking at him.

"Ah, nothing." I nodded my head to our desk and Nanxi smiled before the two of us scurried to our seats.

"Nanxi, I have a secret." I whispered. He leaned his head over and I cupped my hands around my mouth.

"She already earned everything that she need to. Now this is just for fun." We looked at each other and laughed. After class was over Qingqing walked around the room, selling time for people to sit in her seat next to Situ Feng.

I looked back up at Nanxi and we both laughed. I would feel bad for him, but he has been kind of a jerk to Qingqing since they met. Situ Feng stood up and threw her sign on the floor.

"Hey! What the hell Situ Feng?" She exclaimed.

"Your errands service should stop right now! You can go now." The girls all scurried away from the temperamental boy.

"Hey, don't go. Situ Feng, why are you doing this?"

"Because you're my assistant. Once you signed up to be my assistant, if you breach the contract, you'll need to compensate me more then that painting is going to cost you." Qingqing took in a deep breath.

"Fine. I am your assistant, Situ Feng. Chen Qingqing is a woman of her word."

"All right, my assistant. Get me some water." She slowly turned around and left the room. I sighed and leaned back looking at Situ Feng.

"Hey, Situ Feng, do you have to be so hard on her?" I asked him. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, I guess I could lighten up a little." Qingqing came back and slammed the glass on the table.

"Hey. You spilled the water!" Situ Feng exclaimed looking up at her.

"Aren't you going to drink it?" He sighed and took a drink, only to spit it back out.

"Hey, cold water? How many times do I have to tell you? I have a sensitive stomach!" She sighed and took the cup again, walking away. Situ Feng leaned back, a smirk on his face. Qingqing came back and gently set the cup on his desk. He reached out and touched the cup.

"Hey, this water is hot! Do you want me to burn my tongue? Get another one." She balled her fist and grabbed the cup again.

"Situ Feng!" He looked at me and just shrugged his shoulder. Qingqing slowly trudged back into the room. She set the cup down and walked over to her desk, plopping into her seat. Ms.Chen walked back into the room and everyone looked up.

"Your gym teacher has an emergency. We'll have math instead." Everyone groaned loudly. "Distribute the papers."

Once we all got our papers back, Ms.Chen stood up at the front.

"Let's see how badly you did. Situ Feng. Do you know that you scored the lowest in your class? And you've lowered the class average by three points. When I call your names, you'll be paired up into study groups. Group one. Chen Qingqing, Situ Feng." I looked back as Situ Feng slowly raised his head, a look of shock and horror on his face.

"Group Two." Situ Feng shot to his feet.

"Ms.Chen, I don't want to be with her!" He exclaimed.

"Ms.Chen. I am very happy to accept your arrangement. As part of this class, I am willing to help someone physically underdeveloped and simple-minded students to step up with me and defend the class' honor." I laughed lightly at my sister. She's is going to do everything in her power to get back at him.

"That's good. Situ Feng, do you have any complaints." He looked over at Qingqing and glared.

"No ma'am." He mumbled as the two sat back in their seat.

"We're going to have a welcoming party this weekend. Every class has to come out with a program. Do you have any ideas?"

"Situ Feng should sing!" Someone shouted.

"Sing!" Everyone chanted.

"This requires the approval of those involved. Situ Feng, do you have any objections?" Ms. Chen asked.

"No." Everyone ooh'd and giggled.

"Ah, what about Yanyan, she can sing to." Qingqing said standing up. My eyes widened as I turned back to look at her. Slowly everyone turned to look at me.

"Yanyan, you sing?" Gu Nanxi asked.

"Ah, no, Qingqing's just crazy." I said laughing awkwardly.

"Really, listen." She pulled out her phone and before I could stop her she played the video of me singing at my recital a year ago. Everyone listened in aw and I slammed my head on the desk, wrapping my arms around my head and hiding myself.

"Yanyan, your voice is so pretty." Everyone exclaimed.

"Keep quiet now. Let's discuss the papers. Everyone look at the papers in front of you. First, let's look at question two." I looked back at my sister and glared hardly at her. Chen Qingqing, you're in deep trouble.

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