the staff room || reddie

Por thottiedoesntcare

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" are you and mr k dating?" " no, but i wish we were." if derry high's art teacher eddie could have a dollar... Más

1. mr.tozier paints a picture ( goes pretty well )
2. drama ( and richie pulls )
3. reddie goes on a date
4. eddie visits richie and there's a juicy paint war
5. parents night
6. reddie have a fight and stan enjoys it
teaser for our upcoming ff :^))

7. eddie gets evaluated and richie's sad

538 18 9
Por thottiedoesntcare

this chapter is literally 5795 words lol

that morning, instead of sitting and watching netflix during his free lesson, richie was assigned something to do. now, this was really rare. richie basically had to make notes on eddie's lesson for stanley. stanley was going to do it at first, but something came up. and so, richie had to take it up.
he was in his classroom before lessons started, his form class talking to each other. he usually thought up of something to do, but he didn't bother and just let them chat. he was one of the better form tutors. some made their form class read in silence for the whole time.
after the bell rang, the students left. richie closed his laptop, took his paperwork, and strolled into eddie's classroom to greet him before lessons started.
" g'morning, mr.k!" he smiled, placing the paperwork he was meant to fill out on the table. he walked over and lightly kissed eddie's cheek.
"morning," he said happily. "what're you doing here?" he asked, turning his body to face richie and lean up against his desk.
one of the best things about their relationship was that they worked together (though that could be considered a bad thing, too). eddie got to see his boyfriend constantly and they got to eat lunch together. eddie loved it. stanley didn't.
in fact, stanley often scolded them for PDA and rolled his eyes constantly at lunches when they sat together and did cute things.
eddie didn't know why it bothered him so much. he was probably jealous he couldn't get a girl or boyfriend of his own. that's what eddie assumed, anyway.
"stan's s'posed to be coming in to 'evaluate my teaching methods'." he used air quotations, slightly rolling his eyes. he knew it was part of stan's job to evaluate the teachers, but it was always nerve-wracking to be judged by your boss. especially if your boss was stan. mr. uris didn't really love eddie. he never had, but he was by far the best option for an art teacher at derry high.
" yeah, 'bout that, eds, that's my job today." richie said, " stan the man's a lil' busy today. i'll try to be fair on what i write, but i might be a little biased. just a little." richie smiled, pushing up his glasses. he wore a white shirt, brown flannel and black jeans. richie wasn't the teacher that dressed the best, though he liked to think he dressed better out of his workplace.
" i'm so excited." richie said happily, " i'm, a like, a head teacher. don't call me richie," he said in his best stanley impression, " it's mr. tozier to you." he said before laughing. he couldn't be serious whilst pretending to be stanley.
eddie chuckled. richie was such a dork. "i'm excited too. remember to give me extra points or however it works. stanley probably won't but it though, would he? he hates us together." eddie found it quite funny how easy it was to annoy the noodle-haired man.
the bell rang and students started filing in.
eddie turned on his heel to face the class.
"good morning everyone. today, mr. tozier is going to hang out in here. not for fun this time. to evaluate me. so be on your best behavior so he can see that i'm not that bad of a teacher." eddie was definitely more loose around richie and the students were happy about that. when their teachers were happy, there was less work involved.
" ' not that bad'? lovely impression, eds. really getting things off right." richie joked, pretending to write something on his paper. the students couldn't see as they sat in front of him, but eddie, who was standing, might just be able to see that richie hadn't written anything at all- he drew a dick on his paper, and he looked proud of it too. he then tried to rub it out, realised he wrote it in pen, and left it there.
" yeah, uh, pretend i'm not here. but i'll probably be speaking a lot, so it'll be pretty hard for you." richie smiled, playing with his pen.
"don't call me that," eddie snickered lightly at the crude drawing. "um, you can sit at my desk or the back table," he pointed to them. "or anywhere. doesn't really matter," he shrugged.
eddie went to his desk to get out the materials they needed for today, setting them on the front table. it was only clay, newspaper, and a few tools. they had moved onto the clay unit of the class a few days ago.
" hey, eds, can i join in?" richie asked, eyes lighting up. he hadn't thought of that. he sat at eddie's desk, moving some things out of the way. he wrote on a sticky note ' if u see this hi lol :,)) '. richie was a great english teacher. a student seemed to notice what was on richie's paper because they laughed a little.
" i'll be a 10/10 student. you won't even have to call my parents. pretty please, mista?" he looked at eddie.
eddie glanced over at him. "yeah, sure. don't get it stuck to my desk, though."
"alright, everyone grab a newspaper, water, and a tool from the bin. i'll come around with clay." students started taking the materials, chatting about random things. eddie started to cut the clay into even blocks. the class was seated again and eddie started to come around the classroom, distributing the clay in his hands then going back for more.
"remember, the more you play with it, the dryer the clay gets, so have an idea of what you're going to make before you start."
when he reached richie, he set a bit of clay on his desk. "don't get it stuck to my papers." he warned with a smile.
" can i make a dick?" richie asked and laughed, " or is that too much?.. i can make maybe a stripper pole. put it in my bedroom.. or i can make.." richie thought for a second, " hm.. i'll make us!" he decided happily.
eddie grinned. richie was sweet when he wanted to be. he placed a light kiss to richie's cheek and turned to the class. "remember to slip and score," he reminded the class, walking to the front of the room again. "if you need more clay there's some up here, but don't take what you don't need."
richie started making the two. he didn't exactly know where to start, but after a bit of thinking, he kind of figured it out. he got some of that metal wire from the cupboard, and started making their bodies so the wire went through them and they wouldn't fall apart. he used a pen that didn't work to put in all of the details on their faces, and spent most of his time making his and eddie's hair, as he made every strand. richie's hair was just as messy as it was in real life. he make their clay representations wear the same things they were wearing that day, and after a while, he had some basic figures. he then made them hold hands before sticking them to a base he made so they stood. richie had never been prouder of himself.
eddie was helping a student that was making a penguin when he glanced up and saw richie's proud grin.
"um, does that help?" he asked the student. he nodded and eddie left to go to richie. "since when were you good at art?" he asked, observing richie's creation with half a smirk. he hadn't even made too much of a mess either. eddie was actually very impressed with richie. when richie applies himself, he was very talented.
" i don't know. richie shrugged, " can you tell who they are, eddie bear?" he asked happily, holding eddie's hand. he hadn't written anything on the paper, as was too busy creating his figures to write. he'd just tell stanley that eddie's lesson was so good richie didn't have time to write everything down.
eddie didn't even remember that richie was supposed to be evaluating him. "don't call me that, but yeah. it's really good, richie." he readjusted his hand in richie's and squeezed it lightly. a few of the students had just given up on their projects and were watching richie and eddie, but their art teacher didn't notice. he was distracted by richie.
" thanks." richie smiled, lightly pecking eddie's lips when he thought nobody was looking, " i love you, sweetheart. i'll paint it and then you can keep it." he hummed, " i'll probably be done by tomorrow. i bought paint last week."
"you have to come in here to paint it. there's a special kinda paint for clay," he said. "plus we have to put it in the kiln. it can be another excuse for you to come in again." eddie smiled.
eddie let his students talk to each other when they were working, but he heard his name. and richie's. not mr. kaspbrak and mr. tozier, though. richie and eddie. eddie glanced at the students. it was a group of four girls fangirling over their teacher's relationship. eddie scoffed.
richie followed eddie's gaze, realising what he was looking at.
" .. students are weird sometimes." richie commented, " we're literally teachers and they're looking at me as if i was really cool. i barely get paid." richie joked. being a teacher didn't exactly make you rich, but you weren't poor.
"you are cool, richie. but i'm cooler. i'm the cool one." eddie would never let that go. not for a while at least.
"mr. kaspbrak!" a student from the back of the class yelled urgently. eddie looked up. "james is throwing clay at me!" eddie resisted the urge to roll his eyes. james was something else.
"james, come up here." he said in a bored tone. these kids were seventh graders, the youngest grade he had to deal with, but they were still old enough to know better than to throw clay at each other.
kids snickered as their classmate walked up with a smile. "what, eds?" he asked casually. kids laughed. eddie tilted his head.
"it's mister kaspbrak to you." only richie was allowed to call him eds, and eddie scolded him for it. a kid in seventh grade didn't have the right to call him eds. "would you like to go pay a visit to mr. uris?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"yeah, i haven't seen stan in a while." more kids laughed. "i'll give him a call now and tell him you're on your way then." eddie said calmly. he scooted behind richie, bending over slightly to punch the numbers of the main office in. james headed down, rolling his eyes. his middle fingers were up in his pockets.a
as the boy left, richie said, " tell stan i said hi!"
he shouldn't of have said that but richie found it pretty funny.
"yeah, he's on his way. okay, bye." eddie hung up.
" damn, i'm scared walking into stanley's office at age 24, and he's younger than me. stan the man's really scary." richie said. richie felt that whenever he'd walk into stanley's office, there was a chance he'd be fired for some dumb shit. yet, as you can tell, this has not happened.
"richie, don't encourage him." eddie scoffed, going back to the front of the class. "okay, everyone back to work." he clapped his hands once. there was only fifteen minutes left until class dismissed. eddie didn't really want richie to leave.
richie looked up at the time, " seriously? 15 minutes left? i really don't want to teach a lesson. i'm tired." richie mumbled, looking at eddie, " hey, eds, what should i make my next lesson on?" he asked. richie had no ideas.
eddie sat on top of his desk. "you should really plan out your lessons, richie. or at least get general ideas about what you're gonna teach them." eddie kicked his feet lightly.
" this is my style, eds. i don't work any other way." richie said, thinking for a moment or so before saying, " i'll just give 'em my favourite play to study. it's not gonna be boring for me, at least." he shrugged. richie's favourite play was the crucible by arthur miller ( that's aleks' fav play x ), and he never got tired of it. It was just one of those plays/books you couldn't put down.
"sounds good. but at one point we're going to sit down and plan your lessons." it was halfway to plan richie's lessons and halfway to have an excuse to hang out with his boyfriend. "soon." he added on.
" that's so much work." ritchie said, " but if i get to sit around with mr.k a little longer, i might just do it."
he ruffled eddie's hair and laughed a little.
eddie slapped richie's hands away lightly. "don't do that." he ran his hand through his hair to fix it. "are you free on friday after work?" he asked. "if you are, you're coming to my house and we're working on your lessons."
" fine by me, my love." richie smiled, " i'm always free. well, not always, because i'm usually playing video games, but you know what i mean." he said, randomly drawing things on the paper he was meant to be making notes on.
"cool." he smiled softly.

the final bell rung to everyone's relief. eddie wasn't going to stay after today. he was going ask richie to come over today since he hadn't been to his house yet. once all of his students left and he had cleaned up a little, he left the classroom, locking the door behind him. eddie didn't bother knocking on the closed door before going into the room. he smiled. "hey richie," he smiled lightly. "are you staying for after school today?"
richie looked up. he didn't smile brightly as he usually did, run up and give eddie a kiss or even make a stupid joke.
" nah.. but i'm busy today." he lied. truth be told, richie was not feeling up to it at all. even if he was happy all the time, he had his low points too. it seemed like he was going through one of those.
".. i'll be free tomorrow though." he added, " at least i think so, anyways... i'm sorry."
"oh, it's okay. i was gonna ask if you wanna come over." he didn't walk very far into the room. "we can do it tomorrow if you want. or this weekend. whenever." he smiled. eddie didn't notice how deflated richie looked until he finished talking. "richie, are you alright?" he asked. he shut the door behind him and made his way to richie's desk, where he was sitting.
richie shut his laptop and looked up at eddie.
" i'm fine, okay? i have stuff to get done, eddie, that's all." richie said quietly. he just wasn't in the mood. the lesson prior, the class were covering the impact of parents on characters in various novels, and although richie had taught that topic to the ninth grade before normally, but this time it seemed to have more of an affect on him than it did ever before. richie and his parents never had the best relationship. he tried not to think about it too much.
"oh," eddie said. "are you sure? you look.. i dunno, i mean not bad i just mean you look different. not in a bad way. just, um, sad. i guess." eddie shrugged. if richie wasn't sad or something, the situation would've been more awkward than it already was. "you can talk to me, richie." he added on softly.
richie moved his glasses up, rubbing his eye with his sleeve. his sleeve was damp in a small area.
" nothing's wrong, okay? please don't worry about it." he said, avoiding eye contact.
eddie frowned. "'s my job to worry about you, richie." he moved closer to richie. "are you crying?" he asked, lightly touching the spot on richie's sleeve and crouching down a little (since richie was sitting). "what happened?"
" i told you, nothing. i'm just not feeling up to it." he said simply. his tone didn't seem to have any expression, " we can talk all you want tomorrow and i'll buy you flowers to make up for me being like this today but i really can't come over." he mumbled.
"you don't have to buy me flowers for not feeling good." eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "richie, talk to me." eddie held onto richie's hand lightly. this wasn't like richie. fun, happy, bouncy richie.
richie had been holding his tears back for a while now, and it was getting harder and harder. he ended up pulling eddie into a tight hug, crying into his shoulder.
" d-damn, eddie, i love you so fucking much.." he said, his words slightly muffled, " it's just.. i remembered some stuff.. stuff i tried t-to forget.."
eddie immediately hugged richie back. "i love you too, richie," he said softly. "do you want to talk about it?" he started gently making nonsense patterns on richie's back with his fingers.
" it's.. there's a lot to it." richie said quietly, " i'm not gonna bore you with the whole thing.. a waste of mine and your time, to be honest.. but, all you gotta know is that i never had good relations with my parents. i barely had relations with them at all, honestly. they were always out- probably cheating on each other, i don't fuckin' know- and during those rare times when they were around, you'd think they didn't even fucking see me. they'd push past me when i was 4, and obviously, since they were adults, i fell, and they didn't give me a glance. not a fucking glance." he pulled away, wiping his eyes, " for the last lesson we studied different parenting styles and their effects on characters. i usually don't really mind teaching that topic, but i guess i picked the wrong day to do it."
eddie listened quietly, frowning. "you don't deserve that, richie," he said quietly. eddie didn't really know what else to say. he'd never been in a situation like this before. "i'm so sorry." eddie was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. he was nervous that he would screw up and say something insensitive. richie didn't need that right now. instead of saying anything else, eddie leaned forward to hug richie around the neck, mumbling another 'i'm sorry.' richie deserves a great childhood with supportive and caring parents. eddie couldn't believe that the parents of his boyfriend could've ever been blessed with such a great child. a child they chose to neglect.
"do you want to talk about it more? we don't have to. i mean, i can leave now if you want to be alone. but i'm here for you. i won't leave if you don't want me to, okay?" he spoke softly, as if richie would break if he spoke any louder. of course, it was rather rude of eddie to think that. just because richie was upset or sad didn't mean he wasn't strong. richie was one of the most strong people eddie had met. eddie just wanted to be cautious.
" can we.. just.. do something? i don't know.. i don't wanna think about the past. maybe we can watch a movie or something?" richie suggested, taking his glasses off and wiping them as they had tears on them. one of the reasons wearing glasses sucks ass.
if eddie wasn't there, richie would most definitely be crying to himself right now. he was so thankful for his boyfriend. he loved him so, so much.
"yeah, of course." eddie pulled back from the hug a little bit to make eye contact with richie. "do you wanna go out in public or to one of our houses? or stay here? we can do whatever, i just want to help you, richie." he moved his hands from richie's shoulders to his hands, lacing their fingers together. richie's hands were a lot bigger than eddie's, but eddie liked it that way. also, his hands were warm. they were most of the time, eddie had began to notice.
" can we go to your house or something?" he asked, " i don't really wanna go out in public, especially after crying. even if i don't look like it, i'm scared people will notice."
eddie nodded. "you look fine, by the way." he smiled softly before standing up and reaching a hand out to richie, though it probably wouldn't effect how easy it would be for him to stand up. "are you just gonna leave your car here? stan would probably let you." he knew because when he had gone to richie's house, they had left his car in the lot.
" yeah," richie agreed, taking eddie's hand and standing up. he lightly kissed eddie's cheek, " thanks for hearing me rant about my un-important issues, sweetheart. i love you."
"your issues are important, richie," he said quietly. "and i love you too." eddie led them through the hallways, thankfully not running into anyone, and out to the parking lot. he unblocked his car, hopping into the driver's seat and bucking himself in.
richie sat down in the seat next to eddie's, putting his seatbelt on. he checked the time on his phone. it wasn't too late. he then placed his phone into his pocket, looking out of the window.
soon enough, they arrived at eddie's house. eddie parked his car, pulling the key out and getting out of the car. he didn't go any further until richie was out of the car too. he then locked it and started walking up to the front door, lightly grabbing onto richie's hand. he dropped it to take his house key out and unlocked the door, holding it open for richie. eddie's house was neat for the most part. things were organized and clean, it was only the table beside his bed that had a bunch of shit on it (water from a month ago, old silverware, empty cups, etc.).
richie sat down on eddie's bed, looking around, " how do you have time to actually keep your room clean?" he asked. richie's house wasn't a mess, but it wasn't the cleanest place on earth either. when he had time to clean, he'd rather spend it playing video games.
" i didn't think anyone really bothered cleaning their room properly after the age of 16. i don't, anyways." he shrugged. he took eddie's hand and pulled eddie so he'd sit beside richie.u
"It's just habit. also, messes bother me. other than my bedside table." he shrugged. "when i was a kid, if my room was messy my mother would ground me and then tell me about all the diseases i could get from bacteria that would grow on the things i didn't clean up. a little traumatizing, but at least my house is clean now." eddie didn't believe he could get all those diseases from a messy room anymore, but something in the back of his mind told him that he could get sick or that rats would come into his room. when his room was a mess now, it gave him anxiety and he wouldn't be able to sleep.
" fuckin' hell." richie said, " i never really gave a shit about the state of my bedroom. It's my own space." he shrugged, " can you really get diseases from dirty rooms though? I was never good at science. i don't think it's likely though.. oh well, i'm probably gonna die young from doing something stupid anyways." he smiled a little.
"i don't really know. she said stuff like that all the time to scare me, but some of it is true. i don't know which is real or fake." it was true. eddie's mother had threatened him with diseases and sicknesses, saying he could die if he didn't or did do certain things.
" that's kinda fucked up." richie said as he played with eddie's fingers, " but maybe she just thought she was telling the truth. i say shit on accident that's not true sometimes." he said.
eddie shrugged. "maybe." he knew his mother said stuff like that on purpose, but he didn't say anything. "do you wanna keep talking about what we were talking about at the school? or do you want to just let it go?" eddie really couldn't tell what richie wanted. he couldn't tell if richie didn't like to talk about things like that, or he liked to let himself spill everything every once in a while. they had only been together for less than a week.
" i'd rather let it go. Sucks thinking about what happened then. my life is good now." he smiled, " i earn decent money doing something that i half enjoy, surprisingly, i didn't turn out looking too bad and the best part- i have the best boyfriend i could ask for." he said happily.
Eddie smiled. "You're such a romantic, richie." he laughed a little, lightly leaning on richie. "Are you hungry?"
" i know i am." he said proudly, " and i could use with a snack. do you have anything sweet? like, actually sweet? I have to clarify because you probably eat salads for fun." he joked.
Eddie playfully rolled his eyes. "I don't do that," he lightly pushed richie's arm. "I just don't live off starmix like some people. And i think it have ice cream. Not sure, though." surprisingly, eddie had a sweet tooth. He didn't have sweet things too often, but when he did he had more than enough.
" starmix is good though. i can have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and not be tired of it. that says a lot, eds. also, i proposed to you with a starmix ring." he smiled, " and now that you've mentioned ice cream, i really want ice cream."
"Well if i don't have ice cream here we can go out for some. Promise." eddie quickly made his way to the kitchen, bringing richie along by the hand. He opened the freezer, looking around before slightly frowning and moving some things around. "Are you up for a trip out?" he asked, closing the freezer.
" i guess. I really want ice cream. I'd probably do anything." he smiled, ruffling eddie's hair, " should we get going?"
Eddie nodded after fixing his hair. "I wish you would stop doing that," eddie lied, talking about richie messing up his hair. "And you're driving. I hate driving." eddie said. All he wanted to do before he was sixteen was drive. Go somewhere in a car. Anything. But now any chance he got to not drive, he would take.
" driving's not that bad." richie said, " i quite enjoy it. When i'm not tired, anyways. And i'm never gonna stop messing up your hair. Get used to it." he smiled a little and kissed eddie's cheek.
eddie lightly swatted richie away from him. "C'mon." he took richie's hand, taking his car keys off the counter as well as his wallet and headed out the door, locking it behind him. Eddie opened the passengers side of the car, bucking into it.
richie hopped into the driver's seat, turning the car on. he checked how he looked in the little mirror and commented, " my glasses look dirtier than they really are." he said as he put the keys in.
eddie chuckled a little. "what are you getting for ice cream?" he asked, sitting up in his seat.
" birthday cake flavour. It's so underrated and i think i'm gonna become diabetic whenever i have it but it's fucking incredible." he smiled, " what about you, my love?"
"chocolate chip cookie dough." eddie said without hesitation. it's what he got almost every time he went for ice cream. either that or strawberry.
" everyone likes that one. you're basic." richie said jokingly as he was driving, keeping his eyes on the road, " i'm cool and different."
eddie huffed in a non-threatening way. "it's good!" he protested. "i've never tried birthday cake." eddie watched richie's hands on the wheel and let his eyes wander up to the man's cheekbones. they were so prominent, eddie could've cut his finger on them. but that was besides the point. richie was smiling a little, which made eddie happy.
" eddie, i sometimes really think you hate yourself." richie said, " how can you, in your fucking twenties, have not tried birthday cake? now that's what i call self-hatred." he pushed his glasses up as they were falling slightly. one side was held together by tape, because two weeks before, richie thought it would be funny to throw himself off of the stairs.
"it's not my fault," eddie said, "i didn't even have that much ice cream as a kid." eddie recalled the countless times he asked his mother to bring him out or let him go out for ice cream. she's only said yes a few times, which were holidays and his birthday. he did eat more junk since he moved out, but still nowhere close to what normal kids would.
" eddie, one day we gotta binge eat everything you've missed out on. And i'm getting you a birthday cake for your birthday. and you're gonna eat it. some of it, anyways. I'll probably eat the rest. I may look skinny, but my diet is actually tragic."
richie just ate candy and fast food breakfast, lunch and dinner, because cooking sucks and he's almost set his house alight multiple times.
"sounds like a plan." eddie was glad he started talking more with richie. he was glad they started dating. otherwise, he probably would have been a stressed mess by this time in the semester. he usually was. richie helped him loosen up, and in eddie's opinion, he helped richie be more organized. or at least tried to.
they shortly after got to the icecream parlour.
" good. I'll decorate it and resist my strong urge to draw a penis." he laughed a little, undoing his seatbelt and hopping out of the car. he was wearing a black collared shirt with a tie and black trousers. he just put on whatever, and stanley said the tie looked good, so that's what richie put on. his hair was still messy, as it usually was.
eddie giggled, rolling his eyes and following richie in. he linked their fingers together. "sometimes i wonder how i can stand you." he mumbled in a joking way, squeezing richie's hand lightly.
" i wonder how you stand me too, my love." he kissed eddie's cheek, and looked at all the icecream offered.
" they have birthday cake. holy shit. I'm getting that one." he smiled.
"i will too, then. might as well try. if it's shit i'm blaming you." eddie didn't normally order anything other than his regulars at restaurants and food places. what if he didn't like it? that would be a waste of money. but since richie was hyping up the birthday cake flavor so much, eddie was willing to try something new.
" do i, richie tozier, look like i have a shit taste? I don't think so." richie hummed, ordering them both the same thing- three scoops of birthday cake icecream. He paid for the two and they got their icecream.
" eds, if you didn't exist, this icecream would be the definition of perfection."
eddie couldn't help but smile at richie's compliment. he couldn't come up with something to say fast enough, and it was already a few seconds too late to say something without it looking like he was trying too hard, so he just silently led richie to a booth.
richie sat down, and took his phone out. he went onto his instagram, which he was on a surprising lot. his bio was simply 'i'd be earning better as a porn star tbh and fun fact: eddie's real name is eds <3<3'. the students had already found their teacher's instagram. richie figured. he tried to ignore that though. his display name was simply 'stanley loves me he just doesnt wanna admit it'.
eddie took a taste of his ice cream. it took a few seconds to taste it, but when he did he instantly went back for more. "this isn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be." eddie smiled.
" you can always trust my taste, eds. i just know everything that's good." richie hummed, taking a picture for his instagram story before licking his icecream.
" y'know, i picked out a really good bunch of books yesterday. i ordered them and they should come today. i'm so excited."
"i didn't know you were actually into literature." despite richie being the english teacher, eddie had almost never seen richie reading a book. other than in his classes, eddie had only seen richie pick up a book a couple times. once it was a book about sex education, just to make people roll their eyes, another time it was an american girl doll book because richie was richie, and the most recent time was a self help book that he drew penises on.
" i actually read a surprising lot." richie said, " how could i not be into literature if i've published books? sure, they're not good books, but that's beside the point." richie hummed, " i've gotten into reading plays recently. i've considered writing one. i draw huge dicks on each of my books so i know they belong to me. nobody's gonna steal it if there's a huge dick on the front page."
eddie hadn't read richie's books yet, but it was on his to-do list. eddie didn't read a lot, as a child, he read almost two books a week, but most of that was because his mother wouldn't let him go out much and he was bored often. by the time he moved out, he was sick of only reading for a pastime and got other hobbies, such as art. his mother didn't really approve of him painting and things. something about being too feminine.
"i don't have copies of your books yet. keep that in mind for birthday gifts." he smiled up at richie.
" didn't know you wanted books for your birthday. I was gonna get you art supplies." richie said, " especially didn't know you'd want to read a bunch of shit written by me. I've written some trilogy that's all over the place and i wrote a bunch of philosophical books. They're not that interesting though." he shrugged, " your birthday gift is gonna be so good, just you fuckin' wait. I've already planned." he said proudly.
"rich, my birthday's in march," eddie stabbed his spoon into his ice cream that was half soft by now. "but i'm excited now."

hey chicks it's lipsha and we're sorry we haven't updated in so long! i've been slacking lol and we just finished this today but i hope this almost 6000 word chapter fulfilled your reddie needs for now. we're working on another fix which we'll preview here soon if aleks wants to (i do hehe this is a really exciting fic) and yeah. have a good day

written by: aleks n lipsha 👁👄👁

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