The Heart Of War- Ninjago Oc...

By AquaSilverShadow

11.7K 87 42

Starting from The VERY first Part of Ninjago, When Kai FIRST met Sensei Wu, it comes to be known that the Gra... More

🌺Twenty One🌺
🏁Twenty Two🏁
🍁Twenty Three🍁
🍕Twenty Four🍕
🖼Twenty Five🖼
☽Twenty Six☾
🌊Twenty Seven🌊
☀Twenty Eight☀
🌆Twenty Nine🌆
☘Thirty One☘
⚟Thirty Two⚞
🔔Thirty Three🔔
🚨Thirty Four🚨
🔲Thirty Five🔳
🌇Thirty Six🌇
⚂⚁⚀Thirty Seven⚅⚄⚃
🍿Thirty Eight🍿
🚀Thirty Nine🚀
☳Fourty One☲
♒Fourty Two♒
Ok. So.... A/n
✴Season 5, Episode 1✴
Whats Happened In the Story
🔘Season 5, Episode 2🔘
🎞🎞Season 5, Episode 3🎞🎞
🔰Season 5, Episode 4🔰
Guess What!!! (A/n)


318 2 5
By AquaSilverShadow

Season 1, Episode 3

(The episode opens on the Destiny's Bounty with the Ninja sleeping when a ringing wakes them up. Harper and Wu enter the room.)

Wu: Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you! (He bangs a cymbal.)

(All Ninja groan.)

Wu: In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity.

Kai: (gets up) Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest? (yawn)

Harper: Like we said... (howls) Evil Nevar Sleeps!!!

Cole: (stretching his back) You call that a rest? I think my back had more lumps than the mattress.

Jay: We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the Serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head... (He starts to brush his teeth and spits out some dirt that replaced his toothpaste.)

Zane: What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of- (the ground breaks beneath him and he coughs)

Wu: I think today's lesson would be chores.

Ninja: Chores?!

Harper: Oh, c'mon, Grandy!! You didn't tell me it'd be CHORES!!

Cole: Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean.

Wu: In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a Ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it. (Bangs the cymbal again)

Kai: (grumbling) This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up.

Jay: Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?

Harper: Hehehe... Not a bad idea.

Cole: Ninja, go! (Cleans up the room with Spinjitzu. He takes out all the trash and put it outside of the Bounty.)

Zane and Kai: (Zane throws the Shurikens of Ice toward the walls of Destiny's Bounty to freeze it. Kai uses the Sword of Fire on the ice) Ninja, go! (Both of them uses Spinjitzu to melt the rest.)

(Cole and Kai are fixing the machines inside the Destiny's Bounty and uncovers a huge a computer system and he try to use the Nunchucks of Lightning to fix it. All the Ninja try to fix the canvas.)

(Harper uses her Boomerang Blade to collect all the cobwebs gathered around the Bounty, before it comes back to her and she 'eews')

Jay: Ninja, go!


(Videogame version of overture)

(Nya and Sensei Wu enter a room to find the guys playing a video game.)

Kai: What took you so long?

Nya: Wow, This place looks amazing! You guys did all this?

Cole: Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean.

(Harper giggles and high fives Cole)

Wu: Oh, you have exceeded my expectations...

(A Car honk is heard.)

Wu: ...but can you keep it up?

(Ed and Edna, Jay's parents, are coming over to visit them.)

Nya: Looks like we're about have some visitors, and loud ones at that.

Jay: (Sigh) Ugh...It's my parents. Please, if they start yapping, just don't let them going, okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking then they'll start talking, and suddenly half the day is gone before you know it ends...

Kai: (cuts in) We get it! They talk a lot.... (mumbles) the cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom.

(Ed and Edna arrive.)

Ed: Oh, heh. Take a note, Edna. Either better brakes or a better bumper.... Oh, will you look at all this great stuff. They can't just get rid of it. We should have brought the trailer, Edna.

Edna: This ain't a flea market, Ed. We're here for Jay.

Ed: What was that? Did you take a note?

Edna: I'm writing it down, Ed.

Jay: (acts happy) Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?

Edna: Oh, look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!

Jay: Ma, I called you two days ago.

Ed: (giggle) Oh well... It's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming you don't.

Jay: we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?

Edna: He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard. (Looks at Nya) Oh... and who are you? (gasp) You are so cute! You are just my son's type.

Jay: Mom!

Nya: It's a pleasure of meeting you. I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you a tour. He worked very hard on it.

Harper: (Whispers to Cole) Awe how cute. Junkyard Jay!~ (Cole and Harper laugh)

Ed & Edna: We'd love a tour!

(Jay knocks his head and sighs. He then shows his parents the Bounty.)

Jay: And this the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells what's going on of Ninjago. And this...if a Serpentine's not giving us the answer we want, and we're late up night..

Edna: (cuts in) A neuro apparatus to read their minds?

Ed: An audio appliance to make them talk?

Jay: No, a cappuccino machine.

Ed: Ha ha. Amazing, son! We're so proud of you.

Cole: Why don't you tell them about the button?

Jay: Heheh it's not ready yet.

Edna: Oh, what's the button?

Zane: He's working on a special defense system.

Kai: Something every Ninja headquarters needs.

Harper: It's supposed to be uber cool.

Ed: Oh, really? What does it do? Can I help?

Jay: No, it's okay. I don't need your help, dad. Let's just leave it alone. Hey, look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there.

Ed: Uh, I suppose we could get back.


Cole: Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time.

Edna: Oh, if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow!

Harper: Seriously!? Haha!!

Jay: (reminding) Snakes, ma. Snakes!

Edna: Okay, we're going. We're going.

Edna: So you promise to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?

Jay: Yes, I promise! But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working, right?

(Ed turns on headlights. Everyone grunts as they shield their eyes.)

Ed: Heh, like 'em? I used a little extra juice. (Turns off headlights) Yep. Bye, son. I couldn't be more proud.

Ed: And bring Nya with you, will ya? I can see why you like her.

Jay: Mom!

Wu: Now that they have left, maybe Jay can teach us the art of kissing pillows... (He snickers.)

Jay: Ugh!

(Everyone laughs as he walks back in the Bounty.)


(Back to Ed and Edna)

Ed: I don't think he's coming, dear.

Edna: Stop it, Ed. He's coming.

Ed: No, he doesn't need us anymore. I just have to remember that. Uh, write it down for me, would ya?

Edna: Oh, dear. Lights, dear. It's getting dark.

Ed: Right, heh. Thanks, sugarplum.


(At the Fangpryre Tomb)

Lloyd: It's not scary. Um, maybe just a little, but I like scary. Yeah, that's it. I'm the son of the Dark Lord! I love the dark. I eat this stuff for breakfast! (Screams) I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me. I have to find the Fangpyres. If there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake. Here, by the mutated tree. I found it! (grunts) Soon, the Serpentine will know who their master is, and it will be I, Lloyd Garmadon! (He laughs evilly as lightning crackles.) AHHH! (He opens the tomb and screams as the Fanpyre General emerges.)

Fangtom #1: And who...

Fangtom #2: ...may I say released us...

Fangtom #1: ...from our captivity?

Lloyd: Uh, Lloyd? I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me.

Fangtom #2: The Hypnobrai?

Fangtom #1: Those hypnotizing deceivers.

Fangtom #2: It'll be...

Fangtom #1: ...our pleasure.

Lloyd: Oh, good. I'll lead the way. Then after that, there's some Ninja I want dealt with.

Fangtom #1: Sounds like...

Fangtom #2: know...

Fangtom #1: ...what you want.

Fangtom #2: But the Hypnobrai are strong.

Fangtom #1: And we are few in numbers.

Fangtom #2: We need...

Fangtom #1: ...reinforcements!

Lloyd: What did you have in mind?

(Fangtom hisses as the rest of the Fangpyre rise from the tomb as Lloyd once again laughs evilly.)


(With Cole and Harper)
(At the Bounty)

(Cole and Harper are Currently playing video games one on one, alone in the room, and Cole's winning.)

Harper: Gah!! NO! Im not gonna let you win so easily!!

Cole: (laughing) Face it, Harper! Im just a better racer than you!!

Harper: (Taunting) Oh yeah?

Cole: Yep!!

Harper: Well, I bet I can beat you at something else, right now!

(Cole pauses the game, and turns to look at Harper with a cocky smile.)

Cole: Alright.. Name it and I'll beat you!

Harper: Then Beat this!!

(Harper tackles Cole to the ground, and presses his back to the floor. Her lips land on his and they begin to... *ahem *.. make out. ;P Harper digs her fingers into Cole's hair, and Cole slips his arms around Her lower waist. Their kiss rises passionately and Harper tugs gently on Coles hair. Finally, they pull away for air and both chuckle.)

Harper: Heh... You're amazing.

(Cole winks and they go back to their make out.)


(At the junkyard)

Ed: Home, sweet home. And back to the grind. (Picks up toolbox and heads toward the Large Robot

Edna: Oh, sweetie. You've been working on that thing day and night.

Ed: Well, you never know when Jay may show up.

Edna: Oh, you're right. You never know.

(A dark silhouette passes by.)

Ed: Uh, Edna? Was that you?

Edna: What, Ed? Are you hearing things again?

Ed: Uh, you uh, you turned on the security alarm before you left, didn't ya, hun?

Edna: (goes to check the alarm, but nothing happens) Uh, must be broken.

(The power goesout.)

Ed: Whoever's there, my son knows Spinjitzu! (A Fangpyre hisses.)

Edna: What is it, Ed? Oh, why are the lights out?

Ed: Call Jay, hun. Someone's broken in!

Lloyd: How about we wait until he calls you? (He holds up phone with a broken cord.) Muahahaha!

Edna: Ed...

Ed: Be strong, Edna. I won't let them hurt you.

Fangtom #1: If we plan...

Fangtom #2: attack...

Fangtom #1: ...the Hypnobrai...

Fangtom #2: ...we'll need to grow...

Fangtom #1: ...our army.

Lloyd: And uh, how do we do that?

Fangtom #2: Let's just say...

Fangtom #1: ...we Fangpyre bite off more...

Fangtom #2: ...than we can chew.

Fangtom #1: Have at it, boys!

(Fangpyres start biting old vehicles.)

Ed: My creations! They are turning them into-

Fangtom #1: An army?

Fangtom #2: You are correct.

Fangtom #1: But we can also turn people, too


(Timeskip to morning. Jay is working on the button. Kai and Zane pass by.)

Kai: Sure got a lot of junk piling up. If only there was a place we could get rid of it...

Jay: If you don't mind, I'm trying to focus.

(Cole then passes by.)

Cole: (Pretending to be on the phone) Hi, mom and dad. Of course, I'd love to visit. What kind of son would I be if I didn't want to?

Jay: Heheheheh. I know what you're trying to do. Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate. And besides, shouldn't you be with Harper?

Cole: Why do you say it like that?

Jay: It's obvious that you two like eachother.

Cole: Oh, like how you see Ny--

(Nya and Harper come in.)

Jay: (wipes his mouth) Hehe. Hi, Nya.

Nya: You gonna visit your parents, today?

Jay: Uh, sure am. Just about to leave.

Nya: Tell them I say hi.

(The other Ninja look at Jay.)

Jay: What? So my plate's not that full.

Cole: Mhmm.

Harper: (Passes by Cole, while walking with Nya) Heya Cole.

Cole: Hey~.


Nya: So, wanna tell me what's mixing between you and Cole?

Harper: (Blushing) Wh-wha!? N-Nya! Come on! Dont pin me down like that!!

Nya: (Teasing) What if I got Cole to pin you down?

Harper: (Embarrassed) NYA!!! GAH!!

(Harper hurries her face in her hands, as it seems get face is completely red with blush.)


(Jay is now outside getting Wisp, but he won't budge.)

Jay: Come on, Wisp. It'll be a quick visit. Just in and out, nothing more.

Wu: Hm, it is as I suspected. The Dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales.

Jay: What does that mean?

Wu: Every adolescent Dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. We must allow them to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation.

Jay: Will we see them again?

Wu: It is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path.

Cole: Rocky's going east? (Pets Rocky) Say it isn't so, Rocky.

(Zane pets Shard.)

Jay: (Walks over to Nya who's with Kai, Harper, and Flame) Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company... (Nya begins to nod until...)

Kai: Of course we'll go, buddy.

Harper: I love long walks through the sand!

Cole: I could use a break.

Zane: All you had to do was ask.

(Jay sighs in annoyance. Wu also tags along as the Dragons fly away. He plays the Sacred Flute while they walk.)

Jay: (Sighs) Of all the days to lose our ride...

Harper: Oh, It's not so bad! It's a lovely day!

Cole: (Mumbles to Harper) Not as lovely as you...

(Harper jokingly pushes him away. They laugh.)

Zane: (To Sensei Wu) That flute. You've never told us why it's so special.

Wu: Long ago there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten its ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one. (He plays the flute again.)

Jay: I get the lesson: respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick.

Wu: (Chuckles) Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear.

(Jay stops walking after approaching the Junkyard.)

Nya: What is it?

Jay: It's quiet. My family's never quiet. (They all enter the junkyard, runs and hears Ed and Edna's mumbled grunts in a locked fridge. He kicks it open.)

Jay: What happened? Who did this? (He rips tape off Edna's mouth.)

Edna: Sweetheart, you came!

(Jay rips tape off Ed's mouth.)

Ed: Oh, you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come, it's the ssssnakes!

Wu: The bite of the Fangpyre! Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete.

(Fangpyres hisses)

Cole: Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?

(Harper pushes Cole out of the way)

Jay: Duck! (He saves his parents.)

Ed: (Groans) Thankssss, sssson.

Wu: Lloyd!

Lloyd: Hello, uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the Ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash. Muahaha!

Nya: If we want to turn your parents back, we need the antivenom in the staff.

Cole: Second dose, to the dirt! (Everyone plunges to the ground as the wrecking ball attacks)

(Fangpyres hisses)

Kai: Easier said than done, sis. We're bit outnumbered.

Jay: Nobody messes with my family. Ninja, go!

Kai, Harper, Cole, and Zane: Ninja, go!

(Fangpyres hisses)

(Wu plays flute as Nya attacks two soldiers.)

Nya: (Grunts) I don't know, Sensei. I think we make a pretty good duet.

(Lloyd plays loud music on boombox.)

Wu: Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?

Loyd: (Turns volume up) Sorry, uncle. Can't hear you!

(Harper sneaks up behind Lloyd and taps him on the shoulder. Lloyd turns around, confused.)

Harper: Heya, Twerp!

Lloyd: Gah!!

(Edna hits Fangpyre with a pan before he bites Wu.)

Ed: Yeah, way to go, Edna!

Ninja: Ninja, go!

(Music dies down as a Fangpyre Robot appears.)

Jay: Ah! What is that thing?

(Lloyd is shown to be running around in circles, trying to keep away from Harper, but as the Fangpyre Robot appears, theh both pause to look at it.)

Harper: What in Ninjago's Name is that!!??

Lloyd: Muhahaa! This is going great!

(Harper grabs hold of Lloyd and picks him up off the ground. She holds him upside down and scowls his way.)

Harper: You really are a brat.

Lloyd: Let--! Let go of me!!

(Lloyd hits Harper in the chest with force behind it, and she winces in pain, thus dropping the lil tyke. He scrams to the Fangpyre's side.)

Ed: It was supposed to be in your honor, son, but do you like it?

Jay: Thanks, but no thanks.

(Everyone runs away.)

Cole: Why'd you have to be born in a Junkyard?

Jay: I know. Tell me about it.

(A Fangpyre crane with a sentient wrecking ball attacks.)

Kai: Uh, wasn't there five of us?

(Harper picks herself up and rushes to regroup with the team.)

Harper: Im right here... but.. wheres Jay?

(Jay is on the wrecking ball before jumping into the cockpit.)

Jay: Let's see if I can work this. (He moves a handle.)

(The Fangpyre Robot attacks Cole.)

Cole: (Grunts) Don't worry, I got it. (Jay uses wrecking ball to save him.) I told you, I had it.

Lloyd: Retreat! (He and Fantom escape on a RattleCopter.)

Nya: He's getting away with the staff!

Jay: (Sighs) Right now would be a good time to have those Dragons)

Ed: It'ssss okay, sssson.

Wu: There is still a away.

Jay: How?

Wu: Part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapon's potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart, its secrets and powers can be unlocked.

Harper: ...Wha??

Jay: Oh, this is not the time to be cryptic.

Zane: He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves.

Kai: Don't tell me I have to ride this thing like a broom stick.

Harper: (With realization) Oooh!!!

Wu: Jay, concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon! Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight.

(Jay successfully turned his Nunchucks into the Storm Fighter.)

Jay: Whoa! Haha, did I just do that?

(Kai turned his into the Blade Cycle, Zane's into the Snowmobile, and Cole's into the Tread Assault.)

Cole: Ha! I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings, but I think he's just been replaced!

Sensei Wu: (To Harper) Well? What are you waiting for! Use your Boomerang Blade! Focus!

Harper: Wait! You mean I can do that too!? Okay! Sweet!

(Harper concentrates and her Boomerang Blade turns into an advanced hover board: The Midnight Glider.)

Harper: So! Friggin! COOL!!! Let's go get em, Guys!!!

(Everyone chases after Lloyd with Jay cheering.)

Nya: Does your flute turn into anything?

Wu: (Looks at flute) I wish.


(Jay flies pass Lloyd.)

Lloyd: Whoa, what the heck was that?

Jay: Oops, haha. Overshot that a little. (He turns around.) Let's see what this baby can do. (He pushes a button, but the jet malfunctions.) Whoa!

Fangtom #2: Duck! (Ducks) The Staff!

Jay: I got it? (Gasps) I got it! (He laughs, but the Storm Fighter disappears.) Uh-oh. (He screams.)

Kai: Jay! You have to concentrate!

Jay: I can't!

Cole: I think we're gonna have to catch him.

Kai: I got him.

Cole: No, I got him!

Zane: He's mine!

(All their vehicles disappears. Jay screams some more, but Nya catches him in the Jalopy.)

Jay: Heh, nice.

Edna: Aw, I knew I liked thissss girl.

(Harper Speedily zooms in the air after the RattleCopter, and comes over to its side. Lloyd spots her and sees the smug smirk on her face.)

Lloyd: Ergh!! Do you ever give up!?

Harper: I think it's time for a newsflash, cuz! Ninja never quit!!

(Harper steers into the chain and knocks the Serpentine staff out of the leader's hand. It falls and Harper decends after it. She catches it but doesnt realize how far it fell. The next thing she knows, Shes crashes in the sand dunes.)

Cole and the Others: Harper!!

(The team rushes over to the place where Harper crashed. They call for her, and she digs herself out. She lifts the staff up proudly.)

Harper: I got it!!!

Kai: You did it!

Jay: Now we can fix my parents!!

Nya: Haha! Let's just get back to headquarters first...

Zane: But we might want to hurry. I have a feeling that the Fangpyre wont rest until they get their Staff back...


(The Ninja gets back to the Bounty before the Fangpyre.)

Nya: Come with me. Once we reverse the venom, we can fix you.

(The RattleCopter, as well as other snake bitten vehicles, can be seen in the distance, approaching the Bounty.)

Jay: Man the stations, everyone!

Kai: Jay, we better hurry.

Jay: I've been waiting for this moment. (Presses button, but nothing happens)

Kai: They're gaining on us!

Harper: Hurry up, Jay!!

Ed: Bottoms, up!

(Ed and Edna drinks antivenom. Laugh and turn back to humans.)

Ed: Oh, that's good.

Jay: Ugh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work!

Ed: Uh, son? Maybe I can help?

Jay: (Gasps) Dad! You're okay!

Ed: You're darn tooting. Oh, let's have a look. (Fixes wiring) Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, that should do it. Now try it.

(Jay presses the button. The Bounty opens its wings and rocket boosters, allowing it to fly away.)

Harper: Eat dust, Fang Gang!! (Laughs)

Lloyd: No, no, no, no! (Coughs)

(Nya drops the staff and Fangtom picks it up, right before the Bountu zooms off into the sky.)

Fangtom #2: These Ninja...

Fangtom #1: ...they must be stopped.

Lloyd: Oh, tell me about it.


(Back at the Bounty)

Jay: We'll get you back to the Junkyard just as soon as we see the coast is clear. But stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here.

Ed: Oh, take a note Edna: of all our inventions, this one is our greatest!

Edna: I already know, dear. (She tosses notepad away. The trio embraces each other as Wu watches them.)


(In the lounge room)

(Harper presses a pack of ice against her head, and groans. Coke and Kai enter the room, and see her sitting there, all bruised up.)

Kai: (Jokingly) Hehe.. Rough day?

Harper: Tch. You have no idea. We cleaned the entire Bounty when we woke up, fought the latest Serpentine, I got kicked in the chest by my cousin, and dived down at least 100 feet, before crashing into a sand dune. ... Everything hurts...

Cole: Well, it could be worse.

Harper: Really? How?

Cole: Jay could be here right now.

(Harper, Kai and Cole laugh, thus ending Episode 3....)


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