Crimson Moon

By mwendlandt

9.9K 720 18

Cain, Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack, would rather be left in peace. He has neither the time nor the patience... More



297 25 1
By mwendlandt

 "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Lou rolled her eyes as Ryland's silver wolf dropped a stick at her feet and wagged his tail. "You're a wolf." The warrior's response was to simply drop his chest to the ground and wiggle his butt in the air, begging her to throw the stick for him.

She glanced over at the girls, Henry, and Joey, all of whom giggled at Ryland's antics. Lou knew what he was doing; he was trying to lighten the mood. The full moon was tonight, and the twins were showing sure signs of shifting. Tonight was the night. It was almost ten o'clock at night now, although one would hardly realize that with how bright it still was outside. It was light almost twenty-four hours a day now, but that didn't mean that the full moon didn't affect the wolves just as intensely.

The twins were out further in the yard with Cain and the other males, except Joey, all in their wolf forms to provide a supportive presence for the new wolves when they finally emerged. Right now, though, the twins were just in pain and lying prone in the grass. Jack laid closest to his pups, nudging them with his nose now and again to reassure them that it would all be over soon.

Ryland had apparently taken it upon himself to keep an eye on the pack's females, along with Joey who wasn't officially part of the pack and therefore less welcome by the wolves. Especially right now when there were pups in distress.

A few days ago, after the incident in the kitchen, Joey had cornered her once she and Cain left his office. Cain, understanding her brother's concern, had let them be for a moment as he returned to the kitchen. Lou didn't blame Joey in the slightest for being worried about her. He'd spent the better part of his life protecting her from males, and if her heat had come upon her like that in her father's pack, the males would have gone after her with no remorse. Then she was in Cain's office for what Joey considered a long time, so naturally it took some convincing to assure him that all was well. More than well. She'd felt amazing.

In the few days since then, Cain had been around her as often as he could, but he didn't touch her unless she touched him first. He didn't trust that she felt safe around him, that he wasn't taking advantage of her. She didn't know how to convince him of otherwise. The only hesitation she had around Cain now was that she didn't want to seem too eager, and her lack of experience made her a little hesitant to make the first move on anything. What if she did it wrong? What if she was bad? Cain was experience, he knew what he was doing. How could she compare to the women he'd been with before her? Lou had seen the woman in when they were in town, the one who had stroked his face. She was tall, leggy, and thin, with beautiful blonde hair flowing in perfect waves down to her lower back. In short, she was the exact opposite of Lou. Cain had even admitted to Lou that that woman had been an old fling. If that's what Lou had to compete with...

Ryland barked, drawing her attention back to him. "Alright fine, you goofball." Lou grabbed the stick and hurled it as far as she could. Of course, Ryland being the show-off he was, leaped into the air and caught it mid-arc. He pranced back over and dropped it back at her feet.

"Well that's hardly fair," she told him, crossing her arms.

Ryland's ears drooped, his eyebrows lifting in perfect puppy-dog eyes.

She sighed and leaned forward to rub his coarse fur, scratching behind his ears and kissing between his eyes. "But you're my dear friend, and I know what you're doing. Everything will be okay." He rubbed his face against hers, tucking his head under her chin and licking her jaw. She smiled at the action, recognizing the way wolves greet their fellow pack members. Ryland then licked her face before sticking his nose behind her ear and inhaling deeply.

A low warning growl sounded behind Ryland's wolf, who backed away from Lou and lowered his head in acknowledgment of his Alpha. Cain's gorgeous blue roan wolf stepped toward Lou, gazing at her with those brilliant blue eyes, so like his human's. She still stood by the fact that he was the most magnificent wolf she'd ever seen. Tall and strong, broad in the chest and shoulders. His haunches were taut with muscle and power. Just like his human, he had a quiet strength about him, but it was easy enough to sense exactly who he was to his pack.

"Hello," Lou greeted the Alpha, opening her palms in an invitation for him to step forward. She'd always been more comfortable with male wolves than male humans. Wolves weren't cruel. They weren't manipulative. They didn't plot to corner her in a room. She was just a female to them, and if she rejected them, they moved on. Some wolves were more persistent to get her attention, but would eventually give up. They never tried to hurt her.

Cain's wolf dropped his head and stepped forward, letting her hands frame his cheeks, digging her fingers into his soft fur. He moaned at her touch, closing his eyes and leaning into her hands even further. Lou's wolf keened, wanting nothing more than to be free to interact with this male. Her sad howl echoed in Lou's head. Lou never understood why she couldn't shift, and it ate at her every day. To be a Lycan and not shift was like being a fish who couldn't breath water. Still a fish, but a very poor one at that.

One of the twins cried out in pain, and Cain's attention was immediately drawn back to him. His ears perked up and his head whipped around. A low whine escaped him, and Lou understood his turmoil. Two of his pack members, pups no less, were in pain and there was nothing he could do for them.

"Go," Lou urged, pushing him lightly. "They need you." He might not be able to do anything for them, but simply his presence as their Alpha should help calm them.

Ryland, now all business, trotted after his Alpha to be with the boys. It was getting close now. This had been going on since early this afternoon, but Lou sensed the moon's pull growing stronger. It would be soon, within the hour, that the twins finally shifted.

The girls, Henry, and Joey all sat up on the deck, watching the proceedings. Ellen was a mess. She hated seeing her sons like this and able to do nothing about it. Tahlia was antsy because her mother was. Caroline was patient, a calming, motherly presence for everyone. She'd seen this plenty of times, having been a part of a wolf pack longer than Lou had been alive. Kristine cradled a sleepy Henry, who had wanted to stay awake because everyone else was but failing miserable. Joey sat quietly with them, still in his human form, though he wouldn't for long. Wolves shifted during the full moon, unable to stop themselves. Lou wasn't sure if Joey's wolf would try to run with the pack, if they would even let him, but Lou planned to run with him so he wasn't alone. Everyone knew wolves were pack creatures, and the full moon just heightened that bond between them all. Running alone was miserable for a wolf during the full moon.

"I'm going to go lay Henry down on the couch," Kristine said softly, standing carefully so as not to jostle the toddler too much. "I'll be right back. I don't want to miss the boys shifting."

"There's still some time before that happens," Joey assured her. "But yes, they're getting close. Poor guys."

Ellen sighed heavily, and Caroline patted her back reassuringly. "They'll be fine. Look at all of their pack members down there with them. I can't imagine a better support group."

Lou smiled at that, gazing out over the males again. The twins laid in the middle, but all of the wolves laid around them, touching each other, taking comfort in their packmates. Cain was in the middle of it all, between the two boys. The wolves all stretched toward him and the pups, some resting their chins on the boys' legs and shoulders, others sprawled across their fellow wolves. Each pup had a hand wrapped in Cain's fur, gripping tightly and taking comfort in their Alpha's proximity. Lou's throat tightened at the knowledge of how much Cain cared for not only those two boys, but his entire pack. Her father would never have done anything like was Cain was currently doing. Her brother Lance wouldn't either.

Once again, it struck Lou just how wonderful of an Alpha Cain was. He was a formidable man, one who would cause people to think twice about crossing him, but he also cared more about each of his pack members than anyone Lou had ever met.

"Kristine, I'll come in with you," Lou said softly, following the Beta female into the house. They entered the living room, and Kristine lowered Henry gently onto one of the massive couches, tucking a thick blanket around his little body.

"He's so sweet when he's sleeping," Lou smiled down at the pup. She was well aware than if the High Council got a hold of her, she would be deprived of these moments with any pups she ever had. She'd be a breeder, not a mother.

Kristine hummed her agreement, but then a quiet sniffle escaped her. Lou turned to check on her, only to find tears brimming her eyes and escaping down her cheeks.

"Oh, Kristine, what's the matter?" Lou asked, turning to her and grasping her arms.

"It's nothing, it's stupid," Kristine shook her head and wiped her cheek. "It's just... I took one of those pregnancy tests I bought, and it was negative. Then I got my period the next day."

Ahh. Lou had been wondering what happened with that. Now she knew.

"That's not stupid. You were really hoping you were pregnant."

Kristine nodded. "Will was crushed. I told him about the tests, and he got so excited. We were so excited. It just felt like this was the time. But I guess it wasn't. I just want another one so bad, and we've been trying for so long. I can't help but worry that it isn't going to happen."

"Hey, hey," Lou said, pulling Kristine into her arms. "It'll happen, I promise. You and Will are going to have so many pups you won't know what to do with yourselves."

Kristine chuckled. "I hope so. I'm from a big family and I loved it. I don't see them much now, not since Mom and Dad moved and my siblings left Alaska, and since I mated a Lycan. Of course the pack is one big family, but I've always wanted one that's mine, just mine and Will's."

"And you will." Lou was sure of it. She obviously couldn't make promises, this had nothing to do with her and there was nothing she could do about it, but she couldn't imagine her dear friends wouldn't be blessed with another child when they wanted one so desperately.

Kristine nodded her head, but clung tighter to Lou. "Thanks, Lou."

Lou didn't respond, just held Kristine for a moment before they ventured back out onto the back deck. The wolves were starting to get antsy. Shifting and whining a little as the moon's power called to them. As Lou sat down next to Joey, she watched his hand clench and unclench on his knee as the power started to affect him too. Lou felt the moon's power, she always did, but not to the extent that the other wolves did. Her wolf just paced and whined, wanting to run free but completely unable to do so.

Lou touched Joey's arm, and he turned to her. "You good?"

He nodded. "I'll be fine, Lou."

"I know. It's just the first time you're not with your pack."

He scoffed. "They may have been pack on paper--"

"I know. But those wolves were your kin. These wolves are strangers. It's not fair for you to be alone."

"You're here. You've always been my pack, Lou. I'm fine." He reached over to squeeze her hand.

"I'm tougher than you think I am, little sister." He winked at her as she smiled.

"Joey, you don't think you're a part of this pack just as much as Lou?" Caroline asked him, wrinkling her nose.

"I've only been here for a week," reasoned Joey. "Cain and I are still figuring each other out." Though not nearly as dominant as Cain, Joey was still an Alpha male in his own right. They'd been sizing each other up for a while now, figuring out the equilibrium between them. Fortunately, Joey was an incredibly laid back wolf, except when it came to Lou.

"Well, you're just as much a part of this pack as anyone, I hope you know that." Caroline's kind eyes twinkled with mirth. "I'm sure there are others who would agree." She glanced over at the wolves, where Ryland's wolf had stood up and was looking over at them. His tail wagged slightly when he saw them looking back at him, but his attention was drawn back to the pups as Bryce cried out in pain and his body arched from the ground.


Cain's wolf paced around the pups, completely helpless. They had to do this on their own; he couldn't do it for them. Will's pure white wolf stood stoically next to him, even though he was just as stressed as his Alpha. The warriors stood around them as well, with Jack and Riley's wolves closest to the pups. The pups were covered with sweat and their bodies convulsed as their wolves fought to break free.

He glanced over at the deck to the house, at his female. He wanted to go to her, draw strength from her, but he couldn't leave these pups alone. He wanted to bring her over here, to help support the pups in her pack, but she remained with the other females and her brother. Both Cain and his wolf respected the other Alpha male, but it was difficult to accept another dominant male into his pack. He appreciated that the male was keeping his distance during this difficult time for the pack. It was hard enough to deal with the pain of their pups without the added difficulty of socializing another wolf into their pack.

Blake's cry of agony brought his attention back to the pups. He had begun the shifting process, which was agonizingly slow the first time. His arm popped out of place and began to crack and pop as the bone reshaped itself into a front leg. The same thing began happening to his other arm and legs.

Jack's wolf whined, inching closer to his pup in worry. The same thing began happening to Bryce's body, and he sounded as though was being torn in half. The pup curled in on himself as his ribs and spine popped and cracked, reforming into that of a lithe wolf. Shifting was a gruesome process the first time. Soon, these boys would be able to shift between forms with ease, but they had to get through the first few times before that would be possible.

The moon's pull grew stronger on them all, increasing the speed and intensity of the boys' shifting. It wouldn't be long now, and they could go on their run to welcome the two pups into their pack. Almost in unison, Blake and Bryce's faces elongated into muzzles and fur sprouted from their skin. The appearance of the fur meant that they were nearly shifted. All of the wolves waited patiently as the final touches of the shift finished, leaving two chocolate brown wolves at their feet. One of the wolves, Bryce, had a white belly and front left paw, while Blake had a white belly and a tipped tail. It looked as though they had been dipped in white paint, that's how vivid the two markings were against the dark brown of their fur.

The two young wolves lay unconscious on their sides, breathing heavily. Cain stepped forward and pressed his snout against one's cheek, while Jack did the same to the other. They licked gently, urging the pups to wake. The other pack members joined in helping wake the young wolves, and before long two sets up hazel eyes opened, taking in the world around them. The wolves had been dormant inside the boys for their entire lives, only taking consciousness within the last few days, and this was their first time out in the world.

Tonight would be about acclimating them to the pack, and once they gained their confidence, they would begin to vie with the older wolves to test their dominance. The pecking order would be quickly defined to them, but it was in their instincts to push the pack's patience, finding where they fit in. It was when they challenged Cain's wolf that it would become a problem. Cain's wolf had no patience for those who challenged his dominance, even if it was only a couple of pups doing the challenging.

The chocolate wolves rolled to their feet, balancing carefully on overgrown paws and skinny legs. The two wolves were tall and skinny, with huge paws that they would grow into one day. Cain had no doubt that they two boys would be magnificent, powerful wolves once they filled and grew into themselves, but right now they were lanky and awkward in their movements.

Cain's wolf nuzzled the boys again, welcoming them into the pack, before throwing his head back to let out a long howl. It was time to run.

The pack took off into the woods, the eight adult wolves guiding the two young ones and keeping them on their feet. It wasn't often the whole pack of wolves was able to run together like this, usually only on the full moon. It was necessary for pack bonding, to spend time like this, just free and happy. Cain's wolf longed for his female to run with them, to help him lead his pack on their run, but she remained behind with her brother. Her compassion wouldn't allow her to leave a wolf on his own for the full moon. She was a born Alpha female, her compassion for her packmates clear and admirable.

One of the wolf pups let out a howl of glee, finally settling into his wolf form. The blue roan wolf understood his elation, letting out a howl of his own. There was no better feeling that the dirt beneath his paws, the wind in his fur, and his pack by his side. Except perhaps his female's hands buried in his fur. It was a close tie, especially now that the human side also knew how good she felt when she was touching him.

Ever since he'd held her in his office, neither Cain nor his wolf could stop thinking about her. Her soft curves pressed against him, the way her generous ass had filled his big hands, the passion with which she kissed him, all were tattooed in his mind like the ink on his skin. He wanted to be with her all the time, touching her even if it was just an arm around her shoulders. He was more infatuated with this female than he'd ever been with anyone else, even more than he'd been with his sweet Grace. And that bothered him.

The pups began to jump around gleefully, tossing their legs in the air and yipping with the pure joy of being a wolf. The pack slowed their running to play, which they didn't often get to do. Other than Ryland's silver wolf, who played more than anyone. He was the one to tackle one of the lanky pups and tug on his ear. The pups twin pushed Ryland off and wrestled him to the ground. This caused the rest of the pack to join in on the rough housing, playful yips and barks echoing in the growing darkness. The sun had finally set, the full moon able to take its place in the sky. The sun would only stay away for a few hours, but it was enough to enjoy the cool night.

Cain's wolf stood off to the side and watched his pack play, never having been one to join in on goofy antics. He enjoyed being alone much of the time, as long as he knew his pack was safe. Which the were at the moment. All of his warriors and his Beta were present, and though they were goofing off, they were still highly aware of their surroundings. Even Ryland the instigator.

The Alpha wolf stepped away into the woods, toward the lake his female had fallen into only a few weeks before. Since then, the snow and ice had melted, leaving the like open and glittering in the light of the full moon. The wolf hummed in pleasure, stepping forward to take a drink of the cold water. For even though the ice and snow was gone, it was still only May which meant the water was still ice cold. Neither Cain nor his wolf minded though, stepping further into the water until the wolf was belly deep. Then Cain the man encouraged the wolf to swim out further, to let the water cleanse his fur and wash over him.

When the wolf was far enough out into the lake, Cain the man took over and shifted smoothly into his less-insulated form. The water bit at his skin, but he found it invigorating rather than inhibiting. He dove beneath the surface and swam back toward shore to rejoin his pack. It was the full moon, he shouldn't leave them alone, but he couldn't help it. He enjoyed his time to himself. The only reason he wouldn't want a moment away would be if Lou were here.

Then again, she might not appreciate his nakedness as much as he did. Sweet Lou was innocent, inexperienced. She was curious about him, and the feelings he evoked in her, he was sure, but inexperienced nonetheless. He'd sensed her hesitation in his office, as well as her desire for him. Another reason she was too good for him. He didn't deserve anyone in his life that pure.

He walked toward the shore until the water was just less than waist high, lapping against the curve of his ass and just above his groin. Basically, he was barely decent if someone were to stumble across him. He wasn't worried though, because anyone to stumble across him would be one of his pack members, and it wasn't anything they hadn't seen before. Lycans were comfortable with nudity, since when they shifted they were left unclothed. It was something the twins would have to get used to. The males were always careful when they shifted, making sure that none of the women or pups were around to witness them as naked as the day they were born. That was going to change now that the pups could shift themselves. It was unavoidable that they would see one another naked, especially once they began to train the pups in the art of shifting back and forth as naturally as breathing.

Cain lifted a palmful of the freezing water to his face and splashed it against his skin, rubbing away the stress of helping the pups shift for the first time. It was an agonizing process, one that not everyone made it through successfully. Cain had had faith in the boys' ability to make it through, but it was always a risk that the pain and stress on the body would be too much.

Cain sighed and lifted his face toward the moon, basking in its power for a moment before the back of his neck began to tingle and his wolf growled in his head.

Someone was watching him.

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