Twice OneShots❤️

By N1ksiii

6.1K 132 48

A book full of Twice Oneshots. Some from my trashy-like imagination Some from requests that came from you To... More

Requests Are Open
The Way We Used To Be[JihyoXMaleReader]
Disturbance That I Love[MinaXMaleReader]
Catch Me When I'm Falling Pt.1[SanaXReader]
Your Words Matters The Most[NayeonXMaleReader]

Just Friends?[TzuyuXReader]

1K 33 12
By N1ksiii

2647 Words

"Friends can't be lovers right?"

Y/n's Pov:
I opened my eyes hearing the sound from my alarm clock. I tried to turn it off but it won't

"Can you just shut up!" I yelled at my alarm clock
"Yah dumbass. You can't stop that unless you pressed the right button" I heard a voice then suddenly my alarm went off

I sat up and slowly opened my eyes. There I saw my best friend.

Chou Tzuyu

She was standing near her bed

"Why are you already up? It's a holiday" I said and rubbed my eyes
"I have a date with the new guy" Tzuyu sat down on her bed
"Yeah of course a date with- WHAT?! A date with the new guy in our class? The Jeon something guy?" I widened my eyes
"Yeah. Jeon Jungkook" Tzuyu giggled
"Aish. Jinja. I can't believe you. You were just dating Mingyu last week" I laid back to the bed
"He is boring" Tzuyu rolled her eyes
"I really hate your attitude towards relationships. When you were bored. You're just going to dump them" I sat up again and look at her
"Well. I really want to get serious about relationships but when I think he isn't the one. I'll go dump them" Tzuyu explained

I nodded and stood up going to the bathroom. Just then I stopped and realized something....

"Wait...are you two timing?" I looked back at her
"What?! No! How can you say that?" Tzuyu throwed a pillow at me. I immediately catched it
"I saw you last Monday. Sana kissed your cheek" I reminded
"Wae? Friends can't kiss cheeks of their other friends?" Tzuyu stood up and walked near me
"Well you have a point but-" I was cutted by the sudden move


She kissed my cheek. My body froze.

"I kissed your cheek. But we are not a couple. We are friends, I am going now. See ya later at dinner" Tzuyu smiled

I heard the door getting open

"Plus! Y/n listen. Friends can't be lovers. Remember that" Tzuyu added

Then the doors closed. I got to my senses

"Yeah yeah. I know! I'm just a friend to you!! Aish. I really hate myself for having feelings for you!" I yelled then closed my eyes
"She is so unpredictable" I said and got into the shower


I went to my locker and noticed Tzuyu and Jungkook chatting there

"Oh hey Y/n" Tzuyu called
"Sup" I said and opened my locker
"This is my best friend. Y/n. Y/n this is my boyfriend Jungkook" Tzuyu introduced
"Nice to meet you" Jungkook smiled
"Nice to meet you too" I greeted in an uninterested way

I put my things and heard some sounds. I looked at them. They are kissing. I rolled my eyes annoyingly. I closed my locker door badly making a loud sound. Tzuyu flinched making them stop. They looked at me

"Oops sorry. My hand just acted annoyingly" I smiled fakely

I walked away quickly. I entered the classroom and sat down

"What's with the mood?" I heard a voice behind me

I looked around. There I saw my other friend. Not as close as Tzuyu. But close enough to share her about all my problems.

It's Rose. Standing at the corner

I walked into her and sighed.

"I really don't get Tzuyu. She is just-- Urgh. I can't explain" I looked at her
"She got a new boyfriend, right?" Rose asked
"Yeah. It's been 2 years Rose. 2 years of liking my best friend" I frowned
"I should've accepted your feelings 3 years ago. So you're not going through all this things" Rose chuckled
"You're just joking right?" I chuckled
"Yup right. But what if Tzuyu did the same thing to you? What if she rejects you?" Rose asked
"*sigh*. I will feel again what you made me felt" I looked at her in the eye

We both went silent. Then we burst out laughing

"I think it's a good thing that you rejected me" I removed the tears of happiness on my eyes
"Yeah you're right" Rose also removed her tears


We both went to our seats. Then I remembered. My seatmate was Tzuyu. She sat beside me. She looked at me expressionless

"What was that earlier?" Tzuyu's expression became soft
"Oh. It's just my hand acting aggressively" I looked at my hand
"I am not buying it" Tzuyu moved her head in disagreement
"I'm telling the truth" I shrugged my shoulders off

Then Ms. Kang entered our classroom

"I'm your bestfriend. I know when you are lying" Tzuyu reminded
"But I'm telling the truth right now Tzuyu. It's true" I replied
"Ms. Chou Ms/Mr. L/n. Mind sharing us what you're talking about?" Ms. Kang called
"O-Oh n-nothing Ms. Kang" I replied
"Okay. Do you mind to listen?" Ms. Kang asked

We both nodded

---Time Skip---

The lunch bell has rang. I looked over at Tzuyu.

"I am going to have lunch with Jungkook" Tzuyu said
"Okay. I'll just go tell the others" I replied

And with that she left. I sighed.


I sat down beside Mina

"Oh Y/n? Where's Tzuyu?" Mina asked
"She has a date with her new 'boyfriend'. Yeah the Jungkook guy" I annoyingly replied
"Hmm. Y/n is feeling someting" Dahyun teasingly smiled
"Sana often feels this" Jihyo patted Sana's back
"Oh I know this one. Starts with letter J" Sana giggled
"It's Jokbal!" Momo ruined the moment

Everyone looked at her. All of us blinked our eyes a couple of times

"No, it's not that one. It can make you do crazy things" Nayeon added
"Wait. I know it I know it!" Jeongyeon tapped her hands on the table
"Hmm let me guess. Jealousy?" Chaeyoung cutely smiled
"That's right little Chae. Y/n is Jealous" Dahyun
"W-What?! Me? Jealous?! N-No w-way! Why w-would I feel t-that!" I chuckled awkwardly
"We know it already Y/n. You like Tzuyu, right?" Jihyo asked
"What? Me? Her? No! Ain't gonna happen" I moved my head in disagreement
"You can't fool us Y/n. You can't" Nayeon added
"Oh! Should I call Tzuyu? So you can ask her out" Mina got her phone out
"No! No! I'll tell the truth! I like her. Arasso?" I stopped Mina's hands
"Got ya!" They all laughed
"I can't fight back. You blackmailed me" I pouted

---3 weeks later:Saturday---

I stood up from my bed. I was awake before my alarm went ringing


I pressed the button. I heard a groan from the other bed

"You're up? Y/n?" Tzuyu yawns
"Yup, want me to make breakfast?" I asked and sat
"Later. Can you bring the chocolate milk from the fridge? Give it to Jungkook" Tzuyu asked
"Yeah sure- Wait what?! Me? I'm going to that Jungkook guy? No way" I crossed my arms
"Please. Y/n-ah? Do it for me" Tzuyu added
"Why can't you do it yourself?" I asked
"My legs are weak because of the PE lessons yesterday" Tzuyu added
"Ain't gonna happen Tzuyu. Never" I went back to my sleeping position
"Please Y/n-ah. Tzuyu is really going to be upset if you won't. Please pretty please" Tzuyu used her aegyo voice
"T-That t-thing won't w-work on m-me" I said. Although it's already working
"Please? I won't be a bad girl promise? I will be a good bestfriend forever. Can you do it for me?" Tzuyu tried again
"Okay! I will. But I will only do it for you arasso?" I stood up and took the milk on the fridge.
"His dorm number is 126. Two dorms away from us" Tzuyu replied
"Yeah sure" I walked out the dorm.

I walked two dorms away. Oh there it is. Dorm 126. I was going to knock the- Wait. I noticed something on the window. I gasped. I looked away and went away from the window. That freaking Jungkook is a cheater! He was kissing a girl! Like the heck?! You already have Tzuyu. Wait what if Tzuyu will know about this? I shouldn't tell her.

"Is someone there?" I heard a voice from the door. I dropped the chocolate milk

I heard the door being opened. I immediately ran back to dorm. I closed the door and lean on it

"Hey what's the matter?" Tzuyu asked
"N-Nothing" I smiled awkwardly
"Hmm. Did something happened at Jungkook's place?" Tzuyu asked
"Hey. Tzuyu how about we go watch a movie? My treat! A new star wars movie is on the cinema" I suggested
"Out of the way. I felt something wrong" Tzuyu pushed me away from the door
"Wait- Tzuyu!" I grabbed her wrist
"Let me go Y/n. I'll go see him" Tzuyu removed my hands

She went in Jungkook's dorm. She opened the locked the door with a key- Wait what?! She has Jungkook's dorm key?

"Jungkook-ah what's up-" Tzuyu widened her eyes

There was Jungkook. Already naked. Well I'm sure Tzuyu ruined their moment of life

"T-Tzuyu. I can explain" Jungkook covered himself
"W-What y-you are d-doing right now i-is already an e-explanation" Tzuyu's tears are already getting visible
"Tzuyu. Kaja" I took Tzuyu's left hand and walked to our dorm

I opened it and closed it after we get in. I looked at Tzuyu. She is already crying.

"T-Thank y-you Y/n. I c-could've *sobs* done something t-to them" Tzuyu sobbed

I sighed. I put my arms around her. Giving her a hug

"It's okay. I'm here" I said confidently
"T-Thank *sobs* y-you" Tzuyu cried

In the moments like this. Only me who can help her

---Few hours later---

Tzuyu slept in my arms. We are currently on her bed. I wish we can stay like this foreve-

"Tzuyu! Let me explain!" I heard a voice on the door

Aish. Nevermind. I gotta take this guy out. I removed myself from Tzuyu slowly, making sure not to wake her up. I stood up and went to the door

Male Version of Y/n:
I opened the door and closed the door as soon as I was outside

"What's up Jungkook? Gonna hurt Tzuyu's feelings again?" I looked at him at his eye
"Please let me talk to Tzuyu" Jungkook pleaded
"She is asleep. You better not to go see her again" I reminded
"Why? Do you think I am scared of you?" Jungkook glared

I inched closer to his ear

"Well, you should be. Cause from now on, I'll protect Tzuyu away from you" I whispered and walked away

But I was stopped by Jungkook's hand on my wrist making me turn around. I noticed his other hand preparing a punch. I grabbed his other hand and stopped it. I removed my wrist from his hand and launch a punch on his face making him fall

"Do you want more of that?" I asked

I prepared my fists and is about to punch- But two arms was wrapped around my waists

"Y/n. Don't do it" Tzuyu reminded
"But Tzuyu-" I was cutted
"Please, Y/n" Tzuyu hugged me tighter

I sighed

Female Version of Y/n:
I opened the door and closed it as soon as I was outside

"Y/n please. Let me talk to her" Jungkook pleaded
"Oh now you looked so hopeless. Begging for her forgiveness? I hope what you did today will make you feel horrible forever" I crossed my arms
"Please. You don't know everything. I just wanted to explain" Jungkook added
"There is nothing to explain. You still made the wrong thing. You shouldn't see Tzuyu again" I said looking at his eyes
"Who are you to say that?! You're just her best friend that-"

I slapped his face

"Why do you care? Yes! I know I'm just her bestfriend. You don't have to tell me that aloud. Do you still want this-" I widened my eyes

Arms was wrapped around my waist

"Y/n. Don't do it" Tzuyu reminded
"But Tzuyu-" I was cutted
"Please, Y/n" Tzuyu hugged me tighter

I sighed. I turned around and hugged her.

---A few days later---

After Tzuyu and Jungkook broke up. I always make sure that they won't see each other. Today it's Friday. The last subject has only 5 minutes left. I looked beside me. There was Tzuyu getting bored about the lesson

"Yah. Plans for tonight?" I whispered
"How about coffee then stargazing at the park?" Tzuyu whispered back
"Hmm. Sounds interesting" I smiled

---7:01 PM---

We are at the bench of the park looking at the beautiful stars above us

"The stars are so beautiful" Tzuyu awed
"Yeah just like you" I complimented
"I know right" Tzuyu flipped her hair

I chuckled

"Tzuyu? What if a friend of yours asked you to go out?" I asked all of a sudden
"Well I will-"


Tzuyu's phone received a message. She looked at it. She became silent all of a sudden

"Wae? Is everything all right?" I asked
"Jungkook wants to see me" Tzuyu turned off her phone
"I should be going" Tzuyu stood up
"But Tzuyu" I also stood up and grabbed her wrist
"I know you're not into Jungkook. But it's just the only way so we could make up" Tzuyu reminded
"I know. But still, he cheated on you. Just forget about-"
"But Y/n. I think he is the one" Tzuyu looked at me in the eye
"Pardon?" I asked not sure what I just heard
"He is the one I've been looking for. I know it" Tzuyu confidently said
"But you can't" I said looking down
"Wae?" Tzuyu asked
"I've been wanting to tell you this. I.. I-" I sighed
"You what?" Tzuyu asked
"I like you" I said and closed my eyes
"W-What- Since when?" Tzuyu asked
"2 years ago. When you treated my wound because I was dumb trying to run after Rose. Since back then my view about you changed. My feelings changed into the romantic one. I've never have a courage to tell you. Plus everytime you broke up with your boyfriends. Next week you will have a new one. I tried getting rid with this feelings. But I can't. I endured waiting you for 2 years just to tell you this. Saranghae" I said sincerely. I felt my tears forming
"But Y/n-" Tzuyu has nothing to say. She doesn't know what to say
"I know. You can't. Because you already love Jungkook" I looked up. My tears fall quickly
"Wait Y/n listen-" Tzuyu can't think what she will say
"Yeah I know. It's okay if you can't love me back. I know we're just friends right? I'm just your bestfriend. It's the best thing I could do. Plus! I forgot. Friends can't be lovers, right?" I smiled through the pain.

My tears flowing aggressively. I couldn't even look at Tzuyu directly. I turned around and walked slowly. Wanting to escape this scene full of pain

"Wait Y/n" Tzuyu grabbed my wrist and turned me around

The next thing I noticed. My lips was place next to hers. My eyes involuntarily closed. Feeling the soft thing that was placed to my lips. We both parted from the kiss

"I thought you will never confess to me" Tzuyu smiled
"W-Wait, what-" I was cutted
"I've been wanting to hear that from you for 5 years already" Tzuyu chucked
"W-What do you mean?" I asked
"All the dates? It was just for getting over you. Don't you get it? I like you" Tzuyu held both of my hands

I smiled

"Friends can't be lovers?" I asked
"Well let's change that fact from now on" Tzuyu smiled


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