By jxx_xoxo

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"I like you more as time goes by." What will you do once you realized you got played? Especially by the perso... More



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By jxx_xoxo


"I don't know what to tell her, Chaeng-ah. Gosh, how can I be this stupid?" I muttered while smacking my forehead, my best friend is just looking at me. Her eyebrow raised and rolling her eyes at me while arms are crossed.

"Oh so you just realized it now? That's what I've been trying to tell you all along, you stupid Barbie doll!" She scoffed at me and I just groaned more. I should've known she is no help because she will probably just growl at me. Rolling my eyes, I huffed on my breath while glaring at her.

"Thank you for being such a great help, Roseanne. You really are amazing." I faked a smile while spitting out my sarcastic remark against her.

"I can't believe you are this dumb and dense. Literally everyone is already slapping the truth right in front your face yet you dodged them all." She glared at me while gesticulating in annoyance.

"I get it okay? I get it! Don't need to rub it on my face." I snickered at the chipmunk in front of me. She is literally looking at me like she wants to skin me alive. Huffing in defiance, I sighed in defeat and slouched on my stance.

"Just help me please? Help me get out from this mess." I pleaded desperately. My best friend just heaved a deep breath in annoyance.

"No. I can't help you get out of your mess. You were the one who made that. You can't just create a whole mess and leave it without clearing everything. God, Lisa! Why are you such a dumbo? Auntie didn't waste years to raise you just to end up being like that." Oh gosh, here we go again, her rebukes against me.

"For Pete's sake, Rosé I get it!" I exclaimed, pulling my hair in frustration.

"You are no help." I pouted but I groaned in pain when I felt a hand smack the back of my head.

"Then don't come running to me asking for help, idiot!" She scold but I just chuckled, amused by her facial expressions. Chaeyoung still looks innocent and harmless even when she is mad.

"But seriously Lisa, you are the only one who can figure it out but I just want to remind you not to cause any harm ever again. Be honest and follow what you want. Talk to Yoda before doing anything stupid that might hurt her. You did it enough with Jennie Unnie." She told me seriously and I frowned at the mention of her name.

"But what if I was too late? I honestly think that there's something going on between her and Kai. I have never seen Jennie being that caring and clingy with anyone." I fiddled with my fingers as scenes of the two started playing in my mind on replay that made my heart ache as if needles have been pinching it nonstop. My best friend smirked while looking at me with a sly look plastered on her face.

"Well, then it's your fault because you were being dumb." She smiled at me but I just heaved a sigh knowing that it was the truth.

"I really thought it was Tzuyu but as the time passes by, I feel like... like I was running away from home, waiting for someone to chase me but no one didn't." I admitted, my heart continued searching for air.

"Are you kidding me? Do you really expect someone to chase you after everything? You are delusional, Lisayah." Chaeyoung shook her head while giving me an incredulous look, disappointed in me.

"I know. My heart is telling me where I should go but my brain is opposing it. I was confused though." I mentally slapped my face for being such a dumb ass. Chimpunk just continued shaking her head.

"I'm starting to believe that you really need a check-up." She forced a smile at me and I scoffed at her but the latter just raised her brow at me and started giggling.

We continued walking around the school open ground with Chaeyoung talking nonsense that I don't give a damn about. Sighing, her words from earlier started swirling around me.

I just hope I'm not too late for everything.

I'm coming for you...

Or so I thought...


"Jungkook told me you wanted to see me?" The brunette asked the moment she approached the person.

"Ye-yeah." Kai cleared his throat while scratching his nape, stuttering with his own words.

"Are you okay? You look nervous. What's wrong?" Jennie asked as she scrutinized the tall guy in front of her. She brought her thumb to his chin and examined his face. Kai flinched and gulped hard as he started sweating uncontrollably.

"Oh my gosh! Are you sick?" Jennie's eyes widen and brought her hand to his temples, checking his body temperature. Kai quickly shook his head in response and grabbed the brunette's hands from his temples.

"I-I'm fine. I ju-just wanted to tell you something. If yo-you know? Don't mind?" He smiled shyly while scratching the back of his neck for the second time around.

"Is it important?" The feline enchantress asked as she pushed her hair to the side, sticking brown locks behind her ears. Kai nodded.

"Mhmmm... okay then. Shoot." Jennie hummed before coaxing Kai to talk, a smile plastered on her sole features.

Kai fixed his posture and straightened his back, clearing his throat before speaking...

"Uh you know... since the Masquerade Ball is three weeks away... uh." The guy trailed off, trying to find the next words to voice out.

Jennie looked at him with a confused look but after realization hit her, she froze on her stance while looking straight to the guy.

"Please don't let it be what I think it is." She spoke up in her mind, mentally praying for all the gods.

"I-I know it's too early to ask but I wanted to ask you before anyone else can and I-I'm sorry for not preparing anything to make this special... I just want to ask you this early for you to have the time to think about it..." He smiled nervously but kept his cool.

"Uhhh... Jennie do yo-you want to be my da-date for the Ball?" He finally asked while stuttering, afraid of the brunette's reply.

Jennie looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look, not wanting to believe it. Kai's face quickly fell at the long silence. The brunette noticed it and quickly gathered herself back up.

"I... I don't know, Kai. I don't really like to be in social events considering that I'm some kind of anti-social." Jennie replied while sighing, the guy frowned but managed to put up a smile.

"That's why I asked you this early. Could you atleast... uhmm... think about it?" He asked, trying not to sound desperate. Jennie nodded her head.

"I will think about it." Smiling, the guy quickly embosomed her. Jennie shook her head and giggled and patted his head before pulling away from him.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" The brunette quizzed while looking at her phone.

"Actually, no. I ha-have something really important to tell you." He simply replied, feeling nervous again.

The brunette crossed her arms and gave him a look.

"Spill it now. I need to go to the library." She demanded in a gentle way.

"I... Jennie..." He trailed off as he felt his body jolting up in nervousness, his hands shaking. Jennie tilted her brow up at him, giving him a questioning look.

"I don't know how to say this but Jennie... I-" He paused, having second thoughts whether he should just spill it or not.

"What?" Jennie asked impatiently. Kai stood frozen on his spot, unable to utter words. Jennie groaned, getting out of patience. She turned her heels against him and started walking away when the guy spoke up.

"I like you, Jennie!" He called out, making the brunette stop on her stance. She tensed, asking herself if she heard it right.

"What in the hell?! I just got my heart broken, dude. What are you doing?" The brunette muttered to herself and mentally face palmed, blaming herself about it and thinking she should have never let the guy catch feelings for her.

She likes him but not in a romantic way, she likes him as a friend. She likes him as a brother. Nothing more.

"I don't know how but I just found out one day that I like you. You are different Ms. Kim. I know you are my friend's ex and it seems wrong but I want to be selfish this time..." Jennie flinched at the word 'ex'. Kai has no idea about the real deal between her and Lisa and she isn't planning on telling him either.

The brunette couldn't move, it's like her feet was glued to the ground. She forced herself to continue walking away but Kai swiftly grabbed her wrist and turned her around. Jennie's eyes widen as she felt an unfamiliar lips pressed against hers, she tensed as realization hit her. The guy just kissed her without permission.

Her eyes suddenly landed on the familiar figure, standing behind the guy with her best friend beside her. A look of distressed evident on the Thai's face. Her body started feeling faulty, her breath hitched, a giant hammer suddenly went its way to her chest smashing every surface of it as she look at the heart-rending sight in front of her. She bit the inside of her cheeks trying to hold back while clenching her jaw and balling her fist. She looked at them, her eyes getting gloomy. It's like karma went its way to bite her ass.

"I guess, I'm too late now." Lisa whispered as she try her best not to show her emotions, Chaeyoung whose eyes are widen, incredulous look plastered on her face while looking at them, snapped her head towards her best friend. A look of empathy as she noticed her best friend looking exhausted all of a sudden, feeling sad for her too.

"Lisa..." Chaeyoung cooed to comfort her best friend but the latter shook her head, trying to smile despite her state.

"No, Chaeng. I don't need to hear it, seeing this is enough for me." Trailing her eyes back at the two, she saw Kai pulling the brunette deeper but she couldn't see if Jennie is kissing back or not because Kai's body is blocking the view.

"Now I know how it feels." The blonde stated, hearing her heart cracking in to pieces.

"But what I can't accept is why out of all the people she chose Kai? Why?" Lisa asked, desperation hinting in her voice. It's like she is asking a question that no one knows the answer yet still eager and desperate to know the reason.

She balled her fist tighter, thinking how her friend just betrayed her right in front of her face.

But was there really something to betray with?

"I'm sorry, Liz..." Chaeyoung frowned. Yes, it is her best friend's fault but she can't help but to feel sad for her. Lisa is naturally stupid but that doesn't mean she did everything intentionally.

"Shut it, Chaeng! This is my fault. What are you sorry for? I deserve this..." Lisa snapped but held her head down at the end of her sentence. Chaeyoung brought her hand to Lisa's back and started caressing it in comfort.

Lisa jerked her hand away as a tear escaped her big doe brown orbs.

"I think I should go." Lisa said while wiping the under of her eyes. Lisa hastily walked out of the view as tears started cascading down her eyes. Wiping it furiously and stopping as she threw a punch at the tree, feeling numb at the strong impact against it.

"You coward, Lisa!!!" She yelled in rage while still punching and kicking the tree relentlessly.

On the other hand, Jennie tried her best to pushed Kai with great force but he didn't even flinch once. She's been strangling to get out from the guy's grip because she feels suffocated. Her eyes finally landed back at the blonde, seeing her walking with a drooping posture. See noticed the Thai's fist balled up as she wiped something on her face furiously. Jennie's heart clenched and used all of her force to push Kai away.

Few seconds of trying to pry the guy's body off her, she finally succeeded. Jennie's palms automatically reached contact with Kai's face making him turn his head while flinching from the stinging pain. The brunette just slapped him unmindfully.

"Yah! Why did you fucking do that, Kai?!" She shouted, feeling disgusted at the person standing in front of her.

She managed to look at Chaeyoung and saw her frowned while looking down, curious as to why she reacted that way. Jennie furrowed her brows when the chipmunk started running towards the blonde but quickly turned her attention back to the guy.

"Just because I am nice to you, doesn't mean you can take advantage of me!" She yelled, feeling the rage flowing within her veins.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what got to me. I didn't mean it, Jennie." The guy started explaining but the brunette glared at her. Trailing her eyes on his face, her face suddenly softened and her eyes went wide when she spotted Jongin's left cheek. She just left a noticeable mark there.

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm sorry. Did it hurt?" She gasped while looking at his cheek, her angry features exchanged with a concerned look.

"It's okay... I think I deserve that. I... I was not in the right mind to do that. I'm really sorry. I hope you don't ignore me after this." Kai's eyes frowned at Jennie, the brunette sighed knowing she just can't throw the friendship they built for months. She was thankful for the guy, for being with her whenever she mopes around the blonde.

"This is what I don't want to happen, Kai... you are a great friend and I-I just can't reciprocate the same thing. Please limit yourself when you are around me. I'm sorry..." She gently explained while giving Kai a warm yet serious look.

"I will let this one pass because I don't want to lose a great friend but if you will continue this, I'm afraid I will have to put this to an end." Kai snapped his head towards her, shaking his head rigorously.

"N-no! Jennie, no. I-I promise I will keep my limits but just please don't leave. I will wait. I swear! I can wait." He pleaded desperately.

"I don't want you to expect anything from me at the moment because all I can give you right now is nothing but a friendship." She looked at him, waiting for an answer. Kai frowned as his heart wrenched but he nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll have to go now." She simply stated before turning around.

"Jennie!" He called out while fiddling with his collar.

The brunette turned around to look at him, "I'm sorry... Please don't be awkward with me after this incidence." he said and Jennie just nodded her head before scampering away, leaving the tall guy frowning on his own.


"Lisayah!" I heard my best friend called for me, I looked at her direction and saw her running towards my direction. She slouch her body as she took a deep breath the moment she reached me.

Her eyes went wide when she took glance of my fist, my knuckles are swollen and red as it has formed bruises. I just started to feel the impact of it. I was feeling numb when I was doing it.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to your hands?!" She screeched in panic and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"I fought with a kangaroo boxer, Rosé." I groaned in pain when my best friend smacked the back of my head again.

"Yah! I'm asking you properly! Don't be such a smart ass to me, you stupid monkey!" She glared at me and crossed her arms. I chuckled, amused at the sight of her.

"You are scaring me. One minute you are mad, then you are crying then back to being mad and then sad, now you are laughing. Do I need to bring you in a mental institution?" She quipped that made me shook my head while laughing.

"To be honest, I think I need that. I think there is something wrong with my brain functioning." I replied in a jocular manner, half-meaning it.

"I'm glad you know your defects." She laughed and I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"But seriously though, what happened to your fist?" She asked again, grabbing my hand while examining it. I flinched and groaned in pain when she started caressing my swollen knuckles.

"Oops sorry." She sheepishly grinned at me and I snatched my hand away from her.

"I just needed to get my emotions out I didn't know I have in me." I giggled, feeling a bit better letting my frustration out my chest.

"You are stupid." She scoffed at me and I grinned at her.

"I know."

"You are brainless."

"I fucking know." I replied and we both laugh in unison.

I released a lungful breath as I leaned my back on the tree and rested on my best friend's shoulder. A frown went its way to my face as her face started to pop out in my head. I closed my eyes as I drown myself within her features.

Her feline and sexy mesmerizing eyes.

Her perfect brows.

Her cute kissable, chubby rosy cheeks.

Her cute button nose.

Her tasty plump lips.

Her gummy smile that all so captivating that makes my heart flutter whenever she shot me one. I swear, if she kills you with that smile, death is beautiful.

Her sweet smell that became my favorite.

Her bossy attitude and her cold aura that got me interested.

Her small figure that I love to secured with my arms.

I always found Jennie attractive ever since I saw her struggling with equations back in 7th grade but being the jerk I am, I always annoy her with my presence.


I entered my math class, 15 minutes late. I slowly walked at the back door to take a seat but the bald man snapped his head at my direction and scolded me.

"Miss Manoban! How many times you will be doing this in my class? You are irresponsible for an honor student!" I shot my toothy grin and he glared at me. I quickly sat up straight and put my hands behind my back.

Shaking his head while massaging his temples he said, "You won't change. Take a seat and take down notes." I saluted him, still wearing my toothy grin.

"Yes, Sir!" I marched towards the empty seat like a soldier, the class laughed except for the one person beside me. I looked at her and smiled cheekily, she seems to be struggling with something. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Hi. Do you need any help?" She looked at me with a confused look which I found really cute. She looks like a cat. She has chubby cheeks, cat eyes and a mole under her eyebrow. Her face is unique and is one of a kind. Damn, this girl is prettier than Tzuyu.

Scrunching up her nose she replied, "I don't get it. I've been trying to figure this out but my mind can't seem to process." I chuckled at her cuteness and unconsciously pinched her cheeks.

"Oh, sorry." I scratched the back of my neck and blushed. I saw her getting flustered too, a smile suddenly went its way to her beautiful features.

She's even prettier when she smiles.

"Mind if I can see it?" She nodded and handed me her notebook, I look at it not getting anything as her eyes is burning on me that made me distracted. I scratch my head and groaned. She chuckled when I gave it back to her.

Woooahhh! She's fucking cute, man!

Grinning, I decided to play with her, not knowing that she will take it too seriously.

"Aren't you the Jennie Kim everyone praises a lot? The number one? That equation is easy, you should get it." I was expecting a playful slap on my shoulder but I heard her scoffed.

I looked at her only to see her glaring at me. Ooops. I didn't intend to do it.

"I didn't know that the Lalisa Manoban everyone adores a lot is a jerk." She growled at me and rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. She muttered inaudible stuffs to herself which I found really cute.

This girl is cuter when she's annoyed.

I chuckled as she continued huffing on her breath. I leaned my back on my seat and turned my direction at the front with her features lingering my mind.

*End of flashback*

Chuckling as I reminisce the memory, scenes of earlier replaced the precious memories I had in mind making my heart thrummed in pain.

Damn, I wish I could just spend time with her again. I miss her.

Welp, I should have done a move when she was still mine. My fault.

But was she ever mine?

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