The Adventures of Zelda: Pug...

By KristenOtte

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I have posted the first half of this book. The full version can be purchased in ebook or paperback formats on... More

Chapter 1: The Mouth Game
Chapter 2: Goodnight Peach
Chapter 4: The Toy Thief
Chapter 5: The Polar Vortex
Chapter 6: Squirrels!
Chapter 7: The Cat Whisperer

Chapter 3: The First Walk

3.2K 114 23
By KristenOtte

The next few nights, I wake up less and less to the terrible snoring noise. Peach and I rotate our sleeping spots on the bed. Some nights I am next to Lucy. Other nights I am at the foot of the bed. I miss sleeping wherever I want, but this will have to do.

Today Peach and I are relaxing on the living room couch while the family paces throughout the house. I am daydreaming about treats when I see Nate put on his walking shoes. I perk up and watch him closely. He grabs the harnesses and leashes from the shelf. 

It’s time for a walk! 

I jump up and sprint to him. I run in circles around Nate in excitement. I haven’t been on a walk in forever because of the cold, white stuff. I don’t think Peach has even gone on a walk yet!

Ben starts tying his shoes, and Peach joins us. She looks into my eyes, and I tell her we are going on a walk—the best thing ever. She is clueless about walks. 

“Okay, okay,” Nate says. “Zelda, chill out. I need to get your harness on you. Ben, you get Peach.” I run another two laps before I allow Nate to harness me. My harness is blue. Peach is wearing a matching pink one. 

“Okay, let’s go!” Nate says. The four of us walk outside. The coldness hits my nostrils, and I sneeze four times before we get out of the driveway. Peach is hesitant, waiting by the door. I bark, telling her to follow us. 

The white stuff is piled high, but the sidewalk is clear. I don’t want to get lost in the snow, so I stay on the sidewalk. Ben and I lead the way. I hear Peach coming toward me from behind. Before I realize what is happening, Peach is jumping at me and biting for my neck. My instincts kick in, and I bite back. We tumble into the snow. 

“Zelda, Peach, no,” Nate says, pulling us apart. 

I look at Peach. She thought it was playtime, but we have all this ground to sniff and explore. 

We move forward, sniffing for clues of nearby dogs or squirrels. When we hit the intersection at the end of our street, I pull Ben to the right—our usual path. 

“Which way, Dad?” Ben asks. 

I lunge again, but Ben holds his ground. I stop and wait. Peach is trying to take us left. I glare at her. She goes left, ignoring me.

Doesn’t she know I am a pug? I am not giving in.

I lunge right, dragging Ben with me. 

“Zelda wants us to go this way,” Ben says. 

“Okay, that’s fine. C’mon Peach, this way,” Nate says. 

Good call, Nate. I knew I liked you.

Peach turns and trots toward us, listening to Nate but not me. When she catches up to me, she takes a flying leap. I meet her on my hind legs and nip at her ears before I run as far away from her as my leash will allow. She whimpers, trying to get me to play with her, but I am busy sniffing for dogs and squirrels. 

I amble forward, keeping my nose on high alert for an intriguing smell. Winter walks can be a bummer. Many of the animals are in hiding, and the white stuff mutes the smell. Plus it’s hard to walk in the white stuff. The snow rises to my chest in many areas. I hear Peach approach me again, but this time something is different. I look to see that she is trembling with every step—Peach is freezing. 

 I could keep going for another hour around the neighborhood since I have thicker (and softer) fur than Peach. But I pick up the pace when I look into her sad eyes. When we are in sight of our home, Peach sprints for the door. I follow at a nice trot. When I cross through the front door, the warm air hits my wrinkles. It does feel good. 

Peach meets me at the door and licks my face. After my harness is off me, Peach brings me the owl. I know she is thanking me for getting us home quickly. But today’s walk has me wondering about the future. Maybe having a sister will change my life more than I imagined. 

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