My Baseball Crush {FINISHED}

By avarose005

25.4K 228 45

Addison Martin moved to California for a "fresh start" as her mom says, but what if she already falls in love... More

a fresh new start
The Sandlot
good night
catch it
the carnival
sick day
girlfriend problems
the crush
the kiss
the boyfriend
the fight
the treehouse
the ocean
the cafe
the move
the explaination
author's note

independance day

1.3K 13 4
By avarose005

"Addy! Wake up! It's the Fourth of July!" Connor yelled in my ear. I slapped his arm and turned to my side.
"5 more minutes please," I said. Connor jumped on top of my bed and started bouncing. "Get off of me asshole!" I yelled, pushing him off my bed. I put my head up and saw Connor laughing on the ground. I got up and walked over to Connor and kicked his side.
"Ow!" He yelled. I snickered and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Today I decided to straighten my hair and I grabbed a red tank top and white jeans. I wore my black converse and walked out of my room. Connor was downstairs watching the Yankees game. I walked downstairs and grabbed a bowl and some cereal and poured myself some.
"Do you want any cereal Connor?" I asked. He shook his head. I walked over into the living room and sat on the couch next to Connor's. Aaron Judge has gotten a home run and the Yankees were winning. I finished my cereal and put it in the sink.
"So, when are we heading to the Sandlot, it's already 8:30," I asked.
"Night game tonight, the fireworks light up the sky, nothing like New York," Connor said. I decided today I should catch up on some of my friends from New York. Of course I had texted them on occasions, but maybe for an hour or so I could call my old best friend, Katie. I've known Katie since I could crawl, and we have been inseparable ever since; well, until I moved.
Hey, Katie! Can you FaceTime for like an hour? We haven't called each other since I got here!
About 2 seconds later there was an incoming FaceTime from her.
"Heyy! Oh my gosh I missed you so much!" Katie yelled.
"I missed you too," I said.
"Okay, so who is that boy that is on your instagram? And on your SnapChat 90% of the time? Is he your boyfriend?" She said.
"No, he isn't. He's just my friend," I said. Her face was more disappointed then when I told her that I couldn't sleep over at her house in kindergarten.
"Well, do you at least have a crush on that hottie? If you don't I'm single!" She said laughing. "Only jokes sista, but seriously, do you like him?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. I did have a crush on him, but the only person who knew was Connor, and probably my mom.
"Oh! I hear Connor yelling for me downstairs, Giancarlo Stanton got a... 3 run home run!" I said nervously.
"But I'm watching the game and he didn-"
"Bye!!" I said, hanging up. I ran outside and knocked on Benny's door. A few seconds later he opened the door.
"Hey, Benny! Want to go to lunch?" I asked him. "I'll pay," I said smiling.
"You don't have to, but sure," he said. He stepped out of his house and we started walking. Everyday when I would walk to the Sandlot I would check out the buildings on they way. I saw a cute little cafe shop down the rode from our houses.
"Can I ask you something, Benny?"
"Shoot," I wanted to ask him about so many things. The carnival, what he thinks about me, and other stuff like that, but I couldn't get myself to say it.
"Is it cool here today usually?" I asked. He laughed.
"Why do you think we're having a night game?" He asked me. I nodded. The streets were already filling up with 4th of July decorations everywhere. It was already almost 90 degrees.
We got to the cafe and sat down at a table.
"Hey kids," A waitress said. "What do you two lovebirds want to eat?" Benny laughed and put his arm around me.
"We aren't dating, she's just my best friend," He said smiling.
"Aw, well, what do you kids want?"
"Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" I asked. She nodded.
"And for you, dear?" she asked Benny.
"Same thing as her," he said. The waitress walked away and Benny removed his arm. I looked out the window and saw some of the parade going on. I smiled and sat back down.
"Benny, I want- I want to talk about what happened at the carnival," I said. He looked down and didn't say anything.
"I'm sorry about that night, Addison. You didn't deserve me running off like that. I- I just panicked, and I thought the kiss would be good at that moment, but I realized it screwed up our entire friendship and I'm sorry. It really didn't mean anything," my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, it really didn't mean anything.
The waitress brought back our milkshakes and they both had red, white, and blue sprinkles on top. Total was only 10 dollars so I payed for them and we left. It was about 1:30 and there were tables set up everywhere. Benny grabbed my wrist.
"I want to show you how we do Independence Day," he said smiling. I let him lead me to a small spot in the woods above the houses, you could see the whole town. I looked around, you could see all the people setting up, the people putting up the fireworks, it was amazing. Benny looked at me and smiled. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled back at him. I turned the other way and put my hand down on the grass, and benny put his hand on mine. Benny looked at me. He started leaning in and I did the same.
"What are you guys doing?" Connor yelled. Benny jumped back and we both scrambled to our feet. Our faces both turned bright red. "You two were about to have a make out session, admit it, you're in love," Connor said crossing his arms.
"We aren't in love," I said shoving Connor to the ground.
"Okay okay, chill," he said. Benny put his hand on my arm. I pulled away and punched Connor. His nose started bleeding and my knuckles had blood on them. Connor scrambled to his feet and started running. Benny just stared at me in shock. He looked at my knuckles and shook his head. I started running to my house and tears were now dripping down my cheeks.
Once I got to my house I ran up to Connor's room. He had cleaned up his face and had an ice pack on his nose. My knuckles were bruised still from punching Phillips, so this just made it worse. They were bloody and purple, and they felt like I knocked some of place.
"Connor, I am so sorry," I said. He shrugged.
"I get it, I ruined your moment and you got mad, it's cool," he said. I shook my head.
"But I hurt you!" I screamed, tears were now dripping down even faster than before.
"I said it's okay, now go changed and wash your hands before mom and dad get home, the fireworks and the game should be starting in about an hour," he said. I nodded slowly and ran into the bathroom. My shirt was full of red stains and so were my jeans. I started by washing my hands off and getting all the blood off. Some of my knuckles were definitely out of place. I changed into a navy blue shirt and some white jeans, and threw away the blood-stained clothes. I walked out and Connor seemed fine like nothing happened.
We walked out of the house and started walking to the sandlot, we decided to take the long way so we killed some time. I couldn't stop thinking about Benny's face, he probably hates me now. I ruined my chances with my baseball crush. Along the way we met up with Smalls and Ham, they both look super excited for the fireworks.
"I'm betting the fireworks are going to be 10x better than last year" Ham yelled. Smalls nodded.
"Last year the fireworks were pretty cool, so I don't know..." he smiled.
"Gee Smalls, I bet you don't believe in bigger and better," Ham said rolling his eyes. After a few seconds we all started laughing. We got to the sandlot just before dark, and everyone else was there except Benny. I assumed like everyone else he was just running late and his mom needed him to do something. We waited for about 10 more minutes and a practice firework went off. We were all confused, usually Benny was there. We decided to start the game without him, since he didn't come still. I got to the outfield and I couldn't stop thinking about it, even though the Fourth of July fireworks were louder and brighter than anything I've ever seen. They were lighting up the sky like the day time. Before anyone saw, I ran off the field and down the street, taking the shortcut through the forest. I ran to Benny's house and knocked on the door. The fireworks were still roaring through the sky. Mrs. Rodriguez opened it.
"Hey, Laura! Is Benny here?" She didn't answer right away. "It's really important, please" I said. She sighed.
"He's in his room, honey," she said.
"Thank you," I ran up the stairs and knocked on his door. "Benny? It's Addy, please," I said. He didn't answer. "I want to talk to you," I said opening his door. I walked in and he was standing by his window, watching the fireworks. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Leave me alone," he said quietly. I removed my hand and sat on his bed.
"Benny, I'm sorry, Connor is fin-"
"I'm not worried about Connor, I'm worried about you," he said turning to me,"you're going to get hurt. I don't want to see you getting hurt, how many times do you need me to say that!" He grabbed my hand. "Look how bruised your knuckles are, and they're out of place too," he said. He moved his hand up to my wrist and pulled me into his bathroom and lifted me on his bathroom counter. I heard the fireworks stop and he walked over and grabbed a bandage. He wrapped it around my knuckles and made sure it was perfect.
"Benny, you don't have to do this, I'm fine," I said. He shook his head.
"Don't say anything, I'm helping you if you like it or not," I giggled. He finished and helped me down, looking into my bright green eyes and I looked into his beautiful brown ones. I wanted to kiss him again so bad. His lips were soft and I felt safe when I was with him. Instead of that, he hugged me. I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist.
"Thank you, Benny," I said. He nodded. It was 9 and I didn't have anything else to do. We sat on his bed and laid down next to each other. His bed was twin size but we somehow managed to fit. I put my head on his chest and he breathed slowly.
"Thank you for being my best friend, Addison," he said. My heart shattered again. If I could only tell him how much I liked him, maybe he would feel the same. I doubt it though, he doesn't care about girls; just baseball. That night we both fell asleep together.

Hey guys! So this chapter took me like half a day to finish and it isn't even that long, anyway I thought this chapter was pretty sad because Benny freaking friend zoned her like, twice. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for getting it #25 for Benny rodriguez💛

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