Not in That Way

By sundowning

127K 7.7K 11.4K

❝Maybe there's a whole bunch of impossible people waiting for me out there. Waiting to make me feel that same... More

00: not in that way
01: not in that way
02: not in that way
03: not in that way
04: not in that way
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19: not in that way
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30: not in that way
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34: not in that way
35: not in that way
36: not in that way
37: not in that way
38: not in that way
39: not in that way
40: not in that way
41: not in that way
42: not in that way
43: not in that way
44: not in that way
45: not in that way
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48: not in that way
49: not in that way
50: not in that way
51: not in that way
52: not in that way
53: not in that way
54: not in that way
55: not in that way
playlist + final words

11: not in that way

2K 128 128
By sundowning


"HOW was the math test?"

The very question causes a grimace to fall on my face as I ditch my novel and look up at a simpering Phoebe. "Do you want me to answer that honestly?" I mumble as I scoot over to create more room for her. Her short hair today is curled around the nape of her neck.

"I feel sorry for you. Miss Russo is a total bitch. Good luck kissing up to her until she decides you're worthy enough of a make up test," Phoebe says with a small frown to her round face.

My eyebrows shoot up. "Thank you for making me feel better." I smile and nudge her to punctuate my sentence, even though my tone is mundane. She also smiles back, and we both grin to each other until we are cut short by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

We both turn our heads slightly to see Ethan standing in front of us with his hands tucked into the pockets of his school pants. His tie is loosened around his neck and the first three buttons on his top are undone. "What's up?" he begins, shooting me a glance from the corner of his eyes. That basically meant double up on the affection.

I force myself to grin. "Nothing, just missing you!" I chirp. It doesn't hit me how lame I sounded until Ethan looks at me with a grimace and Phoebe beside me snorts. Okay then. I bow my head down and busy myself by toying with the ends of my navy skirt. "S-so's life?"

Ethan doesn't even try to cover up the quick eye roll he performs. "Come sit with us," he says instead, nodding his head towards the left. I follow his train of vision and find myself staring at a table full of people.

I shake my head right away. "No way in hell. Your friends are rude," I reply.

Phoebe commences to collect her things slowly starts beside me and stands up. "I'm gonna leave you guys to it," she mutters as she shoots ethan a pointed look. 'Be nice' she mouths to him before leaving and heading in the direction of the usual table she hangs out at.

Ethan is waiting until Phoebe is out of sight before he chooses to speak once again. "You don't even know them," he argues.

I shake my head once again and cross my legs over each other. "I've met them once, and besides, we never sit next to each other at lunch!" I hiss.

"Exactly. People are starting to ask questions. We have to be seen hanging out with each other at some point. Walking you to class doesn't cut it. Plus, some of my girl friends want to meet you." Once he notices the odd expression on my face, he rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean."

I glower at him and he just stares back at me. Our little heated staring competition is interrupted when Taylor's short figure merges into my line of vision. She has her skirt rolled up high above her knees and her white blouse tucked into it. Her brown hair is curled today instead of the usual bun it's in and her glasses have been ditched today for contacts. "Allison, hi!" she chirrups, waving her petite hands in my face.

I bring my head back and grimace. "What do you want?" I sigh tiredly. There's no beating around the bush when it comes to her.

My brash reply causes her to raise her dark eyebrows. "Come sit with us today at lunch. You too, Ethan." She flashes him a demure look as she tilts her head to the side and blinks her brown eyes at him.


Ethan looks to me in question and I bite back a groan as I collect my things and stand up. It seems to me I don't have a choice at hand. "We'll catch up with you," Ethan tells her and she nods her head at him. She swings her hips as she bounds off towards the familiar table and I quickly turn back to confront Ethan.

"Can you pretend to vomit?" I rush.

He knits his eyebrows together. "Will you calm down? I'm sure they're not that bad," he says but stops himself once he spots the glare contorting my face.

"Really? First off, Crystal is ignoring my existence and does nothing when Taylor taunts me. Secondly, need I remind you that Martin will be sitting there waiting to pounce? Thirdly, Josh—," Ethan cuts off my rant with an irked sigh.

"Josh this, Josh that. I'm sick and tired of hearing his name. Second of all, I'll be there with you. I'm sure Martin won't do anything if I'm there," he tells me as he watches me struggle to collect my things.

"Speaking of Martin..." I trail off as I avoid his gaze tentatively. "I'm sorry for ruining your friendship with him. I don't know why'd you want to associate yourself with someone like that, but either way I'm sorry."

Ethan stops what he's doing and brings his head up to look at me with furrowed brows. "It's okay, we were never that close anyway," he says slowly as he watches me closely. "Don't worry about it. Seriously," he adds once he sees the crestfallen expression overtaking my face.

I give a curt nod and wring my hands together as Ethan tucks his phone in his back pocket and languidly paces towards the lunch table. My heart starts to pound and I feel my palms grow sweaty as I lower myself down interposed between Ethan and Phoebe. Right in front of me is a smirking Taylor who has her chin propped up in the palm of her right hand. To her side is a seething Martin, clad in his sport uniform and gripping his fork a little too tightly. I don't dare look at Josh beside him, in fear my gaze will betray me.

A taut point of silence stretches over the group. Crystal has her head ducked down as she plays with her salad, Makayla beside her has her head buried in her phone, and Taylor is staring right at me. She doesn't even attempt to hide the fact that she's staring me down which makes me quizzically raise an eyebrow at her. "So," she begins after she finally tears her gaze away from me. "How was your weekend, everyone?"

The group mumbles back a response while I just sit there and shuffle my feet against the floor nervously. "I'm grounded," Taylor reports to us in an attempt to spark up conversation.

I pretend I'm not listening as I look down at the table and play around with my phone. Apparently, her parents found out about the party she threw a couple days ago and have since then declared her grounded. I'm surprised they did that, if I'm being honest. Taylor seems like the type to get away with everything and anything.

Crystal and Makayla both offer her words of comfort but Taylor doesn't seem to mind much. I tilt my head to the side and scan her features. It's almost like she...wanted this? Or expected that type of reaction from her parents? If so, why would she willingly throw a party?

The conversation eventually dies back down again and I check the clock to see how much time I have left to sit here and endure Taylor and Martin's presence. Phoebe beside me is sipping on her water bottle and staring rigidly at Taylor. Josh stuffs his face with pasta while Martin beside him glares into my soul. The entire ordeal is excruciatingly painful.

Ethan, on the other hand, crosses his arms and positions them on the table. He notices me ogling at something so he turns his head a bit in a curious manner and looks to what I'm frowning at. His green eyes land on Martin and I watch as he slightly narrows them at him. The two of them glare daggers at each other for an impermanent moment and the entire table falls silent. Even Makayla and Crystal who were giggling to themselves stop to watch the two.

They both eventually look away from each other when Taylor clears her throat rather loudly. I feel a sharp kick at my leg and I wince and immediately drop my phone to cup my injured leg. "Ow!" I exclaim in a dramatic manner. Ethan gives an expression that basically screams out I'm-so-done-with-your-shit as he dips his head down to see what I'm touching. Phoebe, too, pulls her attention away from her phone and places a hand on my shoulder in an unconscious gesture of solace.

"Sorry, my bad," Martin speaks up, making me clench my teeth in response. The corner of his thin lips are turned upward into a wicked smirk as he turns his attention back to the tray in front of him and picks at his pasta.

"You okay?" I brush Phoebe's comment aside and sit back up straighter, wishing I could just grab that tray and smack it across Martin's face. To what end do I have to sit here and suffer constantly because of him?

"So..." Taylor once again diverts the attention to her. It's like she can't handle the fact that the attention is on me for half a second. "Crystal, what are you wearing tonight to your party?"

"You'll find out soon," Crystal tells her with a tight-lipped smile. Then she swings her gaze to me and narrows her eyes. "You're coming, right?"

Makayla and Taylor's heads both snap in my direction, stunned. "You're coming?" they echo in unison. I nod my head in lieu of a response and watch as Taylor's eyes flash. I can practically hear her teeth grinding from here as she throws Crystal a vexed look.

They both charge each other surreptitious looks while I sit there twiddling with my thumbs. Finally, Taylor gives up and turns to face me with a raunchy grin pulling up at the corner of her lips. "That's fine," is all she says with a deep breath. I'm guessing it's not so fine as she sits there and bounces her leg up and down, biting down on her nails. She's probably planning her next attack.

I turn my attention back to my phone and only look up when Taylor speaks up once again. "You know what I just realised?" She doesn't wait for anyone to say anything; instead her mouth pulls up into a smirk. "I've never seen you two kiss." She points her chipped fingers at Ethan and me.

I swallow the bile rising up in my throat. "That's because, uh," I say as my eyes stray to Ethan helplessly. Every person on the table leans in curiously and awaits my answer as I dig my nails into my palms to distract myself from the sapping feeling of mortification running through my veins. "Because..." I look at Ethan for help and he doesn't even seem to be paying attention. Instead, his eyes are set on the court outside and he seems to be deep in thought.

"Ethan?" Taylor cocks her head to the side. He turns his attention to her and she continues. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"You know what," Ethan starts as he gets up from the table. "I just remembered, we always give up our lunch times to make out with each other in the library. So will you excuse us so we can go do that? Allison?" He stretches his hands out for me and I grab onto them and stand up.

I take his hand and we both hurry out of the cafeteria. As soon as we're out of earshot, I wrench my hand away from him and spin around to dart him a flat look. "Cause that wasn't obvious at all," I deadpan imperiously and fold my arms across my chest.

"This is all your fault," is all he says as he continues walking.

I jog to catch up with his long strides. "What do you mean? Why are you almost always blaming me for everything that happens?" I ask with a frown.

"I told you we should kiss."

My head snaps in his direction and I almost trip over my own feet. Did I hear that right? "Excuse me, what?" I exclaim.

"What kind of couple doesn't kiss?" he questions as he throws his arms up in the air. "Why are you so against us kissing? Have you ever even kissed anyone?" He brings his head down to give me a derisive look.

I take a step back defensively. "Yes," I mumble with wide eyes. No. Back in America, I was too busy dealing with my father and didn't have time for school let alone boys. Plus my parents are pretty strict when it comes to dating.

"Really?" he stresses out the word, his deep voice coated in amusement. "Who?"

"You don't know him!" I snap. "I'm not going to just kiss you like that."

Ethan shrugs after taking a look at his phone. "Why not? Kissing isn't that much of a big deal. Maybe it is to a prude like you, but kissing to me isn't romantic at all and doesn't mean shit. It's literally just kissing."

I look away as I bite the corner of my lips. Then I nod my head and say, "Fine, then. How many girls have you kissed?"

He struggles to respond for a while as he drops his gaze to the ground. Then he narrows his eyes. "That doesn't matter," he dismisses quickly but I point my finger at him.

"That way you worded it makes me think you've kissed almost half the school," I accuse with upraised brows. My hands are propped on my hips and I'm smiling in levity.

"First of all, I would never kiss a 15 year old girl," he begins, referring to the Year 10 girls. "Secondly, I've only kissed a couple of girls but like I said before, that's beside the point and doesn't concern you at all."

I give a disbelieving look. "Then why do you care who I've kissed?"

"Because the way you reacted to what I said makes me think you've never kissed anyone before," he elucidates.

"Well, sorry I don't want to kiss someone random. I want my first kiss to be—," I don't even begin to finish my sentence before he butts in.

"So I was right. You've never been kissed." He's looking at me weirdly, like my kissing skills or lack thereof is a source of entertainment to him.

"Why does it matter?" My voice grows an octave louder. We're standing in the midst of the empty hallway, and I'm sure at some point a teacher is going to walk out of their office to scream at us to get out.

Ethan shakes his head, his brown curls of hair rubbing against his forehead. "It doesn't matter. And I'm not someone random to you. You know me," he tries to reason with me.

"Yeah, but I don't have feelings for you," I point out.

He nods his head impishly. "Likewise."

I purse my lips. "Can we just get going? And please don't pressure me again. I don't like it when you do that," I say as we both start to head for the exit together.

Ethan nods his head in agreement and leads me towards the double doors, making sure to put on a show by putting an arm around my waist and opening the door for me. "Whatever you say, Allison. Whatever you say," he says with a resigned sigh.

I THINK I'm late.

I subconsciously tug on the ends of my maroon skirt and tuck my shirt in. Crystal had informed me earlier during English that her dinner party starts at 8pm, and now it's 8:15. I messaged Ethan fifteen minutes ago to drive me there but he still hasn't bothered with a reply back.

I drag a hand down my face wearily. In all honesty, I'm thinking of just backing out and staying home. It's clear I'm not wanted there anyway. Crystal only invited me because she was put in an awkward situation with her mother—in which she'd have to explain exactly why she has resolved to avoid me at all costs like it's her life mission.

I shake my head and snap out of my reverie, checking the time. You know what, I'll get there myself. Let's just hope I know the way back. I order an Uber and seat myself on my bed, flicking through my English notes to waste time. When my Uber arrives shortly, I gather my things before leaving my room, my dark boots clacking against the empty hallway.

The entire ride there consists of me bouncing my leg up and down and constantly checking my phone. Crystal doesn't bother asking me where I am, and to be fair, I actually think she wanted this all along. Whatever. I just want this night over and done with so we never have to cross paths again.

Once I arrive, my slow footsteps guide the way towards the familiar front door. I'm not sure why Crystal insisted on having the party in her house. Well, she didn't exactly call it a party. She just stated it was a small get together with her closest friends. And clearly I'm not her closest friend if she didn't plan to invite me in the first place.

I rap my fists against the front door and squint my eyes through the afternoon sun. The sun is beginning to set from the horizon. I hike my purse further up my shoulder and tap my boots against the ground.

Finally, the door swings open to reveal Dylan with a cigarette interposed between his lips. He takes it out of his mouth and his brown eyes trail down my figure slowly. He doesn't attempt to hide the fact that he's checking me out. "I assume you're here for Crystal's birthday that she forgot you invite you to?" His voice is coated with amusement.

My lips part open as I grip my purse tighter. "How do you know about that?" I mumble in a shamefaced fashion.

Dylan gives a lazy shrug as he takes a drag out of his cigarette. "It's kinda obvious. I don't care about petty teenage drama, but honestly, my sister isn't a bitch so I'm kinda surprised she's doing this to you," he trails off and looks at me curiously, as if I have the answer.

"I don't either," I admit with a sigh. "But who cares? I'm here. And can you please put out your cigarette, I don't wanna get cancer at the age of 18."

Dylan laughs richly and then flicks his cigarette on the ground, crushing it lightly with his Doc Martens. "Sure, Allison," he quips, grinning and showcase his set of pearly whites. I'm not sure as to why he's smiling so much, so I just nod slowly and then enter the house.

I hear Dylan's footsteps retreat into the kitchen and I stare at his back with wide eyes. The house is empty and I'm not about to just casually roam around like I own the place. "Hey!" I hiss as I poke my head into the kitchen. Dylan is seated at the dinner table with a bottle of bourbon and a plate of cake positioned in front of him. "Really? Cake and bourbon?"

Dylan chuckles and shakes his head as he pours himself a glass. "Want some?" He motions to the glass in front of him. "The drinking age in Australia is 18," he says suggestively. "Speaking of, how are you finding it here?"

I step in a little closer toward him and wipe my palms on my short skirt. "Honestly?" I laugh and shake my head. Dylan focuses his attention on me instead of the cake he was invested in just a couple of minutes ago. "It's been rough."

"I can imagine," Dylan supplies.

"It's beautiful here, don't get me wrong. But you know," I trail off as I sit down in front of him.

His thick brows rose. "What?" he urges.

"It's just—,"

Before I could continue my sentence, a third voice interjects. "Allison, you're here." To say Taylor sounded dejected would be an understatement. She doesn't even attempt to hide her disappointment as she crosses her arms over her bulbous chest and narrows her eyes at me.

"I'll see you," I tell Dylan awkwardly as I stand up to my full height. Dylan looks ticked off as he ducks his head down and shoves his fork into his cake. I spin around and follow Taylor who leads the way outside. I'm about to ask her where the hell she's taking me when she guides me outside.

"Wow," the word tumbles from my mouth out of its own accord. The girls are seated at a narrow table embellished with food and decorations. Crystal really went all out. The entire backyard, which is considerably larger than my entire dorm room, is adorned with fairy lights, lavender coloured balloons and yard signs. A song I'm not familiar with is playing through the speakers. Although I hold a grudge against Crystal for dropping me, I can't help but be in awe of how good her music taste is.

I make sure to sit down beside Phoebe who proffers me a grin. She's clad in a causal party dress and heels that accentuate her already tall figure. I compliment her on her dress and she compliments me on my simple outfit. I don't realise the entire table is staring at us until I turn my head to the side. "Um, happy birthday, Crystal!" I squeak as I plaster on a crooked grin.

Crystal hands me a smile in response and just lifts her glass of wine to her mouth. I do the same as well and take a sip out of my glass. Taylor in front of me has her glass clutched right in her hand as she runs her finger against the rim of it. Her dress is even tighter than the one she wore at the party she threw a few days ago, and I suddenly feel rather underdressed as I mentally note all the brands she's wearing from top to bottom.

I subconsciously tug at the ends of my skirt. "So how come Josh isn't here?" I blurt out. My question hangs in the air and the girls all give me puzzled looks. I notice my slip up and quickly add, "And Martin? And Ethan?"

Taylor has an odd countenance to her pale face. "This is meant to be a girls night only. If you have a problem with that, then you can leave," she offers a with a shrug. She purses her lips in a faux sympathetic manner but I know it's all just an act.

"You've barely been here and you're already missing your boyfriend? That's cute," Crystal interjects before a cat fight breaks out.

I clutch a knife in my hand and narrow my eyes at Taylor. "Yeah," I mutter in-between gritted teeth. "Very cute." My phone beside me pings and while the girls all launch into a conversation about who the cutest guy in our year level is, I sneak a peek at my phone. It's Ethan asking me if I still wanted to be picked up. I roll my eyes and tuck my phone back into my purse.

"I personally think the cutest guy in our year level is Ethan. Allison, do you agree?" Taylor tilts her head and scans my face with her cavernous eyes.

"Yeah, I agree. That's why I'm dating him." This earns a frown from Taylor.

" don't mind if girls call your boyfriend cute?" she muses. Crystal beside her lets go of a resigned sigh, one that has her entire shoulders drooping, and frowns down at her empty plate.

I take a sip of my glass, stalling. "My boyfriend is...attractive. I know it, you know it, she knows it," I pause to point at Crystal. "I can't expect him not to get any female attention. If I trust him, why should I care if other girls find him cute?"

Taylor is silent at this. It seems like I've won this round by playing the role of a supportive girlfriend. Score! I smile furtively down at my lap.

"Your brother is cute," Taylor mentions to Crystal, who scrunches her face up.

"My brother is off limits. To all of you," she informs us as she points her finger around at each girl except me.

She can't even include me in something as simple as that?

"I'm hungry, let's cut the cake and eat it!" Makayla suggests after a taut point of silence settles upon the group. It's quite odd seeing her entire face adorned with makeup. Usually she doesn't wear much to school, if not, none at all.

"Okay," Crystal murmurs and stands up from her seat. She wipes her hands on her dark dress and reaches for the knife. We all sing Happy Birthday to her, with me quietly muttering in the background while Makayla screams it out. Finally, Crystal blows out the 19 candles propped on her cake and then cuts it into pieces.

The girls all fall into conversation as they sit and eat, reminiscing about the good times. I'm sure this is all Taylor's doing, making me feel unwelcome and whatnot. Makayla tells them a story of her and Crystal accidentally running over a bird with their bikes at the age of eleven and the other two girls laugh their heads off. I offer a polite smile from time to time but spend most the evening staring at my plate.

"Let's dance," Makayla speaks up once again as she turns to face Crystal eagerly. They both rise up from the table in tow and I prop my chin in the hands of my chin as I watch them flail their limbs around to the beat. Phoebe has disappeared to the bathroom a few minutes ago and still hasn't returned.

Taylor watches me with her eyes carefully. "Let me pour you another glass," she says and before I could protest, reaches for the wine bottle and pours it into my cup.

"Thanks," I say dryly and raise the glass to my mouth.

Taylor fluffs up her wavy hair. "I'm bored," she states which causes me to raise an eyebrow at her. "I'm going for a swim. Wanna join me?"

I snort out a chuckle. "No way."

She huffs under her breath and stands up from the table, padding towards the pool. She pulls off her clothing and submerges her body into the cold water, gathering her wet strands of hair behind her shoulders. She rests her head against the pavement and releases a pleased sigh as she closes her eyes.

I avert my gaze and scroll through my phone aimlessly. That is, until Taylor's deep voice cuts through the air. "Allison, can you get me a towel?" she shouts from her spot in the pool. I shoot daggers at her but she busies herself by swimming around.

With an aggravated sigh, I catch the pitiful look Makayla throws in my direction as I head back inside. I walk down the dim hallway and wrap my arms around my waist as I poke my head into the kitchen in hopes of spotting Dylan. He's the only person around here who I can actually have a normal conversation with; other than Phoebe who still hasn't returned.

When I don't see him sitting at the table, I fight back the urge to sigh as I bound up the stairs. Maybe he's around here. If not, I'm heading back outside. The last thing I want to happen is for me getting caught snooping around. Loud music echoes around the hallway and I take a few steps until I reach a door that's the source of sound. I bang my fists against the door and tap my feet impatiently. I'd be so embarrassed if it turns out to be one of their parents, although Crystal assured me they were both working.

The door flies open a few seconds later and I find myself once again face to face with a shirtless Dylan. His grey sweatpants hang low on his hips and around his neck are a pair of headphones. I smile meekly and tear my gaze away from him. "Er, do y'all have any towels?" I try to sound casual but my heart is pounding.

His face scrunches up. "What do you need a towel for?" His eyes quickly scan over my outfit.

"Taylor," I mention with an eye roll. Dylan nods in understanding and steps out of his room. He closes the door behind him before I could sneak a peek and leads me down the hallway.

I swing my hands around as I follow after him into the bathroom. I lean against the doorframe as he disappears around the corner, seemingly rummaging though something. After a few moments, he pulls out a navy towel and hands it to me, so I take it from him with a grateful smile. He stands close to me, a little too close, and I get a whiff of cologne from him.

"Can you put a shirt on?" I blurt. I'm still not looking at him.

Dylan peeks down at his bare chest before bringing his gaze back to me. Because of my boots, I'm almost as tall as him so he doesn't have to duck his head down to fully meet my gaze. "Why?" he questions. If I'm not mistaken, he sounds amused.

"Because..." I wave my hands around.

"Oh, right. I forgot you have a boyfriend." All traces of playfulness vanish from his tone.

I fold the towel in my hands, releasing a shaky breath. "If I'm not mistaken, you sound bothered," I daringly point out.

Dylan clutches the headphones around his neck and swings back and forth on the heels of his feet. "I just think it's sudden, is all. Then again, you are beautiful so I'm not surprised you managed to find a boyfriend so quick."

He says it so casually that I'm taken off guard. My cheeks heat up and I look down at the floor. "Thanks, but I'm really not," I respond in a quiet voice. I don't think I'm hideous by any means, but to call me beautiful is an exaggeration.

"You are, though," Dylan says seriously, trying to catch my gaze.

"Look," I say as I peer at him from under my lashes. "You can't say that stuff when I'm with someone."

His eyebrows furrow together. "I didn't realise complimenting you is a crime. But I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable." My eyes follow the high of his cheekbones and the slope of his nose. He looks ticked off.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

Dylan shakes his head from side to side. "Don't be. I should be the one apologising for making a move on you." We both quiet down for a bit, but Dylan speaks up once again as he takes sight of the dispirited expression on my face. "Ethan's really lucky to have you. I hope he's treating you right."

I almost laugh. Almost. "He is," I lie straight through my teeth, manifesting signs of irritation.

"I should warn you, though," he continues as he leans in. His voice grows playful as he furthers his sentence. "He's such a momma's boy."

I quirk an eyebrow. "Is it that a bad thing?"

Dylan shrugs as he starts to walk off. "Depends on how you perceive it."

I just nod my head. "Right," I say slowly. I still don't see it as a flaw. "And you know this how?"

"I used to go to Pinewood Academy last year, you know," he reports as he opens the door to his room.

I stand outside with the towel still in my hand. "Are you in college now?" I raise my brows.

"University," Dylan corrects as he sets foot into his room. He searches through his drawers and I feel myself visibly relax when he pulls on a Nike t-shirt.

"What are you majoring in, if you don't mind me asking?"

At this, his cheekbones rise into a smile. "Architecture."

"Nice," I say in an impressed fashion. Then, I tap my hands against the door. "I better get going before Taylor bashes a wine glass over my head."

Dylan flops down onto his bed and sits on it with his back against the headrest. He pulls one of his legs up to his chest and smiles down at his phone. "God, I hate that brat," he tells me with a quick eye roll as he scrolls through his phone.

I can't help but gasp. "You're literally the first person who's said that. Everyone kisses up to her for some unknown reason," I exclaim.

"Cause she's rich," Dylan replies.

"But...everyone's rich at that school," I splutter with a frown. Other than scholarship kids like me.

Dylan nods in agreement. "Yeah, but she's rich rich, you get me?"

This induces a nod from me. "Yeah. Anyway, I have to go now. I'll see you around." And with that, I throw a courteous smile over my shoulder and head back outside.

By the time I get there, the girls are in the process of exchanging presents. I feel the urge to run back into Dylan's room and hide for safety. "I didn't get you a present," I call as I absentmindedly chuck the towel at Taylor's face. She snatches it and dries her body with it as I look to Crystal.

Crystal gives a tight-lipped smile. "I wasn't expecting you to." I recoil back, offended. What's that supposed to mean?

The longer I sit there watching them share their expensive gifts with her, the more distressed I grow. This is why I'm in desperate need of a job. The small amount of money I've saved up from America can only last me so long; not that I spend it willy-nilly. My mum also sends me money from time to time without my father's acknowledgement of course.

I huff and sit back in my seat, angrily munching on a cracker. The girls huddle around Crystal and shower her with gifts and affection and I feel myself slowly start to grow miserable. I decide to call it a night and head back to my dorm to start my English essay that I've been putting off for a few days now. I grab my things and offer them one last dejected glance, before sneaking back inside. It's not like they'll notice that I left.

I order an Uber and sit in the kitchen while waiting for its arrival. I hope Dylan doesn't come downstairs to see me sitting alone in despondency with my head in my hands. Thankfully though, he doesn't. When my Uber driver lets me know she's outside, I pick myself off the stool and leave the house.

What a long day.

Once I'm safely at my dorm room, I flop down on my bed with a long sigh. Home sweet home. I pull myself up and grab my laptop on the nightstand, propping it on my lap. I charge my phone and then sit cross-legged on my bed, searching for jobs. It proves to be a rather draining task as most jobs required experience—which I have none of.

My phone besides begins to incessantly ring and I pick it up without looking at the caller I.D. "Who is this?" I mumble as I stare at the screen of my laptop.

"Wow, you've been gone a month and you've already forgotten who I am?"

I straighten my spine, my lips parting open. Shock floods through me as I snap my laptop shut. "Sabrina?" My voice is laced with disbelief. Why on Earth would she be calling me at this ungodly hour?

"The one and only," she teases. "So I'm just calling because I saw your story. You have a boyfriend?"

I bring a hand up and slap my forehead. This is why I should block her off all social media. She must've seen the photo I uploaded of Ethan and I at Taylor's party. "Whatever are you talking about?" I say with a sigh.

"I'm not stupid, Allison," she reprimands as her voice grows strident. "Remember, I'm older than you. And you're lucky I haven't told Dad yet."

My eyes grow wide and I almost choke on my own spit. "Please don't," I beg, on the verge of tears.

"I won't...unless you hook me up with a hot Aussie dude."

I grimace as her gleeful giggle echos through the room. "Fine. Fine, I will. Just please, promise me you won't tell Dad," I urge as my voice grows shaky.

"We'll see about that," she chirps. "And I don't even know why that hot guy is dating you of all people. What's his name?"

"Ethan," I mutter between gritted teeth.

"Eh," she speaks. I can almost see her shrugging right now as she sits on her bed, her long legs dangling off the edge of it and her blonde hair thrown into a bun. "He sounds basic. But listen, if y'all ever break up, send him my way."

"That's why you called? Not to check in on me? We haven't spoken for over a month and all you care about is some guy?" My voice grows harder and more brittle.

I hear her shuffle on the other end. "Relax, will you? Just because you left to Australia, doesn't mean we're all buddy buddy now," she snaps.

Unbelievable. "Seems like you haven't changed at all," I rejoin. "You're still the same old bitch you always were."

Promptly, she hangs up on me, leaving me sitting in the dark on my bed with tears in the corner of my eyes and my heart squeezing in my chest.

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