The Deal (Kellic)

By kellicfanfix

117K 2.4K 1.5K

Desperate to save his dying sister, Kellin makes a deal with Vic, the son of Lucifer, also the demon of lust... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Final)
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 16

4.8K 101 81
By kellicfanfix

I pretty much threw myself at Vic, running up to him and throwing my arms around him and pressing my lip to his. The kiss was full of desperation and something different to the other times we had kissed. This one was full of love too. He caressed my face as we kissed and even moaned a little. The sound convinced me to pull him over to my bed and push him down on it. He pulled me down with him.

"Kell, we need to ta-" I cut him off with my lips again. The demon took control and flipped us over so he was on top. He pinned my wrists to the bed and looked at me.

"Can it wait? Whatever you have to say, can it please wait? I don't want to ruin this moment and I need you so bad right now." I said. I know we had a lot to talk about but all I wanted right now was him. His eyes softened and he looked at me with pure adoration, which was something I hadn't ever been looked at with before.

"I missed you." He muttered.

"I love you." I blurted out. He had said it out loud to me but I never got the chance to say it to him. He smiled down at me and shook his head.

"Enough of the sweet talk. You're already hard." He said and raised an eye brow. He slowly rocked himself against me. Butterflies spread through me from the action.

"Uh y-yeah. I had a dream." I admitted.

"Really? Tell me about it." He said. He leant in and placed kisses along my neck.

"Well, you just kind of appeared here in bed and you weren't talking. You just wanted to-" I gasped when his hand palmed the front of my boxers over and over again.

"I just wanted to what?" He whispered in my ear and lightly bit my ear lobe. His hand slipped into my boxers and he grabbed hold of my erection. I gasped once again, my breathing going heavy.

"F-fuck me." I stuttered. Vic looked at me, his eyes darkening with lust. His pace quickened on my hard-on. I found myself thrusting upwards to the movements. Oh God I need this so badly. I was so turned on.

"Is that what I wanted or is that what you want right now?" He asked.

"Both. Oh please Vic I need this." I breathed. With my hand which wasn't being held by Vic, I trailed down his chest and to his red pants. I caressed him, noting that he was now just as hard as I was.

"You know me, I'd never say no to an attractive boy begging me for sex." He said. He continued to stroke me as he kissed my neck. All of my skin was burning from his touch. With his free hand he managed to pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the floor.

"Take your pants off." I ordered. I could never get them off. He stopped touching me and stood up quickly so he could pull them down and leave them in a crumpled up heap on the ground. He was back on top of me almost instantly and was tugging my boxers down.

"Not as good as the satin ones, right?" He teased.

"Definitely not." I said. Once my boxers were gone he pressed our lower halves together and grinded against me, pressing our erections together in between our stomachs. I whined because I needed more. I mean this was great, but I needed so much more from him. I moved my hips in time with his causing him to groan and move faster.

"Oh fuck, oh f-fuck. Ah Vic." I gasped.

"You like that, huh?" He asked and never gave up his pace. Oh fuck I was about to come if he didn't stop soon.

"Fuck me. Please." I pleaded. He chuckled but I knew he was as turned on as I was, he just wasn't being as vocal about it.

"Lube?" He asked.

"Uh, I don't- I d-, oh fuck Vic stop moving." I gasped. He did as he was told and I could finally think straight without him pleasuring me, even though my dick was still throbbing like crazy.

"Where is it? Hurry up. I want to be inside you." He said. I almost moaned at his words but I pulled myself together.

"Uh, desk draw I think." I said. He was off of me quickly and in the desk drawer at lightning speed. See, I'm so not the only one who is eager. He was back over to me in no time and flicking the cap of the lube. I watched as he spread it all over his massive member and then he threw it on the ground.

"That's really inconvenient." He said.

"Whatever, just fucking fuck me." I snapped. He was taking his sweet time. He smiled at me and then rolled his hips towards mine, quickly entering me.

"Oh, shit." I gasped. It had only been a couple of days but I missed the feeling of him inside me. "Faster."

He didn't go quicker though. He continued at a slow pace. It was almost torturous. He kept grinding himself into me at different directions and I found myself writhing underneath him impatiently. Yeah, it felt fucking amazing but he knows I like it rough. I need more. A lot more. I moved my own hips quicker than his. I pushed myself up and down over and over and he finally got the message.

"Okay, I get it. I was trying to be loving and shit, but hey, you asked for it." He said. He pulled almost all the way out of me and then slammed right back in. I screamed out loud. I didn't really expect that, but then again I really should expect that with him now.

He fucked me harder and faster with every thrust. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in more and just harder. Oh fuck I loved it hard.

"Ah! Faster faster faster." I begged. He quickened his pace, going so fast that I could barely breathe. "O-o-o y-y-e-eah, f-f-u-uck-k." The noises that came from my mouth weren't even coherent at this point.

"I love fucking you. I love hearing you scream. Scream for me." He ordered. He thrust into me deeper and deeper until I was hitting the metal bars of the bed. He kept going to the point where I was forced to sit up. He held the bars behind me and fucked me into them. Hard. So fucking hard, but it felt so pleasurable and wonderful.

"I'm close." He told me in between breathes. I was so far ahead of him though.

"I'm com-" I couldn't finish the words. Vic must have sensed how I felt or something because he wrapped his hand around my dick and jerked me off. I bucked my hips forwards and with a final scream I had reached my climax. Vic wasn't done though so he kept going. I was shaking so much. I couldn't come down from my high because he was still pounding into me.

"Come for me." I whispered.

"Fuck you're hot." He groaned and with one last thrust I felt him shoot inside me. He collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily. The room was suddenly eerily quiet after the mixed sounds of our clear pleasure had ceased. Vic pulled out of me and fell onto the bed. He pulled me back down away from the bars and held me close to him and kissed me on the lips before pulling away a little. We both just kind of looked at each other for a while before he spoke quietly.

"Get dressed. We need to talk." He said. He sat up but he never let go of me. The reality of the situation crashed down on me. I had no idea what he was going to tell me but it sounded like it was going to be bad.

"We could always go for a round two." I suggested. I just wanted to delay the conversation that was coming. I wanted to continue being blissfully ignorant, but of course life isn't like that.

"We really need to talk." He said. He climbed over me and stood up. He pulled his pants back up and zipped them up too. I have no idea how easy it is for him to pull those things up. They're a freaking nightmare. He threw my clothes at me and told me to hurry up, so I did. I quickly pulled my shirt and boxers on and then Vic rejoined me on the bed, both of us sitting on the edge and facing each other.

"Okay, so tell me what's going on. What happened while I wasn't down there? Why didn't you answer my calls? I tried summoning you hundreds of times. Can I ever come back? Is-"

"Shut up." He snapped. "Sorry, just you're asking too much too quickly." He took my hand and ran his thumb over it soothingly. This made me think something was definitely wrong, I mean of course it was. Things were fucking screwed, but he could just take me back with him, right? Or maybe I'd have to make a new deal and wait another year before I could go back. But even then Lucifer would banish me, right? Oh God my head hurts.

"Okay, sorry. Go ahead." I said.

"Okay, well I'll just start from when you left. Straight away Lucifer took me down to the deepest pit of hell where he locked me in a cage. There was no way for me to escape. I have no idea why I was kept there. None at all, but I was. The only reason someone would be locked up is if Lucifer is punishing them or is scared of what they might do. I have no reason to be punished so it must be the latter. So me being locked up explains why I didn't come to you. I heard all of your calls but I didn't have my powers in there." He explained. I knew he wanted to go on but I felt like contributing a little bit to the conversation.

"How did you get free?" I asked.

"Dennis. He broke me out of there and then I was able to get here." He said. I was confused though.

"Why would Dennis help you though? He doesn't seem like a very helpful person, uh, demon." I said.

Vic went silent and looked away from me.

"What is it?" I asked. He looked back up at me and he actually looked sad.

"The other souls are all gone." He told me in a quiet voice.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" I asked.

"I mean Mike and Lucifer abolished the soul system. Everyone got banished. All of them. Dennis had become attached to Jaime and he wants him back. The only way to get him back was if someone else took over as king of hell and Dennis thinks that the only person that can do that is me, so that's why he broke me out of there." He explained. I nodded slowly at the information he was giving me. I was in a state of shock. I can't believe they're all gone. Jack is gone. I had grown close to him, along with many of the others I had spent all that time with and now they were simply gone with no way of getting them back, well at least that's what it felt like. I couldn't think of a way to get them back.

"And can you take over as king of hell or whatever it is?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said with a shrug. "I don't see how I possibly could. I could probably take on Mike in a fight but he's being backed by Lucifer. There's no way I can match that." He said. Something suddenly dawned on me. I guess it was a delayed reaction.

"Wait. But if the soul system is abolished then...then I can't come back, can I?" I asked, my voice going shaky. The look Vic gave me told me my answer and I felt my tears well up in my eyes.

"Don't do that. Don't cry." He said and brushed away my tears before they fell. "I'm going to find a way, okay? I will find a way."

"Well what if you just stay here on Earth?" I asked desperately. He shook his head.

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. Please! Please just stay!" I begged frantically.

"Kellin, calm down and listen to me. I can't do that. It's impossible." He said.


"Because I get weaker with every second I'm here. If I'm here for a full hour I turn human and then there's no way for me to get back to hell. But if I'm here for a whole 24 hours then I die. My body deteriorates until there's nothing left of me." He explained.

"What are we going to do then?" I asked. He shook his head and shrugged hopelessly.

"I don't know. I'm going to go back now and try and figure something out. I won't give up until I get you back, okay?" He asked.

I wanted to say yes but I was so choked up I couldn't speak. I can't bear the thought of losing him. That is something I definitely do not want.

"I don't want you to go." I whimpered.

"I have to. I'll find a way back to you. I promise. I will be back. Just make sure you keep summoning me. I will be back." He said.

"Can't you come back straight away?" I asked.

"No, I need the time to regain my strength. Like I said, I'm weakened here. It takes a little time for me to be at 100 percent again. But I will be back later. I promise. I'll be back as soon as I figure out what to do. Just keep summoning me." He said. All I could do was nod my head. There was nothing else I could do. He seemed adamant on leaving and I didn't want him to stay here long enough for him to die. No, I didn't want that. I know he has to go back but I don't want him getting hurt.

"Be careful." I said. He didn't reply to that. I just leant in and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. It was a short make-out session but who knows when we'd be able to do it again. In a way it felt like a goodbye kiss. Vic pulled away first and rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said, and a moment later he was gone...again...


The second I got back I didn't go to my room. Of course I didn't. They would be looking for me there. Instead I went straight to Dennis'. When I teleported into his room I saw he was there punching holes into the stone walls. Typical Dennis.

"Hey." I said. He flung around at the sound of my voice.

"Vic, you can't be here. Do you know how much trouble I would be in? Lucifer has everyone out looking for you." He said with eyes wide open.

"I'll be gone in a minute. I just need to know what's happening." I said.

He wasted no time in responding to me. "I told them you over-powered me and I don't know why but they believed it, but they're pissed at me. Like really pissed."

"Where's my father?" I asked.

"Last I checked he was with Mike in his headquarters." He said. I nodded in thanks and disappeared from the room. I didn't want to get Dennis into any more trouble than he already was so I had to get out of there quickly. I transported myself to where I knew I was rarely allowed to be, my father's headquarters. I didn't go inside though, no, I stood outside the door and I listened. I needed to get any information I could and if all else fails I'll just demand to know what the hell is going on. As quietly as I could I stood by the door. Mike and my father's voices were easy to hear through it. The echo carried the sounds out into the hall, so I listened. At first I was just listening to administration bullshit that I didn't care for. It was when they brought up me when I really started to pay attention, which was actually a little difficult to do considering Kellin had already started trying to summon me again and I could hear his voice in my head the whole time.

"What are we going to do about Vic?" Mike asked.

"He has to be found sometime and when he does we'll capture him and lock him up once more." My father replied. I gritted my teeth together. I know we haven't had a great relationship, but how can he betray me like that?

"When will we set him free?" Mike asked.

"Never." My father replied bluntly.

"You never told me why." My always curious brother pointed out.

"Because!" My father's voice roared. "If he finds out how to get that boy back then it's all over for us."

"How? Father I don't understand."

"I need you in charge because you will still let me have control over hell. Victor will not. He will do things his own way. He's so consumed by lust that he won't do what he has to do to run hell. He will destroy it single-handedly." He replied. Oh he has so little faith in me. I could probably do a better job of it than both of them put together.

"Okay, so I'm in charge now though. I still don't see why he had to be locked up." Wow, it actually seems like he cares.

"Because, son, a demon in love is stronger than any demon. He will over throw us easily. That is how your mother and I came to rule over hell. We had a stronger connection than that of my brother and sister and their relationships. Yet no matter how strong the connection is, I have never felt love for your mother. If Vic is to find this out then he would use the information to his advantage and I can't risk for him to know. I can't risk it, Michael. That's why the souls were demolished. I cannot risk the possibility of Victor bringing that boy back here." He explained. The news was shocking. In all of my years in the underworld I had no idea that it was truly love that conquered all. I should have known important details like this, but I don't. Of course that's because my father doesn't want anyone finding that information out and using it against him like I was now plotting to do. Only how though? It seems to me like I need Kellin here to be at my most powerful, yet I can't do that.

"Right, so the souls are gone and there's no way to bring them back, so he can't get the power from Kellin." Mike pointed out.

"There are other ways he can bring him back." My father said. How?

"How?" Mike asked just the question I was thinking.

"Son, you know I cannot tell you that." He said.

"Why didn't you just banish Kellin so he was gone forever then we wouldn't have to worry about such things?" Mike asked.

"Because his essence would still be in hell. Vic could latch onto that and draw power from it."

That was all I needed to hear. He clearly wasn't going to tell Mike what needed to be done in order for me to get Kellin back here, so I teleported to find someone who could. I teleported straight into the headquarters of Satan. He was sitting there in the large room in the corner, on a giant purple velvet chair, sipping his glass of alcohol.

"Ah, Victor, my favorite nephew. I hear you're causing quite a commotion today." He said when he saw me. I knew he always had a soft spot for me and I also knew he absolutely despised Lucifer for taking away his opportunity to be ruler.

"I need your help." I got straight to the point.

"Well, ever since the souls were abolished and I now have no one to torture, I have been bored. I guess I can listen to your petty problems. Talk." He ordered.

"I need to know if there's a way to get a human here and keep them here." I asked.

"The Kellin boy, right?" He asked. "I hear things about him...Lucifer won't let any souls back because love can defeat him, did you know that?" I nodded quickly. Just as I suspected he had no loyalty to Lucifer. I knew now that he would help me.

"Yes, that's right. Please, Satan. I'll strike you a deal. You help me get Kellin back and I'll over throw Lucifer and let you take over." I bargained with him. What can I say? I'm desperate. Satan stood up and strode over to me.

"Do I have your word?" He asked, getting straight to it. He was ever one to think things over.

"Yes, you have my word. I don't want to run this place anyway. I just want Kellin back. And the other souls. So, do we have a deal?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment before a smile crossed his lips. "So, here's what you need to do..."


Again and again I said the phrase. I refused to go to sleep until Vic came back. It absolutely kills me not knowing what was happening down there. I don't know if Vic has been killed or if he's been locked up again. My heart told me that there is no way he could be dead. I still felt a connection with him. He was still alive. I know it.

So I stood there in my living room in front of the pentagram saying the phrase over and over. It was getting to the point where my throat was starting to hurt from speaking so much, but I knew it would be worth it in the end. I need to get him back. I need him so much.

What happened next happened so fast I barely had time to react. One moment I was standing there quietly chanting the satanic phrases and the next Vic was standing in front of me. I couldn't even register that he was back. I couldn't even talk to him because the second he arrived he lunged his hand into my chest and pulled out my heart.

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