Narnia- Life Out Of Shadowlan...

By ZahraQ

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In this short prequel and a sequel to the Chronicles Of Narnia - The Last Battle, new mysteries are weaved, s... More

Ch:1 Arrival (Part 1) : Lucy, Eustace and Jill
CH:2 Arrival (Part 2) : Susan and Sarah
Ch:3 Comparisons
Ch:5 The Warning
Ch: 6 Out Of Shadowlands
Ch: 7 Susan
Ch:8 Tea
Ch:9 Morning Revelations
Ch:10 Further Revelations
Ch:11 Taken
Ch:12 The Pledge
Ch: 13 Her Story
Ch: 14 'Things'
Ch: 15 If
Ch: 16 King's Pond (Part 1)
Ch 17: King's Pond (Part 2)
Ch 18: Parcel
Ch:19 Coriakin
Ch: 20 Friends
Ch: 21 Warriors
Ch 22: Cursed
Ch: 23 Allies and Enemies
Ch: 24 Fear, Love and Rage (Part: 1)
Ch: 25 Fear, Love and Rage (Part 2)
Epilogue: A New Beginning on the Horizon

Ch:4 The Gifts

2.9K 61 6
By ZahraQ

Ch 4

The Gifts

Rubbing my eyes did not help at all so, I blindly stumbled off my bed and into the bathroom where the cold water helped in clearing my aching head. Taking a shower and brushing my teeth took quite longer than usual because of the dizziness and throbbing of my head. Once I came out, I looked at the watch and saw that it was nearing twelve in the noon. Strange, because no one except me was up when even Edmund did not sleep this late.

Somehow, I managed to reach the living room before things started to spin so much that I had to stop and sit down, hanging my head between my knees. I could not even see where I was sitting, everything was so blurred. Unlike as I had expected my dizziness did not lessen at all. On the contrary, things were getting blurrier and blurrier with each passing second.  Eventually I got so dizzy that all I could see was white.

That white seemed like a light which started diminishing slowly. At first the light was so blinding that I couldn’t even open my eyes but when it had lessened enough I opened my eyes and was surprised when I did not open my eyes to my living room but found myself sitting on a rock on a beach. I was amazed. Was I back in Narnia? No, that was not possible. Aslan said I could never come back here. Oh, how I wished I was back in the land I called ‘home’.

I felt his presence rather than saw it. I was just getting up off that stone when I felt a sudden warmth and calmness take over me. All the worries and problems left me completely. I turned around and saw the only person who can have such effect. The mighty lion, Aslan, walked towards me while I stood with a strange happiness threatening to overwhelm me at any moment. When he was but a few paces away from me I got down on one knee and bowed deeply before him.

“Rise, High King Peter, the Magnificent, the High King over all the Kings of Narnia.” His deep voice was like music to my ears and I hadn’t realized how much I had craved to hear it until my desire had been fulfilled at this wonderful moments. ‘Aslan.’ I said, unable to say anymore, I had my arm around his great neck and he let me clung to him and cry myself out. I don’t know why I cried, I just did. And then I asked him a question I dared not repeat in front of Edmund lest he teased me to the end of my life. I asked him, “Aslan, why am I crying?”

Aslan, though, did not laugh and answered my question as a father would answer his very young child, “It is because you are distressed child.”

“Why?” I asked again, but it was impossible to feel stupid when I was in the loving embrace of this mighty lion.

“You are concerned for your brother’s welfare and rightly so. But Peter, you should not always judge a thing by its superficial looks.”

I did not have much idea as to what it meant but I asked Aslan a question, “Aslan, is Sarah dangerous? Does she intend to harm Edmund?”

I already knew what the answer would be and was proved right when he said, “Child, I can tell you only your own story?”

My face fell and he said, “Tell me Peter, if any harm befalls your brother will you protect him, fight for him, do anything in your power to save him?”

I did not have to think twice to answer that. “Without a doubt.” I knew I told the truth when I said this because the truth of my sentence had been tested on numerous occasions.

“Then, my son, you have nothing to fear, for until you both are together nothing can befall you or your siblings that Narnia’s sword and shield cannot fight.”

I pulled back and gazed at the mighty lion silently for sometime before I closed my eyes and whispered, “Thank You”

When I opened my eyes, I knew where I would find myself and correctly, this time, I saw the living room of my house but the calmness I had felt in Aslan’s presence did not leave me and the headache and dizziness were gone.

I simply sat there and pondered on what Aslan had said to me. His last sentence relieved me to an extent. Though Aslan had given us the title of Magnificent, Gentle, Just and Valiant, and we lived up to that, our subjects had given us separate titles as well. Sword, Jewel, Shield and song to me, Susan, Edmund and Lucy respectively.

And our instructor, Oreius, Kanell and Celer had once said that as long as Narnia’s sword and shield kept together there was absolutely no harm that could befall her.

I don’t know how long I sat there before I heard an upstairs door open and then shut. Then Susan was standing there behind me.

“Peter, what happened? You look so pale. Did you faint? Do you need a Doctor?” Susan, my so gentle and caring sister, started fussing over me and this was a part I did not like at all.

“Su, relax, I’m alright.” I tried to assure her. She stopped fussing but not worrying. Looking at her face I wondered how come had Ed and I groaned over the news of her visit. It was true that sometimes she annoyed us with her ‘girl stuff’ and how she avoided everything related to Narnia but I could confidently say on behalf of all my siblings that we loved her a lot and there was nothing in our power that we wouldn’t do for her.

We walked down the few remaining stairs and into the living room where we sat on the couch after I had picked up today’s newspapers and posts.

“So, what are you getting for Lucy?” she asked casually after sometime.

“For Lucy? Why?” I asked confused. Edmund’s birthday was approaching so we had to buy gifts for Edmund, not Lucy.

“Don’t tell me you don’t remember. Lucy’s birthday is four days away.”

“No, wait a minute. Ed’s birthday is that day.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before opening them and saying, “What is wrong with all of you? 25th August is Lucy’s birthday. Edmund’s is in April and your two weeks after him. Even Lucy is working away on a gift for Edmund. Which calendar are you all using?” She threw up her hands exasperated.

I turned her words over in my head and realized how this confusion has occurred. Though her last question was meant to be rhetorical that was what had happened. We were calculating birthdays using the Narnian Calendar! I will have to tell Lucy to ease up her work a little since she was working labourasly to complete the handkerchief before ‘Edmund’s’ birthday.

“I can’t believe I got confused in their birthdays.” I finally managed to say.

Susan rolled her eyes and hit me on the back of my head good naturedly, “I can’t believe all of you got confused. Only Edmund remembered it was Lucy’s birthday and not his.”

A thought struck me and I turned to my sister, panicked, “What am I getting her?” I asked Susan desperately. Different as they maybe, they were both girls and they were also sisters. She should be able to help me.

“I was expecting that.” She said with a sigh and continued, “There’s not much time left for you to make anything for her so, you will have to buy her something. No dress or make-up stuff for her, she doesn’t really like them. Wait a second. Edmund, I think, is drawing something for her. Why don’t you do something that will compliment it…?”

I don’t know what Susan said after that. She had given me the idea and I, after thanking her heartedly though hastily, left the room to go back to our bedroom.

As I passed their room, I saw that Jill, Lucy and Sarah, all were up. Only my brother and cousin were still snoring peacefully. Well, that’s the end of their peace. Unceremoniously, I shook them awake.

“What?!” Edmund growled at me angrily but I ignored his anger and shouted, “Wake up! We have work to do.”

The incidence of last night came back to my mind only when I saw a strange mark on Edmund’s neck as he walked out of the bathroom. It was strange. The mark seemed more like a scar left when a beast with very sharp claws picks you up by the throat and their claws pierces your skin. My curiosity increased ten fold when Ed said that he didn’t remember anything about last night after coming home from Roger’s house and collapsing on the bed. I was pretty sure I had seen him fully awake when I had gone to sleep. I also knew I had seen someone approaching him but couldn’t remember who.

I tried to concentrate on Edmund’s scar but he wouldn’t let me and growled asking why I had woken him so early. I wanted to say that it was not early anymore but did nothing like that and concentrated on the matter at hand.

I bombarded him with all the question about his paintings and finally tired of my question he took them out and with a warning of ‘keep them safe’ left me to them. There were three of them. For someone else looking at them they were simple paintings based on fantasy but I knew that Edmund had made those to perfection and Lucy would always cherish them.

First was a water color painting of a faun holding a pink umbrella and some parcels in his hand standing in a snowy wood. Lucy’s first encounter with her would-be best friend of Narnia- Mr. Tumnus.

Second was the sketch of a beautiful castle set atop a hill beside a vividly blue ocean. Cair Paravel- our home in Narnia.

Third was a mixture of sketch and painting and had something like depth to the picture. I knew this was a picture Edmund had the most difficulty in drawing. The picture was of an ancient looking structure that comprised of a few stone step going up a platform where a broken stone table stood. There were two stone pillars on either side of the table but a little behind it. Two girls stood with their back towards us staring at the marvelous creature standing between the pillars. Between the pillars stood a golden lion so magnificent that magnificence itself would shy off away from him... The sun behind him cast a soft golden light on the picture. It was the picture of Aslan’s rising.

Ed had sketched and painted all three pictures to perfection but I could not take my eyes off the third one. The picture was definitely different than all others. It had a certain life to it and when you look at it you could almost feel as if the lion was alive and looking at you. I knew this picture would bring comfort to all those who saw it. I knew this because while looking at it I forgot all my worries and kept staring at it, that is, until Edmund did not come and taking all the paintings kept them away in a drawer.

“Okay, now will you tell me what’s all this about?” He asked me in a tone I recognized as King Edmund, the Just’s.

“I wanted to give something to Lucy.” I replied.

“So, what has it got to do with me?” He asked annoyed.

“I just wanted to see your paintings. I had no idea you could draw.” With that I left him scowling at me. I was well-aware of his skill with a paint-brush but these paintings were very much different from his usual drawings because in these he did not apply only his skills but also his love and devotion.

I knew I had to hurry, so skipping breakfast; I went into the attic up to the chest I used to keep my favorite belongings in when I was a child. I opened it and took out what I needed and then headed out down-town.

It was just an hour after lunch that I reached home, satisfied.

“Where were you?” Susan demanded as soon as I came back. Uh-huh. I had forgotten about her.

“I just stepped out to do some shopping.” I answered. My voice sounded just like a child caught by his mother with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Okay…”she said but I knew that was not the end, “Where are the bags?”

“I ordered it in the shop.” I said truthfully. I wished she would drop the subject because Lucy was sitting in the same room. I gestured at Lucy and Susan took the hint and smiling sweetly said to me, “Well, then you should have stopped by in a restaurant too because Edmund and Eustace made good of the food during your absence.”

I growled just when my stomach growled. They all burst out laughing, probably at my expression and Susan guided me towards the table where, Thank Aslan awaited my food.

The next four days went by in a blur while Susan, Sarah and even Jill planned a party for Lucy. Lucy was not allowed to say anything on the matter and a single glare from Susan shut her up whenever she tried to protest.

Despite all the chaos in the house I did not forget to keep a watch over Edmund. Every night I felt that same unnatural sleep take over me and every morning I woke to see a little more injured Edmund. He said that he did not remember anything that happened after he fell asleep or if he woke up or not but the scratches on his neck increased so much that by the third day even Pamela and Lorna noticed. The tension between the Edmund and Sarah eased just a little and they could at least speak to each other when Susan and I were around. The night before Lucy’s birthday Edmund waited till mid-night to wish Lucy before I sent him off to Roger’s house for the night. I had talked to Mrs. Hilton before hand and she did not mind Edmund staying the night at their house at all. I didn’t give her the real reason though. I also received a letter from Dad saying that he and Mom would be back for Lucy’s birthday as a surprise for her. Dad had asked not to tell anyone so I had kept my mouth shut so far.

The morning of Lucy’s birthday I woke up and after getting ready went out to collect her gift. I used the side door of the house to exit, not daring to go into the living room and the dining hall because I could hear Susan and Sarah talking there and I did not want to get caught amidst laces and flowers. I went to the shop and collected the now finished gift.

When I reached home, Edmund was already there and was no doubt, like me, trying to avoid Susan and Sarah. He was sitting in our room, reading but threw the book on the table and jumped behind the couch just as I entered. Heaving a sigh of relief he came out and said, “Oh, its you? I thought it was Su or Sarah.”

“You are hiding too?” I asked him amused.

“Who isn’t?” he asked laughing “Roger was going to come over but backed out when he heard Susan was planning a party and you left before I came. Do you think I’ll go and stand and hold out laces and flowers? Moreover the work is complete. They are just fussing. What’s in your hand?”

“Lucy’s gift.” I replied when he saw the package I was holding. He took it and unwrapped the brown paper. As soon as he saw the gifts his eyes glinted and we set to work.

That evening, before many people had come, Edmund took out another box from his bag and placed it on the gift table.

“What’s that?” I asked confused.

“Gift.” He replied casually.

“Wait a second. I thought you were giving her the paintings.” I asked my brows furrowed in confusion.

“That’s just to escape her anger. This one’s ‘The Gift’” he replied with a glint and mischievous smile and though I immediately smelled a rat, I kept my mouth tightly shut. This was going to be an evening worth enjoying.

Lucy was just about to cut the cake when Mummy and Dad came home. I took their bags upstairs and even there I could hear Lucy’s excited chatter.

But Edmund was another matter entirely. When I went back, I saw that his ‘Edmund Randall Pevensie’ smile was gone and he looked paler than usual.

“What’s the matter Ed?” I asked him, worried.

“Dad.” He managed to choke out.

“What about him? Aren’t you happy that he is back?”

“I am, but the problem is the gift.” He looked so miserable that on any other occasion I would have got worried over him but right now it took all I had not to laugh out loud. His cheekiness had landed him trouble. I had no idea what was in the box but I just knew that it was something that will earn him a good punishment, especially with Dad in home.

After the party when Lucy was opening the gifts, we all were there – Dad, Mummy, Susan, Sarah, Jill, Eustace, Edmund, Pamela, who was serving some snacks, Lorna who just stood and me.

Edmund look perfectly miserable sitting beside Dad. He threw me a pleading look but I just shrugged. I would help him, but depending on what was inside the box.

Edmund started slowly slipping away when Lucy picked up the box.

“Who gave this? It says ‘from your well-wisher’?” She wondered idly before carefully ripping off the wrapping paper. By the time she was done with the paper Edmund was already nearing the foot of the staircase.

Lucy opened the top of the box and then several things happened simultaneously.

Edmund dashed up the stairs. Lucy gave a scream followed quickly by Susan, Jill, Mummy, Pamela and Lorna. Lucy nearly jumped onto Dad’s lap and all the women in the room ran away from that small brown box from which nearly a score of cockroaches came out.

Somehow Dad managed to get the situation under control by throwing the box out in the garbage and sprinkling some horrid smelling powder in the room. We all then went and sat in the dining room and when the situation had calmed down enough he asked pleasantly, “Where happens to be my talented young son Edmund?”

I was not surprised to know that Dad had correctly guessed the person behind all this chaos. “Edmund Randall Pevensie! Will you please present yourself here?” Dad called out towards our room in a loud voice.

His call was answered by a very sheepish – though not at all guilty looking- Edmund.

“Yes, Father.” How can he make such an innocent face? I knew he wouldn’t get much punishment because Dad was already smiling.

“What have you to say for yourself Edmund?” Dad asked him but with an amused tone in his voice which relaxed Edmund but I laughed out loud and was nearly doubled over by laughter when I remembered that this was the very sentence Edmund used before the culprits in the Cair’s court before sentencing them.

Edmund shot me a hearty glare before turning towards Dad and saying, “Well, I don’t have to say anything for myself but for the cockroaches I would like to say that those poor creatures would have got a heart attack from the way everyone was screaming.”

Dad somehow kept a straight face while we all burst out laughing. “You know, apologizes are in cue.” He hinted somewhat sternly to Ed.

Ed stepped forward and cleared his throat and I instantly prepared myself for another round of laughter.

“Oh honored lady whose beauty illuminate the universe, I, Edmund Pevensie, humbly beg you to accept his heartfelt  apologies and bestow upon him not only your forgiveness but also-”

Edmund was still speaking when Dad, cutting him off, said, “Edmund! Straight forward apology.” Most of us were chuckling and trying to hide our laughter but it was a vain attempt.

Edmund followed Dad’s command and said, “Sorry.”

Shaking his head Dad said, “You are not at all sorry. Are you?”

“Not very much but I did prepare something for the birthday girl as an apology.” With that he rushed out the room and we could hear the doors banging open and then shut. Before Mum could complain about it, he rushed down the stairs with such a speed I was surprised he did not trip. I suppose the ladies were thinking the same thing because many a gasps were echoed after Mummy’s. Edmund remained oblivious to all this and skidded to a halt before Lucy.

“Lucy, this is a gift from both Peter and me.” With that he gave her the wrapped gift.

“What is this?” She looked at him warily and said, “Is it safe to open?”

“Peter’s involved in this too.” He said flashing me a grin and I winked. We knew the shock of seeing the cockroaches would be nothing compared to how this gift would surprise her.

The girls present there looked suspiciously at huge gift-wrapped box. It was done up in a blue wrapping paper and red ribbon. Lucy was actually having difficulty in holding the three huge paintings though yet she was unaware of the box’s content. Dad held it while Lucy undid the ribbon and tore the paper. When she saw what was inside, she gasped. Her eyes looked about to pop out. Everyone else was just as amazed at the sight of these paintings but only we understood the real meaning behind the picture.

“Edmund, did you make those?” Mummy asked staring wide-eyed at the paintings.

“Yes, and Peter did the framing. And mind you Lucy, the frames are more special than you think. Peter had the title of the pictures inscribed on them. They are made of the same wood as the Wardrobe in Professor Kirke’s house.”

It warmed my heart to see my sister’s joy. She was rendered speechless by them. Her eyes were glued to the painting of Aslan.

That night Lucy and Edmund asked me a question “Was the wood really from the apple tree from which the wardrobe was made?”

I nodded my head. Lucy was overjoyed to hear this. When she had gone Edmund turned towards me. “I don’t know about you but the two good things your gift did were: First, my little sister is so happy and second, Dad forgot to punish me.”

Before I could reply Lucy called, “PETER! Daddy wants you to come down.”

I went downstairs where Dad was waiting for me. Lucy, I and Dad talked for sometime before Mummy shooed Lucy away and told me to go to bed soon as well. When Lucy and Mummy had gone Dad asked me many questions. I told him why Professor Kirke and his friend couldn’t come, how our time was so far and everything else minus of course the strange events with Sarah. Though he had not mentioned it, Dad had noticed the scars on Edmund’s neck, who at this moment was safely away in Roger’s house.

I honestly replied that I had no idea.

I don’t know exactly but it was near about eleven o’ clock when that strange drowsiness first hit me. Dad too stifled his yawn behind his hand and said, “I think we should head off to our rooms. Good night Peter.”

“Good night Dad.” I said fighting a yawn once again.

As I was wearily treading up the stairs I noticed a strange thing. Today the impact was not strong as the other nights. Today I had managed to stay up long enough to be walking off to my room. When I was walking down the corridor I saw Sarah stalk off into Lucy’s room, anger evident in her steps. I hid just round the corner and watched her as she glared at the door of their room. I don’t know if what I saw was real or I just imagined it, but it seemed like for a moment Sarah’s body glowed faintly with a bluish light and then she stomped back to her room.

I was completely unsure of what to do so I went into my room and stood at the window. Looking at Edmund’s empty bed I felt both relieved as well as worried. Relieved that at least he was away from whatever was happening here but worried that I was not near enough to help him.

While I was thinking all this I did not see anyone walking out the front gate but I did see the open gate. I knew it should have been closed because I had locked it myself.

I was down in the front yard when I realized that suddenly I was not feeling sleepy anymore. I waited for five minutes approximately before I saw someone walking down the street our house was on. Ducking low, I hid behind some bush near the gate. That someone walked into our house and happened to be none other than Sarah. She quickly turned around and locking the front door made her way towards the door of the house.

I don’t know why but acting on my instincts I stood up and called out, “Sarah!” Somehow I was feeling a great anger on this girl.

Sarah stopped mid-stride and turned around to face me. When I looked at her face, I was taken aback. She was fuming with anger. Her eyes seemed coal black and her lips were pressed in a hard line. Her youth was grizzled by the frowns and angers.

And now with her compassion gone, she was a mirror image of Jadis.

I noticed that her fingers were tainted with blood and there was some blood in her nails as well. Without knowing how, I knew whose blood it was.

It was Edmund’s blood.

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