Legacy (Bondi Rescue)

By ayextucker

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"she's a legacy" More



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By ayextucker


seeing your best friend being taken over by a wave is one thing but finding them lifeless in the water is another. after being thrown into the air and landing straight on her back, i knew something was wrong. she didn't come up for air so i had to go find her.

"legacy!" i screamed out as i bolted towards the ocean. i threw my board onto the waves and paddled on top like i would with a rescue board. whippet and boo weren't far behind me as i tried paddling through the big waves.

"no!" i yelled as more waves kept pushing me back.

"we can't get to her!" whippet yelled at me. his voice was full of worry as well as mine.

"we have to! she hasn't come up for air" the jet ski was searching around for her and the people up on the cliffs were as well.

"i'll go call the cops" boo yelled before heading back towards the shore. i kept pushing myself through the waves but i didn't get far. i didn't even notice i was crying until i let out a sob.

"mate! over there to the left" whippet screamed behind me. i whipped my head toward the direction and saw something get pushed by the waves.

i started paddling as hard as i could towards it hoping that it was her. the body kept disappearing from my sight and with every wave it got harder see it. once i finally reached her i turned her over and gasped.

the prettiest, most kind hearted and caring girl laid lifeless in my arms. her face was turning blue and i broke down just looking at her. whippet noticed us and immediately started helping me bring her in.

we reached the beach and started doing cpr. i started on the cheats compressions as whippet held her head.

"the police are on their way and should be here in around 5 minutes" boo run up to us with shock written all over his face.

the tears pooled out of my eyes and i tried my hardest getting her back alive.

"she barely has a pulse" whippet said and his voice cracked at the end. soon enough, other surfers and tourists started forming a circle around us and some stepped in to help.

my arms started to feel sore but nothing could stop me from saving her. it all felt so unreal and i felt guilty. she was in this state because of me, i invited her to go surfing in the massive waves and she got hurt.

"the paramedics are here" kurt said as they trailed behind him. they put an oxygen mask over her face, set up the defibrillator and stabilized her more. she most probably suffered a spine or neck injury due to landing on her back. one of the paramedics knew i was getting tired so she started compressions and took over for me.

"oh my god..." i mumbled to myself while collapsing on the ground beside her. my eyes winced at the sound of her ribs cracking and her lifeless body being shook.

all of the sudden, water started coming up so they rolled her over and let it drain out.

"i can feel her pulse. it's more clear" said whippet as tears rolled down his cheeks. i bit my lip as relief slowly came over me. her eyes started to flutter and she began coughing up more water.

"she's back" said one of the paramedics as they rolled her over again. my hands moved to my mouth as i sobbed. boo came over and wrapped a his arm around my shoulder, comforting me.

"you did it" he told me and i shook my head. i couldn't believe what just occurred in front of me.

"i can't believe it" i cried out as her eyes started to open. i grabbed a hold her of hand as they started asking her questions her.

"m-my back" she whimpered as a tear rolled down her cheek. the paramedics nodded their heads in a suspected spinal injury. as they began preparing her for the stretcher her eyes met mine.

"jesse" she cried out and i rushed to her.

"shh, you're okay now. i'm not leaving you" i told her as i ran my fingers along her skin.

"who's coming with her?" one of the paramedics asked.

"me, i'm her boyfriend" i replied making my heart jump at the word. the paramedic nodded his head as they wheeled her into the back. i jumped into the passenger side and off we went. kurt had called her dad and informed him on what happened. hoppo was going to meet us at the hospital and so was boo, kurt and whip.

after a long ten minute drive we finally reached the hospital. they wheeled legacy out and to a room to start working on her. i tried following them in but they stopped me.

my heart shattered as i saw them begin working on her. she was all wired up and looked so pale. i leaned against the wall near her door before slowly sinking down.

i can't believe this actually happened to her. i felt so guilty because i was the one who invited her out. she was so young and didn't deserve to go through this. i wished it was me who had gotten hurt instead especially since she had championships coming up in a few months.

"jesse" i heard my name from down the hall. whippet, boo, kurt and hoppo came running towards me with worried expressions.

"my daughter! how is she? what happened?" hoppo started screaming at me. his eyes were red and puffy like he had just been crying.

"i-i don't know... she crashed in the water from a wave" i said as the memories flooded my brain. i winced at the thought of her body being flown into the water, her back painfully hitting the ocean.

"where is she?" he asked, out of breath. i pointed towards the room and he covered his face with his hands, "my legacy"

"she'll be okay" whippet tried comforting all of us but it barely helped.

a few nurses saw us and came over to help us. they led us to the waiting room so that they could have a clear hallway. they ensured us that she would be okay and that we could see her soon.

* * *

we sat there in agony for forty five minutes until a doctor came out to see us.

"bruce hopkins?" he asked as we snapped our heads upwards. the doctor held a clipboard in his hand with a small smile on his face.

"that's me" hoppo said as he pushed himself up.

"follow me" the doctor said, leaving three of us behind.

"the doctor looked happy, that must mean something good" whippet said as we all glanced at each other.

"i feel like this is all my fault" i said while resting my head in my hands. i shook my head as more tears threatened to spill.

"mate, it's not your fault at all. don't beat yourself up about this" whippet placed his hand on my back.

"but i was the one who invited her out"

"doesn't mean you caused this. it was all just bad timing, i guess. it was a huge set that not even we could ride" whippets comforting slowly helped me sit back up and wipe the tears away.

we sat there in silence until hoppo finally can back out. we all looked up at him and he gave us a small smile.

"she's doing good so far..." he started, "she just went in for surgery because of a fractured vertebrae"

my heart skipped a beat and i had a little bit of relief in me. knowing she was doing good made me happy but i was still nervous for her surgery.

"what else happened? she can't just walk out with a fractured vertebrae" whippet asked with a worried expression on his face.

"well, she has a concussion and broken ribs. she's a lucky girl the doctors said" he explained as he sat down beside us, "very lucky girl" his voice cracked and a tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away.

"i'm so sorry, hoppo. this was all my fault, i invited her out and i shouldn't have" i apologized to him as i looked down at my feet.

he sighed, "jesse, don't blame yourself for this. i told her not to go but i know how much she likes surfing... and you. i knew she would have gone anyways" he patted my shoulder and i stared at him in shock.

"w-what? you're not mad?"

"no but i am a bit disappointed" he shook his head, "that's not important though. i'm just happy she's alive" we all nodded our heads in agreement. i felt like i betrayed my own boss and it could've ended way worse.

"how long will she be in surgery for?" whip asked.

"approximately two and a half hours" hoppo replied, "you blokes should head home though" there was no way i was going home. kurt and boo had left and whippet left to get some food and clothes while hoppo and i waited.

"she really likes you, jesse" hoppo broke the silence between us once everyone left. i looked to him with a small smile on my face, "and i know you like her too," he turned to my direction, "now, i'm not very happy with a real relationship between you too but after these few weeks you have really earned my trust. i just need you to promise me you won't hurt her"

i started in shock as i felt myself getting nervous, "i promise, hoppo. i only have respect for you and legacy. i would never in a million years hurt her or disrespect her in any way"

he nodded his head, "good" was all he said before turning back around and resting he head on his hand.

for the next two hours, we sat in agony as we waited on news about legacy.

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