The King's Pet (Loki x Neko!R...

By acefaun

39.5K 852 187

Loki. He was my best friend. My significant other. My life. I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world... More

Chapter 1- It's Good to Be Home
Chapter 2- Walk to Work
Chapter 4- Taking Leave to Asgard
Chapter 5- Drunk as a Skunk
Chapter 6- Out of Control
Chapter 7- Caged
Chapter 8- Home Sweet...What?
Chapter 9- Threat
Chapter 10- Nothing But Mine
Chapter 11: Kittunns

Chapter 3- Innocent Until Proven Guilty

4.1K 101 21
By acefaun

(A/n: You poor little kitten. *pat pat* Here, have another update with a quick sketchy thing I did this morning. 😊💕)

(Word Count: 1887)

"Bucky..." I had thought that Steve saved him and that he was being helped by the Avengers, but with each loud step he took towards me, I feared I was wrong. Perhaps Hydra had indeed gotten back their Winter Soldier and was trying to get me back as well! "B- Bucky!" I closed my eyes and covered my ears, fearfully calling out his name, praying he might wake up from whatever spell he was put under.

But I screamed as the metal supports of the fire-escape broke and it crashed to the cement ground, where I held myself still, fearful of any sudden attack. But all I heard was silence. I opened my eyes, and I instantly sat up. Though I didn't get very far before I was pulled back down onto the metal. I tugged and tugged, but the scarf was stuck under it and I couldn't pull anymore without choking myself. It wasn't like I had anything to cut it with...

However, a new fear filled me at what I saw in front of me. Blood was spilled all over. Every man that was in the alley was dead. Even... Even Bucky... Their throats looked to be slit open. Terrifyingly enough, I was the one with blood on my hands and jacket. But... I didn't touch them...

I stayed absolutely still as I heard more footsteps coming my way. Who was that? The killer? More Hydra agents? "Yes, this is where we lost track of them. Maybe she couldn't handle this one and Bucky had to cut it short. I wouldn't blame them." It was Steve's voice! He could help!

"St- Steve! Help!" I cried out as I loosened the scarf around my neck so I could breathe straight. His footsteps got more frantic as he ran to the scene.

His eyes widened and I could swear I heard a curse slip through his lips as he slowly walked closer, shield agents following behind him. He ran up to Bucky and I heard a whimper as the soldier couldn't find his friend's pulse. "Buck...?"

I knew that there would be no hope for Bucky being alive, the same for all of those men. It was just impossible for them not to be dead with their wounds. "I... They were Hydra... and he was trying to take me back... I don't know what happened, Steve!" Tears filled my eyes as I had issues explaining the situation, "Bucky was... not Bucky, Steve..."

Steve looked like he was struggling with himself before he said in an emotionless tone, "He would have explained that it was a training exercise made specifically for you... and I doubt he would have forgotten to mention it." He looked at me evenly as he asked slowly, "I'm only going to ask you this once, (Y/n)... Did you, or did you not, kill all of these SHIELD agents?"

My eyes widened once more. Sure I was covered in blood, but did he seriously think that I killed all of these people? "I- I didn't kill anybody. I don't know what happened. Please, believe me. I swear I didn't kill anyone. I-"

"(Y/n)," He interrupted me, with tense eyes, "You were the only one here. I need you to tell me what happened or we're going to have to take you in."

"I..." I stopped in fear. I realized that I didn't really have an answer for him. I was just as confused and as lost as they were. But if I, the person who was covered in blood, had not killed those specially trained agents, then who the hell did? "I don't know what happened," I repeated quietly, unsure if I should even trust myself at the moment.

But as soon as Steve moved in on me, I flinched back, tugging desperately on the scarf that wasn't coming loose any time soon. He said swiftly, "Calm down, (Y/n). We're just taking you back to Headquarters." I watched anxiously as they cut the scarf at the bottom where it was stuck. I was tempted to run, if not for the voice in my head that told me to go with them. And for whatever reason, I dared not disagree with that voice.

As soon as we arrived, I was sitting in an empty room with nothing but me and a chair across from me. It wasn't much of an interrogation room, but I had a feeling they didn't want me to feel like it was one. I sat still, trying to wipe all of the noticeable blood off of me with the damp towel they had supplied me with. They even took my dirty jacket and boots, leaving me only in my t-shirt, my pants, and my blue socks with grey cat paws on them.

I didn't put the towel down until I was certain I got all of the blood off of me. I wasn't even going to mention the magical disappearance of the blood on my tail...

The sound of shouting outside the room, drew my attention to the door that swung open, revealing an angry Loki followed by a tired-looking Doctor Banner. "(Y/n) (L/n), do you have any idea how worried I was about you?! You disappeared right under my nose and here I find you accused of murdering a whole squad of SHIELD agents! What in the nine realms could have been so drastic that you kill a whole squad of-"

He trailed off of his ranting as he heard me sniffle. I pulled my knees to my chest as I apologized, hiding my face, "I- I'm sorry, sir! I didn't kill anyone! I promise! I just got lost!" I started to shake as I couldn't hold myself together anymore. "They tried to kidnap me and I panicked! Bucky came and I was scared! I closed my eyes and then they were killed and I got trapped there! I swear I didn't touch them!"

Bruce rubbed her back carefully as he quietly asked, "You stayed calm though and you didn't run. Anyone in an emotionally pressing situation like that would usually run at the first chance they got, guilty or innocent."

After a moment of silence, I finally admitted, "The voice told me not to run." Loki flinched at that and rose an eyebrow like he would have been shocked to hear that himself.

Bruce, however, seemed highly interested in the new development. "Did this voice ever talk to you before?"

"I... I think so... Yeah." I nodded, thinking back on before I started living with Loki. "It would always tell me to take care of myself when I wasn't feeling well... It was nice. Sometimes it would say creepy things... but it was always a nice voice..." I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head as I looked down. "I'm sorry. I- I probably sound crazy."

He shook his head in understanding as he asked carefully, "Have you ever had depression, (Y/n)?" I nodded silently in response to his question, though I wasn't sure why he wanted to know something personal like that. "And you have had cases of anxiety and mild PTSD." He thought for a moment before he looked to Loki. "Stay with her for a moment. I'll be right back."

He immediately left the room with no arguments from Loki who sat in the chair across from me. Seeing the tears that were still welled in my eyes, he patted his lap and I didn't hesitate to climb onto him as I pressed my face into his chest, taking in his calming scent. "I'm sorry, Loki. I'm so much trouble."

Loki wrapped his arms around me as he held me close. I felt his breath flowing against my ear as his chin was rested against my head. "Shh. Don't panic yourself. You didn't kill anyone, little kitten."

I nodded my head, agreeing with him as I only held him tighter, afraid that I would be taken away if I let go. "Why didn't you hit me, sir? Like you did this morning when I was bad?" Not that I really wanted to be hit... it was just a protocol punishment for my wrongdoings. But ever since I left Hydra there was no one to differentiate good from bad. But Loki was there... and he didn't follow Hydra protocol.

His strong fingers passed through my hair slowly as he soothed, "I told you, I will not harm you. I am very sorry about what happened this morning. (Y/n)," He moved back slightly, but I only moved with him, afraid to let go. But his finger tapped my chin. "(Y/n), look at me." He waited until my head tilted up and our eyes made contact before he continued, "I want you to stop asking for punishment. You will not be hit."

So asking was yet another thing that displeased Loki. I would have to remember that... "Yes, sir." Loki sighed, but he leaned his head onto mine. Did that mean he was still irritated with me?

The door opened and Bruce walked back in followed by the other Avengers. Thor seemed quite pleased at the sight of Loki being so caring with me, but that wasn't what they were in there for. Bruce explained, "I've come to the conclusion that... she might have strained her mind a little too much and we just haven't realized until it was too late. I'm under the impression that she may have a split personality. These things tend to happen under harsh conditions like what she went through with Hydra. We can't prove her innocence in the situation so, for now, Thor volunteered to stay with the two of you and she'll be given time off to recover."

Loki nodded, accepting these terms, though he really hated that Thor would be staying with us. He would really rather keep me all to himself in our home. "How long shall we have our guest?"

"Until our little (Y/n) can be proven innocent, brother. It's quite the mystery." Thor answered as his large hand came to pat my head.

Loki quickly pulled me away, noticing my discomfort at being touched, as he hissed, "She doesn't like that, you idiot. You have no idea how to handle a sensitive kitten."

Thor pulled back surprised but was proud of his protective brother on the inside. "I apologize, my lady! For now, we should head home!"

I tugged awkwardly on Loki's shirt while Thor was busy blabbering to the world. "Can I take a bath when we get home? I feel... gross..."

"Of course, (Y/n). I'll even help to wash your hair if you'd like." With the suggestion, I really didn't want him to be in the room while I was naked in the bath... but at the same time, it wouldn't be the first time he washed my hair for me. I nodded my head slowly, accepting the offer. He hummed as he pulled me up into his arms to carry me out of the building. He wasn't going to be letting me go this time.

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