The King's Pet (Loki x Neko!R...

By acefaun

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Loki. He was my best friend. My significant other. My life. I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world... More

Chapter 1- It's Good to Be Home
Chapter 3- Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Chapter 4- Taking Leave to Asgard
Chapter 5- Drunk as a Skunk
Chapter 6- Out of Control
Chapter 7- Caged
Chapter 8- Home Sweet...What?
Chapter 9- Threat
Chapter 10- Nothing But Mine
Chapter 11: Kittunns

Chapter 2- Walk to Work

5.4K 113 11
By acefaun

(A/N: You and Loki need a serious talk about wearing clothes that will actually fit you.
On another note, I made you this pretty colored picture because I'm sorry for not updating last week. I was camping. So, have a cool birthday present from me to you!! 💖💖)

(Word Count: 1788)

I nuzzled my face into a fluffy surface as I sniffed. I paused and then sniffed again for the sweet smell of whatever it was I was sniffing. I pulled my knees up beneath my stomach as I shoved my face into the fluffiness with my tail stretching into the air of the morning light that peeked through the window threatening to blind me.

With a large intake of air, I sat up on my knees and observed my surroundings. I was in bed, of course, but I was on Loki's side of the bed. It was usual for us to snuggle, but it was on an unusual day when I would find myself in his place. In fact, he wasn't even in the room!

My ears perked up and I used my senses to try and find him faster. But that was when my nose caught the scent of freshly made breakfast. He was in the kitchen...

I climbed out of bed and immediately went to the kitchen, only to find him cooking bacon which made my mouth water at the smell. But I was too hungry to wait for him to finish cooking.

On the counter in front of me, I noticed a bundle of fresh bananas. That would surely do for a good breakfast start. I climbed up on top of the counter and perched there behind Loki as I began to eat one of the ripe fruits.

He walked across the kitchen to get a plate from the cabinet and I put down half of my banana as I followed from the countertop. With how quiet I was, I wasn't surprised that he hadn't noticed my stealthy presence yet. I then prepared to pounce like a predator on its prey. Baring my teeth, I lunged forward onto Loki's back.

I wasn't sure what had happened in the next moment. Surely it was a reflex, some kind of self-defense. He didn't mean it...

I found myself laying on the floor of the kitchen, curled away from Loki with tears in my eyes as I held my burning cheek. He actually hit me... But there was no way... No way did he possibly mean to do that...

"(Y/n)..." At the mere sound of my name from his lips, I winced, expecting an earful from him about how I should better behave myself. "(Y/n), please look at me," He knelt in front of me, but I couldn't quite bring myself to look at his tall figure. "I swear I didn't mean to hit you. Kitten-"

"I know..." I squeaked out anxiously as I shut my eyes tightly, "I- I'm sorry, Loki- Majesty- Sir... I shouldn't have jumped on you. I deserved to be hit."

"No," His sudden growl made me flinch, but his soft caresses made me relax slightly. He didn't make any sudden moves to grab me or frighten me, and for that I was thankful. He then continued speaking in a softer voice, "No one should hit you. In fact, if anyone hits you, it will be the last thing they ever do." He softly took my hand, watching my reaction carefully as I played with his nimble fingers. "This body deserves to be loved... I would be quite upset to see you hurt."

My cheeks were red from embarrassment from the situation as he pet my ears that were pressed firmly against my head. "I know..." It was a quiet and short response, but I wasn't really sure what to say to him at that point. Sure I deserved to be hit. After all, he was busy and I disturbed him.

His long fingers squished my cheeks as he made me look at him. "I promise I didn't mean to harm you. Here, I've made a big breakfast for my preying lion this morning. You do have more tests to run through today, from what I've heard."

I nodded my head as best as I could in his hold. Helping me from the floor, I immediately went sit obediently at the table where I waited for Loki with the food. I was sure he had enough of my antics today, so I made quite the effort to behave myself.

I stayed quiet and kept absolutely to myself as I took nibbles of the bacon. It really took little effort to gather Loki's attention on my withdrawn habits. After a few more bites, I asked quietly, "Can I... have some orange juice?"

Loki stared at me for a moment before he left the table and returned with a cup of orange juice. I stared at the cup as I finished my piece of bacon. I hesitantly grabbed the cup and sipped slowly from it. I didn't make eye contact as I slowly finished a biscuit and drank the rest of my orange juice. Not bothering with the rest of my meal, I sat back in my chair quietly as Loki finished his own meal.

We sat in silence for a few good minutes before Loki broke the silence, "Is that all you're eating?"

I looked down, biting my lip as I nodded my head. "I'm not very hungry..." I slipped out of my chair as I played with the hem of my shirt. "I'm just going to go get ready for today." Too anxious to wait for permission in the silence, I left the room and quickly went back to the safety of the bedroom. I no longer felt any pain from the hit, but it had me shaken up greatly.

I was out of the bathroom rather quickly as wasting my time was certainly not something I was interested in this morning. But Loki wouldn't let me pass as I went to exit the room. "Give me one good reason why I should let you leave in this condition."

"Because the Avengers would come and find me anyway?" I looked away from him. But he didn't allow that for long. His fingers curled under my chin as he made me look up at him. "Lo..."

"Not a good enough reason. You know very well that you aren't well enough to go out today." We stared at each other. Was he really not going to let me leave? I wasn't sure if he realized just how important the tests that the Avengers were giving me were.

But I knew he was right. I simply couldn't make it alone in the crowds of people no matter how close we lived to Avengers Tower. I nodded slowly in acceptance before I asked quietly, "Could you take me?"

Loki sighed and looking into his eyes I really expected him to say no and simply keep me in the apartment with him all day. But maybe he did know just how important the tests were, for he quietly agreed. "As long as you stay close to me." He walked by me as he went to the closet and came out with a jacket and a scarf. He wrapped it carefully around my neck as he helped put the big jacket on. "It's cold outside. I don't want you getting sick."

I nodded as I managed to stick my nose from behind the high, green scarf. My boots were silent against the floor as I followed closely behind Loki, leaving the apartment. I held onto the back of his jacket as he lead our way through the crowds of people walking to get to their destination. Being such a dwarf next to Loki was an advantage, as it made it really easy to follow behind him.

But a scent suddenly caught my attention as it passed. It made all my muscles feel relaxed and I just had to have it. But it was going in the opposite direction. The jacket slipped from my weak fingers as I turned to follow the smell. I looked up and noticed a drone, hovering a few feet away. A small box was attached to it, and boy did it smell good.

With my mouth watering, I walked up to it. But it only flew further away. It was then that I began to chase it down the street. I jumped over benches and dodged cars and people as I chased the small device. Damn did I need whatever was in that box.

I growled as I was finally on top of the little drone. I was about to grab it when it suddenly flew higher. I jumped, still unable to catch it. I needed Loki, but upon looking around I panicked. There was no Loki... and where was I?

My ears went down as my wide eyes frantically shot around, looking for the tall God in the mass of people. I uselessly whimpered, "Loki..." I backed up with my heart beating frantically. I didn't recognize anyone, nor did I recognize my location. I just had to find Avengers Tower! How hard could that be? Just as I was about to set out on my mission, hands grabbed me from behind and I let out a muffled scream into someone's hand.

"Shut up, cat! Damn it! You're going to attract attention!" I was dragged into an alley as more people were around us. "Come on, where's the gag?"

The minute his hand left my mouth, my feline teeth dug into the flesh of his hand. I tasted blood and heard his screams loud and clear, but I didn't let go until his arm loosed up around me. I broke free of his grip and avoided the arms of the other bastards who were trying to grab at me.

I shoved one to the ground as I used his shoulders to jump onto the above fire-escape of a building. I held tightly onto the metal bar as I pulled myself onto the ledge of it. I stayed curled there, shaking horribly as the men were shouting about how to get me down.

They couldn't get me way up there. I held onto the metal grating for dear life as I shut my eyes tightly, wishing for Loki to just pop in and save me already.

"Back off!" A stone voice cut through the air. "I'll get the kitty out of the tree."

My ears twitched at that strong, familiar voice. Oh my god... My eyes widened as I looked down from my spot. I'd recognize that metal arm anywhere...

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