The new kid

By MoodKillerxo

47.2K 1.1K 165

<>||SCILES||<> Scott is the cool kid. Everyone looks up to Scott. He's captain of the lacrosse team, he's dat... More

part 1 (first day)
part 2 (group assignments)
part 3 (what happened?)
part 4 (Why?)
part 5 (again?)
part 6 (how)
part 7 (broken up)
part 8 (scott likes Stiles?)
part 9 (broken inside and out)
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38

part 16

1.3K 25 4
By MoodKillerxo

Stiles turns on the car and they drive off to Malias house. When they get there Malia grabs her stuff and hops out of the car. As soon as she gets inside, Stiles drives off to his house. The two teens talk and laugh with each other until they reach Stiles house. When they do stikes parks out the front and they both walk inside, heading straight for Stiles room. When they get there the two boys take their seat on the bed.

"Scotty. Can I be honest with you?" Stiles asks looking down at his feet.

"Of course. What's up babe?" Scott replies smiling at the other teen.

"Well... Scotty... I'm scared. I'm really really scared." Stiles says as he twiddles with his thumbs.

"What of?" Scott reaches for Stiles hand and holds it in his own.

"Of Allison. She really hurt me today... and I read the texts you sent her... it really scares me. I don't want to get hurt again..."

"Don't worry you won't get hurt ever again. I'll stick by your side. I won't let anyone hurt you. You'll be fine." Scott lays a hand on Stiles face making him look up and him. He leans in and kisses Stiles passionately,  reasurring him that everything is fine and that Scott will always be there for him. They soon pull away for a breath of air.

"Thanks Scotty." Is all Stiles can think to say. He grabs Scott hand and holds it tightly. Scott always makes Stiles feel safe. The two boys spend the rest of the night playing video games, kissing, eating pizza and then falling asleep.


The next day Scott and Stiles woke up. Somehow Stiles had ended up on the floor and Scott had taken up the entirety of the bed.

"Rude kicking me out of my own bed!" Stiles yells sleepily. Scott just laughs at his boyfriend.

"I didn't mean to! Sorry babe." Scott says as he sits up on the bed. Stiles forces himself to stand up and sit down next to Scott.

"You two better start getting ready for school!" Noah yells out to the boys from his room. The two boys chuckle and stand up to find there clothes. They both get changed not caring if they're in front of each other or not.

After they get dressed they walk downstairs hand in hand. Stiles grabs two apples from the fridge and hands one over to Scott.

The pair eat their fruit and then jump into Stiles car. Stiles turns on the engine and drives off to school. The two teens sing songs and dance on their small road trip. Once they get to their destination, Stiles finds a parking spot right in front of the school. The two walk inside and look for their friends.

Stiles, Lydia and Malia soon get out of their seat and walk away from the table without a word. They walk down all the halls until they get to Malias locker, which happens to be a few lockers down from Lydias. The two girls get out the things they need for the day since they forgot to earlier, than they head for Stiles locker. When they get there Stiles unlocks the locker and finds a note next to his history book. He opens it up without the girls seeing and reads it. Luckily the girls were talking amongst eachother and looking at their phones. The note read:

Meet me outside of the school, in the parking lot at 4:10pm. I'll be expecting you. And if you don't show up, you're gonna regret it. Be there! And don't be late. Come alone.

It had been typed out and printed so Stiles couldn't figure out who had written it. He had his assumptions though.

Stiles curses to himself. This is definitely from Allison. It has to be. Oh god what do I do! She's gonna hurt me... again... I know it.

"Hey Stiles you ready to head back?" Lydia asks making Stiles snap right out of his thoughts.

"Uh... Yeah. Lets go." Stiles replies trying to seem normal. Malia gives Stiles an awkward look but soon brushes it off. The three walk back to their table and sit down with everyone else. Stiles doesn't make eye contact with anyone. He just looks down at the ground nervously biting his lip. A few people take notice of this but decide not to take action, except Scott. He reaches out for Stiles hand and holds it in his. Stiles then looks up for the first time and stares into Scott's brown eyes. He gives him a small smile, soon to be followed by Scott smiling in return. The two boys just stare deeply into eachothers eyes, until Liam and Malia notice something outside. The two look at each other before deciding to speak up.

"Did anyone else see that!?" Liam yells out, loud enough for only their table to hear.

"What?" Lydia speaks up, taking the words straight out of everyone else's mouths. Malia then stands up.

"There was something outside... can't you sense it?! It's strong!" Malia calls out before taking a few steps towards the door. Everyone else stands up and they all walk outside. Not knowing what to expect, all the teens are on edge. Stiles sees something fade away behind a tree as if it's walking away.

"OVER THERE!" Stiles yells before running towards the tree. Everyone else soon follows behind Stiles, only a few feet away from him. "AHH SHIT!" Stiles calls out, which makes Scott run even faster.

"Stiles! What happened?" Scott yells out.

"It... it had long claws... it struck me! Ow it hurts so much Scotty." Tears start to form in the pale teens eyes as he goes even paler than he already is. Scott grabs on to Stiles hand and watches as black veins crawl up his arms. Stiles winces a little and pulls his hand away from Scott's. "Don't... I don't want you getting hurt too." A few tears roll down Stiles cheek.

"Which way did it go?" Malia speaks up. Stiles raises his hand and points further into the forest. And with that Malia, Liam, Hayden and Kira rush off into the forest. Leaving Scott, Lydia and Jackson alone with Stiles.

"I'll be fine... just let me take your pain Stiles." Scott says purely, staring into Stiles teary eyes.

"No I can't. I don't want you getting hurt because of me..." Stiles says shaking a lot.
"I'll be fine. It's not even that bad." Scott then lifts up Stiles shirt to see What happened. Three big scratches ran across Stiles chest, blood seeping out of it all. Stiles chest rose up and down really fast as he kept breathing short, fast breaths.

Soon a yelp can be heard from further in the woods. "Th-that sounded like Malia! Scott! Go!" Stiles calls out.

"I'm not leaving you!" Scott yells back.

"Malia could be in trouble! Which means the other are too! Go Scott! I'll be fine! Plus I have Lydia and Jackson here. Now go!" Stiles says through heavy breaths. Scott hesitates... but he goes. He runs as fast as he can through the forest until he sees Malia on the ground with everyone else standing around in an attacking formation. Malia soon stands back up again holding onto her stomach. There's a large gash going across her leg. And another going across her stomach. Liam has cuts in his arms too. Scott runs up and joins the others  in their stance.

"Hm... none of you are in a pack I see." A young girl says. She looks about the same age as Scott and the others. She has long dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. She was a werewolf but she looked human at the moment. She was wearing dark blue jeans that were rolled up at the bottom with a flannel covered up by an unzipped hoodie. Similar to Stiles sense of fashion.

"Who are you! And what do you want?" Scott calls out soon going full wolf. Soon enough 3 other people walk out and stand next to this mysterious girl.

"If you really must know... my name is Alicia. This guy is Mark and these two are Dylan and Thomas." The girl says to the teens. Everyone's eyes light up when they hear the name Alicia. All but Scott.

"Where's mieczyslaw?" Thomas speaks up taking over Alicias words.

"Who?" Malia says back.

"Oh for crying- STILES!" The girl calls out again. Her words running through Scott's head.

"Stiles? What do you want with him!?" Kira yells out furiously.

"He's been hurt. You won't know how to help him." The girl says again.

"But we do." A different boy says this time. He has curly blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Alicia stated that his name was Mark. All three boys are wearing full black clothing making the girl seem really out of place.

"You're the ones who hurt him! What makes you think we'll trust you?" Scott calls out, angrier than anyone else.

"Oh I doubt you'd trust us." One of the boys says again, Thomas. Just then another boy walks out holding Lydia with his claws up against her throat. Then another girl appears too with Jackson in the same position. Another boy shows up holding Stiles bridal style.
"That's our friend Jacob." Thomas says looking towards the guy holding Lydia.
"And that girl over there is Heidi next to Heidi holding Stiles is Axel."

"What are yous doing! Let him go!" Scott yells out again. It's no use. These werewolves have already started walking away. Scott doesn't allow it. He punched at the boy holding Stiles making him fall down on the ground. Scott quickly picks up Stiles and runs off.

"GUYS RUN!" He calls out. Jackson and Lydia both take this distraction as a chance to get free. They attack there holders and run after Scott. The werewolves try to fight back, but the teens just keep running and running until they are safe away from the woods. They run back into the school and run for the locker rooms. They all enter the boys locker room not caring that there are girls with them. They take a seat on the bench. All but Scott. Scott still stands up holding Stiles closely to him. Then he gets a text. He doesn't really want to check it but he does anyways. He lays Stiles down on the floor and pulls out his phone.

Deaton: hey Scott

Scott: sorry I can't make it to work today.

Deaton: that's not what I texted you for.
Deaton: I heard about what happened at school today. In the woods that is.
Deaton: bring Stiles to me. I might know how to help him. Come quick before it's too late.

Scott: how do you know?

Deaton: that's not all important right now. Just get down here.

Scott : ok I'll be there soon.

"Guys we have to get to the animal clinic." Scott calls out.

"Oh of course! To deaton! He'll know what to do." Malia says in return.

"How did you-" Scott starts.

"He knows everything about the supernatural. Well just about everything. More than us that is. He looked after me and my mum. Before she... anyways! Let's go!" The group stand up, Scott picking up Stiles that is, and walk to their cars. Scott decides to get into Stiles jeep and drive to the animal clinic in that. With Stiles in the front passenger seat.

After they arrive to the animal clinic they rush in and set Stiles down on the working table as Deaton instructed. Deaton then grabbed a jar containing a strange looking herb. He took it out of the jar and placed it on a bench. Then he crumpled up the herb and added it into a jar containing a purple looking liquid in it. He shook up the jar and the liquid then turned yellow. It was like watching a science experiment or even a magic show. Deaton put the strange liquid into a needle. He proceeded to walk over to Stiles with said needle, pushing it into Stiles arm and injecting him with the yellow liquid. Scott just stood there, holding onto Stiles hand tightly. Then stiles eyes shot open. Startling everyone in the room. He sat up quickly and coughed up some black blood that he spat onto the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Scott asks concerned for the poor boy.

"Don't worry Scott. That just means it's working." Deaton speaks up to support the teen.

"It was Alicia wasn't it..." Stiles says surprisingly calm.

"Yeah... how did you-" Scott starts soon to be cut off.

"She was my best friend. I'm the one who got her bit. I know every person in that pack. Wait... there was a pack with her right?" Stiles speaks up.

"Yeah. I think the alphas name was Thomas." Malia says.

"No. The alpha wouldn't have been there. Thomas is his protege. He's a bitch. He's the one who got me." Stiles says lifting up his shirt.

"Here take this." Deaton says handing a strange liquid over to Stiles. He knows exactly what it is and drinks it straight away. All the teens watch as the cuts heal like a werewolf heals.

"Thanks. But who are you?" Stiles asks curiosity taking the better of him. Then Scott crosses his arms and faces deaton too.

"Yeah who are you Deaton?" Scott says.

"I used to work as a healer to werewolves and other things in the supernatural. I have worked with several different types of packs." Deaton speaks up. Without a single stutter. He was serious throughout the whole entirety of his speech.

"More importantly can you tell us more about this pack?" Lydia says as she looks around at everyone's wounds.

"Yeah okay." Stiles starts. "Logan, the alpha of that pack was the one who bit Alicia. It was my fault... anyways... Logan basically forced Alicia to join there pack or they would kill everyone in that town. It was our  home town. She decided to go with them which means she had to forgot about everything she had before she was bit. Which includes school, family and friends. She was completely disconnected from her life. It's like she had to start a new life at the age of 16. That pack is very dangerous and I have no idea what so ever as to why they would come to beacon hills." Stiles finishes as he sits up on the bench.

"They said they were looking for you Stiles." Malia states nervously.

"Did they say why?"


"Well that's helpful. I don't see why they would be looking for me. Alicia isn't meant to be associating with anyone from her old life. And I was a big part of her life." Stiles says without taking a single breathe in between words.

"What do we do Stiles?" Liam says nervously. Stiles looks around and notices everyone looking at him as if he's god.

"I don't know. I suggest we figure out what they want. If it's a fight they're picking, then I say let's fight." Stiles finishes with a smile. Everyone cheers in agreement to Stiles words.

"Sounds like a great plan. But for the time being I suggest you go home. Also I don't think you should be going to your house Stiles. Maybe go to Scott's or something." Deaton suggests. It's actually a smart idea considering Stiles is the one thing that this pack is after. Stiles nods in agreement as he stands up off the table and starts walking outside soon to be followed by the others.

Everyone goes to their own house except Stiles. He decides to stay at Scott's house like Deaton had suggested. The boys fall asleep as soon as they hit Scott's bed. Stiles decides to sleep on the side with the wall so he doesn't get kicked out of bed again.

I finally learnt how to keep the storyline going right. I don't know what's wrong with me I mean this story is going all over the place at the moment.  Hope you like the turn I decided to take with this ;)

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