Forest Sister

بواسطة elfwitchof221B

51.7K 1.1K 227

A female elf joins Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf at the Fangorn Forest. She hates Legolas more than any... المزيد

I Will Go With You
I Release You From The Spell
One More Reason
Journey To Helm's Deep
Nothing To Lose
Small But A Great Cost Paid Battle
Helm's Deep And A Friend From Rohan
Friend? No, Friend 's'
Mission Suicide
Preparing For The Battle
battle at helm's deep
end of the battle
the truth
500 years ago
back to Edoras
the palantir
a light in the dark
off you go
crying out loud
and Rohan will answer
The dead and more
on the boat to Gondor
Legolas is leveled up
Thank You
Chapter 31
I Love You
Another Suicide Mission
To the Black Gate We Go
We go to kick Sauron's ass
The end of all things
Getting ready for the coronation
The coronation
Thank you
Into the woods
Thranduil 2
I will stay with you
Author's Note

the road to the Dimholt = the road to the dead humans

902 14 2
بواسطة elfwitchof221B

Theoden ordered for the Rohirrim to be mustered, and we were all outside, mustering... our own horses. Vaile was finally awake now, and she was glad to see me. 'why did you never talked to me before?' I asked in my head, to Vaile, of course. She stared at me with her knowing eyes, but there came no answer. I didn't need one. Arod was right. We didn't need to communicate spiritually when we could understand each other without any difficulties.

"Well as you know, we are going on a war, girl. How does that sound? Awesome, right?" I said, not in my head, to her as I lead her out of the stables. She neighed in agreement. Outside, I saw Aragorn and Eowyn, both readying their horses. Eowyn was coming with us? Well I shouldn't be surprised, should I?

"'s traditional for the women of the court to farewell the men." I stood beside Eowyn and gave her a knowing look. On her other side, Aragorn found the sword she kept hidden. I turned and pretended to be busy with Vaile, while Eowyn talked to Aragorn.

"The men have found their captain. They will follow you into battle, even to death. You have given us hope." she said. Hope? Yeah, there was hope when we were fighting against the whole army of Mordor, right? And when there are two hobbits, one a gardner and one with a rich uncle, who's carrying the whole fate of the world, being lead by the stinking creature, we still have hope, right??? Eowyn hopped on her horse and rode away, leaving me with Aragorn.

"She's right, you know." I said, getting on Vaile. Aragorn, who was just about to mount stopped and looked at me.

"What's right?" he asked.

"They willfollow you to death. And so will I. Though I doubt that you would be foolish enough to lead meinto death." I said smirking at him. he smiled and mounted on his horse, and we rode to the rest of the... army, where I saw Merry the yellow jacket ride on a pony. how on earth had he managed to get a pony? We rode rode and rode, and came to a what seemed like a valley between the mountain to me. I followed Aragorn, who was going to the King, who was looking down at about... 5 or 6 hundred, no, thousand men.

"6000 spears. less than half of what I hoped for." the King said. so I was right. only 6000? Aragorn seemed to think the same as me.

"6000 will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." he said. He was right. I for myself was hoping for about 15000 or something like that.

"More will come." King said after a break.

"When are they coming?" I said looking at him. He looked at me back, with a slight frown that was saying 'what do you mean'

"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. I don't like the present ruler there, but I've grown fond of his son and the dunedain King. So I would be very miserable if both of them were killed." I said a bit sarcastically, but I think they got the meaning.

"We have till dawn. Then we must ride." Aragorn spoke and the King nodded. Just then, the horses cried behind us, and we all turned to see what it was about. They were nervous, more like nervoused to death. And even Vaile looked uncomfortable too. I went to her, and tried to sooth her down, but she still looked troubled.

"The horses are restless... and the men are quiet." Legolas said. He had just popped out of nowhere with his dwarf friend. Well actually he couldn't have appeared out of this air, but you get what I'm trying to say, right?

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountains." Eomer said. I looked at where he looked, and it gave me a queer feeling too. No wonder they're restless. But I saw something more than just the shadows. I saw a road, more like a path that lead into the mountain shadows.

"That road there, where does that lead?" Gimli asked. He must have been curious.

"That is the road to the Dimholt. The door under the mountain." Legolas answered, and I was curious why there was a door under the mountain. Who could possibly live there?

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Eomer said and walked away. Vaile, to my pleasure has calmed down, and I just let her trot around here and there. Aragorn came and stared at the road, as well as I. It gave me a queer feeling. I was sure it wasn't the nicest place, but it gave me a feeling like I've been there before. But why would I have been to a road that leads to the door under the mountain? And when? Then there was this rumbling that seemed to be coming from the mountain. And I tell you, I was a bit freaked out by that.

"Aragorn! Let's find some food." Gimli said, and Aragorn followed him. Legolas was going too, but not before he asked me a question.

"You alright?"

"Of course I'm alright. why wouldn't I be?" I answered, frowning at his stupid question. Then I realized that I must have looked quite weird just staring at the road. Legolas nodded and walked away. For a second I thought about going there, but then that freaking rumble came again, making the thought disappear. I walked away too, hoping to find some entertainment. And I heard that Meriadoc Brandybuck was an esquire of Rohan. When was he made an esquire? Hobbits really were funny creatures. I thought of hanging out with Eowyn, but that thought was driven away too when I saw her talking with her brother about war. So instead I just went to the cliff where I saw 6000 spears, and saw a dark figure coming up. A visitor at this time? I decided to follow him when he was up here. Yes and I did follow him, and he went to the King's tent. Should I go in or not? When I was thinking this in the shadows, Aragorn came and went inside the tent. Ok. So maybe the visitor was someone he knew? When Aragorn was inside, Theoden came out. What were they doing, exchanging places? I sneaked a little more closer to the door, and finally saw the visitor, who took his hood off. Elrond. As in Elrond of Imladris, Rivendell, Elrond. What was he doing here? I must have missed a few conversations because Elrond was giving Aragorn what seemed like a sword, and when Aragorn received it, the words he said surprised me even more.

"Sauron would not have forgotten the sword of Elendil." so Elrond was here to give him the newly made Narsil? That was very Elrond-ish thing to do, I guess. And then Elrond said something more weird that I just had to keep stalking.

"The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the ranger. Become who you were born to be. Take the Dimholt road." Yup. And that was enough informations for me. I'll be escorting this young man and his friends to the road of the dead. Hurray.... I walked away and went to Vaile, who was happily eating her supper. but as soon as she saw me, she stopped chewing and trotted happily to me, and I mounted her. Just then, Eowyn saw me.

"Taurieth? What are you going?" she asked. I couldn't just leave quietly, right?

"What does it look like, Eowyn?"

"It looks like you're leaving." She said. I gave her a there you have it look, and her face changed.

"You can't leave! Not now! We- I- you-! Well you can't leave now!" She had trouble finding the reasons of why I shouldn't leave. Because there were none.

"Look, I'm leaving wether you like it or not, Eowyn. And this is for the sake of your kingdom and men, also for Gondor. So if you don't like me leaving, then I suggest you go over to Aragorn and make him stay. And yes, he's leaving too. I think Gimli and Legolas will be leaving also." I said looking down at her form Vaile. Her eyes had tears coming up, and I prayed to sweet Eru that I won't have to hug her.

"But we have that last combat left. What about that?" She said her voice shaking. She was not letting go.

"We'll have that combat after the war, okay? And for the last time, yes. I WILL come back." Eowyn had tears falling down her cheeks now, and she opened her arms for a hug. well I guess I should give her one last farewell hug, right? So I jumped off from Vaile and gave her a long, last farewell hug.

"Aragorn's out, Eowyn. Better go and say something, right? Though I doubt that you guys will enjoy it." I said pulling away form her. She nodded and ran towards him, and they had a long conversation. I felt sorry for Eowyn, but I had made my decision. I went to stand by the Dimholt road, and Vaile didn't panic this time. Not a long time later, I saw Aragorn and Legolas coming, Gimli seated on Aragorn's back.

"Taurieth? What are you doing here?" Aragorn asked, confused. I smirked.

"I was just about to take the Dimholt road when you came. Looks like we'll have to go together, right?" I said. Aragorn saw there was no point of arguing, so he just smiled at me and walked past, which I followed. So get this. I was going to see some ghosts today. Should I be excited? Or should I be worried? Before I kew, we were on the road, and I focused on to not think about what would happen next.

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