♥️ Seaycee Oneshots ♥️

By seayceetingies

43.8K 757 74

Oneshots of Kaycee and Sean ~| you might need holy water |~ ~| you might cry |~ ~| soft seaycee hours here to... More

Unexpected Sleepover
Unexpected Sleepover (2)
Blindfolded Dance Challenge
parents who fight
filming tingz (partner write)
safe place

Bad Idea of a Dare

5.1K 117 33
By seayceetingies

I'm sorry in advance. I found this topic to be very funny, so I decided to write this oneshot. Plz don't question my ideas😂


Sean's POV

Tonight... Didn't go exactly as planned. It all started with Josh, Julian, and I hanging out. It was the one time all three of us were free and in LA, so we decided to have a guy's night out. If you ask any guy, they'd tell you that all guys do is just sit on the couch, maybe talking to each other. We however, like to spice it up.

Whenever we get together, we go out to downtown LA, to cause some mischief. Kaycee and Chloe don't allow us to mess around with people, saying it's rude and impolite. We say that's what makes it fun. So whenever we get together, without the females, we make sure to pull a couple pranks here and there. Don't judge us, we rarely do this nowadays. I guess Kaycee really has changed me. After we do anything bad, I make sure to say sorry or clean up after our mess.

Anyways... Like I said, this time didn't go exactly as planned. We decided to play a game of dares. One person would make up a dare that the other two would have to do. These were getting out of hand, especially when Julian dared Josh and I to run down the street with our pants and shirts off.

"Julian! Kaycee will kill me if she finds out I did this!"

Julian just smirked. "Well then you better run quick, you don't want any of your fans snapping that perfect picture and posting it all over insta for Kaycee to see, now do you?"

"I'm so glad I get to come up with the next dare. You're going down Jules."

So, obeying our Game of Dares code, Josh and I had to do it, no backing out.
It was simple. The two of us had to run down one block in our boxers, then come back and put our clothes back on. I was thankful that I didn't see any people on the street at this time, it was like 12am in the morning.

"Ok, I'm gonna make this dare a race. Whoever comes back and puts ALL their clothes back on first gets to choose the next dare."

"Julian seriously?? Are you just attacking me tonight?" I was wearing layers of clothes. That is, a shirt, a sweater, and a coat, plus jeans. Josh however, was wearing a sweatshirt and joggers. This seemed like an unfair advantage for Josh. But rules are rules, I couldn't back out now. If I did, they were allowed to both give me a dare, which I didn't want to happen.

"I don't care Lew. Now strip, both of you." Julian said, laughing. "Ok, on your marks, get set, GO!" And off we went.

Now, lemme just say, that I'm a pretty fast runner. However, compared to Josh, I'm nowhere near fast. He outran me to the end of the block, and was even nice enough to wait for me there. Right as I got to the end of the block, he yelled "Good luck catching up, Lew!" and sprinted his way back. I ran after him, somehow reaching out clothes at the same time he did. I hurriedly pulled my clothes on, but by the time I had my jeans, shirt, and sweater on, Josh was completely done.

"So... I think we know who wins. Josh, you get to pick the next dare." Julian said, high fiveing him, then coming over and patting me on my back. "Better luck next time Sean. Oh, also, I saw a couple girls on the other side of the road with their phones out, it seemed like they were taking a video. Hope you'll get that sorted out with Kaycee."

"Fuck you Jules. I'm gonna put all the blame on you." I said as I put on my coat. Josh started laughing and looking over both Julian and I. He was muttering something like "no... I shouldn't... but it'll be funny... no it's so mean..." which got very annoying, so Julian and I said "Josh just SAY IT!" together in unison.

"Oh my god fine... Y'all should've waited until I thought of a different dare." He smirked. "I dare the two of you to go into that drugstore and buy boner pills. Then, each of you take one." After he finished saying that, Josh blew up with laughter yet again. Julian and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Once the thought finally settled in our brains, we started to laugh as well. I looked at Julian and said, "Welp, a dare is a dare. We can't back out." to which Julian nodded his head. I could tell we'd both be regretting this game very very soon. "Ok Josh you're coming with us, you get to pick out the pills."

When we got to the aisle where the pills where, it started to get to me that this was really happening. And yes, the regret was setting in, and fast.

"Ok, these ones." Josh said, picking out a box. I read it.

"8 HOURS?? JOSH ARE YOU INSANE?" I whisper yelled. "Kaycee is staying over at my house right now!!"

"Oooh dude... Have fun with that. I mean it." He said, winking. Julian started to laugh. I looked at him, which made him shut up immediately.

"I hate you right now Josh, just so you know." I said, walking with the box to the counter.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The counter lady said. "Oh, I'll just scan that for you real quick. $27 for that." I handed her the money, quickly walking out of the store, where Julian and Josh were already waiting for me, giggling.

"What are you laughing about Jules? You have to take one as well." I growled.

"Yeah, but at least I KNOW how Chloe will react. And I can't wait." He remarked, almost making me barf at his words. God how I hate them both at this very moment.

"Ok boys, take one each." Josh said.

We took the pills, not knowing what to expect. We felt fine.

"Ha, I guess they don't work!" I smirked.

"Whatever. I guess we should just go back home. It's been a fun time. My car's that way. Bye y'all." Josh said, walking away.

"Bye Jules. Have a safe drive!" I say, walking away to my car.

Thankfully, it's a fairly short drive, only 30 minutes for me to get home. I've heard stories that the pills sometimes take 20-30 minutes to take effect, so I felt pretty safe. It must've not worked on me.

I pulled into the driveway, and walked up to the front door. Entering the house, I noticed how every light was on. Kayc probably turned them all on, she's such a scaredy cat. I walked around, turning all the lights off, and walked as quiet as I possibly could upstairs to my room. When I walked in, I saw a very angry Kaycee on my bed, staring at me with the scariest gaze I've ever seen. She held up her phone, showing me a video of me and Josh, running down the block in our underwear. Fuck, so those girls really did record and post it.

Before I could say anything, Kaycee put her phone down. "At least it's not like the time you and Julian ran into the restaurant yelling "Kaycee is pregnant and we don't know which of us is the father!". Chloe and I were about to kill the two of you that time." She said. She was being serious, but I could hear a hint of laughter in her words. "I just wish I was there this time. I like seeing you without your clothes on. I'm sad some other girls got to see that, I thought you were all mine..." She continued, getting off the bed and making her way to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, then pulling me into a quick kiss after she said that last part.

Right when she said "all mine", I could feel something... Downstairs...
Welp, good news and bad news. Good news, I did get my money's worth, the pills worked. Bad news, THE PILLS WORKED. And Kaycee standing so close to me wasn't doing me justice.

I immediately pulled away from her, using my coat to cover up my now extremely prominent boner.

"What is it Lew? Don't like the thought of being subdued?" She said, looking up at me with a lustful gaze. I swear, if she says anything else remotely dirty... "Whatever Sean. While you spent the day with the guys, Chloe and I decided to have a girl's day out of our own. We went to the mall, and I got some new clothes. Can I show them to you?" She said, walking over to a few bags that I just then noticed in the corner of the room.

"Sure angel, go change into them." I said, hoping that would give me a chance to do something about my little friend down there.

"Alright babe, be right back." She's winked as she walked into the bathroom with a few pieces of clothing in her hands.

Right as she closed the door, I rapidly took off most of my clothes, changing into a sweatshirt and joggers. You see, dating Kaycee is a blessing. But it's also a curse. I don't understand why my girlfriend has to be the hottest girl on the planet. She can be all cute and adorable, and make me want to cuddle her to death in one moment, then a second later she can be this hot, sexy, badass woman who makes me think of doing bad, bad things to her. Like I said, is a blessing and a curse. The good thing to come out of that, is that I'm in this situation a lot, so I've learned how to manage it. By it I mean my friend down there.

Once I put my clothes on, I jumped into the bed, taking a pillow and placing it on my lap, hoping she didn't notice my very awkward position.

"Ok Sean I'm gonna come out now!" I heard her say from the bathroom.

"Just come out already Kayc! Can't wait to see what you got!" I reply.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, my jaw dropped to the ground.

"So, how do I look?" Kaycee said, a smirk appearing on her face.



Ok y'all this is part one!!! I'm really sorry for this being so weird😂 I saw David Dobrik's YouTube video where he and his friend try those pills and yeah my mind decided hey that would be a fun thing to do a one shot of.
Next part is gonna be v mature, get some holy water.

UPDATE: i am SO sorry for not updating this specific story, or any of my stories in general. I just haven't been in the writing mood lately. I have noticed how much y'all love this specific oneshot, and I am so thankful. For now, I won't be posting part 2 of this oneshot. However, it doesn't mean it's not possible in the future (when I get my act together😂).
Ok, love yall, thank you so much❣️

Update: I still find it so weird that some of you follow me and read my work... Like thank you so much I didn't think people cared enough😂 I get quite a decent amount of reads and views on my stories but the fact that some of y'all decide to then go to my account and then follow me?? That warms my heart❣️🥰

New update: I love all the reads this book is getting. Thank you so much! However, im not gonna be updating anything on my Wattpad until further notice. Sorry y'all! I'll announce if/when I'm coming back because I really do like to write. Peace✌️

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