Walking in the Dark [Down Dra...

By SMakenzieJ

10.1K 139 15

Schuyler and her best frined Kay don't know what they're in for when Schuyler walks in on the person murderin... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One - End

Part Six

558 7 1
By SMakenzieJ

For those of you who are reading: I'm really sorry for the long wait. Major writer's block on this story. So, to make up for it, I'm going to try to make this one as long as I can. Enough, what you've been waiting for: the Story.


While he fed me, I listened. I was not only awed by the mere sight of him, but confused. Utterly confused. The main question running through me head right now? Who was this man, and how did he know me so well? Okay, well, two I guess. But it was a damn good question. How did he know me? How?

The question of "How" ran through my mind, while my outside body became more and more frustrated by the second.

"Please!" I finally screamed, surprised that he didn't even flinch. "How!? How do you know me so well? Please tell me who you are...who I am to you!" Then the question finally popped up in my mind. "Where the hell will I go now? I have NO family! And now, I probably don't even have FRIENDS!" And that was all I could say. I'd used all the strength I had to speak. Now, not only could I not move a single muscle but my eyes, I was also rendered speechless.

He caressed the side of my face again. "My dear Schuyler...do not worry. You will stay here, with me now. I know you're scared, but, please, don't be. And, I know what you mean by you may not have any friends. I assure you that no one else has been killed. All of my best men are on patrol. Now I ask you, do you wish that a friend could stay here with you?"

Kay's POV

"THEY'RE GONE! WHY, WHY, WHY!? SHE WAS MURDERED!" My own mother...she was murdered! And my Daddy, my daddy is gone... Who would I turn to now?

Sky...yes, yes, I still had her. My best friend, my sister. I had to run to her.

I ran to her house, all the way. But by the time I got there, there were police cars at her house.

"W-what h-h-happened?" I asked a random officer.

"I'm sorry, I can't-"

"Sky?" I screamed. "Sky, are you in there?"

"Do you know the residents?" I nodded. His head dropped slightly. "Ma'am...every person here was murdered not long ago...No survivors."



I couldn't take it. My legs buckled, and I gave in to the dark of the blackness that was already creeping over me.

Amir's POV

She's beautiful. Just the way I remembered her. How Marcus and his team managed to find her, I will never know.

I remember the day we had to hide her. Or the night, that is.


Five-year-old Schuyler and I, being 114, even though I looked to be ONLY 14, walked down the drive way to the mansion, although I always called it the prison around Skye. She was only allowed to get out of that dreadful place once a month. Completely cruel, I know. But Skye never minded, or complained, so as long as I was there. She was very mature for her age. We were happy, mother, father, Skye and I.

Not once did we have a problem until she was seven. The war still going on, only after two years, we were forced to completely lock Skye in the dreadful prison. Because of that, I always stayed in the house with her. I was her company, and she mine.

That was the year they came for her. The enemy, the Council. I had never believed in the system, but I, being only 116 at the time didn't quite know much. However, my parents did. And they hated it with every particle of each bone in their body.

The Council had this crazy notion that if we, our family in particular, bared a female child we would soon over throw their system. So the legend tells, anyway.

So they came to the house, the barrier protecting us from their view. My parents said their goodbyes, and my mother, my sweet mother, gave Schuyler to me. She told me to run, to run and never look back. She told me to forget about them and to only worry about Schuyler for the rest of our lives. Of course, I complied. I always did as I was told.

So I ran. To the nearest human hospital, I went. Mother had told me before I left to cast THE spell, to send her memories far, far away, and to replace them with others. That started her life over again, all the way back to being newborn. I was forced to replace Schuyler with one of the babies in the nursery. Only with one that looked so much like the baby that no one would question. I had to leaved the other baby in another place for adoption.


It was the hardest thing to do in my life. Letting go of Skye like that. And for a time I monitored her. What she did, how she was doing, but then I came to a problem. I'd lost her after doing an extremely important job, a mission. But now all is done. I have found her once again, but she is so lonely.

Is there not a friend of hers that can live with us for the rest of our lives? I asked her the question, and she looked at me, hesitant. She knew the answer, but she was afraid of it, I could tell. Furthermore, I'd told her that no others of her friends had been killed, a promise that I could not keep. She looked at me again.

"But, even if I do, would I sacrifice my friends for my own selfish desires?...No...I couldn't. Not unless something had happened to one of their families. No..." She told me, having a sad face.

"I know you wish you do. I will see who, in your area, of your friends, of course, that might work. I don't want you to worry. I will take care of you." She did not trust me. I had still not answered even one of her questions. And she realized it to, as I did. "Rest, dear, for it is still dark, and you are tired and exhausted." I leaned down to kiss her cheek, but she moved away slightly. I chuckled and left the room.

Schuyler's POV

I couldn't. I wanted Kay here, desperately, but I couldn't take her from her family. Sure, she'd be sad that I was gone, but she would be even more if her family was gone. I wasn't that selfish. But even though I wanted her to be with me desperately, and that I didn't want to take her away from her own family, I knew, for some reason, that she would soon be joining me. And I hated to think of that, because I loved the girl so much, as my sister, but she would only be here with me if something really, really bad had happened to her family.

So I lay in bed, trying to go to sleep as the Sire had said. And before he left and I drifted, I asked him one question.

"Hey," I said softly, very faint. "What's your name again?"

He smiled at me very sweetly, and said, "My name is Amir." But instead of drifting, my mind whirled with questions and familiarity.

Hey, I know you.

Kay's POV

I woke up in a hospital. There was an officer sitting next to me. She had the sweetest eyes I think I had ever seen.

"Hey, there, dear, finally up?" I nodded. "So, I know it's going to be very painful, but I want to ask you a few questions." I nodded again. "Okay, first one: What are the names of the people that lived there?"

I said their names, slowly. "The kid's name is Seth. Their mom's name was Selene. And the dad's was Brant. And the girl-" Tears began to come to and eventually overflow my eyes. "The girl's was...Schuyler."

But the woman looked utterly confused. "Girl?"

I Sniffed. "Yes. The teenage girl there...my best friend." I looked at her. "Whoever killed them...... whoever killed them...must have killed my parents too." I whispered so softly that I was sure she didn't hear me.

But she looked strange for a second. Then she hastily picked up her notepad and left the room. But before she left she asked, "Are you positive there lived a girl in that house?"

"She was my best friend, I'm positive!" Then she left.

I was all alone in the hospital room. Soon I fell asleep. There was nothing else to do.

When I woke up, I was still alone. But a thought occurred to me. If Schuyler wasn't in there when the rest of her family was killed, then she could still be alive. And that only meant one thing: I had to find her.

After a moment, several more officers walked in.

The one in the front, a large, bulky man spoke up. "You claim to say that there are not three, but four people that lived in that house, correct?"

"Not claim, state. Because it's TRUE." I stared at him, my eyes on him and him only.

He smiled and his face became light, friendlier. "Very well, then, we investigate!"

Amir's POV

As soon as I said my name, she knew she knew me. Not KNEW me, but recognized my name. I left her to wonder.

I left the room and headed to my own chambers. I sat down at my desk and immediately called for Markus and Solent. In they came, Markus followed by Solent. As they saw my eyes, they bowed immediately.


"Yes...go out. Find the friend that she is closest to. Don't come back without her or him. But not if that person's family has not been ruined. Make sure it doesn't happen. If so, find the next best person... Go."

Neither argued and both nodded their heads.

And off they went.

Markus's POV

He wanted us to find one of her friends!?


Hell no I didn't want to. But I sure as hell wasn't going to argue. Not unless I wanted to be punished. Solent and I settled off the find the girl that she spoke of while she was sleeping. What was the girl's name? Kay...? Something like that. Anyway, we had to find her was all I knew. If we didn't, he'd have our heads. Usually he wasn't like this, but since we had found the Princess, he was EXTREMELY protective over her.


"What!" I whispered as we were running to the town she lived in. We didn't have time to use a car this time. We'd have to hurry. And I knew that when he said don't come back without a friend, what he actually meant was find her tonight or don't come back at all. And I couldn't risk losing my place as his assistant. There was no way I could. He still didn't give me any special treatment, even though he found me as a child and had raised me ever since. But it wasn't as if I was asking for it.

"There's her house!" I looked ahead to find the girl's house just meters away. But when we got there, what we found did not satisfy us. In fact it made it even worse.

Human police cars were stationed outside and there was yellow tape around the perimeter saying "Police Line Do Not Cross". That could only mean one thing.

We edged closer to the target. Slipping under the tape unnoticed, we peeked inside to find that there was a women on the floor in the living room. Probably her mother. Well hell. This was gonna suck for her, but it made my life a whole lot easier, only IF she wasn't one of the one's that were dead. But, as I'd feared, this was no ordinary human murder. The women's neck was slashed, ear to ear, and she had two small red filled in circles on the inside of her wrist.


That was THEIR sign. We had to find her and find her fast. And, MAN did I have good luck tonight?!

"...Took the only surviving girl to the hospital..." And then Solent and I both sprinted at the same time to the nearest human hospital. It was going to be hard to find her. But I'd gotten a trace of the smell of her. But so much blood was going to be in that freakin' hospital!

We entered the hospital not long after that. Solent went in front of me. He was the tracker here. The reason I hated going out in public? Humans. They always stared! But soon I saw that Solent was getting a trace. And then he started to run. He always ran while tracking, but in this case I had to hold him back. It wasn't his fault.

"Hang tight, Solent, we're in the public." He winced when I said the word. We'd found Solent only thirty years ago, so he wasn't as immune to this kind of stuff as we were.

"Found her, Mak. She'd on the fourth floor." We took the stairs so we could run faster. We only slowed when we heard a human coming our way. When we were on the fourth floor, he went immediately to her room, where she was asleep in her bed. We walked in and she did not stir. Five minutes later and she awoke to the sound of human footsteps.


Kay's POV

I awoke to the sound of footsteps. At the back of my mind, I'd thought I heard someone say Shit, but, of course I was imagining things.

"Hey dear, how are you doing," said one of the officers that had walked in. She was tall with a slight hunch.

"I-I'm fine," I said. She looked at me with a grin, but then her face changed. "And who are you?"

"Oh, hi, I'm her boyfriend."

That voice. It was beautiful, and I felt something go off in my body. I turned my head to see a tall, lanky, lazy cat. Or that was what he reminded me of, anyway. But his face was completely God like! He smiled at me.

Wait a minute...

I didn't have a boyfriend at the moment. But something about his god like eyes told me to shut up. So I did.

"Oh, well, how come we haven't heard of you before?"

And I answered before he could. "I was just so scared. I didn't know what to do..." They finished asking their questions and then they left, giving the boy a doubtful glance. As soon as the door was shut I asked. "Who the hell are you?!" It was more of a whisper.

He smiled once again, and as he did so, another one popped up behind him. "I am Markus. And that is Solent." Then his face became grim. "We wanted to know if you would live with her."

"Her? Who the hell are you talking about?"

They looked at each other. "Schuyler."

Those were the words that changed my life forever. Of course I complied. Who else was I going to stay with? There was no one.


Okay, so I hope you like that, and I hope it was long enough for you. I was deciding on something, and then I thought, why don't I let the readers decide? So, tell me, should I make another story while I am still doing this and My Normal Life Turned Into Royalty... ? I think I will, but I want your opinions first!!! Vote, Comment, like, tweet, and stuff!!!! -♥Aphrodite♥

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