Angel's Kiss, Demon's Touch...

By CherryBones

7.4K 382 33

The Origin of Species Chronicles: A psychiatric asylum plagued by demons. Two orphans destined to break free... More

4.Four Musketeers
6. Demon's Code
7. Colorful Isolation
8. Reporting Lies
9. Stars
10. Faeries Bond
11. Sign Language
12. Faerie Sitter
13. Caught in the Act
14. Burning Feathers
15. My mǣnōn
16. Small friend, Big Suprise
17. Clipped
18. Safe House
Authors Note.


2K 39 6
By CherryBones


No part of this publication may be reproduced.




Dear readers,

I will be rewriting this story in the third person see my works for that version. 


A bright ball of light reflects off my eyelids. Discomfort. The bright star returns repeatedly and beams up the infinite darkness, fading continuously from light to pitch-black. My sensory receptors only registering tightness and restrain. Possibilities of my discomfort elude me.

My consciousness slowly stabilizes and I realize, the restraining braces around my ankles and wrists are causing my discomfort and unease. My fingers frustratingly clench the sheet that has become rough from industrial washing. I try to move my hands but the attempt is futile. My olfactory receptors burn to wakefulness as it registers a comforting scent, of a by now familiar doctor. Delicate fingers touch my face as they forced open one eye and then the other. A beam of light. My Amethyst eyes sting. A tear streaks down my cheek. The bright light is accompanied with an excruciating headache. My full consciousness slowly flickering to wakefulness.

Confusion. Something important. Everything was dulled.  My mind struggled as it tried to recall something, anything. Series of pictures in my mind seemed to be cloaked in bubble wrap. I ponder over the possible chemicals in my bloodstream. A futile thought that I terminated before it went anywhere. Sharp pains shoot through my head as I try to concentrate on the question at hand; Why was I in lockdown. 

It came with flashes, clearing up more as I put my mind to it. Images of a room. My room. Dark electric tendrils. A disturbing demonic smirk. A self-consumed nurse and his night shift that evening. Scott, with his hands on me as he shook me to wakefulness. A handsome man, however a self proclaimed model and rotten to the core.  A sharp pain shoots its way through my head again. My body breaks out in a cold sweat and my mind relives the chilling moments from the night before.


"Alexis! Wake up! Alexis!!" Scott shouted as he shook me uncontrollably. His long blond hair bouncing up and down as his large muscular hands were squeezing my arms into a bruise. "I'm aw-ake... I'm awake... and you're hurting me Scott." I complained.  Shoving him away, I caught a glimpse of worry in his lagoon blue eyes. I shivered as the last remnants of the demons aura of rot and despair sipped out of my body. His rage and icy tendrils disappearing as my sleep drunk state wore off. "Well that was uncomfortable." I grunted to Scott who was still staring at me as he sat on the side of my bed. He seemed obviously worried. "Uncomfortable for my pretty ears you mean." He commented with a small chuckle. "You make me barf." I said smirking in his direction and he returned a lazy grin. My vibrant smirk faded rapidly as I noticed a dark mist, vibrating with electric tendrils forming around Scott's body. 

Big eyed, I stared in shock as the dark tendrils started crawling all over Scott. Slithering, pulsing and touching in tender caress. "Alexis, what's wrong?" He asked worried.  Not a second later, Scott's body went completely limp on the bed and the pulsing mist disappeared into thin air. "Oh no." I muttered. Staring at his limp body that was now draped over my legs, I realized the tall muscular man was heavier than I expected. Unknown to me what I had to do in this situation I nudged him a couple of times. With no result. Reaching closer I noticed him twitch. I sighed in relief at the realization he wasn't electrocuted to death. I started moving my hands towards Scott's body in an attempt to shake him but stopped in midair. Staying frozen in place I stared at his continuously jerking body that rose up in little epileptic movements. A scream was about to leave my lips but a strong large hand covered my mouth. I felt a sharp pain in my side as Scott injected me with a small sedative that I knew would slow down all my movements. 

"Why hellooo my beautiful little Alexissss! Oooh, how I've longed forrrr this moment!" Tsechiliz grinned as Scott's cheeks split open to the point that little droplets formed in the corners of his mouth. No, I screamed to myself. Not him. Not out here I panicked.

Tsechiliz shoved away my weak hands with a smile as I 'tried' to claw off his face. Effortless, I thought. However that didn't stop me from trying, with all my might and pride. Every movement I tried to make towards him was slowed to the point of ridicule. I looked like a drunken toddler whom hadn't even grasped the concept of basic motor skills. Tsechiliz pushed away my hands as he stroked my long white hair, my cream colored cheek and my pink lips. Playfully, waiting for my hands to finally reach him again. Just so that he could repeat the movement. He enjoyed me being his toy. I could see him indulge in it to the fullest extent. How could he not. After all my mind was his favorite playground. A playground of fire he filled with nightmares, fear and pain every night as I slept.

I knew that if I was asleep at 03:00 AM, I was giving him the opportunity to torment me, with his wicked nightmares. Night after night bringing pain, fear and endless suffering. Nights that would be filled with me running for my life as fire flayed off my skin.

However I had a system of control. I would catch my sleep before that hour or after. How many hours of sleep I have lost these past months elude me. There were simply too many. Since I couldn't even will myself to go to sleep after the fear past. It had been too many nights. Exhaustion had dragged me under, ready for his taking. But now he was on the physical plane, tangible. Controlling someone's body. Impossible and freighting.

I wanted to scream. Opening my mouth I tried to let out something. Anything. "H...a...a.." My voice dulled to something non audible. Tsechiliz smiled and moved amused towards my face, his lips softly brushing my ear-shell. "Such a noisy little soul..." he whispered as he moved closer so that he could look at my every expression. All this for his sick, personal pleasure, while he tormented me. I looked into Scott's eyes, with the bravest face I could muster. I noticed that his lagoon blue eyes had been replaced by pitch black. An infinite darkness. I checked and rechecked, hoping they would return to that peaceful blue and this living nightmare would end.

My eyes widened in disgust, as Tsechiliz licked Scott's blood stained lips that had ruptured when he had done that horrendous smile. "I'm eager to taste you as well, little soul..." The demon whispered against my lips. My heart sunk in my chest as my eyes screamed 'No'. Tears starting to form and all that came out of my mouth were remnants of all that I wanted to scream. "n...nh..". A tear rolled down my cheek and Tsechiliz smiled with pleasure as he licked it up slowly and seductively.

"It has been told by the angels... that virgin souls have the sweetest tears... for once I agree with my feathery foe... You are just tooo sweet... ".

My heart dropped in my chest as it knocked the air right out of me. Was he going to eat me? Is that how the nightmare would end if I stopped running? The horror of the thought gave me a little strength. I pushed, shoved and clawed at Tsechiliz! I wanted him off of me, and preferably gone forever. However my attempt was ludicrous. I might have had more luck, killing an elephant with eggs. Tsechiliz used Scott's hand to close over mine lifting them above my head. "Bad... Bad little Soul..." Tsechiliz whispered against my lips. Feeling my eyes tearing up again, I closed them in realization.

No, I would deny him the pleasure of tasting my tears again. It was the only thing I could do, for now.  Feeling Scott's soft lips brush mine, I squeezed my eyes tighter as I tried to move my head away. A strong firm hand grabbed my chin. "My.. My.. Little soul...Don't you like the monster behind the pretty mask?" Tsechiliz chuckled before he kissed my lips hungry and demanding. He roughly parted my lips with Scott's tongue and completely took my mouth. I wanted to bite, I wanted to stop kissing, but I couldn't. My body moved in tune with his. I could feel our lips and tongues move on an dark drum beat that went through my marrow and bone.

The hand that was holding my chin, now started to trace down my neck. He slowly circled my breasts. Taking his time he moved towards my stomach. Kissing me harder, his fingers traced intricate patterns on my stomach. Slowly the big muscular hand moved up under my top. It's then that I realized, he wasn't going to eat me, but enjoy me.


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