Raymond's Adventures in Space

By JudithCrossley

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Raymond reads about faraway places in books and comics, about aliens and other worlds and longs for adventure... More

Chapter 1 Captured?
Chapter 2 Stalling for time
Chapter 4 Welcome aboard.
Chapter 5 On the Rocks
Chapter 6 Back to the Beginning
Shopping Trip
Chapter 8 Great Uncle Morvo
Chapter 9 Uncle Morvo Part 2
Chapter 10 Rescue and Escape
Raymond's Rescue
The Emergence

Chapter 3 The Cemetery.

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By JudithCrossley

Raymond took his seat next to Doric as he steered the ship away.

"Hope we don't get any more interruptions." said Doric. "The stall will only hold for 36 earth hours, we haven't got the time!"

"How far from the cemetery are we?" asked Raymond.

Doric pointed to a planet that was just becoming visible. As they got closer Raymond could see that the planet was yellow in colour, with green areas, which he presumed was land. He wondered what the beings were like that lived there.

"The stall won't work on the surface of the planet, only in space." said Doric. "If I show you how to work the camera, can you take the picture? I should be able to put you down right in front of the grave. Push this button and it will activate the transporter to bring you back on to the ship. I'll stay here in case we need to get away quickly."

"Sure." said Raymond.

Doric set the controls to auto this time and showed Raymond how to work the alien camera.

"Just point and shoot." said Doric. You'll need to wear this mask to help you breath. The air stinks down there."

"What do you mean stink?" You don't wanna know."

" Ahh ok." Raymond answered nervously.

Raymond took the mask and camera from Doric. He put the transporter button in his jeans pocket. They were now in the planet's atmosphere. Raymond stood in the transporter cubicle ready to be put down to the surface. He could see to the outside. As they flew over the land, Raymond could not see any buildings or plants of any kind. A fog hovered in some places.

"Is the smell the reason why no one lives here?" asked Raymond.

"Yeah. There used to be lots of people here. Not sure what happened to it though. We are nearly there. Get ready."

What's the name again?" asked Raymond.

"Julico Spreck." answered Doric. The grave should be right in front of you."

Raymond put on the mask and turned on the camera. A column of light went up and then down and he was on the surface of the planet. The ground felt spongy. He looked around. He could not see clearly because of the fog. The graves did not have headstones. They had screens that had buttons down one side. The buttons had some writing on them. But Raymond could not understand it.

"How am I supposed to know which one?"

He pushed one of the buttons on the grave in front of him. Immediately it began to play music. Then a voice said,

"Welcome to the last resting place of Dallen 3BX. Please place a token of respect."

It was obviously the wrong one. He turned around and tried another. Still not right one.

"I thought he was s'posed to put me down right in front?"

Raymond looked around. The graves that he could see were in groups of 2. Then he spotted one that was out on its own. He wondered whether this could be the right one. He pushed the button. The music began to play and the voice said. "Welcome to the last resting place of Julico Spreck." Please place a token of respect."

"Token? I haven't got anything."

He looked around again. On another grave he saw a mound of stones.

"That'll do. Nobody will miss one."

He walked over and took the smallest stone. As he lifted it a loud screeching sound activated. Lights came on all around.

"Ohh." Raymond panicked.

He ran back to the grave and placed the stone in the cup that had popped out from the side. A female face began to appear on the screen. She had the same features as Doric, except that she had purple hair that curled around her ears with yellow and green streaks.

Raymond quickly took the photo. As he did he could hear something approaching from behind. He turned around to see a large robot coming towards him. It was red with yellow arms and black legs. It looked to Raymond that the arms and legs were parts from other robots as it was not walking straight. Nevertheless he was not sticking round to see if its weapons were just as dysfunctional.

He reached into his pocket for the transporter button, dropping it. The fog around his feet made it hard to see. He felt around and picked up what he thought was the button, but instead it was a stone. Reaching down again he waved his hand about to clear the fog. Seeing the button, he grasped it. He stood up to see the robot right in front of him. It spoke.

"Do not move or you will be fired upon."

Raymond clenched his hand which held the button. Immediately he found himself standing in the transporter cubicle.

"What took you so long?" asked Doric, looking up from his comic.

"You didn't put me down in front of the right grave! I had to find a token! And there's a robot about to fire on us!"

"What!" Doric dropped the comic. "Oh heck.

Raymond ran over to Doric. They looked anxiously at the screen to see what the robot was doing. It was looking around to see where Raymond had gone. Suddenly it stopped.

"Phew." Looks like we've escaped that one!" said Raymond.

"No I don't think we have." said Doric.

Raymond looked at the screen again. The robot was now aiming its weapons towards the ship.

"Hold on to something." said Doric

Doric leapt into the seat in front of the steering wheel while Raymond dived towards the seat behind Doric. He pushed the steering wheel forward. The ship did not move. He pushed the steering wheel again and flicked a switch on the control panel.

"Releasing the break might help!"

They began to ascend. Within seconds they were above the land and still climbing.

"Check the screen to see what it's doing will ya?" asked Doric.

Raymond got up from his seat. The screen showed the robot firing but it appeared that the weapon was having no affect. He watched as it lowered its arms and walked away.

"I think we're ok now."

Doric pulled the steering wheel back and the ship stopped.

"So did you get the photo then?" asked Doric.

"Yeah I think so." said Raymond.

He handed the camera to Doric

"Ahh hang on, what about what just went on down there. I was nearly annihilated by an alien robot."

"Umm yeah sorry about that. Didn't know that was going to happen. I thought the cemetery had been abandoned years ago." said Doric. "You got the photo though?" 

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