Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!

By Glittersilver

230K 4.2K 40.2K

Title says it all. (This book is completed, and requests will no longer be taken. Thank you!) More

X Reader Fanfictions
And Peggy!
Catherine Schuyler
Michael In The Bathroom
Spamilton, Part 1
Spamilton, Part 2
Spamilton, Part 3
Spamilton, Part 4
Panic! At the Disco
The Lams Letters
Doki Doki Literature Club
A/N: 1K
Last of Us
Laurens' Interlude
A/N: Short break
Harry Potter
The Beatles
A/N: Christmas React VOTE
Thomas Sanders
Home Alone (Christmas Special)
Mary Poppins Returns
Bet On It
A/N Five Thousand
Dear Theodosia
Avril Lavigne
Wattpad Update! (Short one)
Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)
Marliza, Washette, and Jamilams (Valentine's Day Special, Part 2)
Philodosia and Pheacker (Valentine's Day Special, Part 3)
A/N: A Letter (10K)
Jeggy (Valentine's Day Special, Part 4)
A/N: 10K Spectacular Question Box! [CLOSED]
10K Spectacular! (Part 1)
A/N: Update (Very Important)
10K Spectacular! (Part 2)
Happy Birthday Maria!
What the Heck I Gotta Do
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Garbage Disposals (Easter Special?)
A/N: Author Q&A Question Box! [CLOSED]
Quinn's Wattpadiversary Special!
Sanders Sides
The Four Modern Major Musicalsโ„ข
We're In A Revolution
Happy Mothers' Day!
Mary Poppins
Orienteering and Snarled (Summer Special, Part 1)
Happy Birthday King George!
Tuck Everlasting, Marco Polo, and Poppy (Summer Special, Part 2)
Musical Sing-Off and Billie Eilish (Summer Special, Part 3)
Happy Fathers' Day!
Animal Crossing and Balloon Battlefield (Summer Special, Finale)
Happy Birthday Theo!
Stranger Things
Twenty One Pilots
Author's Note
The Greatest Showman
One Last Time (Finale)
Thank You

10K Spectacular! (Finale)

1.8K 36 1.1K
By Glittersilver

A/N: Y'all know what this means ^

Quinn: Hey guys! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say hi, everyone!

Hamilton: Hello!

Angelica: Nice to see you all again.

Samuel: Hello, everyone!

Quinn: It's the last part of our 10,000 reads special! 

Almost everyone ('cept for the grumpy ones): WOOOOOOOOOO!

Quinn: So what are everyone's thoughts about this? Describe the feeling of 10,000 reads in one word.

Hamilton: Just one?

Eliza: Incredible!

Laurens: Amazing. 

Laff: Exciting!

Peggy: Rad!

Jefferson: Why?

Quinn: I'm with Alex, I don't think I could describe it in one word either. I'm still reeling... *smiles* Well, let's get into the questions. The first is from Johnlaurens234

Laurens: Aw, thanks! *chuckles* I love hugs. 

Theo: *shrugs* I'm pretty sure Philip and I are the cutest ever.  I don't think anybody's as cute as us. 

Jefferson: If you're going to hug James you'll need to wash your hands first. And make sure you're not carrying pollen on your clothes, or wearing heavy perfume or cologne. He breaks out easily. 

Madison: *embarrassed and annoyed* Thomas...

Jefferson: *shrugs* Remember that time you got a hug from Abigail Adams at Washington's company picnic? You couldn't breathe.

Quinn: Aww, poor smol bean!

Jefferson: He got blotchy. Bad.  *sees James's reddening face* Like that!

Quinn: Anyway, let's go ahead to the next question. Ooh, and speaking of Washington, this one's from MapleTeaWilliams

Everyone: *laughs*

Hamilton: *blushes* I'M NOTCHA SON!

Washington: Well, if Alexander wished to call me that, I wouldn't mind...

Hamilton: BUT I'M NOTCHA SON!!!

Samuel: *whispers* Alexander. Now's your chance.

Hamilton: *nudges off* Shut up, Sam.

Herc: What are you two talking about?

Hamilton: Nothing.

Samuel: Alexander and I were just talking about what an honorable leader General Washington is. I could see how some might see him as a father figure.

Angelica: Wait...

Laurens: You like Washingdad?

King George: My word, Samuel, bite your tongue! I thought you were a loyalist!

Samuel: Well... *shifts on balls of his feet* I think I still am. I will always have a love and respect for England. But I must say, I've been looking at the patriots in a whole new light. Mr. Washington, sir, I must say I really admire everything you've done for the country. *smiles shyly*

King George: *dramatic inhale* 

Washington: *smiles* Well, thank you, Samuel. 

Samuel: *beams* That wasn't easy to say in front of everyone, but now that I've gotten these feelings out, I feel a lot better. *looks at Hamilton knowingly*

Hamilton: *pinches the bridge of his nose, mumbling under his breath* Dangit, Sam...

Washington: Alexander? Is something the matter?

Hamilton: *sighs* I'm not gonna call you Dad. But I do have to thank you for everything you've taught me. I've learned a lot from you, Sir.

Washington: *smiles, speechless*



Quinn: Okay, we're gonna end that question here before things get bloody. Sam, I'm really proud of you for speaking up like that. 

Sam: *grins sheepishly* It wasn't anything special-

King George: You can bet on that. What do you mean you "think" you're still a loyalist? Are you loyal to me or not?

Sam: *tenses up nervously*

Hamilton: He's still deciding what he stands for, Your Royal Idiot-ness. 

Laurens: Also, Keira told me to tell everyone that King George's pee is blue. 

Peggy: *chokes out laughing* What?!

King George: *sputters* *screeches* TREASON! TREASON! 

Quinn: *rolls eyes* Anyway, let's move onto that next question. It's another two-part question from Midnightwolf70

Quinn: So we'll start with that Burrliza part...

Hamilton: NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

Eliza: *looks uncomfortable* I suppose I can figure out what that means...

Theodosia: *gives Burr a look*

Burr: This- this isn't real. I promise you, Theodosia, it's not real.

Quinn: You know what it's time for. 

Laurens: Ooh, can I say it? It's nice to not be on the other side of this for once.

Quinn: Go for it, John.


Hamilton: Excuse me, those are supposed to be my letters? Only I'm allowed to make her blush like that. 

Burr: *embarrassed* It doesn't explicitly say I'm getting letters from your wife. Maybe I'm getting letters from Theodosia. She would write me a letter everyday when we were courting.

Theodosia: They'd better be. 

Hamilton: Eww!

Herc: Holy heck, Burr, you really are as bald as the moon.

Hamilton: Get away from him, Eliza drawing!

Philip: *shifts uncomfortably* I don't like this... *hugs Eliza*

Peggy: Why does Eliza get shipped with all the dudes?

Laurens: She's like the girl version of me.

Angelica: Because she's the favorite, probably. *kisses Eliza's cheek* Who doesn't love our sister?

Eliza: *giggles embarrassedly* Thank you, Angelica, but I don't think this is the kind of attention I want...

Burr: I feel the same way.

Hamilton: Don't agree with my wife, Burr.

Burr: ...?

Hamilton: *dramatic inhale* NO.

Philip: *looks worried/uncomfortable, hides his face in Eliza's lap*

Burr: It's not real. I can assure you all, this is fake.

Hamilton: *glaring viciously* Kissing my wife- just when I thought I couldn't hate you more-

Eliza: *takes Alex's hand as he stands up from the couch* Alexander, please try to relax.

Hamilton: I am relaxed...

Eliza: *gently rubs his hand with her thumb* Are you? Are you really?

Hamilton: I'm FiNe

Burr: Technically, she's kissing me, but-

Hamilton: *makes a face so angry it's been censored for younger viewers*

Burr: (ʘᗩʘ')

Theo: *stern glare* You better only love Mama, Papa.

Burr: *bends down to meet her eyes* I do. Theodosia, I promise you I do.

All: What the?

Quinn: I COULDN'T FIND A LOT OF PICTURES OKAY? Here's one more that I think we all need to see.

Hamilton: Huh-?

Peggy: Yes! Agree!

Everyone except for Hamilton: *applauds*

Hamilton: What just happened?

Angelica: We decided that neither of you are good enough for my little sister.

Hamilton: BUT-

Eliza: *puts her head on his shoulder, trying not to laugh*

Quinn: Okay, now onto the second half of that question. Maria? How come you've never left James?

Madison: She's not talking about me, right?

Jefferson: I assume she's talking about her husband. 

Peggy: Why would you need to leave him?

Maria: *stiffens up, her eyes widening as her face goes pale* No... no, I love James. And he loves me.

Eliza: Maria, is everything o-

Maria: No. Everything's fine. I... I just love James. That's all. 

Everyone: *looks around at each other, confused and concerned*

Quinn: Okay... if that's all you have to say, I guess we'll move onto the next question. I realized that we never answered the second part of MapleTeaWilliams question for Maria, so we'll do that now.

Maria: *thinks for a moment and then shrugs, a little embarrassed* You know the movie Sleeping Beauty? I would love to date Prince Philip... He's kind and gentle, and he has a good heart. *smiles*

Quinn: That's a great choice, Maria.

Maria: Thank you. *looks worried all of a sudden* But I would never leave James. Ever. I love him. 

All: *frown in confusion and worry again* 

Quinn: Alrighty. The next question is from gay_as_all_hell

Eliza: What's wrong with the clothes we have on now?

Quinn: Nothing. But the style has changed in the last few hundred years. Take a look at me for example. You don't see me ever wearing dresses, do you? And some of you have already taken to the modern fashion

Angelica: Yeah, like Peggy hasn't worn a dress in months.

Peggy: Are you kidding me? Have you ever worn sweatpants? They're so comfortable. Plus, now I can do this! *does a handstand*

Philip: And my and Theo's clothes look different than yours and Daddy's, Mama.

Eliza: Because I can't find coats with ruffled collars in this day and age.

Theodosia: Theo still wears dresses sometimes, but she doesn't have to.

Quinn: Well, I think it's time everyone took on a new look! We're going to the store, everyone!


Quinn: Guys, we're looking for clothes. Stop goofing around.

Herc: *running through the store, pushing Philip in a shopping cart*

Philip: Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Eliza: Philip! Alexander, stop him! Philip could get hurt!

Hamilton: *chases after Herc* Hey! Herc! Stop! Give me back my kid!

King George: I want a ride! Samuel, won't you give your king a ride?

Samuel: *turns in surprise* You didn't give me an order...

King George: Well, apparently you won't listen to that... So there, I asked you nicely. Now...? *bounces on his toes, smiling expectantly*

Samuel: *sighs and smiles* Let's get you a cart, sir.

King George: Oh, goody!

Samuel and King George: *hurry off*

[another little time skip]

[Women's section]

Angelica: Come on, sister, there must be something here you like.

Eliza: *purses her lips* I don't know...

Peggy: But don't you want your mans to see how bootiful you're gonna look?

Eliza: I just don't feel comfortable with these new clothes. With my long skirts and sleeves, I feel so protected. I feel like these dresses are very... exposing.

Angelica: These aren't too bad. Here, how about this one? *holds up a pale blue sundress*

Eliza: *shrugs* I'm not sure...

Peggy: Just try it on! You'll feel great!

Angelica and Peggy: *lead Eliza into the dressing room*


[King George and Samuel are barreling through the store]

King George: WOOOOOOOOOO HOO!!! Faster, Samuel, faster!

Samuel: *pushing the cart, panting* What's the magic word?

King George: Now?

Samuel: No...

King George: *thinks* Oh, right! Please?

Samuel: *smiles* Yes, sir! *runs faster*

[Meanwhile AGAIN]


Philip: *sitting slumped over on the bench* Dad, how much longer?

Hamilton: Hey, this is just as boring for me as it is for you. But if I have to suffer through it, so do you. Now, how do these shoe sizes work? *staring at shoeboxes in confusion*

Store worker: Can I help you, sir?

Hamilton: I don't need any help! Mind your own business!

Store worker: *backs away, his brow furrowed*

Hamilton: *goes back to staring at the boxes in confusion*

[Another time skip? DARN IT QUINN]

Quinn: Okay, let's see how everyone looks!

Eliza: *comes out wearing the pale blue sundress, white ballet flats, and her hair done up with a sparkly blue rhinestone hair clip*

Hamilton: *wearing a light grey sports coat with a dark grey sweater and black jeans* *frozen* Wow... you look amazing, love.

Eliza: You really like it? I wasn't sure at first but-

Hamilton: No. Don't change a thing.

Eliza: *beams* How's our son?

Philip: *stumbles forward in a turquoise shirt with a green dinosaur on it, ripped jeans, and sneakers that are much too big for him*

Eliza: Alexander, those shoes must be for a boy two years older than him at least! Here, Philip, let me see you. *bends down to check his shoes*

Hamilton: In my defense, the sizing was very confusing, and there wasn't a sign or any kind of help.

Store worker: *glares at Alex as he walks past*

Maria: *wearing a red long-sleeved O ring top with six Coachella gemstone bobby pins on one side* You know, I really like this.

Peggy: *wearing a yellow crop top and denim shorts* See what you guys have been missing out on? *does a cartwheel*

Laurens: *wearing a Space Jam t-shirt and jeans* *laughs* Yes, Peggy!

Theo: *wearing a long sleeve navy blue dress with a unicorn on the bottom, a denim jacket, and white high-tops* Aww, I wish I got pants so I could do that.

Theodosia: *wearing a You have pants at home, Theo. You can do cartwheels later.

Quinn: So, how does everyone like their look?

Hamilton: I must say, it's a lot more comfortable than what I was wearing before.

Eliza: This is actually really nice. *smoothens the dress down* I mean, I don't know if I love how much leg I'm showing...

Quinn: It's okay, Eliza. a dress like yours is actually considered modest these days.

Eliza: *turns red with horror*

Angelica: *wearing a pale pink tank top top with a high neck, green shorts, and sandals* But you love this. Don't you?

Eliza: *sighs* I suppose you were right.

[Enter Samuel and King George]

Samuel: *wearing a blue bomber jacket with a white t-shirt and jeans* Hello, everyone... sorry if we're late.

Quinn: Love the outfit, Sam! *sees that King George is still wearing the clothes from before* Why didn't you change, King George?

King George: Because I'm already perfect the way I am. But look what I got! *holds up a stuffed hamster and squeezes its stomach* King George is the best king of all time.

Hamster: *in high pitched voice* King George is the best king of all time. 

King George: *laughs* Did you hear that? It repeats everything I say! How marvelous! *pets its head* 

Quinn: Ha, nice! Okay, if we're all ready, we can head back to Mount Vernon.



Philip: These shoes are a lot comfier, Mama.

Eliza: Of course they are, dear. They're your size. *looks at Hamilton* Did you even try to see if they fit him?

Hamilton: I did! I felt for his toe, just like you said!

Eliza: *sighs and shakes her head* 

Quinn: Alright, let's get right into the next question! It's from Johnlaurens234

Laurens: Oooooooooof...

Hamilton: *smirks* There's only one right answer.


Laurens: *holds up hands in surrender* It's not, it's not... As much as I love me some turtles, I have to say Peggy. She's worth a million turtles. 

Peggy: That's right. *hugs and kisses his cheek*

Laurens: Maybe someday we can get a pet turtle!

Peggy: Are you kidding? We're gonna have, like, 20 turtles!



Laurens and Peggy: YEAH!

Quinn: *chuckles* Okay, let's move onto the next question. It's from imaspacecatWHEEE

Quinn: Thanks for the request, imaspacecat! Unfortunately, we don't have the time to watch the entire series, but we will watch an episode. *scrolls through playlist* Alright, we're gonna watch the one called "Half Demon Half Angel Hybrid Child."

Hamilton: This is weird.

Jefferson: Half angel, half demon? That doesn't even make any sense.

Quinn: That's the joke.

Madison: I don't get it. 

Peggy: Wow, that angel and demon are terrible parents.

Laff: Her sister is being so horrible to her!

Herc: Well, she is a demon...

Hamilsquad: *cracks up*

Laurens: Get that ice cream! 

Philip: ICE CREAM! *jumps on Laurens's lap and play wrestles with him*

Maria: *cocks head* The sister is wrong. She shouldn't be forcing the angel-demon to be like her.

Samuel: Yes, nobody should forced into things they're not comfortable with.

King George: Hey, somebody's gotta tell everyone else what to do. 

Laff: Oh no! She can't get that man to cheat on his wife!

Hamilton: What's with all the cheating in this episode? Disgusting!

Jefferson: *rolls eyes* Okay, this kid is really annoying. 

Philip: *confused* Wolf prince of... what?

Theo: This is so weird...

Jefferson: But like all of a sudden she's better than everyone else! Just because her genetics worked in a really weird way!

All: Wait...

Hamilton: A Happy Meal?

Philip: Ooh, I love Happy Meals! Mama doesn't let me have them a lot though.

Eliza: For exactly the reason the angel-demon said! They'll clog your arteries!

Philip: Will I really explode if I eat too much?

Eliza: I really don't know... this time period is strange indeed...

Quinn: So, what did you guys think of Aphmau?

Hamilton: Eh... weird. 

Theo: I liked it!

Peggy: Same!

Laurens: It was weird, but cool. 

Jefferson: I thought it was stupid.

Laurens: You just don't have an appreciation for fine culture, Thomas.

Jefferson: What are you talking about? I lived in France for a year. 

Laff: *smirks proudly* That is right, Thomas! 

Quinn: Okay, last question of the spectacular! It's from cho_2004

Jefferson: ... *smirks* Well, there was this one time where Hamilton gave a 45 minute speech about something that had already been decided. He just went on and on, and he had no idea that the the issue wasn't even up for debate anymore. 

Hamilton: Because nobody tells me anything!

Jefferson: And why do you think that is?

Hamilton: Well, at least I know about the time you were about to give a speech, when James walked up behind you to tell you something, and you got so startled you yelped in front of everyone?

Madison: I'm sorry about that, by the way...

Laurens: No way! *laughs* Was it like- "EEK!?"

Hamilton: No, it was more like an, "AIEE!" 

Hamilsquad: *bursts out laughing* 

Washington: Boys, boys, settle down. I don't think the reader meant for you to embarrass each other. Come on, surely there must be an interesting story from the Cabinet that doesn't involve you two going at each other's throats.


Washington: Politics really are boring, aren't they? Oh, wait, I remember something. Remember Pet Day?

Jefferson and Hamilton: *smile and nod, chuckling a little*

Washington: To boost Cabinet camaraderie and morale, I asked some of my employees to bring in their pets. I brought in one of my Dalmatians, Madame Moose. 

Jefferson: I brought my mockingbird, Dick, and my dog, Secretary Squishypaws. The secretary was just a puppy at the time. He sat on my lap the whole day. *smiles fondly at the memory*

Hamilton: That was a fun day. We don't have any pets, but it was nice seeing everyone else's.

Philip: We should get a puppy, Daddy. Can we?

Hamilton: We'll see, son. 

Quinn: Well, I think that's all the questions!

Everyone: *cheers* 

Samuel: What is our book's read count at now, Quinn?

Quinn: At the moment... 13,833 reads. 

All: Woah...

Quinn: Anything you guys wanna say to our readers?

Hamilton: Thank you so much for your support.

Eliza: We love making these reactions for you!

Laff: You're the best readers ever, and you make us so happy. *smiles* 

King George: I love all of my loyal, royal, subjects. *blows kiss*

Laurens: Here's a glass to you. *raises a glass of golden-ish liquid*

Quinn: *eyes widen* John, is that-

Laurens: No, this is apple juice. *strained smile* We haven't had alcohol here since Eliza came through that door and said, "It's a boy!" *dies inside*

Quinn: Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do.

Philip: What's that?

Quinn: *smiles* This. *presses a button on her phone*

[Golden balloons with the Hamilton logo fall from the ceiling as My Shot plays in the background. Everyone starts jumping around and dancing and hitting the balloons, and even the grumpiest sourpusses can't help but smile]

Quinn: *jumping up and down* Everyone, thank you so much for 10,000 reads! Words can't even express how I'm feeling. Your support means so much to us, and we can't wait to make more reacts for you guys! *looks around at everyone, grinning* Everyone, say it with me now.


[A/N: This is the very first week of lottery drawings! I'm so excited to be taking requests this way. To put it the way Keira did, it'll be like our very own Ham4Ham. So leave those requests, guys! Again, EVEN IF YOU'VE ALREADY REQUESTED SOMETHING. To keep things organized, I'm only going to be taking this week's requests from this page. So if you had an idea you really want to see the guys react to, say it again here!

See you guys next week, and best of luck!



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