My Soulmate (HoO/PJO AU)

By Zebra2606

298K 4.9K 5.5K

When you turn 14, you get a tattoo that describes your soulmate. As you spend more time with them, it gets mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note (IMPORTANT)
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

4K 76 101
By Zebra2606

  Hey guys! I am suffering from some serious writers block but I have some major ideas for the future. You will hate me soooo much in the next few chapters. So, so much. 😈

Hazel's POV

At the moment, I'm not sure what Frank and I are.

Are we dating? Just friends? Friends with benefits? God, I hope not.

I am so wrapped up in my thoughts, that I don't even notice when my friends talk to me. "-zel, are you okay? Hazel?" Jason says.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just tired," I answer. Jason gives me a worried glance, but lets it go. I'll have to thank him for that later.

"Who here is going to the party Saturday?" Leo asks.

Percy and Annabeth blush and raise their hands. Leo raises his hand and so does Piper and Frank. Jason raises his hand soon enough.

  "Hazel? If your not coming I don't have a date," Frank says shyly.

  "Oh," I raise my hand, feeling a blush creep up on my cheeks.

  "Who has dates, besides these two," Leo asks.

  Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo raise their hands and Frank and I raise our hands.

  I catch Jason glancing at Piper and see his face turn into a frown. He then started to stare at the table, tapping his finger on the table.

  Leo looks confused as he looks at Jason's hand. He starts to tap his finger too and it clicks. Morse code.

  Jason soon answers with a series of taps and Leo smiles.

  I notice that everyone has stopped talking at started looking at the two of them. "I swear you two are crazy," Percy says.

"Well, Lover Boy over here has just confessed his feelings for—" Leo is cut off by Jason teaching across the table to cover his mouth.

"What he means," Jason starts. "Is that I confessed my feelings for animals. Piper, I might just have to join you in your life of being a vegetarian."

"Okay?" Piper says. She pats Jason's shoulder awkwardly and smiles, "Welcome to Team Herbivores."

"Glad to join!" Jason says enthusiastically.

We all soon file out of the lunch room and go to our next classes, mine being my free period. Also known as Frank's free period.

I always spend my free period next to the big oak tree near the courtyard. Tons of people are around but never really near the the tree. Plus it's on a hill and gives a good view for sketching.

One of the many reasons why that place is extra special is because that is where I first met Frank. Thank goodness for August 8th, at 12:37.

  I was a new student and in Sophomore year and I didn't have too many friends. He saw me sitting alone and introduced himself and his friends. And ever since, I have never had to be alone. I've always had someone, always.

But today, I am choosing to be alone to sketch a scene playing out in the courtyard. Girls sitting on a bench laughing and smiling at some boy pretending to be a cheerleader.

It looked like Noah Leeson, a junior. Although he should be a senior. He was held back last year because he failed Mrs. Carter's class.

He begins doing some terrible cheer he must have made up on the spot. The girls giggle and take out their phones to record it.

I quickly draw an outline, determined to draw the details later.

  The bell rings and I head to my next class, history.


  The school day is finally over, and I can't wait to get home.

  I walk down the street and stop in front of my house. It's nothing special, but it works for our family.

  Opening the door, I find Nico on the couch with a huge grin. "Hey, Neeks," I say.

  "Oh hey, Hazel. Are you going to the party this Saturday?" He says, looking up from his phone.

  "Yeah. Frank and I are going together," I explain.

  "I was thinking Will and I should go, but it's not exactly my scene."

  "You can come with me and Frank, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," I sit down on the couch next to him propping no my feet up on the table.

  "I'll have to think about it. Thank you for the offer," he says. "How's school going for you?"

  "I'm having a bit of trouble in calculus. But I still have an A. You?"

  "I'm having trouble in English. Why does it have to be so confusing?" He sighs.

  "I'm going to head to my room. I have some homework," I say.

  "See ya later!" He waves and goes back to his phone, most likely texting Will.

  I flop onto my bed and turn on some music. I do my homework then I walk around my room doing elaborate dance moves while belting out the lyrics.

  Mister Glassman by Scotty Sire comes on and I literally do a happy dance. I'm not too good at rapping, but I'm good enough to at least get most of the words right. Scotty Sire is life.

  My favorite part has just come when the door opened. In popped a slightly surprised Frank with my sketch book in hand.

  "Hey, Hazel. Um, you forgot your sketchbook," he starts. "I hope you don't mind, but it was open when I found it and let me tell you, these are amazing!" He holds the notebook back to me and smiles

  "Thanks, I usually don't allow people to see my drawings, but I'll make an exception for you," I chuckle and place the book on my bed.

  "Well, I am honored to be that exception," Frank says.

  "Since we are going to the party together, what should I wear?" I say, changing the subject.

  "Just be who you are, Hazel. You are already gorgeous," Frank says then kisses my cheek.

  "Thanks, you really are the sweetest guy ever!" I give him a hug before I burst into tears. He is just so sweet and he's always been there for me, I couldn't imagine a life without him.

  Omgs guys, 26k??? What the heck?? Also this is super late. Which I'm sure you know.

  Today was my last day of school, so I should be updating more often. I'm not sure how much more often, but more often. I would say that I am making a schedule for writing but that puts a cramp in my style, so I'm not.

  Anywho, love you guys, thank you for putting up with me and my slow updates. And thank you for the reads.

  This chapter is so crappy and I am so sorry for that.

  Word count is 1119 words.

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