Chasing A Title ☆

By bclindalu

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Werewolf Story Ideas More

♥️❣️ Devorah Cadence ❣️♥️
** 💙♡ Lylah Meridian ♡💙 **
* 💜☆ Ella Mia ☆💜 *
** ✧ Maxwell Piper ✧ **

💖♡ Tarena Joyce ♡💖

1.4K 29 5
By bclindalu

Tarena Joyce

Chasing A Title

TJ was raised stricter than most pack females. It was because of past events in their parents' lives that angered them. That anger carried down to the way the parents raised their kids.

Yeah even though, Tarena's older than her sister Melainey, when she turned 16 while Tarena was 14, went after the next pack Beta Stone.

The two were not true mates, but Melainey cared less. Melainey was a year younger than Stone who was 17. The next Alpha named Clayton was 17 as well, but older than Stone by 6 months.

Tarena was the youngest of three kids as they had an older brother named Garth who was 17 and friends with both Stone and Clayton. Garth who since their father was Head Warrior, was titled next Head Warrior to the pack.

It was why the two next leaders spent time in their home and how Melainey became such a mouthy bitch. The two of them, Tarena and Melainey had no titles to their names but Melainey repeatedly used it anyways to get what she wanted.


Then the day Tarena turned 16, was the day Melainey was actually caught by the pack Alpha when on a run. Melainey and Stone stepped over the line and were caught when out running together, acting like mates as Stone's wolf was mounting Melaine's wolf.

The two were caught as Melainey used her wolf and stirred and tempted Stone's wolf to repeatedly mount her wolf.

Alpha Jeffrey was not happy as he ordered them to stop. He got between them and ordered Warriors to where they were caught. He was pissed as the two were not true mates and stepped over the line.

When her parents heard, their father Randolph ran out of the pack house with the pack Doctor Vince.

Melainey was ordered to shift back and the pack Doctor immediately tried to shove a morning after pill down her throat. The pack Alpha had to order her to swallow it as to all the males witnessing, Melainey refused.

Melainey lied her face off stating the two were mates. So Warriors held Melainey down as the Doctor shoved that pill down Melainey's throat as they were all pissed she lied and they all could scent it.

Meanwhile Tarena was immediately locked in her room by their mother, ordered by their dad. He was so pissed at Melainey, that Tarena ended up being punished.

With what was happening regarding Melainey it angered both parents as the far past brewed up in them.


That day was Tarena's 16th birthday and she had purposely held back her first shift just for that day. Hearing what she was being locked up for angered Tarena.

Her wolf was so angry that Tarena ended up on her hands and knees and without the Alpha's help, she shifted into her wolf. Her wolf took over and shifted them all at once.

Tarena took all the pain as her wolf was over the wall angry. Once she shifted, her wolf whined as Tarena was very quiet as the pain on her own from shifting was overwhelming.

It took some time before Tarena ordered her wolf to shift back. Her wolf whimpered and Tarena just said do it. When they shifted back Tarena took all the pain again, all on her own making her wolf sad.

She sprayed her room, getting rid of the scents of her wolf shifting for the first time in her room. Her wolf rid the room of their scent and essence, pulling it all back inside and blocking then shielding herself. She knowing how since Tarena had been very busy since she was young to read every book they had on their species. One book explained on how to block their minds from being read without their permission, to pull back on and totally block their scent, as well as their essence from them being scented and sensed.

Her wolf used that knowledge her human found but since they had never shifted yet, they didn't ever attempt to even try it.

Tarena then headed for her washroom and showered twice, once as normal with an unscented product and the next she used a scented one. So after drying and dressing, Tarena only scented of the new products she had bought for herself.

It was her present to herself. She spent the rest of the afternoon and night being locked in her room without anything to eat as it seems she was forgotten that day as everyone else was so busy dealing with Melainey and Stone at the pack house.

The next morning, Tarena showered and dressed then waited until her door was unlocked. She grabbed her bag and once the door was unlocked, she walked out of her room without a word.

She left the house too without saying a word to anyone or stopping in the kitchen to eat. She ran avoiding her parents and disgusting sister who now reeked of Stone.

Her wolf grunting at the smells as Melainey's scent was fully out as she had been injected with wolfsbane and all her shots, including a 5 years birth control for her lying and trying to refuse to take the morning after pill like ordered, aiming to get pregnant. She had heard the parents talking to her angrily.

She slipped into the pack infirmary and said new shots please Doctor. He was busy, so he got her new injections and simply gave them all to her saying sorry no exam. Tarena said whatever, I had them the day before yesterday if you don't remember.

He huffed and said oh right, sorry I did, you're good to go for another year Tarena. She said thanks Doctor don't forget to update my file, then she ran. He grunted and yelled doing it now before I forget.

Tarena took off, slipped away from the pack house and took a bus into town. She ate until stuffed then headed to school.

She avoided everyone, especially Melainey as her sister was over the top angry being confronted repeatedly as others in the pack were calling her an eager dirty little slut.

Guess the pack had a meeting last night where Melainey was shamed before everyone. All except Tarena was there seeing as she was locked up in her room as if the guilty one and wasn't initiated into the pack, nor helped to shift for the first time, nor wished by anyone a happy 16th birthday.

Over time people forgot about her birthday, which Tarena never brought up who was ordered to stay home from going to the pack house by both parents. Both Melainey and Garth went though and attended meetings or to just hang out.

It didn't seem to Tarena that Melainey was ever punished harshly enough for what she had blatantly done and became. The punishment she got only prevented her from shifting or getting pregnant.

So to her it seems Tarena was ordered to stay away from the pack house as they were all already angry with Melainey as she never stopped and was acting out and pushing all their anger buttons on her behavior.

That year, Tarena focused on her schooling, surpassed others and by the end of the school year took the final exams for grade 12 and passed with remarkable high scores.

The Principal was amazed and put her name in to go the the Academy. She was accepted seeing as her grades were all top honor scores.

She by then had long ago totally stopped talking at home. Every time she tried to open her mouth around the parents they growled at her.

So she had the Principal make the arrangements and the day she graduated, unlike Melainey who failed, she accepted her diploma in his office and went home not attending the grad as she was already ordered not to by her parents not knowing she had completed grade 12.

Seems Melainey was caught out having sex with others and in the end Tarena was punished and not allowed to attend her own graduation.

So she went home, packed her bags and departed. Seems instead of their mother staying home with Melainey, they all took off and were at the pack house, leaving her home alone.

She left home with her packed bags, took a bus into town and took the next one leaving the area. She rid her room of everything, especially her scent and essence. She stripped the bed and washed it all down with bleach. Her room was sterile, a blank room showing them she was gone.

She left no note behind as to her they really cared less about her. They cared more for Melainey than her and why they were over the top angry as their precious spoiled daughter was acting out of control.


She headed to the Academy, checked in and was escorted to her lone room, then taken down to their infirmary. She was then thoroughly examined and once every test done, including blood tests, she was then injected with all the updated shots needed for another two years on her request.

Tarena purposely stayed under everyone's radars. She focused on her schooling and never once made a close friend. She spent all her time studying and using the gym in her spare time. She was truly a loner.

She was already buff from spending all her energy keeping fit in her room at home. She only shifted in her locked room, never showing anyone her wolf. Never letting out her scent and only allowing a smidgen of her essence out so others sensed she was a she-wolf.

For her graduation the first year at the Academy, she only attended to get her hand shaken, then she headed back to her room, not attending any function. She changed and headed to the gym instead, locked the door and worked out.

At the end of her two years there, she accepted her diploma and shook the Dean's hand. He let her hand go and before he could say anything, he was interrupted and she left.

She headed down to their infirmary and was given another full exam, blood tested before she requested another two years birth control. The Doctor grunted and asked are you sure? Tarena said yes please, absolutely. I'm not a part of a pack and need to keep safe including my injections given so I'm safe.

He injected her like requested, then she thanked him and was leaving when he asked why? Tarena huffed and said why not a member of a pack? He said sure. She said I wasn't initiated by the pack Alpha on my 16th birthday because my older sister was caught out that day. She stirred up the next Beta and allowed his wolf to repeatedly mount hers. From that day forward, she acted out of control. I happened to be punished for her being an out of control slut.

So that answers why I requested all my shots, so I can never be compared to that scheming slut who was the spoiled and treasured daughter by our parents.

She looked off and said that day, I was locked in my room because of my sister. After that day I was basically ignored and not even allowed to open my mouth and speak, and that continued forward until I left. I was not ever requested to attend meetings as my parents ordered me to stay home. I was never initiated and that hurt. My sister was two years older and trying to go after the next Beta, trying to get pregnant and saying to all he was her mate, scheming and lying to be claimed by him. But she was still allowed to go to the pack house, was allowed to attend meetings and hang out there while I was being ordered to stay home in my room and punished for being born.

She left as he growled. She grabbed her bags and left the Academy while everyone else was attending the large function the Academy put on for the graduating students and their families attending.


At 19 now, Tarena arrived overseas. She had enrolled herself in the Werewolf Academy on her own as a lone she-wolf. She was surprisingly picked up by Council Warriors once she landed at the airport.

The Head Warrior showed her the order as she argued with them. They transported her to the Council building and took her bags away as she was led to their infirmary.

Tarena huffed in the Head Warriors face, spun and entered the exam room without a word to him. She took the gown and changed then sat and waited alone in the room.

The Doctor entered and checked her over before he took blood asking when she last had an exam? Tarena looked up and said by all means Doctor, I can be fully examined if needed.

He huffed and left with her blood to test it. When the next Doctor entered, it was another male, older than the first. He injected her without a word, checking her over as well.

He knocked her out and laid her back. He fully examined her and to his shock found her still a virgin. Her blood tested as pure, untainted with no marker for having met her true mate.

He documented her birthmarks, covered her up then left the room. The previous Doctor then entered who fully injected her for two years, the length of time she would be attending the Academy.

A shot given for stopping a heat should she find her mate, two years birth control and two booster shots for her wolf.

The elder Doctor entered and crossed his arms, once the injections were given, he said now wake her.

When Tarena woke she took a deep breath then sat up as ordered. The Doctors both stood looking angry with their arms crossed, making her look away.

The younger Doctor said you are in trouble. The second Doctor said I'm Head Council Dr Mercer. Tarena looked up sighing.

He pointed at her and said don't make me have you injected with a truth drug. She wiped her face and asked what do you want? He grunted and said I had Warriors search your bags.

She shrugged and asked okay, why? He said in your medical file we downloaded, we found inconsistencies. She grunted as she frowned and said fine, spill it.

He huffed and said your name is Tarena Joyce Whitmeyer. She said it is. He said your 19 years old. She said yes, I am. He grunted and said your parents and siblings belong to the Blackened Dagger Wolf Pack.

She said they do or were the last time I saw them. He growled and said you were never initiated, stated in your file it was because your wolf never woke.

She grunted and said I beg to differ. I wasn't initiated into the pack because of my disgusting older sister Melainey. Check her file out and you will learn that on my 16th birthday, she was caught out as an out of control slut. She purposely stirred up the next pack Beta named Stone and allowed his wolf to mount hers numerous times. When caught by the pack Alpha himself it angered everyone. I was ordered locked in my room and never taken to the pack house to be initiated.

Both Doctors grunted. She said go ahead, check Melainey's file. She was ordered to swallow a morning after pill and tried to refuse it. They had to hold her down and shove it down her throat as she argued and lied saying Stone was her true mate.

Her refusal angered everyone as Stone stated she wasn't his true mate and that she teased his wolf stirring him up and his wolf mounted hers.

From that day forward, I was ignored by all as my sister was acting totally out of control. I wasn't initiated that day, and afterwards ordered to stay away from the pack house by my parents. I never attended meetings on their orders.

They grunted and the Head Doctor asked did you ever shift? Tarena said I'm sure you will have found that particular marker in my blood proving it. He grunted and said fine. You never told anyone.

She said I was never once asked. That day of my 16th birthday, the pack Alpha that night by rights was supposed to help me shift into my wolf. He never did as they were all reacting to Melainey and her being a lying, scheming slut and remember I was locked in my room because of her.

She said I was locked in my room and no one let me out until the next day. I went straight to the pack house and had the Doctor update my shots. Then I took a bus and went to town, ate until I was stuffed and went to school.

He grunted. She said as for not saying anything. Every time I opened my mouth to say something my parents growled at me in anger and ordered me not to talk. Can't tell them a damned thing when I wasn't allowed to open my mouth. They never once asked about my wolf and I never said a word. I graduated early that year and left.

My sister though failed school that final year as she was acting like an out of control slut. She became a reeking, disgusting slut who I avoided like she had the plague. I was punished for her actions 24/7 and not allowed to say or do anything except attend school and then go home and stay in my room.

She said kind of hard to tell them a thing when they repeatedly growled in my face when seeing me and ordered me not to talk, and go to my room. Yeah, I was punished for my sister's actions.

Both males grunted and Tarena said now as the same as when I attended the American Academy, I request my file be kept sealed as they don't deserve to know anything about me.

He opened his mouth and she said no, I'm over 18, an adult and they threw me away by their actions towards me. I'm a lone she-wolf having never been initiated into their pack because of their actions and not anything I did.

He grunted and asked when did you finally shift? She said on my own the day I was locked in my room on my 16th birthday. I held back my first shift for that day. When I was locked in, my wolf was so angry, she took over and shifted.

He grunted and said it was never once detected. She huffed and said the pack Doctor examined and tested my blood a day before my 16th birthday. When I went to see him the day after my birthday he was absentminded and forgot, telling me sorry no exam after he injected me. I took my injections for a year and reminded him about my exam.

When I left, it was right after final classes that day. I was ordered not to attend my own graduation that night by my parents because of my sister, so I took my diploma from the Principal in his office. I left, packed and walked away.

The pack Doctor hadn't examined me again so the marker wasn't found in my blood by him. On my arrival at the American Academy, I was fully examined by the staff Doctor, including blood taken and tested. He injected me with two years as required for my stay there. On the day I graduated two years later, I saw him again and he fully examined me again, then injected me for another two years on my request.

The pack Doctor had not examined me after I turned 16 or took blood. If he had he would have discovered the marker if he had the chance as I had shifted without the Alpha's help. I left the pack before my actual 17th birthday.

They both grunted at her. She said yes, all because my older slut of a disgusting sister was purposely scheming and planning on becoming the next Beta female.

They were satisfied with her answers so far and she was sent to dress, then was escorted to his office. They sat down and he quickly downloaded Melainey's file.


Tarena was taken for a much needed meal by the Council Warriors waiting for her on orders of Head Council Dr Mercer, then she was transported to the Werewolf Academy.

For the next two years, Tarena was back focusing on her studies and keeping her nose out of others lives there as she trained in the gym keeping her wolf entertained. She shifted on her own, in her room every single day on waking before others were awake.

She kept her scent fully pulled back and blocked from being scented and the vast majority of her essence as well was shielded so she was only sensed as a she-wolf.

Two years later on the morning of her graduation, she was picked up very early by Council Warriors, collected and taken back to the Council Headquarters.

She refused to talk to them on the drive as she was angry. She was taken straight down to the infirmary and submitted to being knocked out. Blood was taken, fully tested then she was thoroughly examined by Head Dr Mercer on orders of Councilman Heath.

Once the tests were done, Head Dr Mercer was very angry. He had injected her with all her shots for a year, then injected her to wake.

As soon as she opened her eyes, he grunted and said get changed Tarena, we'll talk as I'm very pissed off too. He left the room for her to change.

She sighed deeply and headed to the washroom, where she shifted into her wolf form a few times before she dressed. She pulled all her scent back under her shields and blocked it, then pulled back all her essence inside too and shielded it from coming out. She put up many different strong shields on her mind so no one could get into her mind to read her.

She waited for Dr Mercer and stiffened when not only Dr Mercer entered. He said this is Councilman Heath Tarena. She turned her eyes on the Councilman and then back on Dr Mercer without a word to the Councilman and asked we done? He said your exam was an extensive one seeing as I was ordered to.

She nodded and said no worries Dr Mercer. He huffed and said the exam results were exactly like all your others. My orders were to inject you with a year of birth control.

She approached and took his hand then said calm down, no worries Dr Mercer, even though he has no say in my life. He grunted back and said he said your parents called.

She grunted and said I'm over 18 and they have no say or rights whatsoever in my life like I stated to you two years ago on my arrival. He said he stated it was because of your sister, god damn her.

She huffed and said that disgusting slut is still affecting my life hey Dr Mercer. I get punished because she's an out of control whore.

He grunted and said yes, I do agree Tarena. They have no say or rights and Councilman Heath went too far in ordering me to do anything in regards to you.

Councilman Heath grunted and said I was told she was out of control and has been since she was 15. Dr Mercer growled in anger and said Tarena is still a virgin you pathetic asshole. It's all there in her file. She's never been out of control and I'm informing Council to what you've ordered done here.

Tarena grunted and said bring up the fact that he has been seen by me at the Academy sniffing and more with the unmated females and interacting inappropriately with a specific female that now scents as pregnant.

Councilman Heath growled out that's bullshit. Tarena smiled and said prove it asshole. Dawn is pregnant and scented that way after you took her from the dining room for a little one on one action away from others. Everyone saw you collect her, put your hands on her as you have been intimately involved with her.

She's been telling everyone that she's yours and you are hers. That she's going to be claimed by you soon.

He growled out bullshit. Tarena said inappropriate actions towards an innocent unmated female, taking her from a crowded room and her ending up afterwards scenting as newly pregnant. She saw me as she came out of a bathroom still scenting of the unprotected sex you both had.

I know also that she hasn't found her true mate and you compromised her. Her scent was unblocked and she scented as newly pregnant. Explain yourself Councilman Heath.

The room was flooded as Councilman Heath growled loudly as Council Warriors as well as others entered, being mind linked and informed by Dr Mercer as soon as she said a word.

She grunted as she was moved back and away from the Councilman. Tarena said calm down, Dawn Everly Garner needs to be picked up from the Academy and fully examined. She needs to be fully read and it verified that Councilman Heath compromised her and had unprotected sex with her resulting in her getting pregnant.

Dawn had stated months ago that she was going to be claimed by Councilman Heath and it was planned by her to get pregnant. I believe the Councilman not only compromised Dawn, but also had inappropriate relations with a few other female students at the Academy, pretending to take them off to talk with them alone.

Councilman Heath shifted in anger and the Warriors jumped on him and knocked him out cold. Dr Mercer moved and looked into her eyes and asked was it because of your parents or because he knew you knew about Dawn?

Tarena grunted and said I really don't know if the parents ever called him. I have never once since leaving home 4 years ago been contacted by my parents ever. I believe they couldn't care less about me and it was used as Councilman Heath's excuse. I believe Dawn spoke to him about being pregnant and that I knew and it got him scared and he had me brought in here. I bet he will have planned to get Dawn undercover quickly so no one could examine her to learn the truth.

He said good enough for me to have Dawn immediately brought here, what about you Councilmen Killian and Dent? They both grunted and said yes, we agree.

She stated the other four females' names, saying he had been alone with them as well and they need full exams and interrogating as well.

Dr Mercer grunted and said all five were saving themselves for their true mates and on their last exams were still pure blooded and virgins. If they aren't now then they need to explain their actions.

The Council Warriors currently on site at the Academy were then immediately contacted and ordered to pick up the five females and inject to knock them out and brought to Council immediately on Council's orders.

It shocked the hell out of the females as they screamed and struggled to get away. Dawn was the worst, threatening the Council Warriors all with being fired for touching her. They never got to attend the graduation either being brought straight to the Council building and infirmary.

Tarena attended the exams as the five were brought in and immediately injected with a scent blocker remover and decontaminated.

Their scents were unblocked and the five of them were found no longer scented as pure. Dawn scented as pregnant, exactly like Tarena stated.

When the Seer walked in, he approached each exam table holding a female and fully read each. Tarena was told who he was and she cooperated as she said no worries, I'll stay.

Dr Mercer chuckled and said you have nothing to hide Tarena? She said me, I have loads to keep hidden from others but I'm innocent.

The Seer smiled and went back to reading the guilty, linked Dr Mercer and said I like her, she's very honest. Dr Mercer smiled and asked you read her fully? The Seer said no, just scanned her, I like her though as she fully knew she would be read as well and not worried like she said.

He read Dawn last and snarled then said guilty of planning on Heath's claiming her for a pregnancy. But Heath is guilty of having sex with them all as Tarena has stated. He showed Dr Mercer what he read.

Dr Mercer growled and said so he was guilty and tried to attack Tarena for telling the truth. The Seer agreed and turned his eyes on Tarena then sighed and said she had her wolf very early. They were holding back their first shift and her wolf was so angry and her sad when it didn't happen because of her horrible sister Melainey.

The Seer said as for Tarena, she's absolutely honest to the core. Every word spoken to you and others was the absolute whole truth. She walked away from the pack and family as they totally segregated her because of her disgusting sister and her being totally out of control. They punishing her like she stated because of her sister's out of control actions. She's never been able to run her wolf.

Head Dr Mercer mind linked others and reported the Seer's findings on the five guilty females.

The Seer left the room and entered the next to fully read Councilman Heath.


Tarena was taken back to the Academy where the Council Warriors waited while she changed clothes and repacked her bags. She left with them as they headed to the airport next to catch her already booked flight home.

The Council Warriors fed her well before they parked and took her inside the terminal. They waited with her until her plane boarded then once the plane flew away they left and headed back to Council.

Arriving back in the States, Tarena collected her bags and went through Customs, then headed out. She wasn't collected by anyone on her arrival back. That stated to her for not being met that she meant absolutely nothing to any of them in America. Unlike what the European Council Warriors told her before boarding the plane for the states that she would be picked up.

It's a good thing she really never expected anyone picking her up.


She didn't stick around the airport to wait for any Council Warriors to show up neither. She grabbed her bags and took an offered free shuttle to a hotel in town, then checked into another hotel. She crashed in her room for the night.

After 8 full hours of much needed sleep, Tarena then showered and dressed before repacking her bags and checked out of the hotel. She grabbed something to eat and took the next bus leaving town.

For the next year, Tarena travelled the Country, looking for a home. Before the year was up and her shots would lapse, she stopped at the American Council where she requested her shots updated.

The Council Doctor seeing her enter, asked what they could do for her. Tarena assessed the Doctor before asking. Dr Tomas then led her to a room where he had her sit. He said blood tests first.

Tarena nodded, rolled up her sleeve and I'm fully aware of that. He huffed and grabbed his supplies and noticed her arm was tattooed all the way up.

He asked as he took blood why she was tattooing herself as it was very unusual to see on a female. Tarena just shrugged and said I met a few tattoo artists. They were offering free tattoos and I figured why not.

He grunted taking her blood vials and quickly passed them off and asked any more tattoos? She nodded and stood, making him back up. She uncovered her side and he groaned and asked how large? She said over my hip and up just under my ribs.

Others heard and soon Tarena was taking her shirt off, covering her chest and showing off. The Council Warriors leaned in and one tried to touch. But she backed away as he said damn those are good.

She said thanks, the artist was very impressed as it was a new design. He wanted to make sure the design worked around curves too as he had only tattooed it on a back so far.

The Council Warrior said a rib cage is a very tender spot and hard for a tattoo artist to do. She shrugged and said I had no problems, it was after closing and no one else was around.

He stiffened and asked was that wise? She grunted and said he was a lone wolf, very polite and I sensed nothing but peace being there and him tattooing me.

He asked any more? She smiled and said yeah, but I'm not stripping to show you. He grunted and asked where? She put her shirt back on, then raised her pant leg on the other side.

He grunted and asked how far does it go up? She said yup, right up up my leg to my hip. He asked was it the same artist? She said no, different place and artist. This one was done while I wore a bikini.

He grunted and asked you not find your true mate? Maybe he won't like tats? She huffed and dropped her pant leg and said my body not his but no, I've never met, sensed nor scented that particular male.

The Doctor asked have you felt him mark or claim another? She shook her head and said nope and I've been travelling America this past year.

The Council Warriors grunted and the same one said he's maybe in a full time relationship with another if he hasn't found you.

Tarena said whatever. The Doctor grunted and asked you don't care to meet him? She huffed and said considering that I'm over 21 now and he hasn't ever found me, the chances are he is already well into a sexual relationship and just hasn't marked or fully claimed whoever he's with or he's a bloody player and not wanting to settle down with just one female. Probably covering his scent so he never does connect or meet his one and only.

Once her blood tested as pure, the Doctor looked at her and asked how long injections do you want? She said one year. He froze and looked at her and asked are you sure?

Tarena grunted and asked why not? He grunted and said it's your body. He had the drugs he requested brought to him by the Head Council Dr Sawyer.

Tarena sat back down, rolled up her sleeve again before Dr Sawyer checked her tattooed up arm and grunted. She looked at him then away as Dr Thomas injected her with the current and updated drugs requested then asked and your name?

She rolled down her sleeve before saying Tarena Joyce Whitmeyer. Head Council Dr Sawyer stiffened slightly and before another word was spoken, behind her back she was injected and knocked out cold.


She woke up on an exam table and huffed. Her wolf was very quiet in her head making Tarena get up. She grabbed her folded clothes, smelled them before taking them to the washroom.

She showered, dried then dressed. She hand dried her hair then used her fingers to comb out her long hair. She opened the door and ignored the others in the room now and grabbed her bag.

She grabbed her brush and straightened her hair out asking okay, explain? Head Dr Sawyer grunted and said you were reported as a runaway.

She laughed and asked by who? He grunted again and asked does it matter? She said not really, I'm over 21 and a lone she-wolf with no pack ties.

He crossed his arms and said you have parents and siblings who had no idea where you went or why. She grunted and said I had a family who cared less about me. I left after I graduated high school early and was enrolled in the Academy by my high school principal.

He grunted and said we contacted your parents Tarena. She said yeah, so what? He snarled at her attitude not liking the way she was acting.

She turned to him and said go on, what did the parents say besides they cared less about me, huh? I wasn't there for them anymore to lock me in my room and growl at me for seeing me or just opening my mouth. I wasn't there to punish as Melainey the scheming slut acted more outrageously and out of control.

He shut his mouth then said they were worried about you. She snorted and said my parents absolutely cared less about me. Every time they looked at me they growled and either ordered me to shut my mouth without me saying a word to them or ordered me to stay in my room or ordered me to stay inside as they all left to go to the pack house.

He grunted and said they were worried as you took off without telling them. She said they never wanted to hear a single word I could have said to them from the day of my 16th birthday onward. I was locked in my room and forgotten there until I was let out the next day.

When I opened my mouth, they growled and told me to shut up and not say a single word to them. Every time Melainey was caught acting up, I was ordered to my room. I was ordered to stay away from the pack house, to stay at home or in my room.

As Melainey was still allowed to do whatever the hell she wanted, even attend meetings and functions where she was once again caught screwing others and then I was punished.

You say they missed me and I say in return it was all just lying bullshit. Probably mad at having no one else to punish for their got damned horrible scheming reeking slut of a spoiled eldest daughter they never punished.

He grunted and said that can be verified. She said I could absolutely care less about them now. By now Melainey is probably claimed by another's true mate all for a title she doesn't deserve or could ever do.

He stiffened and quickly said Councilman Kevin just informed me Melainey was fully claimed by Beta Stone as she got pregnant.

Tarena snorted and said whatever. On my 16th birthday, Melainey was caught by the pack Alpha out running and teasing, stirring up Stone's wolf so he repeatedly mounted her wolf. She lied stating he was her true mate and Stone denied her being his true mate. She was injected with a 5 year birth control and injected with wolfsbane to stop her running again and for lying and refusing to take a morning after pill.

That stupid slut was caught repeatedly after that screwing others and I was always punished for her disgusting out of control actions.

She snorted and said now he fully claimed her losing his one true mate and hers and she's next Beta female of the pack, the pack will fall for sure. Melainey was nothing but a disgusting well used slut. I bet you the baby wasn't even his.

Dr Sawyer growled in anger as Councilman Kevin said and he repeated it saying the baby was never tested for sure who the father was. She is now currently pregnant and the mother of two other kids, back to back pregnancies as she never updated her shots.

Tarena said sure all under the eyes of all the knowing pack leaders who never once fully controlled nor punished that disgusting bitch ever for her actions.

Head Dr Sawyer grunted and said as for you Tarena, you never said a word seeing your wrists were bitten. She looked at them and said I have a very silent wolf in my head and she's not talking. You confronted me before I could get her to talk.

He smiled. She groaned. He said you were fully read and wolf assessed by Head Councilman Deacon who ended up having to go for a run as his wolf was mighty pissed off.

She rolled her eyes at him and said okay, I was read by the European Seer a year ago. He huffed and said after you attended their Academy and were picked up and taken to the Council.

She grunted and said alright, before I could attend my graduation ceremony, yes. He said Councilman Heath was fired. She shrugged and said a Councilman found compromising 5 pure blooded, unmated innocent females who hadn't met their true mates yet and getting one of them pregnant as she purposely never had her injections updated.

The others in the room growled in anger hearing her. Dr Sawyer yelled shut up. He said that was true, Dawn's baby was tested and it was Heath's. But she was fully read and found guilty of scheming to get pregnant to be claimed. The baby was adopted out and she was fully punished by her parents, then she was rejected by her true mate.

Tarena asked and the other 4? Dr Sawyer snorted and said they were fully read and willingly gave up their virginity to Heath, but they were protected and never got pregnant. Their mate bonds were read and they too were rejected.

She grunted and said all were scheming bitches, Dawn the worst out of the 5. They bloody well reminded me of my disgusting sister. I can say that I'm pretty sure that Melainey wasn't innocent and lost her virginity when she was 16.

He looked off and said Councilman Kevin states Melainey's file says she was innocent on her 16th birthday, what do you know Tarena?

Tarena looked off and said when I was 14 and Melainey was 16, it was after her shifting for the first time. It was the next week after her birthday that Melainey first started acting out.

I believe we had visitors to the pack and Melainey lost her virginity to one. I believe he used protection. Our parents started acting different as Melainey's scent changed slightly.

He asked how did it change? She grunted and said I can honestly say now that her scent changed since her hymen was gone and she no longer innocent. Whoever she let take her virginity used protection and he never bit her so his scent wasn't blended in hers. So it wasn't in wolf form or he would have bit down on her shoulder.

He nodded and asked you don't know who? Tarena sighed and said I wasn't allowed at the pack house so I never met any of the visitors.

He said we can find out who was visiting. She shrugged and said the parents started acting more strict with me that week. Melainey though was allowed to attend meetings, and go there to hang out.

She looked off frowning and said to tell you the truth, ask Garth. Dr Sawyer asked your brother? She said yup, I have a feeling that he knew Melainey had lost her virginity and may have said something.

She held out her hand to a Warrior who quickly passed her his phone. She grunted and used 411 to get a number and soon called next Alpha Clayton instead.

When Clayton answered she said Council needs to know who Melainey lost her virginity to when she was 16. Clayton growled who is this? She ignored his question said I know Garth knew and I'm sure he told you and Stone.

Clayton snorted and asked who are you first? She said bloody hell Clayton, it's Tarena. He growled where the hell are you Tarena? She snorted into the phone and asked are you really that stupid and not see the call display when you answered?

He snorted and said Council Warrior Terrance. She hummed and said therefore your answer is I'm with a Council Warrior.

He grunted and said therefore at Council. She said for crying out loud Clayton, just tell us! He asked who is with you? She sighed deeply and said you're still an asshole Clayton. The room is full with Warriors, two Doctors and the door is wide open as others I do not know in the hallway are being busybodies and listening.

He grunted and said I see, why are you there? She growled into the phone and said you are really getting under my skin and irritating the hell out of me Clayton, you always have.

He laughed and she wanted to throw the phone. He chuckled and said little miss innocent who never batted an eye before is finally irritated. She growled and said oh Clayton, if you were here in front of me I would knock you on your bloody ass.

He chuckled and said if I was there I would jump you for sure. Council Warrior Terrance took his phone and said your irritating her wolf as she is looking out of her eyes now Clayton, just tell us what you know.

Clayton laughed and said hold her for me, I want to see her for myself. As for Melainey, her virginity was willingly given to a next Alpha named Frank the week after Melainey turned 16. Her brother Garth and myself caught them out in the woods. He used protection and never bit her as she wasn't his mate.

Tarena said yeah, like I said, Melainey was out of control and I was always punished. I never scented who took her virginity. But that week Garth was seen by me as he looked at Melainey differently as if she disgusted him.

Clayton said that's true. Garth and I were very disgusted. We tried to keep Stone away from her as she was trying eagerly to snare him.

Tarena said well she did, is the baby even his? Or should I ask are all three kids his or did she just say he was and she let others screw her to impregnate her as she refused each time to have her injections updated?

Clayton growled and said Melainey is a disgusting well used slut. The first baby was undeniably Stone's as he said she didn't scent as pregnant before he screwed up one night he was drunk and she led him to a room and got pregnant.

Tarena said yeah, I'm still not convinced Stone is the father. Melainey was a disgusting well used slut by the time her birth control injected at 18 was lapsing. She could have waited until he passed out and found another male to screw and impregnate her and say the baby was 100% Stone's.

Clayton growled and said that could have happened as Stone did pass out and in the morning Melainey had already showered and was lying beside him smelling pregnant.

He grunted and said I'll have the Doctor take DNA samples from them all and have it tested. Tarena grunted and said do the other kid as well Clayton as that out of control bitch was truly disgusting.

He grunted and asked and you? She huffed as Head Dr Sawyer said 100% totally opposite of Melainey. Tarena huffed again and said he doesn't need to know that, bloody hell Doctor you just blurted it out there for who knows how many other busybodies in the hallway to hear.

Dr Sawyer laughed and said oops. She grunted back at him as Clayton said hold her for me, if you need to knock her out to do so and keep her guarded so she can't escape. She grunted and groaned as she was injected and knocked out again.


This time her wolf was fully knocked out too. When she woke she rolled over groaning as she immediately sensed something was different.

She opened her eyes and sat straight up seeing she was in someone's bedroom and not the Council's infirmary.

She looked down and grunted, then grabbed the sheet to cover herself as she was naked. The door to the washroom opened and she looked, then groaned.

He quickly jumped her, held her down and nuzzled her neck. She moaned as he went straight to her sweetspot. He filled his mouth with blood and bit down over her sweetspot marking her quickly as he had nicked and sucked on it to leave a hickey.

She moaned as the bite hurt at first then turned very pleasurable. Clayton moved over her and used the pack link.

She was absolutely shocked when she heard him in her mind. He chuckled and said dad bit you and initiated you into the pack, mate.

She said mate? He nuzzled the mark and said yes, Head Councilman Deacon used the mate bond to connect to me. I was on my way to get you when you called.

She rolled him over and he settled back groaning as she went for his sweetspot. Reading him she moaned as he had never let another female ever touch it.

He tensed and she nipped her lip and quickly bit him. She injected her blood after taking in his then injected her venom as her wolf was fighting her to take over.

Once their mate was bitten and marked, her wolf was given complete control. Clayton growled before she shifted over him and moved off the bed. His wolf took over and shifted then purposely pounced and quickly mounted his true mate.

An hour later both were busy in the shower again. Her wolf was mighty pleased as they were now fully and completely claimed by their one and only true mate.

Clayton dressed her in his clothes too and rushed them outside to shift and run as her wolf prodded his to hurry. Tarena was completely at ease as she had never been before.

Clayton was very protective and mighty pleased with his true mate. She was utterly gorgeous, innocent, strong and very smart. He just loved her tats as seeing them on her body was bloody stirring him up.

He was shocked seeing the arm tattooed and once home was on edge needing her to wake as he had stripped her bare, uncovering the damned sexy tattoos.

He set her down and she kissed him before she stripped and shifted into her gorgeous large wolf. He groaned as he stripped his shorts quickly, next shifted, leaped and mounted her wolf before she could even run away. He let her go once done and she laughed in his head and ran.

They were both caught by pack Warriors before he growled at them and led her back to their clothes. The Warriors immediately contacted Alpha Jeffrey who laughed at them and said Clayton brought his true mate home, leave them be.

The Warriors grunted as none of them had been informed at all. Alpha Jeffrey snorted in their heads and said Council called as in the Head Councilman. He fully read her as she was knocked out cold after her full exam and shots given. He connected to Clayton using their mate bond.

Clayton informed me as he packed quickly to go get her. Head Councilman Deacon stated to me that Clayton's true mate was bloody strong and he was very impressed with she and her wolf. You'll all learn soon who she is but that won't happen until Clayton is fully ready to introduce her to everyone. I can tell you she finished two full years at the American Academy, passed with honor marks and took two years at the European Academy as well.

Let me say this Warriors, you will be very shocked to learn the truth.


Clayton was shocked once in his room again as her stronger than other female's wolf removed all the birth control injected making her scent unprotected and fertile. It revved his wolf up as her scent was then changed instantly of her going into her first heat.

He totally ravished her, they totally fully claimed her all over again. When Tarena moaned and went for his marked sweetspot, he groaned in her head.

They fully claimed each other again, feeling the needs of the other and wolves to totally black out with the sheer overwhelming pleasure. Their wolves laughed as they protected their humans, together at last.

Their wolves were well meshed and merged totally by the time the two woke refreshed and feeling the other in their heads.

Clayton groaned as he now scented her as pregnant. He nipped her and she smiled and said my wolf's doing. He said oh my God Tarena, your wolf is totally awesome. Tarena chuckled and said she is very proud of herself, isn't she.

Even his wolf laughed as he was extremely happy. The two got up and went to shower, then dressed, she in Clayton's clothes as her bags were collected after their arrival and were taken down to the laundry room.

Once dressed, Clayton swept her off her feet and took her down to the infirmary. His mother and staff rushed up to their room and swept through the room fast, collecting the laundry and groaning finding the evidence of his true mate's loosing her virginity. They all now knew she was truly innocent before Clayton bringing her home. It truly amazed them. They proudly linked and said oh my goodness.

When the sheets were taken and scented, Luna Holly froze and linked her mate, then the Doctor as she scented a pregnancy. Dr Cliff said I know, truly his true mate is bloody special.

Luna Holly grunted and said I know I've been kept out of the loop here, who is she? Dr Cliff said you know her Luna. Alpha Jeffrey said yeah, sorry honey but we have an issue with her family.

Luna Holly groaned out who is she? He said Tarena. Luna Holly froze and said our Head Warrior's youngest daughter? He said yes, we know, it could become a problem.

Luna Holly snorted and said bloody hell, they said she was probably a dirty slut by now. He growled and said I know differently as Head Councilman Deacon called me. He fully read her, the Seer in the European Council read her a year ago as well. They had nothing but extremely good things to say about our Tarena.

Deacon was actually very impressed with she and her strong wolf as they had never once been tempted to cross the line. That means honey that Tarena unlike Melainey waited for her true mate. She attended both Academies for two years each, then she travelled this last year across America.

Luna Holly sighed and said still innocent and now pregnant. Alpha Jeffrey said yes honey and she was just fully examined and injected at Council with a year of birth control too. Pretty damned amazing as I was worried she had been injected for that length and hadn't met her true mate yet. Guess her strong wolf removed all birth control and went into her heat too.

Luna Holly laughed and said damn, she is strong then.


Melainey was quickly snared found off the pack lands, even injected and brought into the pack infirmary. The male she was found with was totally knocked out and taken to holding.

Tarena and Clayton moved into the isolation room. Tarena snorted as Melainey's true scent was revealed with an injection. She said bloody hell, who dared had her scent blocked?

Dr Cliff had entered and said not me. Tarena said her scent is so revolting. Let's see if we can find who her true mate was. Both males said she said she never met him, and he fully claimed another when she was 19, Dr Cliff added.

Tarena grunted and said I wouldn't believe a single thing she ever told others. She quickly slipped into Melainey's mind, then read her. Clayton nudged Dr Cliff and the two slipped into Tarena's mind and and froze. Her wolf was growling she's a revolting unworthy bitch.

They read who the male was that Melainey was just caught with. The two hooked up many times before and Melainey even told him pack secrets, so she was a definite threat to the pack.

Tarena crimped and then severed her ties to her wolf then hunted down her mate bond. Not seeing it, she used the wolf and they went back in her memories to when she was 16 and both males stiffened as Tarena froze it in place and slipped down it.

She read who he was and where he lived, then pulled away. Both read from her who he was and Dr Cliff pulled away to head to his computer to find his file.

Clayton stayed with her as Tarena then used the weak link through Melainey and slipped into Stone's mind without him knowing. She went to his wolf and read him, then used his memory back to when he was 16 and froze it then slipped down the mate bond.

She learned who she was and where she lived and then slipped away. Clayton read her then linked Dr Cliff and informed him who Stone's true mate had been.

The two left the isolation room quickly and slipped into the office. Dr Cliff grunted and said as far as I see, Melainey lied. Her true mate is a next Head Warrior and he never marked or severed his mate bond until after she did.

As for Stone's true mate, it stated after Melainey marked Stone she felt it and went out running and was jumped by a visiting male. She got pregnant as her shots were lapsing. She was read as she was being slandered by angry pack females and it was proven she wasn't aiming at being jumped at all. Since the baby was a titled male's son, he was ordered to claim her. By then Stone fully claimed Melainey.

Tarena said then update Melainey and Stone's files and email Council's Head Doctor Sawyer and explain to him that I read them both to learn who their true mates were. Explain I never actually read their memories, only learned who they were and where they lived when both Melainey and Stone were each 16.

Dr Cliff smiled and said I'll wait for his call back. She chuckled and said fine. Remember I took two years at each Academy and learned everything I could. I was bitten by both Head Councilmen and read by the Royal Seer. As for learning who they were, it was because Melainey has always been sensed by my wolf as a threat.

As of right now, Melainey is truly an ugly hearted, out of control, cheating and pathetic, deceitful and unworthy slut. I cut her ties to her wolf so she can't ever shift again. She needs sterilization.

Clayton said she needs sending to Council ASAP as a threat to others. Dad called Council as he read me and is extremely angry, especially learning the male we captured with Melainey is not from an allied pack anymore. Melainey knew that too.

Alpha Jeffrey slipped into the office and locked the door. Tarena unshielded her mind without him asking, making Alpha Jeffrey smile. He slipped into her mind and her wolf immediately shared what they did and what they learned.

She said let me near who they found her with and I'll read him too to assess him. Maybe even use his pack ties to read his Alpha if needed. Lets even the playing field, you understand Alpha.

Alpha Jeffrey laughed and said oh lets do that before we send them both to Council as threats.


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