The Great O

By FrenchAndIrish

12.8K 356 71

A rogue attacked came the day when Emily had no one. Her parents were out of the country. She didn't know whe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Two

1.3K 51 7
By FrenchAndIrish

[A/N:] I dedicate this chapter to katdrake2 and xxsmileyrainbowxx. Thank you so much again!


 New Version of Chapter Two

           I woke up the next day earlier than I had expected but instead of lazing around in the bed for a few more minutes, I got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to cook sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I looked through the cupboards for plates, utensils, glasses, and pitchers. I had a hard time figuring out that I had to press for it to open. Damn, I am getting stupider by the minute. Then, I remembered that I didn’t have extra clothes and that thought made me frown. What should I wear? Bad luck was on my side because the Alpha walked in and saw me frown. I wonder why he’s up so early.

           “I don’t have clothes,” I told him timidly while looking down, finding my unclean nails interesting all of a sudden. Gah! He could be my breakfast right now!

           “Greta!” he called out while eyeing the scrubs I was wearing. I turned red with embarrassment  The girl called Greta appeared a few moments later. I figured that she was also like me but she was wearing casual but presentable clothes. Well, I think I’m wearing old table cloth or something.

           She was looking down at her feet to show her submission to the Alpha before us, “Did you need anything, Alpha?” She seemed very nervous and was fiddling with her nails. Wow, get a grip.

           “Go get some clothes for her,” he snapped. Psh. Such a grumpy, kid. He turned to glare at me, “What?”

           I shrug at him, smiling mysteriously, “Nothing.” I bit my lip to stifle a small chuckle that was threatening to escape my lips. Then, I turned to the petite girl, Greta, and looked at her expectantly.

           She nodded at her Alpha respectfully and turned to me, “Follow me, please.”

           We walked out of the kitchen and into the same hallway as my room. She led me into what I assumed was her room; it was just beside mine. She caught sight of my door and gape at it, “What happened?”

           “Don’t know.” I brushed her question off, which was rude. I know.

           She made her way towards a small closet and get a pair of clothes out. She smile at me kindly as she handed it to me. Maybe, I can make a friend during my stay. Well, that depends if I am going to act like an insensitive bitch or not.

           “Uh. Thank you,” I thanked her awkwardly. I wasn’t really a fan of showing gratitude towards people. I wasn’t able to give it to anybody anyway.

           She gave me a small smile in return, “Are you the rogue yesterday?” She sat down on her bed, playing with a snow globe.

           “You could say that.” I whistled and look around her room, noting that it was like mine’s but there were a few pictures put up here and there.

           “So, are we friends now or what?” she chuckled lightly, but I could tell that there was an unmistakable longing you would find in her eyes. Longing for company or a friend.

           I don’t really know if I should let myself get attached with someone if I am planning on escaping here. Well, it couldn’t hurt anyway, right? “I guess?”

           She just shook her head in mild amusement and wonder, “The bathroom’s across from my room. You have everything you need there.”

           I stood up and head straight to the bathroom. It was a typical bathroom; with a sink, shower, and toilet. I pulled the table-cloth-or-something off, turned on the tap of  the shower, and step on the cascading water. God, it feels like I showered for the first time! I shampooed my pin straight hair, got the shower cream out and scrub my skin like crazy, it was like I was trying to get my skin off. After showering, I dried my body using a towel and looked at myself in the mirror. Oh my God! My skin was an angry red! This will be more embarrassing, damn. I decided to leave my skin be, they could fuck themselves for all I care. Lucky me, the underwear was new. One thing I am not willing to do is to share underwear with anyone. It just… yuck. Shit! I wasn’t able to set out the table! I went back in the kitchen after dressing in haste.

           Someone cleared his throat behind me. I turned around hesitantly and saw that it was a young boy, “Uh, the Alpha asks to set the table for the pack.”

           “Oh! I’m getting on it,” I smiled brightly at him as I placed the placemats. He blushed and ran away. He was so cute. I’ve always wished to have a little brother, but my parents…

           I was about to walk out the dining room when I saw the Alpha making his way towards me – I still don’t know what his name is but I wasn’t going to ask him that, it’ll make me look like one of his fan girls.

           Aren’t you? A voice sniggered on the back of my mind, my wolf. No, I am not a fan girl. I am just a… girl. A good girl, yeah.

           You’re a perverted girl.

           No! I am not a perverted girl, and even if I was, I am teenager! I tend to get hormonal! “I am not a pervert!” Shit! This couldn’t get any more embarrassing! Die!

           “What are you talking about? And why are you red?” the Alpha asked with his eyes narrowed at me, but he was biting his kissable lower lip to stifle a laugh. Not that, his upper lip isn’t kissable, but his lower is fuller.

           See? A real pervert. I will not be surprised if become a rapist.

           “I won’t be a rapist, you dog!” I screamed at my snarky wolf, she is so irritating at times, completely ignoring what the god-like man in front of me was babbling about.

           “I didn’t say you’d be a rapist,” the Alpha smiled at me. Damn, what I’d give to  wake up to that smile every morning. Oh! I don’t have anything to give.

           I slapped a hand to my forehead. “Are you dumb or something? I wasn’t talking to you.” And I just made things shittier.

           “You do not get to disrespect me! Just because we’re mates gives you the right to talk to me that way!” he glared at me. His eyes showing how much he dislike to be disrespect. Jeez, keep your hair on, will you?

           “I was not disrespecting you. I was speaking my mind. If I offended you in any way, it’s not my damn problem!” I shouted, turned on my heel to go back in the kitchen and serve the food. I went back to dining room with a plate of pancakes on either hand, hoping that the Alpha walked himself out. 

           “Stay here after you’ve finished laying out the food. My pack needs to meet you,” he said in a calm and collected tone, as if he was assessing my mood. Wait, is calm even in his dictionary? Maybe, he borrowed from someone else. 

           Without answering him, I walked in the far corner of the room and looked out the window. How I longed to be free again! At least when I was a rogue, I get to enjoy things even when I have nothing. Here, I’ll just slave away all day. No excitement, no free day, no nothing.

           Not a few minutes later, I heard murmuring, laughter and footsteps, signaling that the pack member came down from their rooms. Some stop to look at me curiously, while the others continued in going to their seat as if they couldn’t care less.

           Once they were settled in their chairs the Alpha began to speak, “I want you to meet our new Omega, Emily.” He said my name like it was the most disgusting thing he came across and that hurt me a little. I was dirt in his eyes and I thought I couldn’t sink any lower. Everyone laughed at me and all I wanted was for the ground to open up and swallow me.

           The Alpha cleared his throat to get everybody’s attention, “Emily, I’d like you to meet Grace, my girlfriend.” He emphasized the word ‘girlfriend’. The knife in my heart twisted slowly and painfully with every word he said.

           I looked up at her and stared at her orange face. I could tell that she underwent numerous nose jobs and tans. She looked like she belongs in a morgue. “Oh, you mean your arm candy for the week? This is not a morgue, if you haven’t noticed, lady.” And I just have to be a big bitch again. “Does she even recognize herself when she does not wear make-up?” I am in deep shit.

            She stomped her food like a little, spoilt brat, and screeched at me, ”You ungrateful bitch!”

            “I wouldn’t say ungrateful because as far as I’m concerned, you haven’t done anything I should be grateful about,” here I go again.

            “And why is your skin red?” she asked with genuine curiosity. It took me by surprise, really. I mean she expressed her loathe for me from the moment I talked to her and she’s now curious about me. Maybe she’s looking for my weakness or something.

            “It’s February. Why are you asking? Want any tips? I’ll tell you one, why don’t you cut some foundation. I’m sure it will be a lot of help.” I replied back with a laugh. To my surprise, everyone laugh at with me. The Alpha may not have laugh but it seemed to me like he was a having a hard time trying to hold his own laughter back. Wow, what a great boyfriend. Suddenly, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I doubled over in laughter. It just made people around me laugh harder, making Grace red with rage and embarrassment. “Oh look! You look red now too!”

            “You pretty little scum!” she screeched once more. “You’re just a poor thing with no parents!”

            Whoa! Who said anything about my parents! Hare dare she! “You think I’m pretty now, huh? Are you my fan or something? Well, I’m not a lesbian, so I think that will give you the hint to LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! And so what if I am poor? Does that make you any superior than me? You’re not God, but I am sure that you are a gold-digging whore!” I didn’t dare say anything anout my parents because I did, I’m sure that I’ll break down in front of them. In this world, you got to learn to stay strong and independent.

            She lunged at me, her claws digging into my arms, my face, enough to draw blood. The Alpha tried to restrain her, but she is one angry woman, while the pack members were too astonished to do anything, even react. They immediately shut their traps when I screamed at Grace. She thrashed in his arms, looking like a lunatic that belongs in a Mental Hospital. She even tried to kick me, but her legs were kinda short. So…

            I didn’t bother attacking her back, blood will be spilled on the ground if I do. “Crazy bitch,” I mutter and turned back to go outside using the back door. I ran and ran until I heard the sloshing of water from a river. I looked down at my reflection on the water, seeing red, deep gashes on my arms and face. I sighed; maybe I should have fight back. I will, next time. I sat down on the damp grass and scooted closer to the water. I used my hands to scoop up water and splashed it on my face and arms to clean the blood and wound, so as not to have an infection. I looked up at the sky, wondering if it will always be like this; if I’ll alwa–

            “Are you okay?” my thoughts were broken by the Alpha. Even his voice turns me on. I couldn’t help it, his voice is deep, husky and very alluring. I think it’s hot. So hot.

            See? A Pervert.

            I turned around to look at him and found his eyes on my scratch-filled, red face. I flushed slightly and I thought I couldn’t get any redder. I turned my face away from his and into the river. I drew my knees back and hug them tightly to my chest, resting my cheek against my knees.

            He sat down beside me, his legs sprawled out, he leaned back, supported by his arms. Arms that I want to be wrap around me, arms that should hold me at that moment, arms that should be used to comfort me. But he didn’t, and I don’t think he ever will. “Are you okay?” he asked again, pulling me from my reverie. Those biceps…

            I let out a breath, suddenly feeling exhausted, even though the day hasn’t even reach midday. “Yes.” My answer is the truth, the wounds hurt but only a little. It’s not I’m going to die. I don’t want to act like an over-acting woman who wants everybody’s attention.

            He lied down with his arms folded behind his head, “I am curious about something.”

            “Curiosity killed the cat. In your case, I killed the wolf.” I looked up at the sky once again. I felt that whatever he was curious about is related to me, and I don’t really want to disclose any information to anyone.

            I could feel his burning gaze on my back, I thought it was enough to snap my bra strap. “Why do you always have to be sarcastic?” he asked.

            I shrug nonchalantly. I don’t know why but I’ve always been sarcastic. I know my parents secretly loved it, even though they chastised me every time to keep my mouth shut, especially in front of high-ranking wolves. I love being sarcastic. For me, it means that my brain functions well because I could think of a witty remark on the spot; and it always make people laugh – well, people who don’t have flag poles up their asses.

            “Why do you always defy me?” he asked with a glare, making me remember of Christian Grey. Oh! That sexy CEO!

            I laughed a little and turned to look at him in the eye, “You’re not Christian Grey! He’s hot, you’re not.” Lie. “And besides, when did I ever defy you?” I tilted my head aside, trying to remember when I ever defied him.

            “What is it with you women liking him?” he was obviously irritated. Maybe, he’s jealous that I have a crush on somebody. No! Why would he be jealous? He already has a girlfriend.

            “Because he’s hot, young CEO. And he seems good in bed. What with all that BDSM fantasy. That’s seriously sexy.” I licked my lips. Just imagining having my very own Christian Grey makes me press my thighs together. Well, I already have my own version of Christian Grey, and he’s right here beside me.

            He sharply released a breath, sat up and took my face in his large, unsurprisingly warm hands. “That’s sexy.”

            My breath got stuck in my throat; I looked into his hooded yes, filled with unmistakable lust. He isn’t making this any easier for me. Ah, what the hell. “I…” I wasn’t able to form a coherent sentence; I just stared at him like I’ve gone bonkers.

            He leaned in painfully slow, his minty breath fanning over my face, making me unbelievably hot and needy. He moved one of his hands on the back of my neck , while he used the other one to touch my slightly parted lips with the tip of his forefinger. “You’re lips are so soft. I want to kiss them. I want to kiss you.”

            My heart started beating faster, I couldn’t hear anything but its fast thumping. Calm down. It’s just a kiss, I chanted internally. I took a shallow breath and release it slowly. “W- what?” Now, that’s just pathetic.

            Let him kiss you, you idiot!

            “I want to kiss you,” he repeated. His forefinger was now joined by his middle finger in touching my ‘soft’ lips. He swiped his tongue on his lips as if he was imagining doing that to me, making me lose whatever control I have.

            “Then kiss me,” I invited nervously. Of course I was nervous! This is my first kiss! He removed his finger from my lips and slowly pulled my face to his. His lips were soft and gentle against mine. He groaned after that first touch, growing aggressive and kissing me harder. His other hand was wrapped around my waist, making me closer to him than I already am. I daringly put my arms on his neck and moaned in his mouth. He tasted so… manly. And it felt so right. I think he used a whole bottle of mouth wash.

            He pulled away from me to catch his breath, allowing me to also do this. “I love it when you moan,” he said huskily before slamming his lips back to mine.

            When he was about to thrust his tongue into my mouth, I was the one who pulled away. “I don’t think I ever moaned sexually around you. And I don’t know how to French kiss. This is my first kiss, actually. Wait, aren’t you supposed to kiss my cheek first or jaw or something before thrusting your tongue into my mouth?” I rambled, slightly out of breath with my face flushed.

            He laughed heartily, making my heart swell and my lips curve up in a small smile. I feel happy doing this, making him laugh and be happy. “You didn’t but it still gave me a hard on when you moaned in your sleep. It’s good to hear that I am the first and last man who will be able to taste your mouth and all of you; just follow my lead.”

            Everything south of me clenched painfully. I am so turned on just because of his words. I moved my head closer to peck his luscious lips, “Well, what are you waiting for?” He held me by the waist, placed me on his lap and over his growing and waiting erection. “We aren’t even making out yet and you’re hard already?”

            He smirked at me with an evil glint in his eye, “Oh, baby…”

            I shivered with my heart in my throat. It made my body tingle all over because of the endearment. Suddenly, he laid down and pulled me to his chest with a loud thud. “What’s your name?” I asked out of the blue. I just kissed someone I didn’t even know! Technically, I don’t really know him because he haven’t introduced himself.

            “Call me Aiden. Aiden Kade,” he introduced himself with such confidence and power that I almost shuddered with fear and not because of lust. “Now stop talking. I have to really make out with you right now. And I am not into delayed satisfaction, baby.”

            “Why do cal–” he cut my question off immediately. Oh well, I am not really going to complain! His tongue parted my lips wider. I gasped quietly when the tip of his tongue touched mine softly.

            Just follow my lead, his words rang clearly inside my head. Is he going to go all Dora on me? I copied his action and moved my tongue in synced with his. He groaned in satisfaction, but I ruined the moment when I accidentally licked his nose.

            “Did you just lick my nose?” he asked, incredulous. There was a smirk forming on his lips and his eyes were devouring every inch of my face.

           Heat crept up on my face. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t bother stuttering a reply on my defense which made him laugh at me. I groaned quietly and banged my head on his hard chest while running my hands on his broad shoulders, as if soothing him. “Go on, laugh at me!” I shook my head and my stomach grumbled. Loudly.

           “Oh man! You’re hungry, you haven’t eaten anything.” He stood up, taking me with him. I can’t help but feel disappointed that intimate moment was ruined. I pouted as I brushed off the dried leaves on my clothes. “Come on, let’s go back. They’re probably looking for us anyway.”

           I knew I was right when I thought that is going to be one hell of a day, and it’s not even midday yet!

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