The Lone Star

By sone1225

94K 1.4K 148

Description "A love story, at least a convincing one, requires three elements: the lover, the beloved, and th... More

The Lone Star
1. Survival
2. Chasing Cars
3. Waiting on the World to Change
4. Good Life
5. Bubbly
6. One Step at a Time
7. This 1's 4 U
8. Wild Life
9. Stacy's Mom
10. She's the Girl for Me
13. She Will Be Loved
14. Equilibrium
15. Try
16. Stronger
17. Come On Get Higher
18. Neighbors Know My Name
19. Magic
20. Love Somebody
21. Count On Me
22. Perfect Two
23. Make It to the End
24. Brighter than the Sun
25. Baby Steps
26. I Choose You
27. All We Are
28. Lighters
29. Breathless
30. Domino
31. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
32. Stay With Me
33. All of the Stars
34. Epilogue - Not a Bad Thing

12. Beautiful Soul

2.4K 32 3
By sone1225

Beautiful Soul

I don’t want another pretty face

I don’t want just anyone to hold

I don’t want my love to go to waste

I want you and your beautiful soul

You’re the one I wanna chase

You’re the one I wanna hold

I won’t let another minute go to waste

I want you and your beautiful soul

- Jesse McCartney

From the moment I opened my eyes early this morning, I haven’t really moved much. Why? Well, Tiffany and I are in sort of a bit of a…compromising position.

I am simply lying on my side of the bed while she is slightly lying on top of me. Her legs are tangled with mine; her head lies to the side of my chest where I can feel my heart thumping quite rapidly, and each of her hands are holding onto each of my sides.

I can feel her, I can smell her, I can hear her, and most importantly, I can touch her. I notice she’s a pretty deep sleeper. I’ve been lightly stroking her hair and arms and she hasn’t moved an inch.

I snicker to myself as I start to poke her in different places.

Shoulder? Poke

Arm? Poke

Forehead? Poke

Head? Poke

Nose? Poke

Stomach? Poke


Hahaha, I love it when she’s asleep!

I decide to not bother her anymore in case she wakes up. I carefully stretch my hand towards the bedside table and grab my phone. I unlock and see like a dozen messages. I decide to ignore them for now and check what’s up in this world.

I also decide to check on the celebrity news to see if anything breaking happened over night, like some couple announced they’re dating or someone proposed or whatever.

My jaw drops when I see my face as well as Tiffany’s on the front page.

I quickly click on the article and read its contents. My jaw continues to drop and my eyeballs continue to break free from my eye sockets.

When I am finished reading, I lock my phone and put it away.

Breathe in and out. Don’t forget to breathe, Taeyeon.

I look down at the still soundly sleeping girl and scrutinize her for a while.

I then try to put her entire life together in my mind and digest all the new information I was given.

Her name is Tiffany Hwang. She’s 25, graduate of Princeton University, and an English high school teacher.

Her father is Hwang Soo Man, and although I haven’t met him yet, I have heard his name a few times. What I can remember is that he is filthy rich and is a genius at making ordinary people into extraordinary stars.

 But I have to admit, I am the only true best star in this world.

Her mother is a brilliant psychologist. That explains Tiffany’s weird, creepy, but true observations and analyses of me.

Her ex-husband is Jason Choi, the current CEO of Crown Entertainment which explains why Tiffany said he was “interested” in me.

She has two twins, Elliot and Stephanie, whom I already met and believe they are out to get me because they see with me their mother.






I feel a small movement from her as she starts to wake up.

She rubs her feet on my own and my leg for a little bit as if trying to see what is in contact with her own feet. I hear her take a very deep sniff.

“Taeyeon?” She asks groggily with sleep evident in her voice.

“Yes?” I manage to respond with the new information still nagging in my mind.

“Hmm, nothing. Just making sure I’m in this position with you and no one else.”

I can tell she hasn’t even opened her eyes yet.

“It’s me alright…Kim Taeyeon and you are…Tiffany Hwang.”

She laughs softly and moves her head so it is exactly on top of my chest, the side where my heart lies.

“I can hear your heart pretty loudly. Are you okay?”

“I’m good. I’m Kim Taeyeon and you’re Tiffany Hwang.”

“Indeed I am. I’m glad the alcohol from last night didn’t make you forget who we are.”

“Certainly. I am Kim Taeyeon and you are Tiffany Hwang. We have been dating as of December 30, 2014.”

“Mhmm, glad you remember, but to be fair, it’s only been a few days.”

“Yes, I am dating Tiffany Hwang.”

She sighs and moves her body away from me and sits up, looking at me with a frown.

“Okay, what’s wrong? You’re talking a bit weirdly this morning.”

I sit up as well and say, “You’re Tiffany Hwang. The Tiffany Hwang.”

She raises an eyebrow and leans over to her side and grabs her phone. She unlocks it, types a few letters, and then looks at the device in her hand.

Suddenly she shakes her head with a smile on her face and puts her phone away. She lies back on the bed with an arm over her head and eyes closed.

“So I guess you know everything.”

“I do, Ms. Rich Pants.”

“Haha, I’m not rich. After I turned 18, I turned down any money my parents tried to give me. I live off with the money I make myself.”

I nod my head and lie back down next to her, facing her and she turns to me face me as well, looking at me with so much care like I am the most precious thing in the world.

“Why did you do that?”

She shrugs, “I had pretty much everything when I was growing up, not even having to lift up a finger. I thought now that I turned 18, I should use my own two feet and hands to get me through life.”

“You’re one amazing woman.”

“Why thank you very much.”

I lean closer to her and peck her on the lips.

“Your breath stinks,” she playfully says and crinkles her nose.

“You’re pretty stinky yourself,” I reply.

She giggles a bit and sighs contently.

“Anyway, are you okay with the rest of my secrets?”

“I guess…your entire family scares me though. They all seem very intimidating and may tear my head off at any moment.”

“They’re all very nice people. I’m sure they’ll love you.”

I hum in response and move on to a question that’s been on my mind for a small while, “Your mother is a psychologist…is that why you’re so smart and stuff?”

“Mhmm, my parents are busy people and didn’t have much time to spend with me. I’m fine with that since they managed to attend all the important events of my life. But when they weren’t there, I would just read books and came across my mother’s books about psychology, the human mind and heart. It’s actually some pretty fascinating stuff so I guess I just kept on reading and learned a few things.”

“You’re an amazing woman,” I say again because that’s the only way I can describe her right now.

“I think we established that fact already, but it’s nice to hear you say it again. Does my father’s name and his company sound familiar to you?”

“Mmm, Crown Entertainment is a huge company. I heard its name thrown around a few times.”

“Did they ever try to recruit you into their company?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve been with my current company ever since my career started and I love it there. When it came time to renew my contract, I didn’t really have to think twice.”

“Well, I’ll give you an early apology for Jason’s soon on-coming of advances to try and sign you with his company since your current contract will end in a few months.”

“Oh, rea…” I trail off and frown.

Wait, how does she know that?

“I never told you my contract was going to end soon,” I say.

I see her eyes grow big as she chuckles nervously.

“Hehe, hey, you hungry, babe? It’s the start of a new year; let’s go eat something delicious, hmm?”

She throws the covers into my face and scurries off to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

I don’t move a muscle since I know she has to come out sooner or later. She can’t stay in the bathroom forever, right?

I turn on the television and browse through the channels and the movie list this hotel has, seeing if there’s anything I like.

I hear the water running so I assume she’s taking a shower. I decide to reply to my text messages and emails as well as calm down my overly too happy fans who seem to be really liking Tiffany as my girlfriend.

I tweet to them, thanking for their support. I’ve been working on a new song ever since I met Tiffany and I’m planning to release it for free for my fans as well as make a music video for it. I was intending to keep it a secret for a while until the preparations were close to being done, but hey, it’s the New Year. I go ahead and tweet my announcement, smiling while thinking that in some kind of way, I did start the year off with a bang.

The bathroom clicks open and I look over. I drop my phone on the bed because my eyes meet with probably the sexiest woman alive in the world today.

Tiffany only has a towel wrapped around her body as well as on her hair. I still see droplets of water on her neck as well as on her gorgeous legs.

“I forgot my clothes,” she explains.

I tightly grab the sheets and clench my jaw.

Too soon, Taeyeon, too soon.

Keep your vagina in your pants.

Breathe in and out.

“You okay?” She asks when she glances at me before she slightly leans down and digs through her luggage for clothes in front of me.

No, I am not okay. I can see the top of your cleavage!!

“Fine,” I mumble.

“Do you mind if I change in front of you?”






“You can do whatever you want.”

“In that case, I want you to help me change.”



I crawl over to the edge of the bed where she is. I lick my lips and gulp the saliva that had quickly formed in my mouth when I see her red lacy bra and matching panties lying on top of the other clothes she had picked out.

She would look so hot in those undergarments, but honestly, she would look hotter without them on.

I’m going to get to see her in all of her naked glory RIGHT NOW.

“Hmm, which one looks better?” She asks and holds up the red lacy bra and a sort of see-through royal blue bra.

None of them looks better.

Just don’t wear anything and let me hug you forever.

“Red one.”

She nods her head, “Red does look good on me, hmm?”

You look better with absolutely nothing on you.

“Yes, red suits you the best.”

“Good eye, babe. Now I’m going to change and you can have the bathroom to yourself when I come back out.”

“Sure, let’s take the towel off first.”

She gives me a teasing smile, “I don’t think you understood what I just said.”

“You want me to help you change. Chop, chop, and get that towel off.”

She laughs loudly and claps her hands as she slowly runs out of oxygen.

“Kim Taeyeon, I’m sorry but I was only teasing. You’re definitely not seeing me naked so soon.”

A pout and frown automatically forms on my face at her very, very cruel idea of a “tease” and her idea of “fun.”

My ovaries nearly exploded due to her teasing.

I lick my lips while scanning her from head to toe, being as obvious as I can be.

“No, Kim Taeyeon. Stay.”

She grabs her clothes and slowly backs away by walking backwards.

I let out a small growl.

No one gets to tease the Kim Taeyeon and gets away with it.

I jump off the bed and charge straight towards her. She lets out a scream and tries to run to the bathroom, but I quickly grab her by the waist. She gives a loud yelp when I sweep her off of her feet and carry her bridal-style back to the bed. I drop her on the bed and clamber on top of her.

“Gosh, why are you so strong when you’re so short!?” She cries out as she tries to fight and throw me off of her.

I manage to tightly hold both of her hands together and place them both over her head.

“The best things come in small packages, baby girl. And I’m going to show you exactly what I mean,” I lower down and whisper in her ear.

She stops struggling and looks at me with her jaw dropped.

“I told you we’re not doing that until my divorce is finalized! Get off of me right now.”

I grin and lean down to kiss her lips furiously. She keeps her lips tightly closed so my tongue can’t get inside and struggles again to break free from my hands’ hold on hers.

I stop kissing her and whisper again, “Shhh, relax, just trust me. Trust me.”

I kiss her again, only more gently this time, and I can feel her hands lying still so I let go of them. Her lips finally respond and her hands move down to where my hips are and stays there. I move down to her neck and gently suck on her sweet spot. I hear her sigh satisfactorily and she moves her hands to my abs, lightly and gently stroking them. I shiver in delight and bravely move down to the top of her cleavage. I pepper kisses all over it before using my tongue to lick and leave a trail of my saliva.

“Mmm, Tae…”

Since she only has a towel around her, I want to take advantage of the situation. My hands travel to her thighs as I try to grab her butt. But she’s on her back and I hope she would get the hint.

And she does.

“Let me be on top; it’ll be easier,” she says breathlessly.

I quickly plop on my back. She takes off the towel on her head and carelessly throws it somewhere in the room. Her damped hair lets loose and falls pass her shoulders. She gives me a small smile before straddling me and slowly leans down.

I marvel at the sight before me.

I capture her lips when they’re close enough and we once again engage in a type of bliss only we can feel with each other.

My hands slip under her towel and I grab the flesh of her butt, relishing and rejoicing about the fact my hands are on Tiffany Hwang’s butt.

I gently massage the body part that seems to be one of my favorites right now as we continue to make out.

After quite a while of kissing, biting, nibbling, sucking, and licking, I slowly pull away from the best make out session thus far in my entire life.

We breathe heavily and Tiffany lays her head on the crook of my neck with her face towards the side of my face. I take my hands away from her butt and wrap my arms around her waist.

“I told you to trust me,” I say after finally catching my breath.

“And I did,” I hear her mumble into my ear, “Thank you.”

“No problem. You said you wanted to wait, so I’ll wait.”

She laughs softly and it’s like music to my ears, literally.

“I think you’re the amazing person here. You’re so thoughtful and caring. It’s just a little over 2 more months. Just wait a little bit more and you’ll see it’ll be one of the most magical, loving acts we both will ever experience.”

“You better keep your word,” I say even though I have no doubt in my mind about the truth in what she said.

“I give you my word.”

We lie in silence as I continue to hug the sort of naked Tiffany in my arms.

“How do you know my contract will end soon?” I ask because there’s no way of her running away since I have her in my hold.

“Hehe, don’t get mad at me?”

“I won’t.”

Seriously, who could ever be mad at Tiffany Hwang?

“Remember that one time when you really, really had to go to the bathroom while we were at the library?”

I start to slightly blush at the incident. Jessica had “graciously” cooked dinner the night before I went out with Tiffany to accompany her in volunteering at the library and my stomach started to churn at an incredibly fast rate. I hurried off to the bathroom and well, let’s just say I didn’t go because I had to pee.

“Anyway, you were taking a long time and you left your stuff with me. When your phone kept beeping, I curiously looked over and happened to see the text message that your manager sent to you about your contract. It wasn’t my fault.”

I laugh softly and pat her butt, “It’s not your fault. I’m fine with it actually.”

“Good that you’re not mad. Now I’m going to do a quick wash and change. Your stinky tongue made my minty fresh mouth stinky again and dirtied some…other places.”

“But you loved my stinky tongue.”

“Indeed I did,” she pecks my nose and gets off of me.

I watch her grab her clothes that she had dropped a while ago and enter the bathroom.

I’m so lucky to have you as my star.

☆彡 ☆ミ

Tiffany and I walk hand-in-hand through the streets of LA. I notice some people from the paparazzi secretly following us and taking pictures from a distance, but I dismiss them since they know better than to come close to me or ask me questions.

I’m proud to say I have a reputation among the whole paparazzi in general. I tend to get slightly violent and slightly very rude when I have my personal space invaded. If they don’t want their poor, expensive cameras to be smashed into little bits or have colorful words thrown at their face, then they should stay quite clear out of my way.

“Do you want to eat some Mexican food?” She asks and I look to the distance and see a Mexican restaurant close to us.

I frown, “I don’t like Mexican food.”

She fakes a gasp, “Why not?”

“It doesn’t suit my taste buds. Sometimes it’s too spicy and whatnot. I don’t like spicy food very much.”

“Hmm, fine. What about hamburgers and fries?”

“Nope, fast food doesn’t sit well in my stomach either,” I say.

Seohyun’s lecture about the horrors of fast food got inside my head and I can’t look at it the same way ever again.

“O-kay, no fast food,” she suddenly snaps her fingers, “Hey, want to go to the amusement park? I haven’t been there in a long time.”

I frown, “I’m not a big fan of those rides. I just never understood the point of them.”

“Hmm, alright then. Shopping?”

“Do you have anything to buy?”

“No, we can just look around and see if there’s anything to buy.”

I shake my head, “No, I only like to shop when I actually have something in mind to buy.”

“No shopping either. The beach?”

“It’s January and I don’t like the feeling of sand between my toes. It’s weird.”

“Wow, okay. Then why don’t you tell me what you want to do?”

I grin, “Anything you want to do, babe.”

“But you don’t want to do anything I want to do.”

“I’m willing to do whatever you want to do.”

She gently squeezes my hand, “You’re very sweet, you know? Anyway, I really miss the Mexican food over here. We can order something not spicy, okay? I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“Okay,” I say and follow her to the restaurant.

When we enter the restaurant, I can see all eyes are on us, but we choose to ignore them and pick a table at the back.

Our waitress seems to be trying to stop herself from squealing, so I smile politely while taking the menus from her.

“Babe, do you want to share some tacos and maybe a burrito?” Tiffany asks while scanning the list of items.

“Sure, steak tacos sound good.”

“Yeah, and…fish tacos. Do you like chicken?”

I hum in response and glance towards the front of the restaurant.

“Chicken burrito then? And spinach and mushroom quesadillas sounds really good.”

“Mmm, whatever you like.”

“Okay, I’ll call the waitress over.”

The waitress comes and Tiffany tells her our orders.

“Please take out anything spicy,” Tiffany requests.

The woman nods and then stutters, “A-anything to d-drink?”

 “Oh right, umm, Aztec hot chocolate, please. Babe, what about you?”

I notice two men walk in with big backpacks on their shoulders and they slowly make their way towards us while laughing and chattering.

“Same as you,” I reply.

The waitress takes our menus and walks away. At the same time, the two men pull out the chairs from a table near us.

“Too close,” I announce and intensely glare at the two men.

I see they make eye contact with each other before scooting the chairs back under the tables and move a few tables away from us. They have a clear view of us but I let them have it.

“Should I ask?” Tiffany asks in amusement.

“It’s nothing; they’re the paparazzi.”

Tiffany glances at the two men, “And how do you know that?”

“I just get the feeling. You develop it when you’ve been in this business for over a decade.”

“Hmm, that’s cool.”

I turn my attention back to her and chuckle.

“Didn’t you ever develop this feeling when you were growing up?”

“Nope, I didn’t really mind them taking pictures of me. I just didn’t care.”

“Well, how’d you make them stop taking pictures of you and keep a low profile throughout these years?”

“That’s an easy question. You simply don’t make news and they won’t take pictures of you. Everyone expected me to follow my father’s footsteps into business but I’m not interested in that. So let me ask you, would you make money off of taking pictures of a high school teacher?”


“Exactly. Although with the news of us dating, I guess there will be a few paparazzi lurking around back at home now.”

I frown as guilt starts to creep in. Obviously she doesn’t want anything to do with being famous or all over the media, but here I am as the superstar I am, and because we’re dating, the public will be all over us. I wonder if I am intruding on her life. Would I be too much of a burden or I may be bothersome to her?

“Because of me, you’re going to be all over the news again.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re worth it.”

The waitress steps in with all of our food and drinks. She leaves and Tiffany seems to be too interested in eating rather than talking to me anymore, so I just let her be. What she said was really sweet and I make a mental note to repay her in some way in the future.

In the middle of our conversation and eating, Tiffany’s phone rings. She takes it out and pulls a face.

“Who is it?” I ask curiously.

“My mother.”


Then it hits me. Her mother lives here in Los Angeles.

She answers the phone with a, “Hello, mother.”

I don’t have super-hearing abilities so I can only hear Tiffany’s side of the conversation.

“Yes, mother, I am in Los Angeles.”

“It was on a sudden notice.”

“Yes, Kim Taeyeon really is my girlfriend.”

I goofily grin because it’s nice to hear Tiffany say I am her girlfriend so open like that.

“It’s a long story that I don’t want to talk about over the phone and it’s only been a few days.”

“Yes, she does.”

“She’s fine with it.”

“I don’t know. I think so.”

“Mother, I am not answering that question.”

“Mother! Please don’t ask that. It’s our business, not yours.”

What business?

“How am I supposed to know that!?”



“I don’t want to.”

“Yes, mother, I actually do have a choice.”

“WHAT!?” Tiffany screams out loud. I immediately cover my ears.

Damn, this girl can scream.

I wonder if she’ll be like that in the bedroom…

She looks to the front of the restaurant. I try to follow her line of sight and it falls upon a woman whose face is pressed up against the glass of the windows. She is staring right at us, smiling and waving the phone in her hand.

“Mother, I am alone right now.”

I raise my eyebrow and see the woman is talking on the phone as well, still smiling at us.

I’m getting a weird feeling.

A very weird, bad feeling.

“It was worth the try.”

“No, please, go away, mother. We’re on a date.”

“No, we’re leaving tonight. We have to go back to San Francisco.”

I thought we agreed to leave on Sunday morning.

“Lying will not send me to Hell, mother.”

“Mother! I am too old for a spanking!”

My eyes widen at her statement.

I would sure love to spank her butt.

I will…soon…very soon.

“No! M-mother!? Hello!?”

Tiffany yells again and brings her phone to her face. She looks at the device in disbelief.

I look over to the front of the restaurant and see the woman has hung up as well and now has her back turned towards us as if she’s waiting for someone.

“Kim Taeyeon, you are going to meet my mother today,” Tiffany announces.

I look at the woman at the front and then back to Tiffany.







Tiffany’s mother


“Holy shit.”

I know that you are something special

To you I’d be always faithful

I want to be what you always needed

Then I hope you see the heart in me

☆彡 ☆ミ

Author's Note:

BYE~ and TY~ 

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