What No One Sees

By WolfMoon5

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Leo smiles. He laughs. He jokes. But no one sees how much hurt he is going though. How much pain he has store... More

Day one
Day two AM
Day two PM
Day 4 AM
Unknown day and time
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 continued
I'm sorry
This day will never end
It's me...
The reason why
I'm a little better
yall realize its still day 16?
In the 5th hour
The Ups and Downs of Friends
Day 17
The Afternoon of The Day of 17
The Heartbeat
Early Morning Day 18
Merry Christmas!
fckd up
I need to figure out what day it is
the part where Jason dies
the 'uh oh' part
Valentines day Special
naps and contemplation
things are getting bad again
click click clack
not really an update
Day 32
*vent* Should I feel?
A Morning of Contemplative Thoughts
Jason... what the fuck
The Choice
Therapy Session
Is This The Process of Healing?
Let's Go Talk To Will
A Step In A Direction
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Green Monster
Sister Nadia
break notice
Sunset Sunrise
Blind to All
Looking For Me?
Confidence To Open Up
The End
Epilogue (Part 1)

Day 10

8.4K 163 170
By WolfMoon5

After that odd revelation life seemed to be getting better. People made an effort to hang out with him. Occasionally someone would ask if he's okay cuz he looked down. 'I had felt.. wanted. I had felt cared for. For once in my life I felt like things could get better.'

'I should have known better.'

'All these years, you'd really think I'd have learned my lesson by now.'

'Why do I constantly get my hopes up, just to have them crushed into thousands of pieces?'

Recollection of what happened flashed through my mind. Every painstaking realization. That none of them really cared. 


It had been a long day. Leo had worked hard and was feeling really good when Will Solace walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. The brunette looked up at the son of Apollo.

"Come meet me in the infirmary. I'll check up on your cuts" Leo flinched when the blonde healer said the last word and he quickly looked down. 

"Alright," he replied. His reluctance must have been apparent in his voice because Will gave a reassuring squeeze. "Its alright. I'm just gonna make sure they're healing alright and nothing's infected."

Leo managed a small smile. He felt slightly better after what Will said and so he followed him to the infirmary. 

///Intrusive thought///

'...how was I supposed to know that a simple checkup would change everything? Or did it just open my eyes to reality? The reality that none of them really cared..'


Both boys sat down and stared at each other for a while.

"So..." Leo dragged out the word awkwardly. 

"Right, my bad, let me see those cuts." Leo held his arm out and Will began to examine it. Taking off the bandages and observing from different angles.

"You're healing really nice. They've scabbed over so you don't have much risk of infection anymore." Will stopped examining Leo and instead looked him in the eye, "you'll have scars though."

Leo pulled his arm away and looked down. A sudden feeling of self consciousness caused the fire boy to hug himself. "That's okay"

A moment of silence passed and then Will asked the dreaded question

"Why'd you do it?"


'None of them cared...'

"THEY NEVER FUCKING CARED! NO ONE EVER HAS!" Leo shouts and throws a wrench at what was once an elaborate light fixture. The loud clang and shatter the wrench caused might have also been the sound of the young fire tamers heart. Shattered. Just like the light.

A/N: do you guys want this to be more depressing and more self harm? 

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