The Bible Explained by Keith...

Oleh KeithNicholas780223

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The Bible Explained Is it Right to Lick or Beat a Child as a Form of Punishment

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Oleh KeithNicholas780223

The Bible Explained
Is it Right to Lick or Beat a Child as a Form of Punishment or Correction

Exodus 21:17 says “And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.”
Although a child, GOD doesn’t give head way for evil in the child but is giving death as a deterrent punishment for a child cursing its parents.
Anyone that loves a child doesn’t want it to be harmed or killed. GOD gave this command and no one can force GOD or bully GOD into doing anything. SO anyone having children has a serious problem. The word of GOD does not fall to the ground without effect or without being accomplished, see also Numbers 23:19. So arguing with GOD to change his word is a bit out of order. Why, because HE is GOD and HE can see all the possible turnouts to training up children, and in love for your child he chooses the best path for it; the child must not do any wickedness, neither any foolishness.
Leviticus 19:3 states that, “Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my Sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.”
Why fear mother and father, because GOD commands it: Leviticus 20:9 reaffirms why also, because GOD has ordained a punishment for vile offenders of their parents. So cursing your parents or a child cursing their parents may result in the child’s death, not by someone but by the same force that causes the rainbow to appear in the clouds, the word GOD sent forth.
So parents need to take measures in the saving of their children’s’ lives, you can’t pretty much change GOD forcibly but you can change your child to save his life. Note as well that when GOD says to do something the outcome is perfect.
Proverbs 20:20 still reaffirms this, so even King Solomon the wisest man then realised that this thing is a truth, if a child or person curseth his parents, their lamp shall be put out, in obscure darkness.
Rod of Reproof: Correction by speaking (please note that admonition is also a way of reproof).
To understand read Proverbs 6:23. “The commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:” and it goes on to say why, to keep you from evil. So obviously reproofs are verbal corrections to save people’s/children’s lives.
So everything isn’t the drop of a belt in the child’s back but a punishment enough that the child will seriously heed. If the child obeys when you speak good instruction to it then there is no need for a whipping or any other severe punishment.
This is not all, Proverbs 13:18 shows that if a child learns to heed good instruction he will live a blessed life, and for those who refuse, poverty and shame. So it is always a good idea for the child to learn early to heed to good instruction that he can have a good life. If you love your child you should care foremost for the child’s welfare and life. So correction and direction is very important to a child as much as breathing and eating, because you will/may not always be around and that child needs to have more than enough wisdom to protect himself/herself.
The Rod of correction: Any form of punishment whether verbal or upon the body.
There may be some conflict to licking, putting restrictions on, or even torture, that is not life threatening, like putting the child to kneel down, or giving him/her sufficient as they need but not at all what they want, like grounding or removing things that they want (but not need).
It is written in the Holy Scriptures of the Holy Bible, Proverbs 23:13-14 that beating/licking a child is not only acceptable but also may be necessary in delivering the child from worse peril.
This all has to do with training up your child in the fear and admonition of the LORD, to help him or her lead a good and pleasing life, in the sight of GOD Almighty and to the benefit of human kind.
Punishments should always be done because of love, not ever in hate or as a necessary reward for sin. For the wages of sin is death, and you are told not to kill, GOD himself is the giver and taker of life. This is why a woman and a man can only get children as GOD permits, they can neither create a male or female child by wanting it but waits to see what the will of the LORD towards the child is, male or female to be born; for GOD alone says that HE formed you from the womb. The One who created you is not your mom or dad, or anyone else, save GOD alone. So GOD created you, and it is GOD who creates children.
This same GOD that created everyone commanded that the children honour and obey their parents even with fear, not because of them (parents), but because of the commandment of GOD to honour them.
So in honouring your parents you are firstly obeying and honouring GOD above your parents.
Now honouring your parents and obeying your parents are two different things; For example, if your parents tell you to steal and lie, a child is not to obey these commands, for we obey parents because we believe foremost in  obeying GOD. Therefore for a child to obey his parents in all things that are not evil is acceptable, for we follow GOD our true parent, and HIS will is not grievous for GOD is a GOOD St. Matthew 19:16-17, therefore will we not obey evil commands but will forsake or earthly parents in the LOVE of GOD; for even our earthly parents may disrespect and not honour their true parent GOD, in asking you to do evil. Therefore in rejecting to do commands of evil by our parents that are indeed evil is not to honestly reject and dishonour our parents but to be to them examples of what a child is called to be in obedience, obeying GOD who is the GOD of everything, Colossians 3:20. Ephesians 6:1 “CHILDREN, obey your parents in the lord: for this is right.” Obeying them in the Lord, it is always unto GOD whatever you do.” “Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;” “With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:” “Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.” Please read Ephesians 6:1-8.
We are subject to our parents, and  this is the same as a life of servitude, howbeit as unto GOD for it is HIS will for our lives to follow HIM in all things. This earthly bond is only severed upon adulthood (Lord Jesus being subject to his parents only until the age of accountability, which is biblically 20 years old, St. Luke 2:41-52, Numbers 14:27-39) and also by marriage, Genesis 2:23-25.
So your parents are not valued above your spouse but your parents are to respect the will of GOD in his word and are commanded to not only encourage the wife to love her husband but also to not put asunder what GOD Almighty has joined together, St. Mark 10:1-12, Titus 2:1-5. So if GOD hath joined that man and woman together and parent/s decide to use what influence they have to cause division or an ultimatum between them or the spouse, then you should know that spouses in the sight GOD are not separable, only by GOD, not man.
Proverbs 13:24 “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” This especially speaks for some reason to a father and his son. Again it says, Colossians 3:21 “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” In Malachi 1:6; 4:4-6 “A son honoureth his father” and in 4:6 of Malachi “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” It is not ever once mothers: In fact in Proverbs 17:6 it says, “Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. Never once mothers, always fathers. GOD is holding the fathers in direct responsibility. Also in Ephesians 6:1-4 we see it speaks to children obeying both mother and father as parents but when it comes to training up the child in verse 4 it is only towards the father 4. “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” The responsibility for training up the children are never really on the mother, but is on the father, which is not significant with that of Caesar (governing). With Caesar the mother is given most generally the responsibility for raising the children and the fathers are usually a go along, or accomplice. So unless there is negligence proven on the mothers’ side she will get to keep the child, and if the child is being contended for, equal rights may be given to both parents. But the bible, explicitly, not only holds the father responsible for the raising of the children, but explicit commandment is given to him to (1) not provoke them to wrath and (2) to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord. It also states that the fathers are the glory of the children, (it does not say so about the mothers). Remember there is an error amongst women, and in general men are the head of the home because of this. Women are also asked to keep silence in the churches.
Please note; there is distinction between a woman and a child of GOD in Lord Jesus Christ, she is now a son spiritually if she remains in Christ Jesus, Galatians 2:20 and 3:27-28, so women must keep silence in the church, but as fr one that is a strong spiritual child of GOD she may speak, yet not as a woman but as a child of GOD. Women still have their place as a woman and their orders as a woman, yet many times women do neglect the duties they have been given of GOD in general and at church, to try to exalt themselves amongst men, this is a grave error on their part.
Still, when there is no father neither any father figure felt in the child’s life, GOD reaffirms that HE (GOD) is their father. Jeremiah 49:11, Exodus 22:21-24. So at no point of time is a woman father to a child, though even now some women may boast that they are.
Also chastisement of the child is betimes (promptly/soon as possible), Proverbs 13:24. Proverbs 4:1-4 suggests in his (King Solomon) family his father was more the disciplinarian, but also taught his son many wise truths. In many households/families this may differ, however it relates the evidence of the wonderment of being disciplined, for many were shocked at the wisdom of King Solomon. Even GOD was impressed when King Solomon prayed for wisdom/knowledge, to be a good guide for the people.
Other peoples’ children, and all types of ages, genders, and peoples flocked to hear the son of a disciplinarian (verse 3), who was not only disciplined but was taught by his father the same disciplinarian, (verse 4).
Discipline is obviously of more effect with wise teaching. It is this same wise Solomon that first (to my knowledge) prescribes chastening with the rod, Proverbs 13:24.
In Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching this was reaffirmed in St. Matthew 15:4-6. There is a GOD blessed and commanded account for children to be disciplined even to their adult years.
Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour was also a child, or youth, you might say, and the Son of the Almighty GOD, and yet He paid homage to Mary and Joseph his earthly mother and father; Read St. Luke 2:42-51. However in this we also see that our Lord, in a youthful state, being about his Father’s (heavenly) business, which takes precedence over any earthly person.
Terrible children the result of neglectful teaching:
If we train up a child in the way he should go, when he is older he shall not depart, Proverbs 22:6. Moses commanded the people of Israel, on departing from Egypt, to teach their children, those things that GOD had done for them, as a testimony Exodus 13:61-22, and to teach their children the  words of Almighty GOD, and to lay them up in their hearts and soul, and to bind them (the words of GOD) for a sign upon their hands, teaching their children, and speaking to them when they sit in their houses, and when they walked by the way, when they lay down and  when they rose up. The admonishment here is to always be taught in the ways of GOD, and to always be in the habit of teaching your children the Word and the will of GOD for their lives. In Psalm 143:1-12 even King David had asked GOD to teach him HIS ways, to be delivered from his enemies, being as a servant of GOD.
St. Matthew 5:43-48, Ephesians 5:1, shows that we are also children in the sight of GOD, and GOD in Christ Jesus by the Holy Ghost is continually trying to teach us in the ways of GOD to HIS Glory and ours, Romans 8:14,28.
Deuteronomy 11:1-25 God encourages the people to teach their children insomuch of a steady continuous way, that what they learn would be as it were imprinted into their being, warning them as well of what would happen if they did not heed the commandments of GOD; destruction and despair at HIS wrath.
In Ezekiel 18:1-32; 33:1-20 GOD again warns in the times of the prophets, by his Holy prophets, what would happen if they walked not righteously in the ways of GOD Almighty; wrath and punishment.
Not only in the present and on earth has the wrath of GOD begun to be poured out because of sin and wickedness, but also after you die.
In Hosea 4:1-6 we see that GOD is blaming "the lack of knowledge" as the cause of HIS people being destroyed.
Notice, from the things taught in the books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, the people had strayed many, many, times, bringing the destroying wrath of GOD upon them as forewarned. In Hosea 6:5-7 GOD tries to immerse them in the fact that HE more so desires mercy than sacrifice; and the knowledge of GOD than burnt offerings. People today and children especially are lacking in this fundamental knowledge of doing good and resisting evil. Many parents are failing miserably to impart right knowledge and wisdom into their children on a daily, moment by moment practice, that would create not just descent children, but GOD fearing ones who really know the reason why, and the meaning behind the fear of the LORD.
In 2 Peter 1:2-8, 17-18 we can see the promises and peace and blessings that pertain to life, coming through not only the knowledge of  GOD and Jesus Christ or Lord but in doing what we have been taught as well. Everything in GOD is love and towards love for GOD and for each other, GOD in Christ Jesus leading the way with the death of HIS only begotten son, 1 Peter 3:14-18, and John 3:16. Teaching yourself and your children to follow Christ Jesus unto the everlasting Life through the Love of GOD in loving GOD in Christ Jesus first and loving our brother, with GOD promising all the while that you will have goodly children. This is the best teaching anyone can give their children, to love GOD and their fellow man with the love of Christ. It is written, there is no greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his brother.
          St. Matthew 18:1-14 shows that we no matter how old we get we are children and we must humble ourselves as children, to be taught and to learn of GOD.
Now we know that we train our children in the ways of the things that can be seen, like teaching them how to cook or how to wash their clothes and such, however the soul which is spirit (hence your thoughts are not seen, or dreams and such because they are spirit, as almost all things about you are not physically seen), these sides of you require spiritual guidance and Spiritual food of the Word and of doing the Will of GOD Almighty, 1 Corinthians 3:1-23, Hebrews 5:5-14, Isaiah 28:1-29, 1 Peter 2:1-10. This Spiritual food comes from above, not as the manna that those in the wilderness did eat and are dead, but the word of GOD, who is Christ Jesus the Lord, who teaches us that his word is spirit and that to obey His words transforms us even to walk in the Spirit. Galatians 2:20 whereby we live no more but Christ, yet we live. Our life and walk is changed even as we are renewed in our mind having now the mind of Christ in obeying the will of GOD in Christ Jesus HIS son.
Remember, the Lord said, ‘My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge’ Hosea 4:1-6. Neglecting to impart correct teaching to your child could cause his life to have a very tragic end.
‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart.’
So the Word of GOD gained in your child reading the Old King James Bible, right teaching, instructions in righteousness, making certain your child understands right from wrong and the punishments that accompanies wrong doing, your child understanding the what a blessed person he or she would be in doing what is right, verbal correction, your child's need to be able to repent and be sorry for wrong doing, very early warnings, and last corporal punishment.
This is a great way to morally compass your child.
I would know, for this is how I was raised.

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