City Wolf

By five_authors_123

77.1K 2.2K 101

"You can run but you can't hide." --- Amber Reed's mother was murdered right in front of her when she was jus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note (Answers to Q's)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Authors Notes

Chapter 7

4.2K 134 5
By five_authors_123

I stayed silent the rest of the trip home. Isaac tried getting more information out of me, but I wouldn't budge. I knew he deserved an explanation, but I couldn't tell him. I was too scared that he would judge me. I didn't want to return to that lifestyle.

As I opened up the door to the apartment, there stood Olivia and her mate making out against the wall. I must have scared them, because they broke their moment and stared at me in shock and embarrassment. I looked away, blushing, and ran towards the couch. I sat down, grabbed the remote, and flipped the tv on. I heard Isaac close the door, and walk towards the couch. He grabbed the remote, and flicked off the switch. He had still been trying to get me to talk about my father, but I wouldn't budge.

"What did your father do to you?" He asked again, irritation evident in his voice.

In his hand sat the remote. Now I know I was acting like a child, but I can't tell him. My past is something I refuse to go back to, or anything that has to do with it. Mate or not, he's practically a stranger to me. I don't let anyone in except for Olivia. I even made a fake story up for when people ask. I normally just say that I live here with my sister because my parents died a few years ago. Nobody really questions it.

I'm also scared that if I tell him, he'll treat me the same way my father did. I know the shooting of my mother was my fault, but I can't let him know that. I'm a criminal. He deserves someone better. Someone more.... innocent.

"Amber won't tell you. She's never told another soul." Olivia chimed in behind us.

He turns to look at her, confusion and annoyance evident on his face. "How do you know then?"

"I was there."

"Tell me." He was trying to use his alpha tone, but Olivia just shook her head. She's been away from her wolf for so long, the alpha command doesn't affect her very much. Isaac threw his hands in his hair and sighed. I could tell that he was frustrated. His phone rang just then, and he took the call and went into the kitchen.

I took the tv remote once again and turned on the tv, but making sure the volume was low enough it wouldn't disturb Isaac's phone call. He came back a few minutes later and stood in front of the tv. I flicked it off, deciding it was pointless to fight with him again. Plus I wouldn't be able to watch anything anyway, his body was in the way of the screen so I couldn't see it. Isaac's face was stern, no emotion showed. He looked intimidating there.

"I'm only gonna say this once, and there's no room for arguing because I'm late for a meeting. You are coming back with me the day after tomorrow to my pack. You have until then to pack everything up and quit your job. I will be here at 10 in the morning, so be ready to go."

I was certain my mouth was hanging open. There was no way in hell I'm going with him. I got ready to argue, but he walked out of the apartment, his beta soon following. I slumped down on the couch, processing what just happened.

Olivia came over and sat down next to me. Her smile was warm and comforting, but I knew what she was about to tell me.

"I know."

She laughed. "You know what?"

"I know that you're gonna tell me that I have to go."

She took my hand in hers and squeezed it gently. Her hand was cold, causing shivers up my spine. "He's your mate. He's not gonna hurt you like your father did."

I swallowed hard, trying to push back the memories. "I killed my mother, Olivia. He's gonna hate me. He just likes me now because he doesn't know the real me yet. Once he does-"

"He'll love you just the same. You need to stop blaming yourself for your mother's death. She was shot by a rogue. You didn't have anything to do with her death."

I shook my head frantically. Tears were building up, but I pushed them down. She wasn't there that night, she doesn't know the full story.

"The shooter was shooting at me. He was trying to kill me. I should be the one who's dead. Not my mother."

The tears were now streaming down my face. I stood up, wiped them away, and headed towards my room. I knew that I couldn't go back with Isaac, and even though I had hoped Olivia would understand, she doesn't. I grabbed a bag and filled my stuff with it, trying to pack only the necessities. I grabbed the bag, and then walked into the living room. Olivia watched me curiously.

"What are you doing?"

I ran up to her and hugged her, but before she could catch what was happening, I pushed her to the ground, and took off.

I felt bad, but I needed some extra time to slow her down. I sprinted down the hall and down the stairs. The elevator was too slow for my escape. I made it down the stairs, and ran out the door of the apartment building. I was debating on shifting, but I know that it would take a long time since I haven't shifted in so long.

I continued to sprint down the street. I stopped when I figured I was far enough away. I walked into a McDonald's, and ordered a water. I sat down at the table, and pulled out my phone. I already had five missed calls from Olivia. I shut my phone off completely. After my little break, I walked to the closest bus station.

A part of me felt guilty, but the other part was panicking. I knew that I was doing what was best for me and everyone else. I couldn't endanger anyone else. Not again. I purchased a ticket that took me to New Jersey. From there on I would try to get as far as possible, one bus at a time.


I yawned and opened up my eyes. It was well past 10 pm. I was now in Tennessee. I had switched buses twice. This bus would stop once we got to Nashville. I had been on traveling since nine this morning. The bus had finally stopped and I grabbed my stuff and climbed out. I had no idea where to go now. I was just planning on walking around until I would find a place.

The air was warm, it felt nice. I walked down the rather empty streets. The lights lit up the sky in front of me. I felt like I was drunk with how tired I was. Up ahead I could see a neon sign that read, "Motel". I walked a little faster, just wanting to go to bed.

The motel lobby was empty as well, and only an old woman stood there at the front desk, typing away at the computer in front of her. After filling out some paperwork, she gave me the keys to a room. I gladly took the keys and went to the room that matched the number on the keys.

The room has stains all over the carpet. It smelled extremely musty in here, but I didn't care. I plopped down on the bed, and closed my eyes. Tomorrow I would try to figure out this whole situation.


Olivia's pov-
12 hours previous:

I got off the elevator, continuously calling Amber's phone. She wasn't picking up and I was getting worried. After she pushed me and ran, I ran after her. I couldn't find her anywhere though, she was gone. I can't track her either. My werewolf senses don't work very good, and she smelt too much like a human for me to find her in this city.

This time I called, it went straight to voicemail. She must have turned it off. I unlocked the door to the apartment and plopped down on the couch. I called Elijah. He picked up immediately. His cute but worried voice echoed through the phone.

"Is everything okay?"


I could hear him hold his breath. I proceeded to tell him the story of what had happened after he left. I told him everything, and when I finally caught him up to the current time, he told me that he couldn't tell Alpha Isaac right now. He knew that Isaac would find her, but he said if he told Isaac now, then they could lose this opportunity that the pack needs. That's why they are here in New York.

I hated knowing the fact that we had to wait before we could find her. The longer we wait, the larger the possibility of where she could be.

After a few hours of waiting and continuously calling Amber's phone, Alpha Isaac and Elijah stormed into the apartment. Isaac looked furious.

"WE NEED TO FUCKING FIND HER!" His voice echoed through the room.

He paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair.

"When did she leave?"

"Around 9 am, just a few minutes after you left."

His face was hardened and he continued to pace. He stopped and then pulled out his phone. I watched as he pressed a few buttons, and then pressed the phone to his ear. His foot tapping impatiently on the rug.

"Yes, hello. I need a favor.." He walked towards the window. He continued on with his conversation and then hung up. He ran his hands through his hair once again, and sat down on the edge of the windowsill. "My friend Maverick is gonna track her phone. He'll be able to send us updates every hour or so."

"How though? Her phone is shut off. You shouldn't be able to track it when it's off."

He sighed, and mumbled something. "He's an expert. Trust me."

After the longest hour of our lives passed, Isaac got a notification on his phone. He stood up abruptly and practically ran out the door. We both followed, and made it to his car. After climbing in, we started for the highway.

"Where is she?"

"New Jersey, heading south west."


Authors Note:
Surprise! I updated again!

I'm currently at a concert waiting for it to start, but I wanted to try and get this published!


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