Home - Yoonmin

By jem_the_eternal

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Jimin finds out he knew nothing about himself or the world around him, but he knew one thing. The mysterious... More

Part 1: Orpanage
Part 2: Memories
Part 3: Outside
Part 4: Wolf
Part 5: Panic
Part 6: Jungkook
Part 7: Jin
Part 8: Yoongi
Part 9: Distracted
Part 10: Sour
Part 11: Phone
Part 12: Ditch
Part 13: Break
Part 14: Arrived
Part 15: Returned
Part 16: Phone call
Part 17: Bedding
Part 18: Storm
Part 19: Thoughts
Part 20: Past
Part 22: Diary
Part 23: Tease
Part 24: Hormones
Part 25: Scent
Part 26: Heat?
Part 27: Argument
Part 28: Drunk
Part 29: Whine
Part 30: Return
Part 31: Mr Han
Part 32: Run
Part 33: Back and fourth
Part 34: Pack
Part 35: Why
Part 36: Puppy love
Part 37: Reaction
Thank you~

Part 21: Worried

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By jem_the_eternal

Jimin and Yoongi were both cuddled up closely together as Jimin carried on doodling on the window and Yoongi carried on trying to take in as much of Jimin as he could.

He figured that Jimin didn't make the link that they were still arranged for marriage so decided to make the most of what he could before he inevitably ran away.

But in reality Jimin had made that link and he was sat trying to organise the questions that had been answered and the ones he wanted to know.

He wanted to know more about werewolves in general and how he didn't know he was one and what it actually meant.

He also wanted to know about imprinting and more about Yoongi but he acknowledged the Yoongi part was more personal than the rest which was his general curiosity.

He wanted to know about his clan and he wanted to talk to Jin about it but that could wait until after the storm, instead deciding to ask Yoongi what he knew he could answer.


Yoongi didn't feel the need to speak in response so simply hummed "Hmm?"

Jimin looked up to meet Yoongi's sad looking eyes which were looking down at him before asking "Are you okay?"

Yoongi raised a curious eyebrow and answered "I guess, you?" but watched Jimin expectantly waiting for his next move.

Jimin didn't seem to notice the curiosity as he rested his head on Yoongi's chest and whispered "I'm worried about you..."

Yoongi felt undeserving of Jimin's attention in that moment so calmly said "Jiminie... don't worry about me, i'm sure you have a lot on your mind now."

Talking about the past brought things up but his priority was the boy he was lucky enough to be holding in his arms.

Jimin let out a small sigh and quietly answered "Yeah but it's not bad stuff... it's curiosity... you on the other hand just went through a lot to tell me that which I appreciate but I don't want you to pretend your okay when your clearly not..."

Jimin could already see through him, something most of his pack didn't have the ability to do and they were around him the most.

Yoongi smiled softly, half happy and half sad, as he replied "I'm really fine Jimin, I came to terms with what happened a long time ago and all I can do now is try and stop it from happening again. You just found out a fair bit about your parents, which i'm sure you have more questions what I can't answer yet, so you shouldn't be worrying about me."

He really appreciated Jimin but he did come to some form of terms with what happened years ago (even if it was to ignore his feelings towards it but meh,) he'd be fine.

Or at least that's what he said to himself.

And Jimin knew that.

He sat up properly again in Yoongi's lap and cupped the others face into his hands before he opened up.

"I have questions about them but what I've gathered is that they were kind and good people who were in love and strong together. My mother was selfless and my father fought until the end. It's a lot better than most of the kids from my orphanage. They were gotten rid of because they weren't wanted. Yeah it was scary for a minute when you said I almost got left for dead but your mum saved me and took me somewhere safe. I might have lost my parents and a clan but it wasn't as dark of a condition as to what you've had to deal with hyung... I just want you to think about yourself first hyung... you might say your okay but the hurt and pained look in your eyes beg to differ."

His caring instincts were showing and Yoongi couldn't do anything for a moment but smile softly at the other, trying his best to conceal the sad tears but still show the appreciation.

After a minute of composing himself he managed to whisper out "You're a literal angel Park Jimin..." and placed his own shaky hands on Jimin's getting a small smile back.

Jimin spoke as he technically reminisced "And you're my hero Min Yoongi, from today and looking over me for all those... years... wait..." slowly piecing things together more.

Yoongi raised a eyebrow as Jimin furrowed his brows, as he repeated "Wait?" puzzled as to what he was stopping for.

Realisation spread across Jimin's face and you could see him having a light bulb moment as he dramatically gasped, pulling his hands from Yoongi's to cover his mouth as he squeaked;


Yoongi lightly blushed before quietly mumbling "I'm sorry?" jumping when Jimin gasped again and said "I just said that out loud." With his own face going bright red, luckily being covered by his hands already.

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin before nodding confirming it even though Jimin didn't need him too, being able to pretend he didn't if he didn't actually have further confirmation.

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck as he awkwardly asked "I'm squishy?" confused at Jimin's choice of words which Jimin found absolutely endearing.

Jimin nodded shyly, slowly poking Yoongi's cheek and whispering "Squish." as he slowly pulled away causing Yoongi to chuckle.

Jimin's hope was to be such a dork that Yoongi got distracted from what he said but he wasn't that lucky as Yoongi asked "And I have perfect eyes."

Jimin's face lit up ablaze again and a part of him contemplated poking Yoongi's eyes like he did his cheeks then running from the situation but that was to dramatic, even for him (maybe not Jin...)

Instead he chose to find comfort in Yoongi's chest again as he buried his face in it, deciding not to reply because he didn't know what to say without drooling over the other.

Yoongi just chuckled causing his chest to vibrate before pulling Jimin into another hug and resuming their cuddling.

The last thing Yoongi said being "Your perfect." when he thought Jimin had fallen asleep.

He was wrong.

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