||Redemption|| Yu-Gi-Oh! x Re...

By Arieatis

2.6K 69 11

Your life is not a glamours one, being thrown out of your family home and forced to take to the streets to su... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4| |Seto|
|Chapter 5| |Seto|
|Chapter 7| |Seto|
|Chapter 8| |Seto|
|Chapter 9 | |Seto|

|Chapter 6| |Seto|

200 1 4
By Arieatis

In contrast the next few days were rather uneventful you were reading through a book Mahado had given you to study, to see if you could follow spells for yourself a few you were stuck with, some you got quickly, and others just seemed alien. Although they were near the back of the book, so you assumed they were trickier, you'd ask Mahado about that when you next saw him. After all you'd promised not to slack off like a certain brunette apprentice. You sighed thinking of the girl absentmindedly filling and emptying a cup of water which sat on your desk a spell you had now mastered. The last time you'd seen her she'd tackled you in a hug that almost knocked you off balance. Mahado had thankfully pulled her off but it wasn't something you were in any hurry to repeat.

Suitably brain fried for the night you closed the book with a sigh and stretched, you supposed after your time studying a walk would help take your mind off things and wind down for sleep. You decided a little bit of exploring would help you map out more of the extensive palace and see how well your navigation skills could help you out if you ended up lost.

The long corridor you had found, taking a few different turns in the sort of rough direction towards the back near the gardens, opened up with large pillars holding the ceiling above up and opening out to let in the warm night air as well as offer a spectacular view out over the garden. The flames lit certain sections and the stars that splattered the sky were so vivid that you took a minute to lean out and admire it. A few clusters you could connect and name but other than that the names, constellations and other information was lost on you. The view alone with the light breeze helped clear your mind and settled the thoughts racing around with all the information you'd tried to cram in within the past few hours. It seemed like all you had done since you arrived here was get caught up in your own overthinking. But you supposed you should allow yourself that given the complete change of circumstance you were in and had to adjust to.

Quiet footsteps made you look up and you were surprised to see a man walking towards you. He stopped then smiled seemingly as surprised as you were.

"What are you doing all the way over here?" He asked comfortably taking up the space beside you, looking out at the stars.

"Sorry, I felt like exploring for a bit to settle my mind" you explained quickly to the Pharaoh wondering if you'd stepped into a wing reserved for him or if you shouldn't be there.

"Don't apologise, you're free to wander where you like, I admit I often take walks to clear my own mind" he replied, and you felt a little relieved.

You were sure he had much more going on or thoughts he'd like to dispel than you had but you didn't press the matter. It felt nice to have something in common a moment passed with both of you saying nothing just admiring the stars before he spoke again.

"I'm glad we got this opportunity to talk again, I have a suggestion to make to you" he said and you turned meeting his gaze.

"What is it?" you asked, you wondered should you have added on pharaoh like everyone else seemed to, but something about your old life... the fact it was just the two of you now. He hadn't chastised you for it and nor had anyone else so you didn't see why you should fix something that wasn't broken.

You weren't exactly intimidated by him, but you were naturally on edge, despite your casual talk he still was the Pharaoh. It was difficult for you to suddenly trust the people around you or feel at ease especially when it had been just you looking out for yourself up until now. Seto was easy he was constantly insulting or picking at you there wasn't exactly any trust lost there and he'd made no effort to hide his dissatisfaction with you being there, although that was slowly changing. Mahado was just someone who taught you magic and the rest of the court you barely dealt with. You knew of course that no one here was going to dismember you or something equally as horrific but a Pharaoh being as open and nice to you struck you as off.

"The festival of Min will be held tomorrow" he explained, "it may not help your training or give you any pointers on how to strategize a war but I'd like you to be there, it'll give you an opportunity to get to know those you'll work with more closely and I'd appreciate being able to have an honest conversation" he smiled at you and you tilted your head.

"Of course I'd like to go, thank you for the invitation... but honest conversation?" You were confused, you'd always supposed you came across as cold, or closed off considering how little information you gave, you hadn't even given anyone here your real name, just your old work title. He took a step back and looked you over.

"Out of the people around me, the only other person who treats me as casual as you here would be Mana, but we've been friends since childhood" he explained.

You blinked, Mana? That seemed like such an unlikely pairing but you didn't question it. You'd had no idea you were coming across that casually, but it seemed like he was complimenting you for it so the apology you wanted to voice you swallowed.

"I'll send someone to get you before we leave" he said and moved placing a hand on your shoulder before continuing on his way. You turned and watched him go. The Pharaoh sure was an interesting person you never really knew what to think of him, but you admitted to yourself he seemed to be a good person.

You shook your head and managed with some challenge to navigate back to your room. Your mind wandered to what to wear tomorrow, you'd heard stories but never experienced any of the various festivals to honour gods and pharaohs. Min was the god of fertility and as such a procession usually occurred with a statue being carried through the city by priests, dancers, singers and other festivities followed then by a procession on the Nile. It wasn't just another excuse to bear children but more to do with the fertility of the land and appeasing the god so that Egypt may prosper. The Pharaoh had much on his shoulders, if anything went wrong in the coming year, it would be his fault for failing to please the gods. You were thankful you would just be a part of the procession and not actually anything to do with it.

You tidied your room a little before deciding that sleep would be most helpful if you now had a long day ahead of you.


The morning came fast and you rose promptly, picking out one of the nicer dresses you had and concentrating on your makeup if you were going to be around the key people in this celebration everyone else would be looking the part. As soon as breakfast was finished Isis approached you and told you the rough plans for the procession telling you just to follow her lead. You nodded, the only people still left around were a few guards and maids going about their daily duties. She led you out into the entrance, the large walkway up to the palace was filled with soldiers in formation, maybe 150-200 in all. Near the centre was a large statue hoisted up and carried on the shoulders of four men. The High Priests, Mahado and Seto you recognised immediately the other two you knew to see but not by name as you hadn't interacted with them much. In front of them on an impressive black stallion decorated ornately in golds sat the Pharaoh. He looked forward, he was dressed differently, a large deep red cape flowed out around him. His shendyt was longer than the usual one and a deep blue waist piece was layered over it. To top the whole thing off he had an abundance of golden jewellery and the lack of shirt made the overall look admittedly very appealing. By the side of the horse was an old man you hadn't seen before dressed well and to other side the blonde girl you had seen before equally as well dressed. Isis tapped your shoulder and pointed to the girl.

"That's Phut, make yourself known, you should shadow her for the day" she whispered and you nodded quickly walking over.

"Ah, Sekhmet, I've heard so many good things about you, sorry to have taken so long to speak with you I am Phut the current war advisor to the Pharaoh" she explained, you noticed her jewellery had a common repeated symbol, that of Ra but didn't mention it. Well now you knew she wasn't the Pharaoh's queen.

"Today is an easy task, I will walk you through it, although if you can impress High Priest Seto this will be a breeze" she teased and she had to laugh looking back at the less than pleased high priest who seemed to be bickering quietly with Mahado.

"I'm glad you came, just enjoy and relax" it was the Pharaoh who spoke down to you and you blinked looking up and momentarily missed the words of encouragement all together trying not to eye up the very well defined body he had.

"It's my first festival... Thank you for the invite I'm sure I'll enjoy it" you recovered with minimal embarrassment.

Beside you Phut laughed softly picking up on how you had stared.

"He has that affect" she whispered.

"What even on you?" You quickly bit back not impressed with the teasing.

"No... My heart has been set on something else for some time" she answered you cryptically and turned to look forward the procession starting.

The walk was simple yet long in the heat. Through the crowds that had gathered people cheered throwing grain and flowers as the train of people passed. Dancers and singers had joined the procession and you glanced around, Phut was just walking so you followed suit, behind you Seto's eyes met yours and he smirked at you, maybe the sheer look of loss and anxiety had been clear and he was amused at seeing you squirm. You sighed irritated at his amusement in your suffering and focused on looking ahead and pulling yourself together, you'd been told by 3 people to not worry about it so you weren't going to.

Eventually the procession stopped reaching a set of stairs that led up to a temple. The Pharaoh demounted his horse and the old man along with Phut following him up the stairs, you quickly followed and stood by Phut who was by the Pharaoh's side.

"The Pharaoh's advisers always stay by his side at all events" she whispered in an explanation and you nodded.

Isis ascended and gave Phut a large bag as the priests carried the statue up to meet them. The pharaoh faced the statue of Min and took out a small elegant golden ceremonial blade turning to Phut. He made a quick slash and grain fell out like a waterfall. Collecting a handful he scattered it over the statue as the crowd cheered. He stepped forward and spoke to his people, promises of good crop, fertility and a prosperous Egypt, he asked for this from the gods and thanked them for their continued support. When all was over the crowds slowly dispersed to have their own celebrations. The priests, advisors and Pharaoh all gathered before heading off to a nearby port where a long grand ship was waiting for you.

"After the first procession, the statue is loaded on and then we travel up the Nile where we can have our own celebration" Phut explained as the statue was loaded.

Rowers waited patiently as everyone boarded. Some musicians and a few dancers accompanied the trip and played music for the trip. You looked around seeing faces some you knew, some you didn't and decided to sit beside Mahado and Isis for the journey. You could ask questions and find out more about this whole celebration on your way there and if there was any etiquette to follow.

The boat had been sailing for some time and between how long the procession had taken and now the journey the sun was starting to lower in the sky. You broached the subject of what you should do, Isis smiled and Mahado laughed.

"This is more for relaxation, eat, drink, have fun and don't overthink it" he explained, and you nodded those were all things you were an expert in, tapping your fingers to the music you watched the Nile banks slip by.

Your eye was then caught by the throne near the middle of the ship where the Pharaoh sat and just sort of admired him. He was talking to the older man but his eyes met yours and they shared a smile before both looked away.

The sunset on the water was beautiful and you again took in the surroundings before the ship docked not long after and in the distance, smoke could be seen rising along with more people. When the procession got off and headed for it a feast was already prepared. After the long day everyone was more than happy to take up seats and gladly fill on the various foods of the grand feast before them. With food eaten drinks were then passed around in large amounts as music and dancers swayed for entertainment. The priests laughed with one another and everyone was enjoying themselves. You brought up a few topics with those near you to mingle and made a point to get acquainted with the others you didn't know but ultimately preferred observing their behaviours. Mahado used his skills to add to the entertainment. The now star filled sky was lit up with brilliant lines of colour shooting up and exploding at the flick of his wrist. You were so mesmerised you didn't even notice a new person sitting beside you.

"Beautiful isn't it" a male voice asked, you didn't even turn to look.

"I'll make him teach me..." you watched as the lights faded a soft laugh beside you.

"Always so eager to learn aren't you?" he asked and you looked to the new presence beside her.

"Oh, Pharaoh I didn't even... You spoke well today" you covered your ignorance.

"Thank you, how did you find your first festival?" He seemed genuinely curious as he watched you carefully.

"Honestly a little nerve wracking, I was always more accustomed to staying hidden or in the shadows I'm more suited to one on one conversation than working a crowd" you spoke freely, it had been true the shadows were your playground not this illuminated stage.

"You hid it well, it's a good skill to have" he complimented "still I get the feeling you aren't exactly comfortable here" he pinned you exactly.

"You're incredibly perceptive Pharaoh, I just need to adjust to my new surroundings that's all" you explained brushing the issue aside.

"I understand... It must have been an awfully big change I can see how some things may still seem foreign to you" he seemed in though as he responded.

"It was certainly a simpler" you hummed.

"It may be difficult but we are all here to help" he offered.

"Thank you Pharaoh" you said, it was simply feigned politeness but he didn't seem to take it as fake.

After your brief conversation you both drank more. A few other people spoke to you and you were feeling the buzz of alcohol when you decided to really let your hair down and be yourself. People had already left the table and started dancing but you found space in the middle where you could comfortably move and if you had one skill, it was dancing.

You felt eyes on you but didn't care, the music formed a pattern and your body flowed with it, your feet moved in time, arms flicked out elegantly and flexibility was not an issue. A partner would've helped but as you span around your dress flowing out around you no one seemed willing to take that place until she spotted a single person. He looked utterly miserable or fed up may have been more accurate with alcohol in hand obviously doing his best to avoid the music. You grinned, this was the perfect chance to get him back for enjoying your discomfort earlier. You stopped dancing and moved to stand in front of him hand outstretched in an invite.

"You aren't seriously asking me to dance are you?" He glared up at you.

"Why not, you seem to be having so much fun why not have some more" you smirked.

He opened his mouth to protest but simply batted your hand away. Not put off you stubbornly just held it out again.

"Do I need to cause a scene to get you to dance with me?" You asked.

"Ra please don't, if it'll get you to shut up" He groaned and took your hand standing.

Mahado and Isis sitting a short way away blinked and exchanged glances at the sight of Seto being coerced into anything especially something he wasn't fond of. Priest Seto lazily assumed a dancing position with you rolling his eyes before looking at you.

"If you hadn't enjoyed my discomfort earlier I would've left you alone" you hummed.

"So this is retaliation?" He asked as they began to move.

"I suppose, can you even dance?" You were genuinely curious he definitely didn't strike you as the type.

At that, what he took to be a challenge he gripped your waist and brought you close smirking down at you moving in a way that told you he did in fact know how.

"Do you think there's anything I can't do?" He asked.

"Oh I'll find something" you met his challenge moving more confidently, you weren't about to let him lead without a fight.

As with most things between you the dancing quickly turned to a contest but to onlookers it just seemed like two skilled partners moving to the music. Not that the sight didn't bewilder the people who knew Priest Seto's personality. The Pharaoh looked on amused glad to see his friend finally loosen up from the ever serious and cold persona he had. You broke and went your separate ways Priest Seto content to isolate himself again.


You sat by yourself on the journey back, taking in the view as you sailed. Your mind however was still back on land, you could still feel a hand on your waist, a strong hand in yours. You smiled ruefully and sighed, you were going to have a real problem on your hands if the two of them spent anymore time together like that. The festival had been a reminder of the intimacy you were used to receiving daily and now had not had in weeks. You hadn't altogether disliked your work, it had it's many downs but occasional ups. However faced with the handsome men on display your needs were more exacerbated. You looked over to see Priest Seto staring off into the sky and then your gaze moved to the throne again your thoughts back on the Pharaoh you found yourself thinking, could you really trust this man? Could you really trust any of them? Or had you already become used and comfortable to the arrangement before you? Tomorrow would bring on new challenges and new training to distract from these thoughts, for now you simply enjoyed the journey back.

//AN: So I suppose this is the first sort of new part to this! I'll continue to work on Priest Seto/Readers story line for now and then as I said go back and do Atem possibly in a different story we'll see how the story pans out and how it goes! 

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