Artist's Hands [Ereri/Riren F...

By Raizossoup

5.3K 204 4

Levi Ackerman, a man who has been in the modeling business since the age of fourteen, has grown tired of the... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Thank you for Reading!!!

Chapter Twenty-Four

97 2 0
By Raizossoup

Levi's POV

When the morning sun rose from the horizon, I was the first to wake. Eren lay beside me, his arms still wrapped around me, and was still sleeping soundly. I loved watching him sleep, though it might sound weird or creepy, but I gave me a feeling that I was in right of my actions with him. He groaned a bit and curled up, releasing me, trying to shake off some bad memory or dream. I smiled ruefully to myself and brushed his hair off of his face, leaned towards him, and kissed his forehead. Once I got out of bed I went into the bathroom to take a shower, as I felt weird inside and my stomach wasn't agreeing with me.

While I was taking my shower I had a weird feeling something wasn't right, not about us but from outside. I couldn't hear the daily commotion from outside nor did I see any cars on the streets, aside from those parked on the side of the road, heading to work. I hurriedly finished my shower and went to my closet to get dressed.

When I finished Eren was up and I could tell he felt the same weird feeling. We looked at each other directly in the eyes, narrowing them at the same time, and we rushed for our supplies. Eren had his bag which I guess would hold his materials and I ran for my hidden closet for mine. I shouted out to Eren as I was grabbing what I would need.

" Eren! Would 9mm do the trick? Or do we need to go bigger?"

" A 9mm should work, they are in human form after all, and make sure you have something for melee or close combat too."

" Right."

I grabbed my 9mm pistol and took out a box which contained my father's knife he gave to my mother. Before she passed away she gave me this box and told me never to use the knife unless it was for a dire situation. The weapon was my only connection to my father, so I was going to use it. Once I finished preparing we met up in the kitchen and started calling everyone we knew to go somewhere for safety. I called Mikasa's phone and waited. She picked up and spoke to her calmly.

" Morning Mikasa, hey listen very carefully to what I'm about to say okay? I'm going to take you to our Aunt and Uncle's place, so I want you to start getting ready and plan on staying there for a couple of days."

" Okay but what's going on?"

" Nothing's wrong, they called and said they wanted to see you since it's been a while."

" Alright, I'll see you in a bit then."

I finished the call and dialed my Aunt's number, if Mikasa asks about this set up I'll need to ask of her to stick with the story I've set up.

" Good morning dear, what's going on?"

" It's been a while, but I have a favor to ask of you."

" Well what is it dear?"

" I need Mikasa to head over to your place and I need you to make sure she believes that you had called me asking for her to go over. I have her getting ready right now."

" Sure thing, I can tell in your voice that something's going on where you are."

" Yes ma'am, and I don't want Mikasa to see anything that might happen here. So thank you for doing this, I'll be there with her in about twenty minutes."

" See you then, I love you."

" I love you too."

As soon as I finished the call Mikasa had arrived on our floor and stepped out of the elevator. Eren had already moved our equipment onto the couch that was facing away from her so she wouldn't know what was going on. She had her favorite light blue backpack on and was wearing a hair piece I had bought for her when she was about nine. I smiled and motioned for Eren to pack everything and come with us.

" Why is he coming with us?" She asked.

" He's needs to be dropped off somewhere too, but it's beyond Auntie's house so I'll be dropping you off first."

" If you say so. Well then let's go! I can't wait to see Auntie again!"

I watched as she skipped into the elevator, holding the door open for us, wearing her big goofy smile. It was times like these that I felt like I could connect with my own little sister, and frankly I loved it.

We reached the lobby and headed out the doors onto the parking lot. Eren suggested we use my car, but I knew we'd come back and we'd get his as well. We all got in and I started it up, backed out of the parking space, and drove off the driveway of the hotel.

As we were driving Mikasa and Eren were sharing a lively chat, none of which was hostile, talking about school related things, Eren's friends and Mikasa's friends, and about the music choices I had.

" Hey, different people like different music genres. Unlike you young lady, I can hear your K-pop from the first floor when you're in your room."

" Oh shut up mister classical man." Mikasa said sarcastically.

Both Eren and Mikasa laughed and I couldn't help but join in too, which I suppose surprised them. We kept the lively banter as I kept driving, seeing that Eren and I needed this before everything starts to unravel before us.

I finally pulled into our Aunt's driveway and put the car in park. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face my sister and Eren.

" Well, we're here as you can see." I looked over to Eren, " So I'm going to take her inside and I'm trusting you to watch over the car, can you do that for me?"

" Yessir." He saluted which caused me to chuckle lightly.

" Thanks, see you in a bit. Let's go Mikasa."

" Okay."

Mikasa and I got out of the car and walked up to the house hand-in-hand. Once we reached the front door I used my other hand to knock on the door and we waited. Eventually we heard the shuffling of feet and the door opened, and the person inside the house was our Aunt. Mikasa's eye lit up and she immediately wrapped her arms around the woman.

" Auntie! I've missed you so much, how have you been?"

" I've missed you too Mikasa, I've been faring well so what about you young missy?"

" I'm fine, so is Levi. Isn't that right?"

I looked over to my sister and nodded. Our Aunt told Mikasa the whereabouts of our Uncle and so she ran off to see him too, and so I was left at the front door with my Aunt.

" She certainly has grown up, and you too young man." She giggles and eventually her face went serious, " So I take it you and that boy over there are going to do something about what's going on in the city?"

" How did you know?"

" The news broadcast showed the state the city was in, I had to change to channel and turn the television off before Mikasa came over so she wouldn't see it. But promise me you'll be okay, promise me you'll come back to us."

I looked into her eyes and smiled gently, " Of course I will." I opened my arms and embraced the woman tightly, " I love you, Auntie." I gave her one more squeeze before letting go and turning for the car, " I'll leave her in your hands, bye!"

" Bye dear!"

I smiled once more and jogged for the car. Once I got in Eren almost immediately started throwing all kinds of jokes on me, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just promised to my Aunt. What if I couldn't fulfill it? What if the Titans get out this far from the city? No, I just have to calm down and not let the stress of the situation get to me. 

As I was driving down the highway I decided to talk with Eren as the ride this far was so quiet.

" So you want to go over the plan one last time?"

" If you want, but Levi."

" Hm?"

" What if there are more outside of Florida? What if we end up 'hunting' these bastards for the entirety of our lives?"

" Then we'll keep at it until they're all eliminated. I want the people we care about to live a safe and easy life without them having to fear living it. Besides, I promised Mikasa that I'd get her to go to school so we'll just focus on getting rid of the Titans that occupy this region for now."

" Sounds like a pain in the ass but alright, if that's what you want to do then I'll follow suit. So, about that plan."

" Right."

With that, Eren and I started going over the plan on annihilating the Titans in the city of Miami and making adjustments to secure a better survival rate. Hell, one could call this scenario an apocalypse of sorts. A bit cliche but I'm liking our odds about it, and I could tell that neither of us were going to go down that easily.

AN: Here's chapter twenty-four, man, this story sure did take a big turn. And also I didn't mean for this to turn out like some zombie apocalypse scenario but I thought that the idea of the humans who got turned into Titans (SRRY SPOILER FROM THE AOT MANGA!!!) would regain their memories but be too much to handle from how many people they've eaten back when Titans roamed the Earth. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

To Be Continued...

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