Mind-Tricked [1] || 𝙱. π™±πšŠοΏ½...

By Kaetastrophic

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After defeating Thanos, the Avengers have never been the same. Most of them fighting themselves in their own... More

June Adler Sketch


423 7 1
By Kaetastrophic

Peter's POV:

I sat up. There weren't any wire connecting to me except for a single on for my heart monitor.

I began to breathe rapidly. The beeps began to increase in consistency. I tried to calm myself down. I tried to remember what had happened.

The cave. The explosion. The heat. Hydra. June.

I gave a gasp and the beeps went down to the normal heart rate. I looked around. I was still in the Hydra base. They must not know I got my memories back because I wasn't restrained. I glanced in the reflection of the metal table next to me.

Even through the distorted image, I could see faint smudged scars on my face, parts that were slightly lighter than my normal skin tone. I wonder what surgeries I went through to get my face to a some what normal state.

I looked down at my hand. It was the same. Some splotches of different skin tones, with small blurred scars from the surgeries I assume. How did I not notice before?

I kept my calm. I knew if I broke out into a panic attack, they doctors would come and I didn't want any interference. Every time I thought about preventing a panic attack, the more venerable I felt to it. I distracted myself to think about June.

She managed to reach to me when I was trying to reach her. Hydra wanted her for some reason. They must be coming to get me, a rescue mission.

I didn't know how I felt about that.

I tried to remember the feeling without memories. Helplessly falling into the lies of Hydra.

I remembered the brightly coloured mental photographs with my family, turn to a dull grey.

My family gone just like dust. It felt blank. Sharp, empty, dazed.

Is this how Bucky and June felt?

As I felt the emotions coming back into me, I decided to choose the most perfect memory of Mr. Stark and cling to it.

I choose this certain moment because in that moment he was the person I wanted to be, I could've been, had it not been for Thanos. In the snapshot, his unwarped personality was something so golden and sacred I wanted to keep forever. But nothing's forever.

I wanted to play it out like a movie, over and over, but even with movies there's an end. That we can't control. I felt myself going out of control with my emotions again. I felt helpless again.

To make things worse, a loud, blaring noise entered my ears. The intruder alarm.


June fiddled with the hood that was covering her headpiece. She looked down as she walked into the building she recognised as the Hydra base. It was a Cancer Research building according to the public.

She walked up to reception. "Hello, I'm Olivia Anderson, here as representative for Stark Industries to give the donation to Cancer Research?"

The receptionist looked up at her in suspicion. As the lady took a while to reply, June notice her go to press a button un the table. June leaned forward and thrusted her arm forward to her forehead. The purple mist disappeared just as it appeared.

The lady slumped sideways. June looked around to check if anyone saw. No one was reacting so she used the same hand to adjust the position of her head to make it look normal and took her clearance badge.

June quickly hurried through the front desk past the fake rooms then to the elevator where she used the first level clearance of the receptionist to get to the second floor.

As the elevator doors opened, a man in a suit was waiting. She shifted her eyes to his badge. 'Level 5 Clearance'. She waited till he entered the elevator.

"Hey? Aren't you only a level two clearance?" he asked as the elevator rose.

She placed her hand on his cheek and took the badge. "I am now," she muttered as she left the elevator, which had stopped at level 6, the inside of the Hydra base. The man stood dazed for a few moments before the door closed again.

"Get ready June," crackled the voice of Steve through the com-links.

"Getting one," responded June, as she walked through the halls of the Hydra base. Many doctors and guards were in the hallways. June tried to seem less suspicious with her very suspicious hood.

She need to get to a high ranking officer.

"Hey you," called someone.

'Maybe they're not call me,' June thought, trying to speed up her walking.

"You in the hood!"

June sighed and turned around. "Yes?" she said in her sweetest voice.

"No hoods allowed, Mr Luis?" chuckled the officer in suspicion.

June looked down at her badge. "Yes..." she glanced at his badge. 'Level 9'. 'That's pretty good,' she concluded and looked at his face.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to take you in custody miss," the man began.

June flipped out switch-blade and stabbed both officer that stood next to the man. He began to take out his gun but she placed her hand on his face, which froze him, as she throw her knife at one of the many guards heading towards her.

She pushed her hand forward down the hallway, purple mist arising. Everyone down there slowly collapsed. She turned around to the only man still standing.

"Okay, let's see," she pushed him into a nearby closet, where she locked him in with her. She placed both her hands on his temples and concentrated.

"Go June!" buzzed the voice of Bucky in her ear.

She closed her eyes. She quickly found the security in charge of supervising the signals and intruders.

She opened her eyes and walked out into the hallway and closed her eyes again. The walls began to sweat and she held her hands out to balance.

Purple mist invaded the area again. She concentrated on the guards. She clouded the guards watching the camera and signals. They didn't see the Avengers coming.

"Natasha, hold the door, Clint, stay on the quin-jet and take out any enemies with Bruce," Steve began ordering.

The Avengers had touched down on the side of the building June had seen in Peter's memories. They still had the cloaking on, but even though Hydra could still see past that, Tony had built in a ghost system to hide them for 25 minutes. Otherwise, Hydra will detect them and they'll be gunned down in seconds.

The quin-jet clung onto the side of the building as Steve finished debriefing everyone's positions.

"June, Tony, Bucky and I will be on the inside team. Bruce, you're our get-away man unless we get code green. Vision and Wanda, you two stay down in the restaurant below in case of outbreak to defend the public." Steve read down the list.

"Okay team, we get Peter out, and then we leave." Tony exclaimed, his suit crawling up around his hand, fully covering his body.

Everyone left to go to their positions.

Bruce opened the ramp. cold brisk air entered, as everyone held on.

"Get ready June," Steve said through the coms, jumping out of the quin-jet. Tony blasted out as well and landed on the outer walls of the disguised Hydra base.

"Go June!" Bucky yelled through the loud wind as he gripped on the window sills on the building like Steve was.

"Let's hope she got that!" Steve muttered as Tony sparked a hole in the window of the Seventh Floor.

They hopped in. Everyone on that floor had collapsed.

"June?" Tony called.

"I'm here. Peter's on the eighth floor. Meet you there." June's voice went through to all the coms. "Be careful though, I haven't dealt with them yet, they're still awake."

The three of them ran to the stairs and quietly hurried up them to the next level.

"Okay, on three," Steve whispered, holding the door closed that would open to the eighth floor. "One, two, three!"

He slammed the door open and all three of them held out their blasters. But there wasn't anyone there.

Piles of unconscious bodies were on the floor.

Footsteps were near.

"June?" Bucky asked through the commlink.

"Go down the corridor, second door to the left should be were Peter is." June's voice crackled.

They put down their weapons and ran down.

Tony approached the door. Would he there? Did June sense it properly?

He took off his suit. As it dematerialized, he turned the door knob.

The door swung open and they all looked inside.

Inside stood June, her hood had fallen off and her headpiece was glowing. When she heard the door open she slowly turned around to face them.

The room, the bed, was empty.

June began to stutter. "I-I don't know...I swear this is were I saw them, this is where-I'm sorry,"

Steve was about to say something comforting when they heard a gun like shot. The blast weaved through them and hit June. She collapsed and her headpiece flicked dark.

The three Avengers looked at each other and then at the attacker.

"Hit the target," they declared through their com-links. Steve swung his shield and they didn't stand a chance.

As he fell, Bucky walked over and picked up the blaster they used. "It's a stunner. She's just unconscious." he said to the others, relieved.

From the opposite direction, more shots were being fired, but this time real bullets.

Steve turned around and began taking them out. Bucky headed back into the room and carried June out and hid behind the protection of Steve.

Tony held out a shield as he began to think. 'It's time to do it my way,' he thought as he punched the panel that was supposedly used to keep the room locked. He attached a machine onto it, and a it began to start hacking into the system.

"Connecting to Hydra's network," F.R.I.D.A.Y. began.

"Download their data, but first priority, find Peter." Tony ordered as he loaded his hand blaster and blew the Hydra agents to dust.

While they had a few seconds of piece they ran to some cover until F.R.I.D.A.Y. found Peter.

"We've been found out, what happened?" asked Steve through the coms to the people in the quin-jet.

"Well, June's headpiece is offline, some one might've woken up, or maybe the lack of liveliness in the place made the other bases suspicious." Bruce voice buzzed though their eyes.

They hid in the fire-escape stair case as F.R.I.D.A.Y. finished scanning.

"There seems to be a 'Project Memoir'. It has censored photos of someone undergoing third-degree burn procedures, some recovered reports of their old experiments of Prisoner 0456, June Adler." F.R.I.D.A.Y. finally analyzed.

"Where are they conducting these procedures and where might Peter be?" Tony asked impatiently.

"8th floor," F.R.I.D.A.Y. put up a floor plan with the route on Tony's screen.

"Follow me," Tony said, rushing back out. The other two followed.

The intruder alarm began to blare out.

Peter's POV:

I stumbled down the hallways and over the unconscious bodies. I have no idea how someone took out so many people without me hearing.

I decided to get out of my room when I head some thuds of bodies as they fell.

The alarm was interrupting my thoughts. I tried not to fall back into a trance in memories from the Battle of Thanos.

Before I peaked around the corner I picked up a gun from one of the guards on the ground and turned the corner.

No one was there. I quickly jogged down the hall. I didn't remember these corridors. I mindlessly walked around.

I slowly walked to a stop as I heard some footsteps and voices I didn't know. Walkie-talkies were also heard indistinctively. I stepped backwards as my brain whirled.

I ended up walking into a room and closing the door. I turned around to see where I could hide. There room had a medical chair, with retraining strapped on it. There were a bunch of control panels and tools everywhere.

I found myself taking rapid breaths and didn't move, even when I heard the doors behind me open and guns click.

Third Person POV:

Tony, Steve, and Bucky carrying June who was still unconscious, ran up to where F.R.I.D.A.Y. estimated Peter was. They slowed down as Steve signaled for them to be silent.

They all froze as they listened in, hiding behind the corner.

"It's okay Peter, you're safe," one of the doctors said calmly.

Tony sent in a drone, and the other watched on a small screen he produced.

Peter was standing in a room, which seemed like an experiments room, with some guys with guns and a doctor. Peter didn't answer.

"It's okay, it's just a drill." the doctor tried to get Peter to answer.

Tony looked at the others. "What's the plan?"

Steve thought for a moment. "Okay, so Tony you go in first, take down the one's with the big guns. I will taken down the doctor. It shouldn't be too hard."

"One moment," Bucky muttered. He slowly lowered June. She began to wake up.

"Is everyone okay?" she mumbled as she leaned against the wall. "Where's Peter-"

"Around the corner, we're going to get him right now. Stay here with Bucky." Steve explained.

June nodded as Tony suited up properly and walked up in front of the doorway. Steve followed, only proceeding as Tony let out small rockets taking out the guards in one go.

Steve knocked out the doctor before he could call for help. He glanced up at Peter.

Tony's suit slowly disappeared and he stepped forward. He was about to say something when Bucky slammed the door wide open.

They turned around in confusion.

His eyes said fear. "Hydra agents...they said June's trigger words...we have to go," he gasped.

Tony spun around to Peter and grabbed him. "Hold on,"

Steve called through his commlink. "Guys, June's trigger words have been called, we need to be extracted now!"

"Coming to your location," Natasha's voice came through.

They soon heard the quin-jet outside.

"If she wanted us dead, we would be by now, she still has her headpiece!" Steve noted.

"Well, she's dealing with the Hydra agents. I don't think activated her likes them." Bucky said, still out of breath. "But true."

Tony was trying to break a hole in the wall with a laser so they could get into the quin-jet. There weren't any windows to go through.

The door Bucky barricaded broke open.

June stood there, her switch-blade was in her hand, with her headpiece glowing and the awfully familiar mist flowing into the room.


Ahh Marvel has be shook! Who else is emotionally overwhelmed from the new posters and trailer!! I want to finished this before Endgame comes out so I can start a new fanfiction.


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