Full Fledge & Half Breed Demo...


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Samara was a normal every day 18 year old who just wanted to fit in with everyone else. That all changed on H... More

Carefull What You Wish For.... - 1
....You Just Might Get It - 2
Why Are You Here? - 3
Why Does This Always Happen To Me - 4
Training Time: Uninvited Guests - Part 1 - 5
Training Time: Uninvited Guests - Part 2 - 6
Training Time - Uninvited Guests - Part 3 -7
The Phone Call - 8
The Woman - 9
The Loup Garou - 10
My True Self - 11
Shadow Aramas - 12
The Feud & the Decision - 13

It Wasn't Suppose To Be You - 14

33 2 18

~~Time & Location: 10:00a.m Devil May Cry Headquarters~~

"I can't believe we couldn't find him, nor has he returned home!" I groan and scratch the back of my neck. We all searched for him for two weeks with no sign of where he went. His scent trail stopped outside of the city. We even searched the whole outskirts of town and even in nearby cities, asking anyone if they've seen a silver-haired man dressed in red attire. No one saw him anywhere. We were all getting frustrated. Nico even joined us fir the search since she had a vehicle big enough for most of us to ride in, but even with mobile support, our search efforts dwindled further down to becoming useless. We all sat around the office trying to figure out what we were gonna do when the office phone began ringing. Trish was sitting on Dante's desk and answered the phone quickly.
"Dante is that-...oh, uh...um, yeah she's right here. One sec..." She holds the phone receiver in her hand and looks at me with a curious look.
"It's for you. They said their name is John?" I sigh and walk over to her and retrieved the phone.
"Hey, Sam! Just calling in to check on you. Veronica said that she felt like something was wrong?" I sighed again and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Yeah, sorry. Me and the others received news that Dante disappeared somewhere. We looked everywhere for two weeks to see if we could find him, but our efforts seem to be going down the drain. I mean, we checked EVERYWHERE: all the spots he normally goes to and even surrounding cities. He's nowhere to be seen." I hear John sigh on the other end. I could tell the news troubles him as well.
"Well, I guess all I can say is to not be too worried about him. He can handle his own and I'm sure he'll return home soon-" As soon as he's about to finish his sentence, I hear a woman's voice in the background screaming his name. As the voice got closer, I could tell it was Veronica. Something was wrong as I began to feel fear and complete panic start to build up inside me. I decided to ask John what the matter was.
"John? What's going on? What's Veronica panicking for?" I continue to hear them talk as I begin to panicking myself, building the tension more. Just by the sound of their voices, I knew it wasn't good. Even Aramas was telling me mentally that we were in for trouble.
"Sam? You still there?"
"Yes, John. What the hell is going on?" He takes a heavy breathe and sighs deeply.
"Sam......We just got news that Lucifer is coming for you now in Dante's world...he plans to spawn at Dumary Island. Veronica just got word that he has already sent demons that are currently attacking Vie de Marlu as we speak. She's heading over to meet with you guys now so you can head over." I began to shake, my eyes practically bulging out of my head as panic began to set in more. I try to swallow the massive lump in my throat.
"Thank you, John. I'll let the others know."
"Okay. Take care Samara, and please, be careful over there." I promised him and said goodbye, then hung up the phone. The feeling of dread filled the room heavily as I looked up from everyone.
"Samara, is everything okay? You're paler than a ghost!" Lady walks up to me and rests her hand on my shoulder. I take another gulp of air before letting out a shakey breath and cleared my throat.
"That was my brother...Lucifer is coming for me and already has his minions attack Dumary Island as I speak...he plans to spawn there soon..." Everyone's faces and eyes filled with worry and concern.
"What are we suppose to do?" All eyes fell on me for answers. I shake myself to regain some composer and took a deep breath.
"My sister, Veronica is gonna be here amy second to help us......we have no choice but to go and fight. Lady, you stay here in case Dante returns. Hopefully he'll be back soon. Nico, I need you to drop us all off at the docks, come back here and help Lady watch out for Dante. If he does, then head back to Fortuna and watch over Kyrie and the orphanage. Take Lady with you since she can fight off any demons that attack the town. I'll give all of us walkies so we can stay in contact with each other and so you guys can tell us when Dante returns." As I hand out the walkie talkies I had, Veronica bursts through the office doors, panting heavily. She more likely got here in her true form by the way she was breathing. I nod at her as a sign that we were ready to leave and that we all knew what was going down. Once we all had our gear ready, we hopped in Nico's van and headed to the docks, where we split from her and Lady, and made our way to Dumary Island, ready to fight a battle of our lives...

~~Time & Location: 1:47p.m Vie De Marli, Dumary Island~~

It's been a couple of months since Dante had kicked me out of the office. Since then, the others and I have been training with weapons and battling demons. Within just a few months of training with them, I have become an excellent Devil Hunter. There was only one problem: even though that I am now a Devil Hunter, how was I going to battle and defeat Lucifer? Even with my demonic abilities combined with my new fighting skills, how was it going to be possible for me to win? The others and I knew that we would need everyone to help. Lady, of course, would have to be replaced with Lucia (and the Secretaries she kept alive) since the job would be too dangerous for her, and could even be her death. So I called her on the walkie every so often to see if she and Nico had seen or heard any news pertaining to Dante. So far, they haven't heard a thing other than reports of portals opening up around town. They were mostly for the demons in their hell, so they were safe from Lucifer. I sighed and felt empty inside. I knew that with this upcoming war, we needed Dante in order to have a complete counter strike against Lucifer. I just hoped that he would return soon to help us, and put aside the differences we had a few months ago...

~~Time Skip: 2 Days Later 2:00a.m~~

Left and right. Up and down. Side by side, we fought for our lives in order to protect everyone in this world. It was us against monsters unknown to everyone but me. I was their only reliability in killing these demons and winning this battle. It started with just some lesser demons, but, once the Gatekeepers joined in, it became a bit tougher and difficult to keep up with our defense. It would be a hell of a lot easier if Dante was with us, but when we called and checked his office, he was nowhere to be seen. Nobody in town knew where he went, not even Morrison nor Patty knew his whereabouts. The battle was beginning to feel like an eternity with the onslaught of demons appearing all around us. Everyone was beginning to feel fatigued, including I until we finally started making progress against the 8 Gatekeepers. Once we finally killed and finished off the last Gatekeeper, we had just a small window to regroup and gather our strengths back up. My Shadow knew I was wearing thin from the battle as he appeared behind me, scaring everyone thinking he was one of the demons.

"Samara, look out!" Nero had his pistol pointed for Aramas's head as I turned around to see him. I sighed and turned to look back at Nero.

"Relax, Nero. He's on our side," I told him, gesturing for him to lower his gun. He obliged, but gave me a very confused and concerned look afterwards. Aramas sighs and clears his throat.

"I guess I should settle your worries. Name's Aramas, I'm Sam's Shadow. She usually summons me when needing support, emergency backup, or just a boost of power in situations such as this," he explained. Everyone eased themselves in understanding, but there was still a hint of confusion among them, and I knew there was one question they all had in common that they want to ask. Trish was the one to speak it for them.

"So...besides being a Shadow, what kind of demon are you exactly?" Aramas turns to look at the sensual blond woman dressed in all black leather: her corset, choker and pants having a lightning symbol embedded into them in some way. Her face looking familiar to him, then realizing that she was the mannequin creation made by Mundus back when Dante was running his shop after getting the name "Devil May Cry" from an idea he had thought of thanks to Lady. Trish was made to look like Dante's deceased mother Eva, in an attempt to weaken him mentally. He huffs and turns to face her.

"Well, Trish, if it helps you to be at ease about me...I am from a Shadow Dimension. It's basically like the world's own shadow, but full of individual Shadow People with their own intents, minds, course and reason of living. My father and mother are the rulers of this world, which was created by Artemis, who used a bit of Alabastor's powers as a base power for her to create our world. Artemis is praised as our god, so we work with several High Priests, one being the head of the group which we call the High Headmaster, as a throughway to work with Artemis in supplying our abilities and powers. When my mother was pregnant with me, Artemis came to visit our world and blessed me in my mother's womb, and bound me to Sam when she was in her mother's womb. I was to be born at the same time as her, and would not be awaken by her until she hit the proper age of understanding. Once she understood herself, her past life, and her abilities, I was awoken to her by Artemis and formed a stronger bond than what we previously had. Now that both our powers are awakened, we work together to fight and protect what we love. Even in means of killing and destroying Lucifer." Everyone nodded their heads in final understandment, acknowledging Aramas's meaning and that he was here to help.

~~Time Skip: 1 Hour Later~~

Once we all regained ourselves, another wave of lesser and higher demons hit us. Halfway through clearing the wave out, we lost over a few dozen of Lucia's ghost soldier secretaries, which was beginning to demolish our chance of winning almost gradually.
"Fuck...they just don't stop coming, do they?" We did our best to clear the remaining demons from the wave before a large rumbling quake stopped everyone and every demon in our tracks. I look up to see a section of the sky turn to a mixture of crimson red and obsidian black. I knew what this meant.
"What the hell is going on up there!?" Nero looked at me as he knew I had the answer to what everyone was looking at. The demons remaining began cheering as they knew that they now had a better chance against us. This confirmed my answer to Nero further.
"It's Lucifer! He's entering through that portal." Trish groaned in frustration and turned to look at Vergil, practically scowling at him.
"Where the fuck is that twin of yours when we need him the most?!"
"How do you expect me to know? I dont have a tracker on him like he does with me!" Trish turned around in a huff to face the remaining demons, which were now getting back-up thanks to Lucifer's portal. As the others began to follow suit, I noticed Lucia look in my direction as her eyes widened.
"Sam, look out-" just as I turned around to see a demon perform a sneak attack behind me, he instantly turned to dust and blood before he landed his blow to me. We all look around to see where the shot came from before more shots were unloaded on the large group in front of us, clearing them all. Soon after they were vanquished, my walkie goes off. It was Lady.
"Samara, look above you on the cliff to your right." I follow the direction and look at the cliff above me to my right. On the edge was Lady laying down with her Kalina Ann pointed in front of us, preparing to launch a rocket at the new group of demons heading our way.
"Lady, I told you to stay back at the shop until Dante arrived. Why are you here!?" She just smirked and pointed above her head. I looked up and saw what we couldn't believe.
"There's that damn scum. ABOUT TIME YOU SHOWED UP!" The red and black colored demon with orange glowing lines in his skin and wings just smirked at his twin. He flew down and landed in between all of us.
"You think I was going to miss out on the party. I just wanted to make my entrance special like the King did in the sky." Everyone shook their head and chuckled as me and my Shadow just stared at him. He turned around to face me with an apologetic look on his face.
"Sam, look...I'm sorry-" before he could finish, Aramas and I shot our guns at both sides of his head, killing two demons that were trying to ambush.
"You can apologize your ass off to me later, we got company!" Everyone got into their positions as Lady fired a rocket at the large wave approaching fast at our direction, minimizing their size and dispersing the remaining ones in different directions. We kept firing our weapons with all our might, with an occasional blast of magic from Aramas and I.

~~Time Skip: Thursday, 11:55p.m~~

The battle went on for days. The military force on Dumary reluctantly helped us by air dropping supplies: new guns, ammo, food and drinks. At one point, we lost a loot-crate when an aerial type demon attacked it while it's back up friends shot it down. We even had reinforcements come in from other countries, even local military groups came in from Fortuna and Red Grave City. We had the Marines, Air Force, Aerial Tactics, Coast Guards, Navy, and National Guard group together with us and fought along our side. The Navy and Marines took to the waters to fight the water based demons, Aerial Tactics and Air Forces covered the skies and took out the flight-based demons, the National Guard took the high ground and teamed up with Lady using multiple snipers, grenade launchers and heavy artillery while the Coast Guard did the same on the low ground and teamed with the rest of us, using the same weapons as the high ground teamed.

~~Time Skip - 2 Months Later 5:38 p.m~~

It became exhausting. We were all tired from little to no sleep and irritated from the constant fighting. We were split in two teams: one team slept during the early night while the second team kept watch, and woke the other team up when the demons began to attack, and vice versa when it became late at night to early in the morning. I could even see it through my binoculars that Lucifer had become bored and unamused as he watched his legions be defeated one by one. I knew at some point he was going to crack from irritation of his side constantly loosing that he was going to want to step in and fight either all of us or he was going to fight me one on one. It was only a matter of time before he made his move.

~~Time Skip: 3 Hours Later~~

Finally, after constant hours of fighting, and after we lost half of the armenial support, Lucifer had eventually had enough.
"STOP! I'm sick of this long wait for your death. Where the hell are you hiding, Samara? Show yourself!" With that said, Lucifer had instantly received several shots to his head, one bullet grazing his right eye.
"I'm down here, you lazy red horned fuck!" I climbed onto the highest cliff closest to him with the help of Aramas' flight ability. Lucifer drew closer and gazed at me. I had one of my guns resting on my left shoulder while my other gun was resting by my right side. He growled in annoyance as I smirked back at him.
"So......is this how we're gonna really gonna end this? In bloodshed? Why can't we be just civil adults and make a compromise?" He frowned and bared his teeth at my mockery.
"Quiet, you vile worm! You're nothing but a weak human. The only way I make deals with your kind is if I have their souls. You shall be the last human whose souls I shall keep for my own!" Lucifer raised his right hand as a ball of fire began to form at the center of his palm. That's when we all opened fire. All around him he began receiving bullets to no end. His first target to eliminate was the Navy and Marines who were below him in water. He fired his attack at them, killing them all and sending their dead corpses flying different direction. Next were the National Guard and Lady. He charged his next blast and sent it in there direction.
"LADY MOVE!" She heard the low ground's cries and jump as the blast hit the cliff. She managed to escape, but the jumped cost her to break her right leg. Luckily, we had ambulances nearby, so she was able to make it back to the city hospital while the rest of us fought on. His second to last target was the Coast Guard and the rest of the Devil May Cry gang. Everyone hid behind defense as Lucifer began to recharge his final blow to them. Before he could shoot, he began to be pelted in the face, distracting him from firing. Everyone below on ground began firing with all their might. Dante and Vergil took to the air with their demonic abilities and began firing their weapons at him. Keeping him distracted, I managed to merge with my Shadow and took to the skies as well. Lucifer began to swat at Dante and Vergil in attempts to vanquish them and finish me off for good. I managed to sneak behind him to find his weak points, which was the center of his back and the middle of his neck. I managed to create a few clones and a Doppelganger  and began firing at those two spots. Lucifer cried in pain and began falling forward. Dante and Vergil tried to stand sideways, but Lucifer managed to swing and knock them out of the air, sending them flying into the cliffside. He turned around and swatted at my clones and Doppelganger, managing to only eliminate the clones as my Doppelganger and I dodged his swing.

~~Time Skip: 11:46p.m~~

For three straight hours we kept firing blow after blow at him. Eventually, the low ground team ran out of ammo. Trish, Lucia, Nero, Dante and Vergil had to rely and melee attacks while the Coast Guard were forced to retreat and fall back into the city. I was the only one focusing on Lucifer while the others were forced to focuse on the army of lessers. I continued to dodge Lucifer's retaliation strikes while striking his weak points. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of getting close to one of his weak spots, and he managed to grab me and began to squeeze me tightly. Luckily for me, Dante managed to trigger into his father's demon form and sent a red dragon to attack, which it did so by blowing up on contact with Lucifer's face. He dropped me and I managed to fly away to safety to regain my strength. During that time, the low ground team eventually got over - powered by the onslaught of lesser demons. They had to take to high ground and fast if they wanted an advantage against them. While I was regaining my composure, Lucifer managed to regain himself as well, and was extremely furious.
"WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY?!?!" He shot a fireball in my direction to where I barely just escape its blow without being knocked out of the air. I had to continue to fly around and dodge each blow, but I was loosing stamina and began feeling fatigued. Eventually, I couldn't dodge the last blow and was knocked out into the deep waters below me. Lucifer picked me up out of the water and laughed. Dante screamed my name as he saw the horror that was about to proceed. He triggered and started flying towards me as fast as he could, but was met with another fireball and was body slammed by it into the others, knocking them out of his way. The lessers saw this as an opportunity and began heading for the city at full speed. I saw my comrades squirming out on the ground below me as I heard Lucifer's maniacal laugh. Dante managed to look up at me, making direct eye contact before he saw the inevitable...

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