I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️

By -S-N-O-

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How can you possibly fall in love with someone that hates you? Wouldn't it make more sense to hate the person... More

First Meeting
A Start of a New Ending
Pick N' Tell
Persuasion at Its Finest
A Dinner Party
A Piece of Me
I Don't Know
Hah You're Funny
I Like You
Good Boyfriend
A Guy Like Him
Not Friends
Other Things
Kiss Me
Confusion [Editing]
Instigator [Editing]
New Arrival
Frequent Visitor
Pool Party
Kiss Me There
I Hate You

I Want You

5.6K 184 28
By -S-N-O-

Kai's P.O.V

I grab hold of the stair railing as I see my feet slowly slipping from under me. Jake continues to push me until we both fall down the stairs a laughing, drunken mess. My hands push away his face from mine once I begin to feel his hot breath blowing against my check towards my lips. I'm not drunk enough to read a situation that may be misinterpreted as something else.

"Chelsea come here! Help me get up~" Jake says while spilling out the little bit of contents left in his beer bottle on top of me as I wipe it off me as best as I can. The bottom of the stairs and everything else around me is blurring and I can barely make out who is who and what is what right now. I drank way too much. I know that now. 

The girl brunette with the bob comes giggling towards us helping up Jake then me. She continues to help Jake to the couch as I follow a little behind making sure to sit far away from him as possible. Knowing him he would try something and I'm not in the mood to deal with that kind of drama. God. . .I wish Christian was here. 

Music begins to blast loudly through the speakers shouting out Turn Down for What over and over again which only is beginning to make my headache worsen. I had drank too much. I realize that now, but it's a little too late.  My head lays against the arm of the couch  trying to calm down the raging pain going through my head right now. I need to go home. 

Between the drunken laughter and the music I can't tell which ones I'm beginning to hate more. I rub the temples of my forehead as I feel someone plop right beside me draping an arm around me. It soon falls and makes a slow fall down my chest towards my inner thighs. This is already looking bad. I have absolutely no idea where my shirt is and how it had gotten off of me in the first place. I can't even remember the last thirty minutes of what I did.

Parties and me don't mix well. When I drink. . .there is no such thing as self-control. I grab his hand before it can touch in a very sensitive, problematic place. "Jake I told you-"

"He's not here." I can practically taste the beer on his breathe just by it being that strong. 

"I don't care if he's here or not. He's my boyfriend and he's your friend. Have some damn respect." I continue to rub the temples of my forehead, but he stops me with his hands on mine. 

"You wanna know the best way to get rid of a headache. . .?" He says drunkenly in my ear causing me to bite down on my lip. I've always had a soft spot for whispers in my ear, but I'm not that drunk anymore and I know exactly what he is suggesting. 

However. . .His lips trail down to my neck as his hand begins to roam up and down my bare chest. "Just a little release." I feel him smiling against my neck. He swings one of his legs over me. "I know you want it just as much as I do." Just as I am about to push him off of me he purposely grinds his body against mine causing me to become unbelievably aroused. I feel terrible about my body's reaction to something so. . .so juvenile. But I haven't been with someone in so long. No wonder it's reacting the way it is.

"Off." I take his leg and push it off of me. No way am I going to throw everything I have with Christian for some easy ass. 

"Fine. Fine. Fiiiiine. If I was Adrian you woulda let me." I get up from the couch as best I can and as soon as I do I glare at him.

"Fuck You." 

"No Fuck You." He points drunkenly making me smack it away from me. He's drunk I get it, but he is really beginning to piss me off. He smirks at me while grabbing one of my empty belt loops having no idea where the belt to my costume went. "I would if you would let me~"

"Yeaaa. No. To be honest with you if I wasn't with Christian you would be one of my #1 Fuck Buddies. But that isn't the case." I say smugly with narrowed eyes.

"Ooooh really?" I tug away from him and make my way out the door with Jake following close behind. 

"I'm done with this conversation Jake." I take out my phone and try to find Alex's number to go home. He's somewhere in that house, but I'm not willing to go back in. 

"You make it sound like you are so close with him." I notice the sharp tone in his voice making me look at him warily. 

"I am." He starts to laugh at this causing me to exhale and find Alex's number even faster.

"Well. Let me in you on a little secret. You're not." I shake my head and continue to look through my phone until I find it and start calling. "You're going to be pretty single soon."

I listen to the phone ring for the third time until Alex picks up. He said he wasn't going to drink at this party. I really hope he didn't. "Hey Alex. I'm ready to go. Meet me out-"

"Look I'm sorry. . .drunk thoughts are dumb ass thoughts. Let's have another drink."

"What?" Obviously if any one of us takes another drink we'll be so far gone we won't even be able to count our fingers. My head is just beginning to clear up. 

"I really don't-"

"You owe it to me. . .and the guys you know." I hear Alex saying hello multiple times on the phone as I stare down Jake with a passive-aggressive look. Honestly, I don't know what his end game here is and it's putting me a little on edge. His hand falls on the top of my phone screen as he presses the hang up button causing me to grimace. "One more drink?" He asks with a little smile making me unbelievably annoyed at the fact that I can't say no. Even after what he just said to me.

". . .Fine. One more. That's it."


Christian's P.O.V

I hear my phone vibrate, but I'm too tired to reach it. As soon as it stops I turn around on my bed trying to get comfortable again until it begins to vibrate again. I moan in a very loud mumble not wanting to answer it. Sleep hadn't come to me in weeks and now that I can finally will myself to sleep someone wants to call me repeatedly? After the third vibration I decide to pick it up and answer it not bothering to even look who called. 

"Hello?" I mumble in a very sleepish voice. At first, I hear nothing but people laughing and giggling in the background and music playing lowly in the background.Then after a couple seconds I hear a very drunk Alex on the phone. 

"Christiaaaaan!" I close my eyes at how loud and breaky his voice is causing me to glare like anyone can see it. How did this guy even get my number? "Your boyfriend needs a ride. No don't hug me! Go hug Stephanie, Anthony. Anyway, he's dead drunk and I was supposed to be the DD(designated driver) but he coersed me to drink!" I sigh at this and mumble an ok.

"Just. . .just text me the address." I say as my voice still completely filled with sleep. I blink a couple times trying to get use to the darkness of my room. As soon as they begin to adjust I get up from my bed and head towards my light switch. Of course I would lose the little bit of sleep I was ever going to get. For what? 

To get him from. . .I'm guessing a party he never even bothered to tell me about. As of right now I'm too tired to care. It's three in the morning and I'm exhausted. Swim practice was long and it left me feeling unbelievably sore. It's to be expected though. He's so. . .him. I moan out my reluctance as I yawn. 

I should just leave him stranded. What is he even doing there? He said "the party life doesn't interest  me anymore" in his exact words. I grab a random shirt out of my closet along with a jacket and quickly put them on. It hugs a little tighter than what I usually like, but I honestly don't care right now. I pick up my keys and wallet and head out my room down the stairs as quietly as possible. 

My mother or  step-dad would have nothing but irrelevant things to say to me if they caught me up this late at night. Especially when they don't fully believe I broke up with him. I swear I don't know why I'm cursed with these kinds of parents. They aren't even really against the idea of me being with another guy. I know they just don't want me to be happy. My mother just wants me to suffer like her.

I unlock my car door manually and get in feeling kind of weird doing this. I've never really snuck out this late before. . .I mean I never really had a reason to until now. Of course it would be because of him though. It seems like everything leads back to him. My eyes fall on a pack of mentos and then some of the lingering things left behind by Kai causing me to sigh. 

Getting mad at him for going out and not telling me is dumb of me considering the fact that I haven't told him anything about Europe. . . the boarding school. . .and me leaving. I start the car up and let out a sigh. "I should tell him sometime today I guess." I mumble lowly to myself. After a moment or so, I pop a couple mentos into my mouth trying to wake myself up and cool my rising temperature. 

Pulling up to the address he texted me is everything I thought it would be. Trashy and reeking of beer and vodka. Lust and Sex. Cups were everywhere. Streamers are torn all over the place along with a shit-ton of glitter sprawled everywhere. I put my car in park and get out reluctantly. You can hear the girls in the house giggling and laughing. Guys yelling. Something breaking and more laughter. 

As soon as I open the door the stench I only smelled outside becomes so much stronger inside. I want to walk right back out, but I came here for a reason and I can't leave without him. I brush passed a couple making out and another couple doing the same thing. Some guys are on the couch talking. They stop as soon as I walk pass.

Once I go pass the bathroom the smell of throw up was gag-worthy. You can hear three people practically puking out their guts. I really hope to God that he isn't one of them. I decide to do a double-take and look inside while holding my breath and only see two girls and a random guy puking in different facets of the bathroom. Well that's just. . .

I walk away and continue down into the the dining room and see Alex talking to the same chick that's always around Kai. I never see her around anymore. I look at her face and see a big grin plastered on her face as well making me instantly question their relationship. 

"Oh Christian you're here. Finally. You sure did take your time." He gives me the same passive look he has always given me since Kai and I became a thing. I've long since ignored it. So he thinks I stole away his best friend. . .oh well. In reality, I kind of did. He could at least be a little more subtle about it. He makes it his goal to be as blatant as possible about his strong dislike for me every time we see each other and it's annoying.

However, he's his friend. I'll just have deal with it like I always do. 

I roll my eyes and walk a little closer. "Thanks for taking care of him." I let my eyes fall away from him and onto Kai who's slumped over his shoulder shirtless. Of course he doesn't have a shirt on. 

"Hey Christian. Haven't seen you for a while! I'm surprised you didn't go to this party. Everyone was here you know. It would have great to spend a little time with you. She wraps her arm around mine and nudges me a little. "Yeeea. Well, apparently I wasn't invited." Alex gives me a smug look causing Izzy to hit him with her free hand. "I had swim practice anyway." I kiss the side of her cheek causing her smile to widen. "Thanks though. I'm sure we can hang out some other time." 

"You really are too cute, you know~" 

"Right now, I have to get sleeping beauty and bring him back to his house." Even when he's dead drunk he's unbelievably cute. How is that even possible? I touch his forehead to make sure he isn't too sick and once I notice it isn't hot I move him away from Alex's shoulder as soon as possible. It's hard to admit, but I'm a little more on the jealous side than I originally thought. 

In less than a second after I do that I feel a hand wrap around my wrist tugging me a little closer to him. "Chrissy, you're here." His green eyes are nothing but narrow slits and his voice is gruff like he had just been asleep for a couple of hours, all spelling for the same lusty road he takes me on. 

"Yeaaa. Of course I'm here. Invited or not. I push the lose strands of black hair out of his eyes causing him to smirk. "It was 'the guys' night. I would've invited you if I could." I could feel their stares against my back but I long since stop caring. His hand goes a little further up into my hand making me wonder if he's still drunk or is this sane him? He always does stuff like this, drunk or not. "And I somehow became 'not one of those guys how? By dating you?" I ask smugly causing him to break out into a full grin. 

As cute as he is right now, he smells like vodka, beer, and cheap perfume. "No. How'd I know you answer like that?" He gives my hand a good squeeze then a shake. "Because I'm predictable remember?" I feel him trying to tug me a little further into him and I know exactly for what reason. It's not going happen. Not with that hot breath.

I put my hand over his mouth and give him a playful smile. I couldn't be mad at him even if I wanted to. Not with that smile solely meant for me."Your breath is too hot for that." This causes Izzy to laugh and Alex to simmer. 

"And couple of the year award goes to... Srum roll please." 

She points to Alex who is close to ignoring her now. Just as I'm get up he pulls me back down even harder than before and covers my lips with his causing me taste every last thing he had to drink tonight. 

"Mint... it suits you, you know." I tuck my lips inside my mouth and push away from him. "You're definitely drunk. Come on, I need to get you home. Can you walk?"

He nods his head as I pull him up. Since I met him I knew he was tall, but I forgot to figure in just how much he weighed. By no means is he skinny. After I finally get him to rise he almost falls on top of me but he catches himself. I didn't know just how tight my hands were around his forearms until he looks at them then back at me with a small smile.

We're breaths apart and I honestly can't remember ever being this close to him.  His chest presses against the very thin layer of a shirt I have on causing me to bite down on my lip hard. I can practically feel the sexual tension blooming in the air right now. Especially when it's so obvious just by the look in his eyes. My eyes fall from his and down onto his lips while pulling and tightening my hands on his arm with each passing second. "Well, do you want us to leave? Seems like you're both pretty preoccupied with each other." I hear Alex's voice dripping with annoyance causing my face to become extremely hot. 

Kai pushes away from me and steadies himself. 

"You're fine? You can walk?"

 It went unsaid about how we should mutually ignore him and his unnecessary comments. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind being held by you, though."

"Yea so you can topple over me again, shirtless?" 

I grab his arm and walk him out this complicated, big house. "I wasn't going to fall over you, but you can't say you didn't like it that I did." I ignore him as well. As soon as we pass the now passed out guys on the couch I knew we only a couple more footsteps away from the door.

If he thinks I'm going to let him off this easy I'm not. He's shirtless. He smells like cheap, ass perfume and on top of that his belt is missing. He didn't even bother to tell me he was even going to a party. But I'll save that for later. He's too drunk to even have that kind of conversation with right now. 

Once I get close to my car, I lean him against the passenger side of the car then open the door for him. 

"Alright, in you go. And please tell me if you have to throw up right now. It'll kind of be hard to explain that to my crazy mom about how it got there."

 He nods his head as I duck it under and shut his door. I swing around to the other side and get into the driver's seat. As soon as I start up the car, I see him loll his head put his head back. His eyes close as well.

Is he already starting to get a hangover? I guess I'll put him out of his misery and give him a couple pills before he goes to sleep.  Though, some part me wants him to suffer even if it's just a little. 

"... You're mad, aren't you?" 

"Not really. Just disappointed."

"I-" I cut him off before he can say anything else. 

"Let's not have this conversation right now. You're drunk and you're probably going to forget about everything we talk about. So, I'll save it for tomorrow," I say not bothering to take my eyes off the road. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't bother to acknowledge it.  

The quietness in the car didn't make me feel uneasy about anything. After all, it's partially my fault. As much as I don't want to make this an issue, I have to. If I don't he'll think he can do this again and again and again. It doesn't matter to me whether he did anything with anyone or completely not telling me any of this was his first offense. Not telling me was automatically assuming I wasn't even going to let him go. If he really knew me, he would know he wouldn't even have to ask. I just would have liked to know than to wonder where he's been at for the past I don't know... six hours!

As soon as I pull up into his driveway, I put my car in park and decide to finally look at him. His head is facing the opposite direction and his eyes look shut causing me to grumble. Carrying him is like carrying a ton of rocks, I swear. He definitely has to wake up. 

"Kai." I give him a slight nudge. He turns his head and gives me a small smile causing me to sigh and narrow my eyes.

"So... you weren't asleep."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to... It was making me feel like I had to throw up. Plus, your silence was... I know when you're mad... Christian." He presses his hand against his forehead and lets out a long sigh. 

Well, at least he is coherent enough to know that. "

Is your door open?"

"Yea. I think so."

"Come on, I'll help you out." I open up my door, shut it and swing around the passengers section to help him out. He opens up the door and tries to get out, but I grab him by his waist to steady him as he rises out the car. Once again, this kind of closeness happened again. I don't bother looking at him being instantly reminded of last time. I put his hand around my shoulder and keep my other hand loosely around his waist feeling every last one of his muscles. This is entirely the wrong time to be... thinking about that.

 I didn't see his mom's car parked anywhere. Thank God. The awkward situation that would come from that would be death worthy. After the last couple times she walked in on us, I'm surprised she still lets me come over. To be fair, all of those times were because of him. 

I open the door with little problem and continue to make the slow walk inside the dark hallway. My eyes try to scan around the room until Kai says something.

"A little further ahead... to the left." I instantly find it and turn it on causing him to close his eyes and hiss out in pain. "Ok, up the stairs we go. I'm going to start with my left." I put my left foot up the first stair then my right then my left again until we finally made it up to the second floor and into his room. 

As soon as I lay him down on his bed, it feels like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. A very heavy, intoxicated weight. I rub it absently as I see him turn and moan into his pillow. 

"How much did you have to drink?"

"...I can't remember," he mumbles. I'm surprised I even hear it. 

"Do you want some water? Do you feel sick?" 

I touch his forehead as it begins to speckle with sweat. Despite everything, here I am worrying over him. My hands comb through is soft, black hair pushing back any loose strings as he sighs out and shakes his head.

"You feel sick. Admit it."

"I feel like I want to puke my fucking guts out." He rolls over until his eyes meet with mine. At that moment, I really just wanted to... kiss him.

 "Well, that's not exactly what I meant but okay."

 I can't help the smile that appears on my face. There's no use denying it when it's showing so clearly on my face. I'm in love with this guy. Of all the guys I could have liked it had to be him. 

". . .Just so you know. . .I didn't do anything."

"Your missing shirt and belt doesn't seem to agree with your statement. Mr. Cop." I say smartly while removing my hand from his hair. He grabs it before it can fall right to my sides again. I feel his lips on my palms causing my eyes to narrow. "I love it when you get jealous over me." 

"I can't say the same about the smell of cheap perfume. I actually kind of hate it." I try to take my hand away but his grip only tightens. "Christian. I really didn't-"

"Let's not talk about this. You need to go to sleep." I get up from kneeling on the floor and go to take off his shoes. I start with the left one first then the right until they're both sprawled on the floor. "Do you want to take any pills or anything? You're going to have a massive headache when you wake up if you don't." 

He shakes his head slowly as he turns back onto his stomach eyeing me sheepishly before closing them.  God, I feel terrible being mean to a drunk person. They can be so emotional too. But I can't act like I'm not. I walk into the bathroom and go through his medicine cabinet until I find a bottle of Ibuprofen. I hope I don't hurt his feelings too much. . .

I make the quick trip down the stairs turning on the lights as I do until I'm in the kitchen going through the cabinets for a tall glass. As soon as I find one, I fill it up with water and head straight upstairs turning off the lights as I go back into his room. "Kai. . .don't go to sleep yet. Not until you take this." I sit on the side of his bed nudging him awake until he turns and sits up.

"You have to listen to me first."

"Your body not mine."  I push the water into his naked chest causing him to look from the glass and back to me. "Christian." He practically pleads, but I ignore it.

"Kai." I hand him three of the pills causing him to bite down lightly on his pink lips. After a couple of seconds he starts taking them one by one and swallows them with little to no problem. "At least stay here with me."  I finally decide to look at him and it was a terrible choice to make. He flashes me a quick grin with his gorgeous smile. Even his eyes were beginning to smile. God, it makes me weak.

As if he could smell my reluctance, he puts the glass on his nightstand and proceeds to tug me further and further into him until my head is leaning against his shoulder. "No one else is here. . .so you're responsible for me." I can feel his heart beating against his chest and the goosebumps starting to rise from my touch. My hands press against his chest, but he doesn't budge. His hands are securely wrapped around me causing me to only get pushed closer to him. 

"Shoes off. You're sleeping with me." 

"Kaaai." It only came out as a mumble on his chest causing him to laugh. "Ok fine. Whatever. Don't think I'm talking to you." 

"You don't have to." He lets me go only to kick off my slides and practically throw me on the other side of him like I'm a stuffed animal ready to be cuddled. He sleeps on his back, most of the time his sides, and I sleep on my stomach so I really don't know what he expects. He turns over and wraps his arm around me until I can feel his hair on my neck, then his breath, and finally his lips. I have to close my eyes to not fully cave in to him and his ways of "getting forgiveness".

"If you throw up on me, I will literally kill you." That causes him to laugh and wrap his arm around me even tighter. 

"I won't. I promise."  Despite trying to act like I'm reluctant, I only snuggle a little closer. He knows just how much I love this. Drunk or not, I love being close to him. I act like it's his thing, but really it's mine. "I only have eyes for you. . ."

"Right." I say in disbelief, but I know it's true. I just like giving him a hard time when he deserves it.  

". . .You smell really good."

"Unlike you." This only causes him to shift some of his body weight onto me making me blink then blink again. "Just so you don't think about leaving when I fall asleep. . ." His leg sits in between mine making me inwardly sigh. He knows me a little too well, I swear.

It's unbelievably easy how comfortable I can get when I share a bed with him. Anyone else, they would be on the floor by now. He looks at me before closing his eyes and I know he must have done that on purpose. He really can be just the charmer. Living up to his rumored self as always. A long moment of silence passes by before one of us says anything else. ". . .Christian. . ."

"Hm?" I say in a sleepish voice, almost dozing off. My eyes peel open reluctantly meeting his wide opened ones with a dull vigor. 

". . .I want no one else but you." I close my eyes already tired of his Rico suave quotes and compliments.


Kai's P.O.V

 I stay in the shower longer than usual trying my best to put my thoughts and words together. I thought we were closer than that. How can he tell everyone something that huge and hide that away from me? If anything I thought I would be the first to know. It makes me unbelievably mad to find something like this out by Jake of all people. 

A week.

A fucking week.

Was he ever planning on telling me any of this. Was I just supposed to find out when I don't see him for the first couple of days that he's gone? I told him how I felt about him and this is what I get? He would just up and leave and not even tell me. Does he even realize how much that hurts?

I stop the hot water after realizing my skin turning red. As soon as I get out a I wrap a towel around my waist and don't bother with my hair. I'm surprised I even remembered as much as I did from last night. Jake was just telling it all. . .from his past girl friends, flings, hookups to the whole moving to Europe thing.

Was it worth getting fucked up over though? No. Hell no. That guy obviously has boundary issues. I know he was going to tell me on his own time but damn. Even that is a little sudden. I walk out of my bathroom and into my room where he is completely knocked out. 

I go ahead and get dressed. As soon as I'm finished I go over to my bed and hover a little over him until I notice water beginning to drip down from my hair unto his face. Despite that, he's still fast asleep. A smirk splays over my face as I get a little closer to his face. I plant a light kiss on his lips stirring him from his sleep.

His eyes blink slowly a couple times until he notices me and then his eyes instantly narrow. After a minute passes he finally decides to look me in the eyes, red-eyed and all. Yet, he is still unbelievably attractive. His eyes look bluer than ever and his face has a light pinkish hue to it. In less than a second after having those thoughts I feel my lips press against his much softer ones. I can taste the taste of morning on his breath, but I don't mind at all. It's what I've been wanting to do for the longest now. He doesn't realize just how special and important he is to me. I want to make him realize this. I just don't know how. I feel his hands go down my chest to push me away, but I hover just to make him squirm a little.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." He touches his lips then eyes me warily. "I literally just woke up and you just. . ."

"It's fine." He goes on to rub his eyes and get up a little before eying me again. "What time is it?"

". . .Around two."


"You were tired so I let you sleep." I have the most amused look on my face right now. His cuteness is unreal. I swear he must be doing this on purpose. That thought never once crossed my mind. "I don't care about anyone else but you." I move a little bit away from him so I can look him in the eyes. "I meant everything I said to you. I wasn't just saying it just to win you over. If you're leaving that's fine. It'll be a little hard on me, but I'm willing to wait for you."

His eyes sparkle with water from his eyes but I continue on. 

"So yea I understand why you think it wouldn't want to tell me. You would think we wouldn't work out. I like being close to you and taking every chance I get to be even closer to you. I completely understand that. But Christian you're different. I wouldn't ever break up with you or even have the thought of calling this off over something that is completely out of your hands and if anything I have some part in the reason why you're leaving."

HIs eyes fall away from mine as a small smile appears on his lips. "Have a little more trust in me." I brush my thumbs over his face again and I can feel his face heating up in a matter of seconds. I'm guessing he thought I was going to kiss him. I can resist, even if it's just a little bit. 

"I will." He manages to murmur through flushed cheeks and all. ". . .I was going to tell you, you know but you disappeared for nine hours."

"I was-"

"Yes, I know. You were at the Football player's party. You specifically called it 'the guys night', remember?" I tuck my lips in and sigh then nod. 

"So tell me. . .what exactly did this 'guy night' include, whereas I couldn't be invited?" I open my mouth to say something but then close it at the thought of it being the wrong choice of words. 

"Just because you brought up me leaving and telling me not to worry about it, doesn't excuse the fact that you went to a party, got drunk, missing a shirt, a belt, and had that nasty scent of cheap ass perfume on you." He says close to yelling causing me to smile. I really do love it when he gets jealous. 

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because it was cologne not perfume." I jokingly admit trying to get a little rise from him in which I succeed.

"Oh yea. That makes it so much better." 


"Don't call me that." He says madly while scooting away from me. 

I bend my knee in between his legs and press my lips lightly against his for a couple seconds before letting go."You're leaving. . .and I trust you enough that you won't mess around with anyone else. And that trust is all I really have. I hope you can do the same with me." His blue eyes stare into mine and I feel like I can sense him beginning to cave under them.

"Is it even possible to love and hate you all at the same time?" He says completely blushing from head to toe only causing my smile to grow wider at his confession. 

As soon as I pressed my body into his he immediately took the hint and deepened the kiss to the point to where I had to suppress a moan. I try to back away a little but his tongue entangles mine in his keeping all my focus on this kiss. One minute I feel his hand on my face the next I feel it's going down my back pushing me closer and closer to him. The moment he lets go I feel dizzy and lightheaded.

Is it possible to become intoxicated from a kiss? I get hot and I become unbelievably turned on. And God I love the feeling. My hands end up wrapping into his soft, auburn hair as I lay a little kiss here and a little kiss there. I know I'm walking a very fine line, but I can't help it. I've completely fallen for this guy.

In less than a second my hands wrap around his waist and press him against the bed causing him to hurry up and wrap his arms around my neck. I can't resist the smile that comes on my lips. Once I sit him down I continue to hang onto his waist and lock my lips onto his again, deepening with every second that goes by. It's so mind numbingly slow and thorough I can't even manage to pry my eyes open even a little. I feel his body on top of mine slowly caving into mine with the gradual rhythm of our lips. 

 I press my lips a little rougher against his wanting to push the boundaries a bit more than usual. It causes his eyes to flutter and his hands to tightly grasp my shirt into his hands. I press my lips a little rougher against his wanting to push the boundaries a bit more than usual.

After five-seconds he pries himself away from me touching the bottom of his lip with his finger and then begins eyeing me. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that I just bite his lip. It's  a bad habit of mine I've been trying to shake for years. When I do that it's always a sign that I want just a little more. Of course he doesn't know that, but I do and it's off-putting.

I flip us over before he can notice just how hard I was becoming under him, however, my self-control was already weakening.I feel his hands go down my back to my butt giving it a tight squeeze and I just can't stand it anymore. I have to have him. As soon as my body lowers against his again I feel something getting a little hard. If my smirk didn't say it, my body did.

Surprisingly he peels himself away from me as he keeps both his hands on my bare waist. I notice his lips are a little swollen and small traces of blood can be seen  on the side of his lip. God, I knew I was slipping but I didn't imagine it would be this bad. "It's not surprising that you nibble and bite." He gives me one of his nonchalant smiles while talking. 

A smirk splays all over my face once I say this. I move my hands up his arms to his wrists as I bring them up to each side of him. I meant it when I said he doesn't have to. If anything this has been building up since the movie theatre and I really just. . . As soon as my eyes fall on his I could really see all the reasons why so many people have fallen for him. I would never say it out loud but he is beyond gorgeous and he's all mine.

I can feel his chest pressing against mine each time he exhaled and it just egged me on even further. I begin kissing lightly on his neck slow and light at first. After a couple seconds pass I start to suck and nibble all along the base of it until I reach the hemline of his shirt. My hand slips into it after a minute. His body tightens up then relax at my touch. That only increased my drive to push the boundaries even more.

It's like a rush of built up feelings and sexual tension finally got released and I have no idea of what to do with it then this. It'll be my first time doing anything with a guy I actually like besides Adrian. It's kind of eye-opening seeing how far I've come after practically despising him from our first meeting. Before I can do anything else I feel him push against me making me back a little away from him.

"Your mom. She's in here." I blink a couple times getting lost in my train of thoughts. I feel his hands on my waist tapping on it for me to move a little bit I continue to stay on top of him. My mom is probably down stairs so he is right about that. . .but still. I lean back over him and take his lips into mine as I grind my body against his. The moan is almost instantaneous and it always brings a smile to my face when I hear it. I bite and nibble at his bottom lip before kissing him again.

The moment my tongue untangles from his is the moment I feel something growing very hard underneath me. I purposely rub against it as I lean from over him causing him to muffle another groan. "Ok I'm getting up." I say completely satisfied with myself. It was only a matter of time before he stopped being so. . .him and just admit to wanting me just as much as I've been wanting him. 

"You're so annoying you know that?" He tirelessly breathes out without trying to make eye contact with me. 

I start to laugh a little bit as he tries to push me away from him, but I just add even more body weight onto him. "If my mom wasn't here. . .believe me I wouldn't have had to stop. I could have kept going. . ." I whisper into his ear. "And going. . .and going. . ." After the fourth time my body rubs against his, I can feel him slowly beginning to sink. I never wanted so badly as much as I am wanting him right now.

"Kai-"  I move away from him like he's on fire and begin messing up my hair at the sound of my mom's voice at the opening of my door.  


She looks from me to him to me again and shakes her head. "What did I tell you the last ten times? Door Open."

"Right. I'll remember that." I see her roll her eyes and swing the door wide open as she leaves back out the hallway. "You have dishes and. . .I'll be gone Thursday through Sunday. No company. No Parties."

"Yea. I'll be good!" 

"Mhmm. Christian keep an eye on him for me."

I push my body on top of his causing him to fall back onto the bed with a loud thud. Him watch me? Psh. "Sure he will." I say while staring at him and his gorgeous self laying underneath me.

"Don't let him bully you." She pops her head back into my room one more time before leaving."I won't." 


"Kai. Dishes." His mom comes in and interrupts us once again. He pulls away from me reluctantly and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but he stops causing me to blink and blush simultaneously. "What?" I manage to mumble out not noticing my mom still standing in the door way.

"Your brother, Isaac, will be here soon. Almost forgot to tell you." She gives me a small smile before disappearing one last time. I put my head next to his neck and sigh out miserably. ". . .Ok."

"Please behave yourself. You know what's going on." She shouts down the hallway causing me to grumble and wrap my arms around Christian even tighter. 

". . .I could stay. . ." He says lowly which makes my head pop up and look straight at him. 

"But what?"

". . .This. . .you and I. . .my parents can't know." 

"Well, that's easy. We've been doing fine up until now. I don't see what a couple more months would cause a problem." I give him a big grin causing a small smile to appear on his pink lips. 

". . .If we do get caught. . .it'll probably be even worse than just going to Europe Kai. That's what I'm afraid o-" I kiss him once, then twice until I end up deepening it completely excited and relieved at the thought of him staying. 

"Kai, your mom."

"She's fine. She should be use to this by now. You're practically her son-in-law you know that right?" He laughs out loud at this."No, but now I do." 

". . .I really like you Christian." I say unable to muster up the words I really wanted to say. It's frustrating and nerve-wrecking  how those three little simple words can be.

"I really like you too Kai." He says not a second after I finished saying his name. I bite down on my lip trying to resist the urge to just smother him with more and more kisses. There is no use denying the fact that I love this nerdy, haughty, possessive guy.


[A/N] SO I did do some major changes to this chapter. I just didn't like how I wrote it the first time around. You will have to re-read it if you haven't already. It's almost completely changed. 

The hopeless romantic in me is just beaming in this chapter! Well, guys what's your take on their relationship? Do you think it's going to last, especially with Isaac coming back into the picture? Leave some comments down below!

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