Why Does Love Hurt

By kacchan_midoriya

715 12 5

Hey guys yes I know I was suppose to post my other story of Hurt and Betrayed but I got a message for joining... More

Seeing Him Again (chapter 1)
The Job (Chapter 2)
Getting To Know Him (Chapter 3)
Author's Note
Seeing Him Is A Joy (Chapter 4)
My Stressful Classes (Chapter 5)
Breaking Up Chapter 6)
Authors Note Again😅

Hello very important

44 1 3
By kacchan_midoriya

Hey guys ummmm so in the future of my story I may need one or two extra characters and it can't be any of mine because that would obviously be boring so I want to ask one of you if you want to suggest a character or it could be yourself here is what you would need to do

Things to do:
1.) Give first and last name

2.) Give very detailed description about the character    Ex.) He had dark red hair that looked like crimson blood.   She had glasses that made her eyes look like newly cut glass.   He had two different colored eyes one that was a bright purple as for the other is was a dark purple any color of your choosing
He wore baggy clothes that fit his description perfectly.   She wasn't that tall but aging she wasn't that short

Those are just examples it could be a he or she or part of the lgbtq+ community you have to let me know

3.) Tell me their relation ship status

Also if he or she or whatever is going to be in a relationship then tell me about the other character the rules apply to them too

4.) Maybe have something exciting or horrible happen to the character or characters OR you could always have your character/characters do something to one of the main characters like Keith, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Blake,  to make the story more interesting.

5.) If you choose their fate to die then so be it they shall not come back into the living

6.) You have to choose their ending like if they moved out of state and never came back or if they died or they just disappeared leaving a note saying not to look for them

Things not to do:

1.) NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER force your character/Characters with on of the original characters like pidge hunk or Shiro nu uh nope no way you could say good bye

2.) Your characters have to be really really good characters. I will not accept any lousy characters as in that the person who created the character didn't follow most of the rules

Annnnd I think that is it I'll make changes to the rules if I think of anymore things to do and not to do anyway have a good day or night byyyyyyeeeeeee~


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